'Don't doubt me!'

Just Another Fairytale

AN: *yawn*Well yeah, at this moment, I like this story which means another update today :D Please tell me what you feel 'bout these new chaps, cause I really want to hear it, even though I know that these are rushed -.-" Oh, and I might include a preview of my new story in the next chapter.. anyone wanna read it? 

Love you all x33333


 As they finally arrived to the palace, both Key and Taemin were asleep. Jonghyun was holding Key bridal-style, sometimes stopping to check on the hurt boy, while Taemin was on Minho's back, the elder holding him firmly so he won't fall off. Taemin seemed to be a bit confused still as through half of the way to the palace, he would ask questions like 'Are you sure it's OK for me to go?' and ' Why are you even carrying me?' or 'Where are we going again?'. After some time, he got tired and just fell asleep. He felt strangely at peace near Minho, though he still didn't understand why. 

 Jonghyun placed Key on their bed gently and kissed his forehead softly. Finally, the small boy was here again. Jonghyun was worried, but strangely happy. The fact that his Bummie was back to him was more than enough for him to be happy. He gently treated the worst wounds of the boy while he was asleep - a few deep cuts and some bruising, as well as a bump on his head - and noted that how skinny he became again. When Kibum left, Jonghyun was happy that he finally looked healthy, though he was still thin. Now though, the boy was once again skin and bones. Suddenly, he stirred and opened his eyes slowly. 

'J..jongie?' he asked almost silently as he sat up slowly. Jonghyun looked at him with worried eyes, ready to help him if needed, but the younger was stronger than he looked. He smiled softly and pulled Jonghyun close, once again inhaling his scent contently. Jonghyun smiled affectionately and suddenly, he grabbed the other's chin very gently, as he was made of glass. He leant in and kissed Key sweetly. As Key kissed back, he could feel how much the other missed him and he knew, that Jonghyun could feel how terrified he had been. As they parted, they smiled slightly. Everything seemed so perfect, that the happenings of the past weeks seemed like a nightmare. A long, cruel one, but only a nightmare.

 Since Minho's family was really close to Jonghyun's, and they boys were friends as well, he had a room in the palace. He was glad, because the palace was much closer than his house, and this way he didn't have to walk extra. Plus he could look at Taemin as he slept. The skinny boy was truly adorable as he hugged a fluffy pillow close, snuggling into it cutely. For Minho, he was perfect. He always wished to have his fate by his side finally, and now, the wish had been granted. He couldn't have been happier.

Suddenly, Taemin's eyes started to open. At first he looked around cutely, tilting his head to the side, questioning himself, if this was still a dream. This bed was fluffy and safe, and someone, a stranger, but still, an important person was with him. He sighed softly, deciding that even if this was a dream, he should enjoy it until it lasted. Smiling softly, he waved to Minho adorably.

'Hi..' he mumbled and blushed when Minho suddenly pulled him into his strong, protective arms. He felt an unfamiliar warmth, something he hadn't known, but missed. As he laid his head on the strong chest, he smiled contently. They stayed like this, until they heard a strange, growling sound. Realizing where it came from, Taemin blushed deeply and his his face. Minho chuckled and lead the boy to the huge kitchen to find some food for them.

As they were eating, Taemin coulf finally take a closer look on the other. He looked a bit older him, but taller and well-built. His eyes were strangely bright, as if he had just got a gift he had always wanted. Taemin wondered what the gift could be, and before he could overthink his question, he asked it.

'Uh.. You look like a kid on Christmas and.. I wondered what you got to be this happy?' he mumbled the silly question while staring at the table. Minho looked at him for a few moments, then broke into loud laughter.

'I wouldn't think that you knew me so well. But my gift is you..'he said, and smirked slightly when Taemin blushed deeply. 'By the way, my name is Choi Minho, and I am your fate, Lee Taemin..' he said and waited for Taemin's reaction. 

Taemin stared ahead for a few moment, his mind slowly processing what he had heard. He sighed sadly, thinking that this was just another prank pulled on him. He slowly finished his food and stood up, still looking down. Minho sighed and pulled Taemin close suddenly, kissing the boy's hair sweetly.

'Don't ever doubt me. I have been looking for you for a very long time. Weather you believe it or not, most of my life had been spent on looking for you. And you are here finally, so don't ever think of not believing me..' he whispered softly, and looked into Taemin's eyes. The smaller could see the sincerity in the other's eyes, and smiled softly.

'S..sorry.. I.. I just have a lot of pranks pulled on me cause I look like a girl and everything..' he mumbled softly , but smiled when Minho just held him tightly.

'I think that you are beautiful the way you are..' he said. Suddenly, they heard light footsteps, and soon, they could see as Key and Jonghyun entered the kitchen. Key seemed to be much better as he was now walking on his own, but he seemed pretty weak. Taeming suddenly ran to hug him, sniffing and mumbling something into the other's shirt. Of course, he had been afraid. For weeks, Key would always comfort Taemin whether he had nightmares or the bullies had hurt him. He was there for him like a brother. So of course, Taemin was worried when he saw Key lying there, so lifeless.. But they were fine now, and only this mattered...


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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
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ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((