'Tale as old as time...'

Just Another Fairytale

AN: Sooo.. yeeah... a new chapter.. I have absolutely no idea how this chapter will turn out, it's getting a bit late and I had an overwhelming. I just realized that my cat is really gone.. I mean yeah, she was 'just a cat' but.. she was only a year old and the smartest cat I've ever seen. I really loved her and I kinda blame myself for her death, cause if I had locked her wih her kittens that night, she could be still alive.. (there is a way to get ot of their 'room' but I doubt she new it, she mostly slept in the house or outside. So yeah, she'd been missing for almost a month, and.. I just had to write this out of myself, I mean, there is practically no chance for her to be alive..at least I have the memories with her.. And 3 adorable kittens. They are like her in a sense.. So yeah, sorry for bragging, enjoy the chap, 

Well.. the title might bot be that fitting, but I love that song ^^

Love you all..x333


 A tall, dark haired man was sitting in front of a desk. He was staring at a neat pile of papers, photos, to be exact. A young, thin boy was grinning at the camera, his eyes smiling as well. He seemed so happy. 'Too happy..' the man thought. 'He never deserved this happiness..' he added in thought. Of course, neither did the prince. ​But he hated Kibum even more for stealing the kingdom from his little girl. He had planned everything by the time the girl was born. Even if she wasn't the fate of the prince, she would somehow get close to him, and finally, marry him. She would be a princess, and later, a queen. Of course, it would be good for him, as well. The palace life, peace, no more kids in the dirty orphanage. He would just burn it down. But no, Kim Kibum just had to cross his plans. The man suddenly smirked evilly. The boy was going down soon, and no prince could save him now.

Unknowing of the plans, Key was walking in the palace, humming to himself. Jonghyun had some 'prince-duties' or what to do, leaving the small boy bored. He tried helping out the maid, but they would just send him away. They adored him, yes but that didn't mean that they would let him clean. He was already treated as a prince there, which was still a bit strange, and just a tiny bit annoying. So he decided to find his umma.

 As many times, the kind woman was sitting in the huge living room, reading some book, a love story. Key walked to her curiously, and greeted her with a huge grin.

'Hi Umma~!' he said. He was glad that he had a mother figure again. Of course, he missed his real mother, but still. The woman smiled and motioned for Key to sit next to her. The small boy snuggled into his Umma's side and looked at the book curiously.

The queen chuckled and started reading out loud, hiding the book from Key. The boy pouted, but then listened to the story of lovers, who were not once and not twice put into danger, but would always overcome it. It was so sweet. Key  new that his life now, was just like that story. And he was happy because of that. Really happy. He slowly felt his eyes close as he let out a long yawn. He soon dozed off, dreaming about love stories, and his very own prince.

The queen looked at her son who was now snoring lightly by her side. To say that she had been worried about him when he was missing would be an understatement. She would get up really early, and listen to hear his light footsteps, signaling that he was home. Of course, she scolded Jonghyun when he admitted letting Key go back to his world on his own. Sighing, she kissed the sleeping boy's forehead gently, and asked a maid to fetch a blanket for him. After Key was covered by the silk blanket, she stood up, smiling to herself softly. She could remember when she was small, she never even dreamed of being a princess. She was a bit tomboyish, to tell the truth. But when her prince, the current king appeared, she suddenly felt the urge to be girly, she thought that he would like him that way. Of course, at that time she wasn't aware, that he was already in love with her. She had been told how much the king was trying to catch her attention, but she wouldn't notice him. It felt strange for her, since she felt like she was the one who wasn't noticed. 

As she slowly reached her husband's little office, she giggled to herself softly.

She could still remember the time the king had asked her out. At that time, people were still unaware of the fact, that both sides felt the same, much before they met. So of course, the king was really anxious.

'H..hey Emily.. (AN: Yeah, not korean, but I think it's a pretty name x333)' she heard a soft whisper as the tall boy was standing in front of her. Raising an elegant eyebrow -only so she would look elegant- she asked him what he wanted. She was masking her emotions well, because in reality, her heart was pounding louder than ever.

'Well.. I.. I was wondering if you'd like to.. go out sometimes?' the boy asked, his voice much more confident suddenly. The girl stared at him for a few moments, then suddenly blhed a deep red color, staring at her feet.

'I..I.. y.y.yes, I would love that..' she whispered softly and stood on her tiptoes to kiss the prince's cheek. They boy blushed in return, and he grinned widely. He was really happy at the moment.

 She looked at her husband of many years, smiling as the man's eyes lit up when he noticed her. 'Hi dear..' she said smiling, and just hugged him. 'Thank you for this perfect life..' she said, kissing him briefly.

Jonghyun was finally finished with preparing his plan. He wanted to have the perfect date with Key. It had taken up all his day. He knew that the next day however, would be perfect. As he walked through the living room, he noticed Key's sleeping form. The cute boy was hugging a pillow close. He was still a bit weak from all that had happened to him, but he was getting much better now, Jonghyun could see it. And he was glad, because he treasure Key more than anything.


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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
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ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((