The Beginning Of A Fairy Tale

Just Another Fairytale

AN: Well.. yeah here is the first chapter..umm.. comment please? :3



  Kim Jonghyun, prince of a small kingdom was sitting on his bed, his short legs dangling of the huge, king-sized bed. His small hands ran through his brown hair letting out an annoyed huff. He was really bored. It was his 8th birthday and everyone at the palace was busy with the preparations of the ceremony. Pouting, the puppy-eyes boy jumped off the bed and started walking around his huge room. An apartment could have fit there, but he thought it was normal. His overly-expensive jeans were slightly dirty from playing in the mud before, but he couldn't have cared less at that time. Suddenly, the huge wooden door opened and one of his maids walked in. She bowed to him deeply and told him that he could go downstairs now. The prince walked downstairs and was greeted by many people, most of them who didn't know.

Just like every year, he got many presents. A little sword with a matching shield, for example. He was told that once day he might need them. He grinned as he played with the new 'toys' curiously. Fortunately, the sword wasn't sharp, even if it looked real. Suddenly his mother walked up to him. She was beautiful, just like on any other days. Her long brown hair was in a ponytail, her crown was put on her hair carefully. 'Son, you are old enough to meet your fate..'she smiled as she handed the little boy a mirror.

Jonghyun blinked, confused. 'My fate, Umma? Is my fate a mirror?' he asked innocently, earning some chuckle from his parents and the people gathered to celebrate his birthday.

'No, look into the mirror, baby.. What can you see?' his mothered told him gently and turned the mirror towards the boy, so only he could see. 

'A little. .girl? Or boy..I don't know.. so small and pale.. and pretty.... 'Jonghyun said, once again confusion was lacing into his tone. he blushed lightly when he realized what he had said.

His mother smiled. 'Keep the mirror, and don't let anyone near it..  That person will be your Only One..' she said and ruffled his son's hair. 'But of course, first you have to grow up..' she laughed as the boy pouted angrily. 

A few hours later, the small prince walked into his room. He was exhausted from having to sit through the whole celebration which was of course, really boring. Pouting slightly again, he sat on his bed and looked into the mirror. The someone on the other side was already sleeping, hugging a tiny stuffed bear close. Jonghyun smiled fondly, and reached out to touch the boy, but he could only feel the cold touch of the mirror. He sighed and waited for his maid to come and change him into his sleep wear. He had already taken a bath that day. As he was finally ready for sleep, he looked at the mirror once again, yawning. The small figure opened his eyes and seemed to notice that he was being watched. 'Momma~' he wailed, and Jongyhun smiled, knowing not that that someone was a boy, but he didn't care.

'I am here, Bummie..'he could here the soft voice of a woman, and soon, he could see her too. She looked like her son, just.. even more feminine of course.

'Bummie' sniffed and hugged his mother. 'Will you and Appa leave me?' he asked innocently.

'Of course not, sweetie, who would tell you silly things like that?' was the question, but Jonghyun didn't hear it.. He fell asleep, knowing that his Bummie was safe. As he slept, he hugged the small mirror close.

 Kim Kibum was sitting in his Appa's car. His Appa was driving and his mother was sitting next to him. They were chatting happily. Kibum felt scared for some reason. He felt like something bad would happen any moment now. The small boy shrugged it off and yawned. He loved traveling in cars, he could sleep so well in them.. As he fell asleep, he could see a car in front of them, too close, but he couldn't warn his parents, he thought it was a dream anyway.

A long time later, Kibum woke up to strange people talking. At first he couldn't move, he felt so much pain everywhere. Opening his eyes slowly, he closed them again quickly, there was so much light it hurt his eyes.

'Don't worry, you are safe now..' said a soothing voice from somewhere near him. He opened his eyes again.

'W..where are my p..parents?' he asked hoarsely. His throat hurt so much.

'I..Little boy, they aren't here now, but they asked us to take care of you..' a lady said. Kibum blinked. 'Why did they leave me?' he asked innocently. 'Don't worry, you'll understand soon..'

Kibum sniffed, tears gathering in his eyes. 'I want them!' he screamed, but his parents never returned. 

A few days later, Kibum was out of the hospital. He was taken to a strange place with many kids like him. He was told by them that his parents were dead. He cried himself to sleep that night. And every night from then on. 

Jonghyun watched as Key's life shattered. How could his Bummie have such a bad life? He didn't understand. He wanted to go there and take him home.. But he couldn't. His parents told him that he couldn't, but he would able to  in a few years.. So he waited..

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I am going to update in a few days^^ Yay~


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BabyKey #1
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
BabyKey #2
Chapter 19: i LOVE THIS! so many fluff >.< and angst and drama and, well everything that i wanted ! same as ur other story actually :) it seems you are the author i have been looking for ^^ an author that create story with my fav genre- um i think the word is 'genre' or not im not sure -in it
MrsTaeminnie #3
Chapter 19: SHDGHDGSDSGDSJDGS Please Update!(: I am seriously obsessed with your writing LOL T_T
SadisticSinner #4
Hello, if you need a Poster, Background, CC or Banner, please don't hesitate and request from S&M Pleasure Graphics.
ZoeChaomaniac #5
AIIIGGOOOOO PLEASE UPDATE!!!! AUTHOR SSHI I BEG YOU!! I'm going to love spam you until u update~~~ I love you author sshi!!! <33
jongkey248 #6
Omo poor key
This is so sad. Poor Kei, why must he suffer so much? :(((((