The members gathered

92-Line Love


Sungyeol's pov ..:::..


L-shi will arrive at my home in an hour . I should get something , like movies , popcorn or games . Ah yes ! I should ask L-shi if Sungjong , Sunggyu hyung , Hoya hyung , Woohyun hyung and Dongwoo hyung can come ! It'll be awesome ! I should call him . 

" Yeoboseyo ? " I said .

" What's wrong Sungyeol hyung ? " he asked . 

" Can Sungjongie , Sunggyu hyung , Hoya hyung , Woohyun hyung and Dongwoo hyung come ? It'll be awesome ! " I said with a happy voice

" Sure . Can I can stay over ? I need to tell you and the other members something about ____ " 

" Nae , you can L-shi ~ but bring your own clothes . "

" /laugh/ arasso hyung ! " he hang up

I'm curious . He's going to talk about ____ . His childhood friend . I just met her yesterday with Zico . I hope L-shi didn't know about this .. 

I text to the other members 


GUYS ! Come to my house ! L-shi gonna say something about ____ . You're gonna stay over ara ? Please come ! Please don't hurt L-shi's heart ~~


Sent . After 2 minutes , all the members texted me back 

Nae hyung ! I don't wanna hurt L hyung's heart . Keke ~~ 

- Sungjong

Nae sungyeol , but please don't prank me .

- Sunggyu hyung

Nae Yeollie . =_=

- Woohyun hyung . Aish what's wrong with that face ? 

Sungyeol-ah , I'll be there in 1 and half hour . I'm busy right now . Please tell the other members ~

- Hoya hyung . Aigooo .. 

YAH YEOLLIE ! I'll be there soon . 

- Dongwoo hyung . Someone please throw rock at Dongwoo hyung .

After 2 hours , all the members gathered in our practice room . L-shi stood up and say something 

" You know , my childhood friend right ? She date with Zico . " he said with a sad face . I wanna say something about yesterday but I don't want to make him cry because of her . So I just stay quite . " She's change a lot . When we're 13 , she said she never change her attitude but .. She lied .. I can't trust her anymore . " L-shi continued . Omo . What should I do now ? " L-shi , you should be patient . She just got back here yesterday .. She must be tired .. And you know that Zico is her bias right ? " Sunggyu hyung said . " She didn't tell me about it " L-shi replied . I sighed and went to the kitchen to get some snacks for these guys . I bet they're hungry now . I turned around and saw Sungjong " yah Lee SungJong what are you doing ? " I said . " I want to help you hyung " he said . This kid .. 

Me and Sungjong went to our practice room with some snacks . They frozen . Hoya hyung quickly get strawberry milk . Everyone forgot about ____ and eat those snacks . They completely forget about her . I sighed . Suddenly Woohyun hyung said " kaja ! Let's practice for our comeback ! " " KAJA ! " all of us said " Chukyeokji ( The Chaser ) hwaiting ! " Then we started to practice ..


End pov ..:::..




So how ? They back talking about you . OMO ! but gwechana ! They're practicing now .. Sungyeol worries about you and Myungsoo and Zico .. Please comment ~


Ppyong ppyong !!

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Psshhhhhh . I'm so sad .


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lets cry together !
i cried a lot the day pyo confirmed he news .
aww ~ i love BLOCK B and BBCS ! <3

back to the comment ;
dont you think their plan is a bit cruel for jiho ?
poor him ..
awwww jello ><
dont be sad ,,,
come to noona ~~~
POOR BABY Z * pout *
ailisu #5
aww~ her and myungsoo <33
NamMinJung #6
CarmenL : noo ... I'm 99 liner . /sobs/
I made it 92 liner because L and Zico born on the same year lol ~
CarmenL #7
Chapter 3~
XDDDD It's my fav part too~~His girlfriend SungyeolxDDDDDD

To author~
Are you 92 liner too? =D I am born in 92~>W<
Like this ! :)
I love the song 'Only Tears'!