Shopping with maknaes !

92-Line Love

Listen to : < Teen Top - To You > 


Meanwhile , you and those maknaes . 

" NOONA ! LET'S RIDE THE ROLLER COASTER ! " Sungjong said . 

" But it's look kinda scary . You guys ride it , I'll wait here . " you said . Looking at the scary roller coaster . 

" Don't worry , you have us . We'll take care you . We'll promise " P.O said . 

" Nae , you have us . " Zelo said . You nodded and smiled at them . 

" Noona , we'll buy your dream dress after this . We'll make you prettier than this . " P.O said . 

" So now I'm not pretty ? " you asked them . 

Silent . . . . . . 

" ANI , you're pretty , but we want more ! " Zelo said and took your hand and went to the scary roller coaster . 

You scared to death . They're younger than you . Can they take care of you ? Can you believe them ? You're shivering . You sat on the last seat with Zelo while P.O and Sungjong sat in front of you . You wanted to close your eyes but also , you wanted to enjoy the view . Soon , it started . You hugged Zelo's hand tightly . 

" NOONA ! It's hurt ! " Zelo shouted . 

" M-mianhae Junhong . " you said . Just hold his hand . 

The roller coaster went up up and up . You closed your eyes . The roller coaster went down so fast . You can hear the maknaes' scream . 

" WOOO ! THIS IS FUN ! WOO !!!!! AAAHH !! " P.O screamed . 

" B.A.P FIGHTING ! MY HYUNGS SHOULD TRY THIS UWAAAAA !!!! " Zelo screamed . Almost the loudest but ...

" KYAAAAAAAAA !! LET ME DOWN ! THIS IS SO SCARY ! LET ME DOWN LET ME DOWN ! SUNGYEOL HYUNG HELP ME KYAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!! " Sungjong screamed . The loudest among all the passangers . 

You opened your eyes and saw their hair was flying . You laughed so hard . Finally , it ended . 

" YOU GUYS ARE SO FUNNY ! " you said . 

" Err . NOONA ! Let's go shopping at Hongdae ! " P.O said . 

" Let's go ! " all of you said . 

You flagged a taxi . You guys went inside the taxi and talked about the roller coaster but Sungjong didn't talk anything . After a while , you guys arrived at Hongdae . Soon , you saw a dress shop . You went inside and keep looking for a dress that suite for you . The maknaes choose a dress for you . 

P.O chose this for you . ( + bag )

Zelo chose this . 

AND Sungjong chose this ( + shoes and hat ) 

You're confused . It's all pretty . You asked them to play ' rock paper scissor ' , who win you asked them to pay for that and the other dress you'll pay for it . " Kawi bawi go ! " they all said . Oppsie , Sungjong lost . Only Zelo and P.O's left . " Fighting ! " Sungjong said to them . " Kawi bawi go ! " both of them said . P.O's win ! You took the dresses that Zelo and Sungjong chose for you and you went to the counter . The dress that P.O's chose for you P.O payed it . 

" Noona ! It's okay ! We'll pay for your dress ! " Zelo said . Both of them nodded . You smiled and nodded too . 

" Aigo . Gumawo saengs .. I'll treat you plastic bag cocktails ara ? ( watch INFINITE's Sesame Player ) " you said . They smiled and payed for your dresses . 

You and the maknaes went to the plastic bag cocktails shop . You took 4 plastic bag cocktails and payed for it meanwhile Zelo bought 24 plastic bag cocktails for you , BLOCK B , INFINITE , B.A.P , Jiyoung and your parents too . You didn't know about it . You passed by a meat shop . " Let's eat meat ! " you said . " We don't want . We'll eat at home ara ? Myungsoo hyung cooked something for us . " P.O said . You sighed and nodded . 




Zico's pov ..:::..


" Jaehyo hyung , can you go buy some cupcakes , drinks and snacks ? I'll give you the money . " I said to Jaehyo hyung . 

" Nae . GUYS ! I'll be back before 1.30 p.m ara ? U-Kwon-ah , follow me ! " Jaehyo hyung hold U-Kwon hyung's hand and left . 

I secretly went to ____'s room . I opened the door and wow ... So many Block B posters and there's some Infinite's posters . I saw a picture next to her bed . It was her and Myungsoo . At the back of the picture , there's a note . It wrote ...

I'll be back soon Myungsoo ! I' promise ! I won't change for you . I'll study hard for you ! Hwaiting ! Never give up !

Ah . Her promise for L hyung . I put it back and went outside . Everyone were busy decorating the home . I went to the kitchen and served the food . 


End pov ..:::..


Jaehyo's pov ..:::..


We went to a nearby supermarket . I took the trolley and U-Kwon took some snacks and drinks and put inside the trolley . I payed for it use Zico's money and quickly went to a bakery shop . I bought 3 boxes of cupcakes and we quickly went back to ____'s home . We put it on the dining table and helped Zico with the food . 

" So where's the balance ? " he asked me . 

" Here . Ah Zico-shi , I'm sorry if I used to much money " 

" Gwechana hyung . " he smiled . 




It's already 2 p.m . ___'s appa hold the cake . We hid somewhere . We're waiting for those maknaes and ____-shi . The door opened and we all said .. 

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY ____ ! " 

" Aww . Gumawo ! /bows/ " her eyes are tearing .. Hapiness . 

" Blow the candles sweetie .. " ahjumma said . She blowed the candles and we all clapped except ahjusshi because he's holding the cake . 

" Now , let's eat the cake . After that we give her presents " ahjusshi said . We all nodded and sat in the dining room . 

____ cut the cake for us . We ate it happily . After that , we gave her our presents . Well , this is the presents list . 


Block B presents : 
Zico : a bracelet wrote " Block B "
Me : teddy bear 
Kyung : also teddy bear
U-Kwon : hairband 
B-Bomb : shoes
Taeil : dress
P.O : dress that he bought with ___

INFINITE presents : 
Sunggyu : clothes that have hamster cartoon on it 
Dongwoo : INFINITE's album < INFINITIZE > 
Woohyun : chocolate 
Hoya : his selca with Myungsoo and Sungyeol
Sungyeol : birthday card that he made and a teddy bear
Myungsoo : necklace and earrings that have INFINITE's logo and a Singapura cat .
Sungjong : lemons candy and the dress that he bought for her at Hongdae 

B.A.P presents : 
Yongguk : B.A.P's albums < POWER and WARRIOR > 
Himchan : short skirt and a handbag
Youngjae : a kiss on her cheek and a teddy bear 
Daehyun : a mask and bunny earrings . 
Jongup : a handbag 
Zelo : a hamster , a dress that he bought and his selca with Myungsoo 

Jinyoung : a handmade birthday card 
Ahjusshi and ahjumma : a new car for her 

She thanked all of us and hugged all of us one by one . We enjoyed the party until 9 p.m . We helped her clean her home and we get back home with hapiness . 




P/S : I wrote this started from 3 p.m until 6.40 p.m using my stupid phone . Pictures ....... I used stupid lappy . Lol . MIANHAE LATE /bows/ 

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Psshhhhhh . I'm so sad .


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lets cry together !
i cried a lot the day pyo confirmed he news .
aww ~ i love BLOCK B and BBCS ! <3

back to the comment ;
dont you think their plan is a bit cruel for jiho ?
poor him ..
awwww jello ><
dont be sad ,,,
come to noona ~~~
POOR BABY Z * pout *
ailisu #5
aww~ her and myungsoo <33
NamMinJung #6
CarmenL : noo ... I'm 99 liner . /sobs/
I made it 92 liner because L and Zico born on the same year lol ~
CarmenL #7
Chapter 3~
XDDDD It's my fav part too~~His girlfriend SungyeolxDDDDDD

To author~
Are you 92 liner too? =D I am born in 92~>W<
Like this ! :)
I love the song 'Only Tears'!