
Jongkey: Since the Jurassic Period






I opened my eyes. I felt hurt everywhere. “Where am I…” I looked around the room I was in. I realized I was in a hospital room; and the injured one was me. Various parts of my body were in a cast, including my head. “What the hell happened?!” I thought, while a doctor came in the room.

“Kim Kibum-ssi…” he started, sadly. “You suffered a major concussion... And you broke most of your limbs… I’m afraid you don’t have much longer to live.”

“What…?” I couldn’t think. I couldn’t move. “What happened to me?!”

The doctor looked down. “The rollercoaster you were on…Malfunctioned. And your friend…”


“Yes…I’m afraid…He passed away.”




I woke up.

That was a pretty vivid dream…Er, nightmare.” I sat up in my bed, wiping my cold sweat off with the back of my hand. I heard the beeping from my dream again. I looked to my side.

It’s just my phone…” I picked it up.






<< From: Jjong

Kibuuuum~!!!  >o< where are you!??! >>


<<From: Jjong

Are you still sleeping?! =__= babo, get up…>>


<<From: Jjong

Im waiting in front of your house~ hurry up and get up already~>>


<<From: Jjong



I sighed. “This guy…” I got out of bed and had a quick shower. I ran downstairs and put my shoes on.

“Umma! I’m going to hang out with a friend!” I called, and opened the door.

There he was, sitting on the ground, clutching his cell phone, fast asleep.

I gave out another annoyed sigh.  “Jonghyun…” I shook him a bit.


“Jjong, get up. Don’t you want to go to the amusement park?”


“Aish…You’re so annoying.” I scratched the back of my head.

Jonghyun sat there, not moving an inch or batting an eyelid. “His eyelashes are pretty…

“…Honey, get up.” I said, thinking he was still asleep.

All of a sudden Jonghyun burst out in laughter. I stood up, blushing. “You were awake?! Aish!”

Jonghyun opened his eyes and stretched out his arms to me. “Good morning, honey!”

Embarrassed, I pulled him up. “Shall we go?” he just asked with a smile.




Once we arrived at the amusement park, we walked around for a bit; looking at the different rides, shows and such… Of course, it was 10AM on a Tuesday, so there wasn’t much to be seen.

Jonghyun pulled my sleeve. “Kibum,” he pointed. “Let’s ride that rollercoaster.”

The word ‘rollercoaster’ echoed in my mind, bringing me back to my nightmare. “It’s just a dream.

“Alright, fine.” So we stood in line for a bit.

“Kibum. Look.” I turn to see them. “Joy.

Taemin ran up to us, screaming “HYUNG!!” while flailing his arms like a maniac. He was followed by Jinki-hyung and Minho.

“What are you guys doing here?” Jonghyun asked.

“Teacher said we were allowed to play for a bit today,” Taemin replied. “As long as we come back later to train.”

 “He let you?”

“Of course,” Minho started. “We did ask for permission, unlike some other individuals…” he said, looking in my direction. I glared at him back.

“Why don’t we all hang out together then?” Jonghyun suggested. I quietly groaned, but he didn’t seem to notice.





After riding numerous rides and attractions, we stopped by a haunted house attraction. Taemin, who was walking in front, stopped and slowly turned towards us, with a huge grin on his face.

“Hyungs… Should we?”

“I don’t know…” Jinki-hyung said, with his mouth full of snacks he bought earlier.

“C’mon! I don’t think it’ll be that scary!”

“Taemin,” Minho said. “I think out of all of us, you’ll be the most scared.”

“Ah, I won’t! I know they’re not real hyung.” He started to pout.

“Fine. Since everyone has to go one at a time, who wants to go first?”


“Then let’s draw.” Minho pulls out his phone, and opens a randomizer app.

We all watched as the app shuffled between our names; finally it stopped at Jinki-hyung.

As soon as he read his name, he started to choke. Taemin whacked him in the back repeatedly.

“Let’s go hyung,” Minho chuckled. We all clapped as he walked in the haunted house, clutching himself for comfort.

“Alright, let’s see who’s next.”






When it was my turn, I walked into the house only to meet darkness. It was silent.

This is creepy…

Then I heard something. I stopped.




I looked in all directions; but I couldn’t see anything but the dark.




I gulped. I stepped backwards a bit, when I bumped into something…Or someone.


All of a sudden, I was met face-to-face with the most horrifying face I have ever seen in my life; Minho’s.


He stared, wide-eyed, while I screamed out my lungs.

“What,” he said, startled. “Are you doing? It’s just me.”

“I know,” I puffed. “You scared the out of me.”

“Sheesh.” He scratched his head. “Let’s just go already. They’re probably waiting for us.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.” I said, and walked ahead of him.

“Wait.” I felt my hand being grabbed. “I need to—“

Annoyed, I retorted, “Let go of my hand!”

“Huh? I’m not holding your hand.”



“BLARGH!” The most hideous monster ever popped out between us. This time, both Minho and I screamed. We both ran for our lives, but Minho outran me and I tripped.

“YOU MINHO!” I called after him. I started to get up, when I felt an immense pain in my right foot.

! Sprained ankle, probably…” I sighed, and sat down on the floor to wait for help.

A few minutes later, I heard Jonghyun’s voice. “Kibum? Kibum, where are you?”

“I’m over here.” In a distance, I saw a cell phone screen. Jonghyun soon came up to me, using his phone for light.

“What happened?” He kneeled beside me.

“I think I sprained my ankle.”

“WHAT?” Jonghyun’s voice echoed a bit. “How are you supposed to practice now?”

“Dunno. Just help me up, would you?”

“Oh. Right.” 













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pookieberrie #1
Chapter 21: please subscribe to my story shinee girls
Chapter 18: Lol i really likes chapter 4 scientific style ... u're so funny ... love it !! still reading and i will comment more !! thx (^__^)
tarepandawind #3
Chapter 23: I've subcribe this fic b4 but for some reason i forgot to read it,,and i'm regretting it now,,this is so freaking good!and the feels is so real!totally hilarious,especially the animal behaviour episode,,ugh,and that cough drop kiss,,i love all of it^^
Chapter 27: This story is amazing. Thank you for making me laugh till my stomach hurts lol. It was really hilarious especially that animal behaviour part XD Oh and also that rap part when they are recording lmao. Off to sequel yay :)))
Chapter 27: Gosh, do you even know how A-MA-HA-ZING your story is?
I love it soooo much & I'm glad that I found it!! :D
I read it in one sitting from 7pm till 9pm (yes I'm a very slow reader), which happens like never but your story was just too cut & overwhelmingly innocent it killed me (more like almost xD), bsbvgsnfnscs.
Also I have to mention & write in capital letters; THIS FAFANFICTION IS HILARIOUS, LIKE WTH IS HAPPENING. You got me ROFL at least once whilst reading every of thos chapters, damn my stomach hurts. I just don't get it how can you be such a genius?
Bit you def should have made jongkey more...wilder, if that makes sense XD
The barely kissed and that is not acceptable okay, that's such a nokay xD
I guess I have tope for more naughtyness in your sequel? XD
anyways this is def getting too long (you might mistake it as a spam), lol
Just heart this story and you author-nim FOREVA, Saranghaeyo
can't wait to read your sequel
gotta go upvote before thoough c:
shineeshipper #6
Chapter 27: Oh man I love this fic, and it goes to say of course I'm going to go forth towards the sequel >.<
shineeshipper #7
Chapter 18: I think this chapter just topped the last one. I did not think that was possible. This is freakig hilarious. Good day to you sir.
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 16: I friggen LOVE THIS CHAPTER, I WAS LAUGHIG SO MUCH AT THE PENS. Like I'm just imagining this tall apartment building with hundreds of pens flying out one of the windows and hitting people and buildings at the bottom and ten the dishes was so funny; Taemin moonwalking out like this is just hilarious XD. Ok. Done fangirling for now...
Chapter 27: I Fell in love with this Story *________* gonna read the sequel now ;)
Chapter 27: I fangirled so much throughout this!!! I think my friend got sick of me because I fangirled so much to him