Dimnaliphobic Jealousy

Jongkey: Since the Jurassic Period




I sat up in my bed, feeling uncomfortable sleeping in my street clothes.

"Shoulda changed..." I thought. 

Onew opened my bedroom door. "Kibum, get up or you'll miss breakfast." He said, and shut the door.

"Yeah, yeah..." I yawned.


Then he opened the door again. "And make your bed." and shut the door again.

"Annoying geezer." I mumbled, and got up to fold my blanket. I then noticed several blue marks on my mattress. They were pen marks. 

"Huh. Must've been Jjong when he came in last night." I ran my fingers over the marks. 

"Wait a minute."


I laughed an evil laugh. Today I felt particularly evil, sadistic, even.

I skipped into the kitchen. "Good morning~" I chimed, while pulling out a chair. The other members stared at me, as if I were abducted and replaced with an alien last night.

"Why so happy this morning?" Onew asked, probably grabbing his 474678th piece of chicken. 

"No reason~" I started to eat my rice, which was already set for me.

While chewing a piece of meat, I decided to hint about the pen marks.

"Hey, who was in my room last night?" I cleverly hinted, searching for Jonghyun's reaction.

He choked, and then turned bright red.


Smooth, Jjong, smoooth. 

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked, although he was clearly indifferent. 

I grabbed a piece of leafy greens.

 "There were pen marks on my mattress this morning. They weren't there last night, so someone must've snuck into my room." I explained, although I just wanted to tease a certain someone.


Besides, Jonghyun's taken advantage of my sleeping face one time too many.

"Was it Jonghyun?" Onew asked, while chewing.

"I washed my hands when we came home from shopping." he lied, and then got up from the table. "I'm done eating."

Taemin looked at him. "Hyung! Already? You'll get skinny."

"Not as much as you, skinny bones." said Minho, while piling Taemin's bowl with food.

"Hey Minho, give me Jonghyun's bowl." Onew reached out. "I'll eat the rest of his chicken."


I laughed silently to myself at the empty chair at our table. "Oho... Whatcha gonna do now, Jjong~?"

Man, I'm so wonderfully evil.


I ran into our room after the kitchen was out of sight. I jumped into bed, messing up the blankets Minho folded earlier.

Scratching my head furiously, I threw a quiet tantrum on my bed.



I was completely embarrassed. I laid there, waiting for my face to cool down. 

Then I saw it. 

The pen I used to write on my hand yesterday.

It sat on my nightstand, intimidating me with its furious blue pen cap.

I slowly stood, held it firmly in my hand,

And threw it out the window.

I did not want to see anything that would remind me of my embarrassment, and I removed the only proof that it was me.

Then it occurred to me. 

"Does Minho have a pen collection?"


I thoroughly searched everywhere for pens, fine liners, sharpies, markers, pencils, pencils that looked like pens, STYLUSES; anything that Kibum could use to accuse me with. I threw them all out the window with all my power.

Call me a litterbug, but I did not want Kibum to know that I kissed his FACE last night.

Wait, why didn't I want him to know?

Ah, right; because I was scared of his answer.

Would he be happy? Or disgusted? What does he even think of me? Have I been eternally friend-zoned?

I held what may be the last pen in the room. The sole survivor.

I set the pen on my nightstand.

I sighed. "Well, it's better to find out than run away forever."


Jonghyun's lesson:


Don't run away from your fear of pens.




Onew stared at the dirty dishes on the table. The other members left without even putting their bowls in the sink.

Kibum walked in the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

“Hey, Kibum… Can you help me wash the dishe-“

“LALALALALALALA.” Kibum sang loudly and swiftly walked out of the kitchen.

“Minho! Can you help me wash the dishe-“

“I’M TAKING A SHOWER!” Minho yelled.

Taemin was quietly playing with his console at the table.

Onew stared at him. “Taemin…”

“No~” Taemin said cutely, and moon-walked out of the kitchen.


Onew went back to staring at the dishes. He sighed, and picked them all up to wash.


“Such is my life…”


A little while later, Kibum popped his head into the kitchen. “Yah, I’m going to the SM building.” He said.

“Huh?” Onew was stacking up the wet dishes in the dish rack. “But there’s no practice today.”

“I know. I just want to hang around there for a bit. I’ll be back in a couple hours.”


“Oh, and you forgot my cup.” Kibum set his empty glass in the sink.

Onew stared at the cup. “But I just finished washing the dishes…”


As soon as Kibum left, Jonghyun popped his head out of his door. He made sure Kibum wasn’t coming back in a while.

Jonghyun quietly sneaked into Kibum’s room, careful not to distract Taemin from his game.

Slowly, carefully, he went inside and shut the door.

He inspected the pen marks on Kibum’s bed. They really were his. He could almost read the word ‘chicken’, except it was slightly smudged and was printed backwards.

Jonghyun groaned. But he was interrupted by Kibum’s cell phone, which he forgot under his pillow.

It was ringing, indicating a new message. Jonghyun jumped onto the pillow to muffle the sound, so none of the other members would come in.

“SHH…” He pulled the phone out. He knew he shouldn’t invade other people’s messages, but the state Jonghyun was in, he was curious as Sherlock.

He opened the cell and read the message.




<< From: Soonkyu noona

Kibum-ah~ Are you awake yet~ can you please come to the SM building, I need to talk to you about something important ^^ >>




<< DELETE? >>


<< YES >>


I’m not jealous. I’m not jealous. So not jealous. Nope. Not at all.

Jonghyun got off the bed. “Well, it’s a good thing Kibum didn’t see the mes-




“Yah, I’m going to the SM building.”


...the SM building.


SM building.






-Back to present time-






a/n: OHOHOHOHOHO! DRAMA REARS ITS UGLY HEAD! I'm quite excited about this chapter~ ^^

Jjong is adorable, no? :3 I had a feeling Key is a sadistic type, so that's why I made him like that OTL 

For fun, I learned that pen phobia is called Dimnaliphobia. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Jjong was scared of pens all through out this fanfic ?XD

Also, someone said Ren is zombie-like. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

But I totally agree, he's a zombie. Is that not why he is called ice princess prince? ^^

I also like idols who look like women. U-Kiss's Kevin is a notable example LOLOLOL U-Kiss's Jessica

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pookieberrie #1
Chapter 21: please subscribe to my story shinee girls
Chapter 18: Lol i really likes chapter 4 scientific style ... u're so funny ... love it !! still reading and i will comment more !! thx (^__^)
tarepandawind #3
Chapter 23: I've subcribe this fic b4 but for some reason i forgot to read it,,and i'm regretting it now,,this is so freaking good!and the feels is so real!totally hilarious,especially the animal behaviour episode,,ugh,and that cough drop kiss,,i love all of it^^
Chapter 27: This story is amazing. Thank you for making me laugh till my stomach hurts lol. It was really hilarious especially that animal behaviour part XD Oh and also that rap part when they are recording lmao. Off to sequel yay :)))
Chapter 27: Gosh, do you even know how A-MA-HA-ZING your story is?
I love it soooo much & I'm glad that I found it!! :D
I read it in one sitting from 7pm till 9pm (yes I'm a very slow reader), which happens like never but your story was just too cut & overwhelmingly innocent it killed me (more like almost xD), bsbvgsnfnscs.
Also I have to mention & write in capital letters; THIS FAFANFICTION IS HILARIOUS, LIKE WTH IS HAPPENING. You got me ROFL at least once whilst reading every of thos chapters, damn my stomach hurts. I just don't get it how can you be such a genius?
Bit you def should have made jongkey more...wilder, if that makes sense XD
The barely kissed and that is not acceptable okay, that's such a nokay xD
I guess I have tope for more naughtyness in your sequel? XD
anyways this is def getting too long (you might mistake it as a spam), lol
Just heart this story and you author-nim FOREVA, Saranghaeyo
can't wait to read your sequel
gotta go upvote before thoough c:
shineeshipper #6
Chapter 27: Oh man I love this fic, and it goes to say of course I'm going to go forth towards the sequel >.<
shineeshipper #7
Chapter 18: I think this chapter just topped the last one. I did not think that was possible. This is freakig hilarious. Good day to you sir.
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 16: Oh.my.gosh I friggen LOVE THIS CHAPTER, I WAS LAUGHIG SO MUCH AT THE PENS. Like I'm just imagining this tall apartment building with hundreds of pens flying out one of the windows and hitting people and buildings at the bottom and ten the dishes was so funny; Taemin moonwalking out like this is just hilarious XD. Ok. Done fangirling for now...
Chapter 27: I Fell in love with this Story *________* gonna read the sequel now ;)
Chapter 27: I fangirled so much throughout this!!! I think my friend got sick of me because I fangirled so much to him