The Three Stooges

Jongkey: Since the Jurassic Period




This is it.


I stood, amongst thousands of other hopefuls, in front of the SM building. Even though it was an everyday building, today it radiated an intimidating aura. The words “2005 S.M. National Tour Audition Casting” were printed on a banner. I gulped. I started to sweat. My heart started beating.

Then I thought of Jonghyun. “He’s probably in this crowd somewhere too,” I thought. “He’s probably going to make it.

I wanted to see him, but at the same time, I didn’t. I wanted to be by his side and hear his voice, but I didn’t want him to see me get turned down.


A million thoughts ran through my head; then all of a sudden someone covered my eyes from behind.

“Guess who!” chuckled a familiar voice.

“Aish…” I broke out of Jonghyun’s grip and turned around. “Don’t touch me, idiot. Am I your friend or something?”

Jonghyun started to pout. “I’m sorry…” He looked down to his feet.

“Ah, um… I-It’s not like I meant anything by that…” I stammered. “Why I am I like this?

He looked up again. “So, what song are you singing?”

I sighed. “I don’t know yet,” I was too busy being nervous to think about anything. “I don’t know what song to dance to either.”

“I think they choose it for you,” he said. “Let’s hope we don’t get anything embarrassing.”

“Haha.” I then realized that we were really close to the entrance; probably about ten more people ahead of us.

“Hey… Can you go to the back of the line? Maybe like, twenty people back?” I asked.

He made a face. “I’ve been here for 5 hours, Kibum-ah. I’m not going to the back of the line. Why?”

I felt my face go red. “Uhm… No reason.” I turned away from him.

Jonghyun grabbed my shoulders and turned my body to face him. “Why?!” he said again, with more force.



A boy with a mushroom haircut in front of us turned around and stared at us.

Frustrated, I told him off. “Yah, what are you looking at, punk?” he got scared and quickly turned back around.

Jonghyun took his hands off my shoulders. “Kibum-ah…” he started. “Do you dislike me that much?” He seemed as if he was going to cry.

I started to panic. “No, it’s not that I hate you, but, uhm, how do I say this…” I sighed. “I-I’m just really nervous. Sorry.”

Jonghyun just laughed, which made me feel both relieved and confused. “Aw, Kibum!” he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “It’s okay, we’re all pretty nervous,” he told me. “I totally understand. I won’t watch you when you’re auditioning. I promise.” He patted the back of my head; I let out a sigh of relief.

All of a sudden I felt another pair of arms hug my stomach. I looked down, and that same mushroom-haired kid was hugging my waist.

“YAH!” I shook so violently that both he and Jonghyun let go of me. “WHAT’S WITH YOU, YOU WIERDO?”

The kid, who fell over from shock, looked up at me and said, “Ah, I’m sorry. I was just so into the moment, I—"


I heard Jonghyun laugh his head off behind me. I facepalmed. “You’re weird.” 




“Can Lee Taemin-ssi come in please?” a woman called, while holding the door open. The mushroom kid walked in, with light steps.

“How can he be so carefree? Isn’t he nervous at all…?” I muttered to myself. I looked toward a set of windows, which showed the audition room. Three people were sitting at a table in front of the mushroom kid.

Jonghyun tapped my shoulder. “Kibum-ah... You’re going up next.”

I placed my hand on my forehead. “Hot,” I looked at Jonghyun. “Can you go ahead of me?” I asked.

“No Kibum. Just get it over with.”



“Aish…” I banged my head on the door.”And I even said please too…” I stood there for a while, because the door itself was cold. Then I heard Jonghyun humming again. It was soothing; until someone opened the door and hit me in the face.


“Aigo! I am so sorry. Are you okay?” the woman said.

I rubbed my aching nose. “Yes,” I groaned. “I’m fine.”

“Sorry,” She said again. “Are you Kim Kibum-ssi?”


“Please come in.”

I glanced back at Jonghyun. He gave me a smile and a V; then he turned to face away from the audition room, as promised.


I took a deep breath as I walked into the room. The three people at the table were watching me intently. Upon closer inspection, I could see that one of them was Lee Soo Man, the chairman of SM. Of course, that did not relieve the tension.

The man beside him on the right spoke up. “Hello. Kim Kibum-ssi, correct?”


“How old are you, Kibum-sshi?”


“Yes… So first, we’ll hear your singing skills, and then we’ll choose a song for you to dance to. After that, you can show us another skill you have.”


“What will you sing first?”

I gulped. “Okay Kibum… Think of something.

“I-I will sing See You Later by MC The Max-sunbaenims.” WHAT?! Are you serious Kibum…?

“Alright, go ahead.”

I paused for a second, and then cleared my throat. The start was a bit shaky, and I’m not sure how the rest went; even though the minute seemed like forever.


eon jehn ga neun dol ah kal keh heun deul ri ji ahn neun na dwe eo
neut ji ahn geh dol ah kal geh neol man ee sarang ha ni ga 
ah pa doh ahn nyong seul peo annyeong…


I looked up. The judges’ eyes were serious. I started to sweat again. “Was that bad?

The woman on Lee Soo Man’s left spoke this time. “Okay Kibum-ssi. I will choose a random song for you to dance now.” She picked up the MP3 player in front of her.

Please don’t give me something embarrassing…” I hoped.

All of a sudden Lose My Breath by Destiny’s Child came up. I silently groaned. “Why…




I started daydreaming. “I wonder how’s Kibum doing...” I pondered. Suddenly I heard a song. I wasn’t sure, but it really sounded like…

I started silently laughing. “Kibum’s dancing to Destiny’s Child…” If only I was allowed to watch.

Suddenly the silence broke. The mushroom kid, Taemin I think, ran out from the doors on the other side of the room, screaming, “I MADE IT!! I MADE IT!!”

That’s amazing,” I thought. “I wonder what he’s like.











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pookieberrie #1
Chapter 21: please subscribe to my story shinee girls
Chapter 18: Lol i really likes chapter 4 scientific style ... u're so funny ... love it !! still reading and i will comment more !! thx (^__^)
tarepandawind #3
Chapter 23: I've subcribe this fic b4 but for some reason i forgot to read it,,and i'm regretting it now,,this is so freaking good!and the feels is so real!totally hilarious,especially the animal behaviour episode,,ugh,and that cough drop kiss,,i love all of it^^
Chapter 27: This story is amazing. Thank you for making me laugh till my stomach hurts lol. It was really hilarious especially that animal behaviour part XD Oh and also that rap part when they are recording lmao. Off to sequel yay :)))
Chapter 27: Gosh, do you even know how A-MA-HA-ZING your story is?
I love it soooo much & I'm glad that I found it!! :D
I read it in one sitting from 7pm till 9pm (yes I'm a very slow reader), which happens like never but your story was just too cut & overwhelmingly innocent it killed me (more like almost xD), bsbvgsnfnscs.
Also I have to mention & write in capital letters; THIS FAFANFICTION IS HILARIOUS, LIKE WTH IS HAPPENING. You got me ROFL at least once whilst reading every of thos chapters, damn my stomach hurts. I just don't get it how can you be such a genius?
Bit you def should have made jongkey more...wilder, if that makes sense XD
The barely kissed and that is not acceptable okay, that's such a nokay xD
I guess I have tope for more naughtyness in your sequel? XD
anyways this is def getting too long (you might mistake it as a spam), lol
Just heart this story and you author-nim FOREVA, Saranghaeyo
can't wait to read your sequel
gotta go upvote before thoough c:
shineeshipper #6
Chapter 27: Oh man I love this fic, and it goes to say of course I'm going to go forth towards the sequel >.<
shineeshipper #7
Chapter 18: I think this chapter just topped the last one. I did not think that was possible. This is freakig hilarious. Good day to you sir.
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 16: I friggen LOVE THIS CHAPTER, I WAS LAUGHIG SO MUCH AT THE PENS. Like I'm just imagining this tall apartment building with hundreds of pens flying out one of the windows and hitting people and buildings at the bottom and ten the dishes was so funny; Taemin moonwalking out like this is just hilarious XD. Ok. Done fangirling for now...
Chapter 27: I Fell in love with this Story *________* gonna read the sequel now ;)
Chapter 27: I fangirled so much throughout this!!! I think my friend got sick of me because I fangirled so much to him