Prank Call

Break Throughs ~[Part One]~

(XD Ren looks like he's about to puke on BaekHo's head!)

A/N: Heyyy! I want to ask the readers: if you know the Korean language or are familiar with the honorifics, please send me either a good link with simple explanations in a PM, ore give me a mini lesson yourself also in a PM. Thank you!~ And if I get them wrong in this chapter, please comment below so that I can change it immediately.


Ringringringringringri --


There's shuffling on the other end. "Hellooo?" I say again lazily. I'm laying on a lounge chair basking in the sun's rays. The smell of sunscreen engulfs me. I was almost asleep before my Blackberry rang obnoxiously.

Someone whispers in a foreign language in the background and the person holding the phone suppresses a chuckle. I glance at my screen but the sun's glare prevents me from seeing the name. "Who's this?" I ask, wide awake now.

"Starr-yang?" an accented voice breathes. I'm startled by the unfamiliar suffix. "Is this someone from NU'EST?" I ask, confused. "MinKi. Er, Ren." I raise my eyebrows. "MinKi? Okay, well what's up?" I'm totally lost. Ren doesn't answer right away. Someone speaks in Korean again and he replies "yah, yah".

"MinKi?" No answer. "Ren!" Suddenly a different voice fills my head. "Hey, it's Aron."

"Aron! What in the world is going on?? Who's cell is this?"

His voice is muffled. "We're using JongHyun's phone. It's kind of a prank. Yah, see, he and MinHyun are sleeping so we're just having some innocent fun. That's all." I can almost see Aron's innocent/mischievous smile before me. I sit up in the chair. Amber's occupied with a beach ball pool game.

I reply, "What sort of trick are you three trying to pull?" What can I say? - I'm intrigued. There's a clatter on the BaekHo's voice is on. He sounds static-y. I hear Aron complaining and Ren whisper-yelling urgently. Who knew Ren had a prankster side to him? It's cute on him.

"Starr-ah, talk. Just talk of your day, of JongHyun, of NU'EST, okay?" I can tell how excited BaekHo is with this prank and his excitement throws off thinking about the English language too closely and makes himself sound amateurish. I smile. I still have no clue what Aron, Ren, and BaekHo have in mind but I'm willing to play along. So I start to talk.

"Um, well right now I'm having a pool party for my best childhood friend, Amber Steele. She came back from Korea two days ago. There's about thirty girls here. Oh, and yesterday was really fun you guys. My friends loved it and it was a great start to my sixteenth year . . . "

At some point I'm put on speakerphone. I hear heavy regular breathing like someone's sleeping and the guys snickering in the background. Finally understanding what they're doing I stop rambling. My heart rate picks up. "JongHyun?" I call loudly into the phone. "JongHyun, wake up! I want to talk to you." I blush at how flirty I sound. Great! How many boys are listening again?

Someone stirs. I think I hear something like a hand slap the floor, too. "Shh!" Ren scolds in the distance. "Hhn . . . " someone groans. It sounds a lot like JR's voice when he's rapping: husky and rough.

"JongHyun," I coax softly, not sure if I really want to wake him anymore. But it's too late; JR is shifting around. Then he's scrambling and yelling in Korean. Aron, Ren, and BaekHo are laughing outright now and shouting happily. I'm highly aware of the phone being snatched away from someone's hand or the phone being in midair and falling rapidly. So far I think it's been landing on soft stuff. The movement's sounds make me dizzy for some reason, like I'm the one they're tossing around.

The yelling goes on for a handful of seconds before I'm curious about what's being said - especially since I'm sure that I'm constantly hearing my name followed by playfully mocking laughter chased with JR's angry tone.

"JongHyun! Hel-looo!" I practically yell. I'm still on speakerphone but no one hears me. "ARON!"

He's suddenly on the line. "Yah?" He's breathless. Whatever they're saying must be hilarious. For a second I'm a bit jealous that I don't know Korean and English like Aron. I push it aside. "Get me JR, hon."

"Right now?" He laugh-snorts. "He's getting his spiked gloves on to turn our pretty faces onto ground meat!" I roll my eyes. "Dude! Tell him -"

"Hey!" Aron exclaims. Ren is talking to me two seconds later. "I think you don't want to talk to JR," he says in weak English. "He's -" and then Ren spews off a string of Korean words. I've had enough.

"SOMEONE PUT JR ON THE PHONE, NOW!!!" Awesome. Now I'm agitated. I get up, put on my shorts, and go inside the house to the kitchen. I'm drinking an orange Crush soda when JR - and JR alone - is on the phone with me. It's seems like he's panting. "Starr?" he asks breathless.

"JR?" I'm suddenly timid. "Um, hi. I'm sorry about that. I didn't know what they were planning; I hadn't meant to wake you up."

"Ah, no!" he reassures me quickly. "I'm fine. I'm scared to know what they told you." I hop onto the counter and watch my party through the open sliding doors. "I think you're going to hear MinHyun yelling soon." I kick off my flip-flops. JR sounds confused. "Why?"

"They're going to play the same trick on the poor boy."

"They didn't say anything else? BaekHo didn't tell you -" He stops. "Um, well, is that all you heard from my friends?"


He breathes out. "Okay. Good." There's a neutral pause. I wonder what he has to hide, I think. "So . . . " JR clears his throat. "What are you doing today?" I laugh. "Well, this wasn't exactly planned, but I have a house full of girlfriends because my best friend returned from Korea after four years and I decided to throw her a party." Even saying it again now amazes me. Four Freaking Years!

JR is interested. "Really? What's her name?"

"Amber Steele."

I think JR falls off his bed.

"Amber Steele?! The six of us were trainees together!" . . . I'm sure I misheard him. I launch myself off the counter and am leaning over the deck screaming,"AMBER, GET YOUR BIG UP HERE!!" At the same time I hear JR calling out NU'EST. "Amber and I were close," JR says to me now. "We were partners most of the time for practices, routines, and even duets. We were in every music video together, too."

"Uh-huh," I mutter. I'm glaring at Amber as she obliviously sashays up the steps. "How interesting. I'm fascinated," I tell JR with fake-cheer. Amber, my evil side is hissing, whatever cozy relationship you had with JR will end now.

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C-RA1997 #1
(especially JR XD) I am looking forward to the return of NUEST and the finding of Starr's sister. You aren't taking requests are you? I'd love to have a story about me and JR. But idk if that's possible. Any-hoot! Your awesome-end of story! Looking forward to more! ;)
C-RA1997 #2
I am a new member to this website my bias is JR. I was looking for a fun, romantic and cute fanfic of him, when I stumbled across your page. It is amazing and I absolutely love it so much I can't wait to hear the rest. Please please update soon!! I love the feeling and emotion you give the characters. I feel as if I'm actually friends with NU'EST. (especially JR
Chapter 43: unnie...andwae? please update this :D
WAE. WAE. -sobs-
Sasaengs. They're everywheeeeer. ;a;
I hope NU'EST is okay though, even with the typhoon and stoof. Hwaiting!
I hope all the idols in Korea are okay...LOL OTL And the normal people too.
Why don't they just go to the police, call that number, track down velvet's phone, and QUESTION THE SHIZ OUTTA HER?!?
Srri, I've been watching too many crime shows....
Chapter 41: omgomgomgognsjbcejs. Just blow me away woth your writing why don't you. .x. Making my day and all.
IwishIcoulshelpthemfightVelvet. She so ebhil.