chapter 8: (III of III)

Falling for the same one


She sniffled and asked, "who . . who are you?"


"my name is Kiseop and I'm hyukjae's twin brother."

"WHAT? t-twin b-brother?" her eyes grew wider then before. Then suddenly the lights turned off and the ferris wheel stopped. They were now at the very top of the ride.


She hugged her knees and put her head down. He sat there and looked at her, feeling so stupid of what he had done.

"you promised me you wouldn't get mad."

". . . . . . ."

He got up and sat next to her. He put his hand on her shoulder but she quickly shook it off and moved to the door of the booth. She looked out and all the lights where also out.

"please talk to me. You can't stay mad at me . . I mean us forever."

"everybody is gone." she whispered completely ignoring him.

He got up and saw the whole place shut down. No lights. No people. Only emptiness.

"does that mean we're stuck up here forever?" he panicked.

She took out her phone but no signal. He looked at his phone but it's dead.

"now I'm stuck with the liar."

"oh so that's what I'm called now. Tsk. I can't believe I'm here with you."

She suddenly looked at him and stood up, "YOUR the one that invited ME to come along with YOU!!" she poked his chest.

"then that means I made a big MISTAKE."

"I'm suppose to be the one that's mad at you. Not the other way around!!"

"oh cry me a river. Just because your mad at me, that doesn't mean I shouldn't get mad also."

They stopped talking and just stared at each other for a second. Then they grabbed each other and attacked each others lips. Hyoyeon was lightly pushed against the window by Kiseop and they kissed like there's no tomorrow. They stopped and pulled a part while standing there awkwardly.


"where's hyoyeon?" the man asked as he went over to the Lee's house.

"She's . . She's at jessica's, sir." he lied.

"ok I'll just call Jessica and see if she's ok."

"you do that. Goodnight sir."

They bid goodbye and eunhyuk quickly ran upstairs to call donghae.


"call Jessica and ask if hyoyeon is there. Her dad is looking for her."


"why can't you do it?"

"I don't have jessica's number and your obviously her boyfriend, so hurry up."

"araso araso. I'll call her but just so you know-"


"ok gosh."


"oh Junyoung, how nice of you to call. How are you today?" the lady asked from the other line.

"I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking. I'm calling for hyoyeon. Can you put her on?" Junyoung asked.

"oh actually-"


"-umma~ I got this, you can hang up now!" her daughter yelled from the background.

"well it looks like Jessica wants to talk to you, so I guess I'll hang up now. It's good to hear from you again Junyoung." With that she hung up and Jessica picked up the phone.

"Mr. Kim, hyoyeon is in the shower right now. Do you want me to tell her to call you back?"

"oh no need to. I'm just wondering if she's there. I'll just call in the morning."

"ok sir, goodnight Mr. Kim."

"ne, you to Jessica."

They hung up and Jessica let out a huff.

"they so owe me." she said to herself.


"dude he's not picking up?" the boy with blonde hair said.

"maybe his phone is dead." the maknae answered.


"I wonder what's happening to them? Should we call the police?" the brown haired boy said.

"I don't know but we should try to get them out of there."

"try calling again Eli. Try hyoyeon's number." Soohyun said.

"hyung that's a problem. I don't have her number." he answered.

"let's just find the keys to the stupid gate and get them out of the ferris wheel." Kevin said.

They walked to the main office which was at the back and secretly went in there.


Hyoyeon tried to find some signal while Kiseop watched her go back and forth.

"just give up. There's no signal." he finally spoke.

"but we have to- omg I have signal!" she yelled happily.

"call the police."

"no~ I'll just call my father." she said sarcastically.

She dialed the number and after hearing two rings, they finally picked up.


"Yeoboseyo, my name is hyoyeon and I'm stuck in a ferris wheel with my friend."


"and we obviously need help- hello . . hello are you still there?"

"I'm . . . Miss . . Losing . ." Beep~

They lost connection with each other.

"dang it!! We almost had it." she angrily said.

"I guess that means we're stuck in here."

"no really Sherlock."


An hour had passed now and their still up there, not knowing that U-Kiss was there to the rescue. Hyoyeon felt her eye lids get heavier and heavier. She suddenly fell asleep. Kiseop went over to her and let her sleep on his lap, so she could feel more comfortable. Then Kiseop drifted off to sleep in a sitting position.



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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 5: I really enjoy reading this story! :D
i can't believe both of them will fall for her...well great story...
Nice story :)
Pecan you make a hyoyeon and Kevin woo story!
I love kishyo now Soo cute make more kishyo plz plz
Raina-ssi #7
LIKE LIKE!<3 Hyoyeon yay!(:
Update plz kishyo
turquoise_star8 #9
I want that kind of story that the girl going to get hurt. And the boy will save the girl ... #just saying

Update I like kiseop for. Hyoyeon