I really love you

My Angel

You couldn't sit quietly. You cried and cried. You remembered the day that your grandma died. You didn't want the same thing to happen to Jongup. Himchan and Miyoung sat beside you comforting you. Bang Yong Guk kept quiet. he looked really worried. Zelo looked like he was going to cry. While daehyun and Youngjae went to but some drinks. It took almost an hour until the doctor came out. All of you stood up. 

" He is going to be fine. He just have some injuries on his head but it'll heal soon. let him rest." The doctor said and all of you nodded. 

"Miyoung, you should bring _____, home" Yongguk told Miyoung

"No, I want to stay here." you hesitated. "I want to take care of him" 

Yongguk just nodded. Youngjae handed you a drink. They left you alone except for Youngjae

" He really felt sorry, you know" Youngjae said. " He really likes you. He have many reasons for not telling you" You stared at Jongup. He look so weak. Wires were all over his body. he had an oxygen tube in his nose.

"Well, i got to go now. Miyoung needs to go home. Is it okay to stay here? We'll take turns." Youngjae asked

"It's okay. I just want to be with him alone" You replied. Youngjae nodded and went out of the ward.

You held Jongup's cold hand.

"Montos-ah~" you called to him. but no reponse.

" Moontos, I'm sorry for being angry at you. I'm really sorry. I just felt hurt.." You continued.

"Can you just wake up? I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss your jokes. I miss everything about you.." You stared at his face. his eyes were still closed.

"Jongup, my feelings towards you have never changed. even though you were so mean to me. i still love you.." it was still silence.

"i just wish you would wake up" You stared at his face again and without you realizing you dozed off


Someone nugded you. It was zelo. He smiled.

"Hyung still haven't woke up?" he asked you. You shooked your head and frowned. Zelo pulled a chair and sat next to you.

"You must be _____ that hyung always talk about" he said. You looked at him.

" He says that you are his angel. I think he is just being cheesy or something. But you're the only person he never stops talking about. except for his mum of course." You looked at jongup's unconsious face. "Don't worry. Hyung is strong." he comforted you.

You nodded and smiled. but why does he look so weak now? 


The other B.A.P members took turns looking after jongup. But you stayed there. You didn't want to leave. You had to be in front of him when he wakes up. A day almost past but jongup is still unconcious. You felt anxious. Is he going to be alright? Yongguk went to see the doctor. When he came back he face looked worried.

" oppa, is jongup going to be alright?" you asked him. He nodded slowly and smiled. You knew he was trying to reassure you. But you felt like he was hiding something. *Is jongup gong to die? No. Think positive* you snapped at yourself.

" don't worry, ______-ah, i'm sure he'll wake up soon." miyoung comforted you. She hugged you and you started to cry in her arms. The other guys just stared. They didn't know what to do.

That night. You brushed your teeth and sat beside jongup's bed. You closed your eyes and wished that jongup would open his eyes when you opened yours. It was useless. His eyes were still closed. You stared at him for a long time. Then your eyes felt heavy and you fell asleep.


Jongup's POV

I felt a hand on my hand. I could hear someone crying and calling for me. A voice. A sweet warmful voice. Is it ______? Why is she crying. And why can't i move my hands. She can't cry. I have to wipe those tears. She told me she loves me and her feelings never changed. I want to hug her and say i love her too but i can't move my body. So i smiled secretly. After a few hours i could feel my hand working. I can move my hands. But something heavy was on it. It was _____'s head. How can a small head like hers feel so heavy? I moved my hands slowly and tried to open my eyes. I was in a dark room. I turned my head. I saw her beautiful sleeping face. She looks like an angel. I stared at her for quite a long time. Then i carressed her cheeks, it felt so soft and smooth. I didn't want to wake her up. But then her eyes started to open. I startled and closed my eyes. But i heard her laughed." yah, moontos" she nugded me. I opened my eyes and smiled. I guess she saw me.


You were dreaming about you and jongup. Both of you running around at the park. It was the time when you were still a kid. You fell and cried, then he tried piggy-back you home even though you were heavy. But he wasn't strong enough. He put you down and looked at your injured knee. He blew on it and kissed it. He told you so that our knee would feel better. You smiled and hugged him. Then you felt a hand on your cheeks. *Am i still dreaming?* you asked yourself. You opened your eyes and saw jongup's startled face. He shut his eyes pretending to be sleeping but you caught him.

"yah! Moontos" you nudged him. You laughed and he opened his eyes smiling. You felt happy to see his smily face again. You blushed as he kept staring at you. You looked away.

"umm, would you like a drink?" you asked him. Without waiting for an answer you took a glass of water and handed it to him. He held your hands as you handed the water. You pulled your hand and looked away again. He drank the water and put it on the table beside him. You were about to get up. When he grabbed your hands with his hand. He pulled you close to him.

"saranghae _______-ah" he whispered as he stared deeply into your eyes. You could feel your heart beat faster every second.

" me too.." you replied looking straight into his eyes. You felt he pulled you closer to his face. You could feel his breath in front of you. Your lips touched his. It was a passionate kiss. It was the very first time you kissed him perfectly. It felt like hours your lips touch his.

You didn't realized two guys were entering the room. "ahem" you heard a husky voice. Both of you parted away and smiled sheepishly at yongguk and himchan.

"hi, hyung" he waved to his hyungs. "i told you we shouldn't have come here now. We're disturbing their love life" yongguk whispered to himchan but somehow it managed to reach your ears. You blushed and stared at the floor.

" well, i just wanted to see how my jonguppie is doing. But somehow _____ here wants him to herself" himchan joked.

"hyung, i just woke up" jongup explained when he saw your red face.

" you should go and take a rest now since our moontos here is awake" yongguk told you gently.

" you didn't rest?" jongup asked you. Before you could answer

" she was here all day and night. She didn't want to leave you. she even told me to leave" himchan complained.

Jongup ignored himchan and stared at you. Then he smiled. *moontos, can you stop smiling so handsomely. My heart feels like it's going to explode.* you said to yourself but managed to smile back at him. Then he smiled even more at you. You blushed.

" seems like the smiling game has to stop here" yongguk interupted you two again. You grinned and nodded.

"it's okay noona, we'll take good care of him." zelo popped out suddenly. You looked at jongup. He nodded to you.

" alright then. See you guys later" you waved at them.

"bye ____-ah" yongguk, himchan and zelo called out to you.

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I'm really having a hard time to think about the ending. can u give me some ideas? leave it on comments >.


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Chapter 26: kyaa!! i could just read this fic again and again!! i never get bored of it...this was my 1st fic i've ever read,and you're the reason why i'm so into fics,thank you so much author-nim!!:)
LOVE LOVE LOVEEE this fic,sho cute,but a few chaps maked my cry :'( , but the best as always!! keep it up!

- EXOtic357
Chapter 26: cute story :)
Goldie #4
Chapter 26: Hehehehehe cute!
NoiMivy #5
LOL. I actually panicked when I saw my name, but then I realized it's probably like that for everyone who reads it. Awesome!
What's even more creepy is the description of the person. It's actually scary similar to how I am irl.
Chapter 26: omg!!! that was just so cute and fluffy and adorable :)
Chapter 26: I love the ending! >.<
Chapter 7: awww Sungjae is actually really nice! ^^
Chapter 26: Nice story :)
Chapter 10: Ok ... I cried when a read the letter x)