Only now I realize: I love you

My Angel

Dear Moontos,

Wassup man!

It's been awhile since we talked. I know you may be angry with me. and still angry with me but I just want to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your relationship with Soyeon. I know whatever I say you won't believe me. even though it's the truth. Okay. my confession. I do feel jealous seeing both of you together. she has been getting on my nerve since the first day she came. especially when i had to move at the back. away from you. and moontos, since that day, we rarely hang out. we rarely talked to each other. we just saw each other at dance practice. whenever we have a chance, you talk about Soyeon. You never really ask how i was doing. how is halmoeni. how's my day like you always do. kyaaa~ i feel like writing an essay right now. kekeke. you know i hate it. back to what i want to talk about. you must be skipping some of what i'm writing. you're always bored reading. lol. i'll stop. 

As i was saying, I have to move. Yup. To the states. with omma and appa. i love them but i prefer living in Korea. you know i hate it right. but i guess i have to go. Halmeoni died. yes. I didn't even know her heart was weak. how could I? and Moontos, she always asked about you. Asking why you never come to visit her like you always do. i guess she misses you too. 

Jongup, i want to make another confession, from the day you saved me from the bullies, you have been my superman. yeah yeah, i know it sounds silly. but you always protect me and your smile makes me happy. MoonJongUp, i really love you. not just as a bestfriend but more. i hope you know what i mean. I have loved you since the day I met you. I guess it's just a one-sided love. i'm getting cheesy here. kekeke. 

Yah! Moontos! Wake up. i know you fell asleep reading my long letter. get back to those words you missed. 

i love you Moon Jong Up. and I wish I could be your Angel.

Lots of Love,


p.s please take care of baby (bunny plushie)

Jongup couldn't believe what he just read. Your grandma died? You're moving to states? and the worse thing is You love him

*Why am i so stupid! Why didn't i realize her feelings. and why do i feel like i miss her already. wait, when's her flight. I got to go after her. I have to stop her. she can live with me here.*Jongup said to himself

Jongup wore his sweatshirt and snowcap and ran off to the airport. Yes, he ran. 

*______-ah, please wait for me* he keep repeating in his head while running


At the Airport.

"Omma, i need to go to the toilet for awhile" You said to your mother

" Alright honey, be quick okay. Our flight is in an hour" your mother replied. you nodded and walked towards the toilet.

In the toilet. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

You were wearing a cap. Your hair in a ponytail. You wore loose t-shirts and man's short. and a snicker. You remembered what you promised to your grandma.

"Promise me to be a boy's dream girl" You just grinned.

*Can I really be that? Halmeoni, you hope too much. Well, I could at least try. I need to change and start anew.*

"FIGHTING!!" you shouted. people looked at you weirdly. You took off your cap. pulled your long hair down and wore  lip gloss.

*wow, i do look like a girl.* then you changed your clothes into a sweater, t-shirt inside and skirt. *haha, i can't believe i'm doing this* Then you walked out proudly.


Jongup arrived at the airport and was out of breath. he rested for awhile. then continue to search you in the airport. He searched everywhere but there was too many people and the airport is huge.

"Yah! ________-ah, where are you" he shouted hoping for you to hear. he called your name still searching for you.

"_______-ah!" he shouted again ignoring people's stare. he saw a girl turned as he called your name.

"_____-ah?" he said. running after the girl that looked like you. he searched to the crowd. but the girl was no where to be found. He saw the girl going up an elevator and screamed. " ______-ah! I love you!"


You heard someone calling your name as you walked out of the toliet. You turned around. It was Jongup. *Oh, God. what is he doing here. He can't see me* You quickly ran up the elevator into the passenger's lounge.

But then you heard someone screamed "________-ah! I love You"

Tears streamed down your face, *Moontos, you're too late.* 


Jongup's POV

It's been a week since ______ moved. I was sure that the girl I saw at the airport was her.I still couldn't accept the fact she left me. I walked to my room and look at the things she gave back to me. i found a nursery rhyme CD, a water gun and my long lost blanket. so all of this was with her all along? I laughed. _____-ah, i don't even mind you keeping it. but then I found something. Bunny plushie? Is it mine? I don't think I have this before. and it's pink. wait. in her letter she said take care of baby. is this baby? I tried to recall when i gave this to her. it wasn't long ago. it was when i went to the arcade with her. That time she fell on me. Our lips touched. But she stood up and blushed. and my heart skipped a beat. ahh, i didn't realize how cute she was that time. it was awkward for awhile then I pulled her hair trying to make the situation back to normal. Maybe I have liked her before that? I never realized it. I tried to make her feel better by winning a plushie from the machine. I used 50 tokens for that. but i didn't mind. I just want her to be happy. I remember her face when she recieve the bunny. she said i love you to it. she sure is a funny fellar. suddenly, i felt tears running down my face. asihh. am i crying? yah, moonjongup never cries. but these tears won't stop. Do i really miss her. Do i love her? 

I regret that i was angry at her. she just didn't want me to get hurt. but i hurt her instead. yup, soyeon was a cheater. i broke up with her last week. caught her red-handed. she was kissing our sunbae. I didn't feel hurt but i feeled betrayed. me and sungjae? well, we're bestfriends again. i guess i can't get angry at our childhood past. he has changed too. we fight with other guys everyday. You could consider us as kingkas and life saver? haha. He told me everything about _____, feelings towards me. i didn't even notice that time. I didn't notice i hurt her. But things has past. I just hope someday I could repay back all the sadness and pain she felt. 

"Yah, Jonguppie!" a ball hit my head. "daydreaming again?" Jay threw a ball at me.

"Yah!" i shouted back.

"I think _____'s body is inside him. that's why" Sungjae said.  i smirked and the other laughed at me. 

I took the ball and concentrated on the game.

My dream now is to become a dancer and meet my angel again. Someday 

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I'm really having a hard time to think about the ending. can u give me some ideas? leave it on comments >.


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Chapter 26: kyaa!! i could just read this fic again and again!! i never get bored of it...this was my 1st fic i've ever read,and you're the reason why i'm so into fics,thank you so much author-nim!!:)
LOVE LOVE LOVEEE this fic,sho cute,but a few chaps maked my cry :'( , but the best as always!! keep it up!

- EXOtic357
Chapter 26: cute story :)
Goldie #4
Chapter 26: Hehehehehe cute!
NoiMivy #5
LOL. I actually panicked when I saw my name, but then I realized it's probably like that for everyone who reads it. Awesome!
What's even more creepy is the description of the person. It's actually scary similar to how I am irl.
Chapter 26: omg!!! that was just so cute and fluffy and adorable :)
Chapter 26: I love the ending! >.<
Chapter 7: awww Sungjae is actually really nice! ^^
Chapter 26: Nice story :)
Chapter 10: Ok ... I cried when a read the letter x)