He's my ex!

Love in Different Languages

"Ella?" Chun said, waving his hands right in front of Ella's face, distracting her from her thoughts.

"Chun, he's my ex." Ella confessed.

"How?" Chun asked, looking all shocked.

"Chun, don't ever let him get near me, okay?" Ella pleaded, ignoring Chun's question.

"Whatever the reason is, I'll promise you that he'll never get near you." Chun replied, forehead to forehead with Ella, while cupping her cheeks.

"Promise me, okay?" Ella asked again and just to confirm, she asked him to do a pinky promise.

"I promise!" Chun replied, accepting the pinky promise and right after, held Ella's head to kiss her forehead.

"Anyway, too much of that dumb assed Josh." Chun said, turning to Ella. "I think we should go straight to your house for you to change." Chun added and sweetly smiled at Ella.

(AN*: Just a note...
A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD - means you are to protect her/him.
KISSES ON THE LIPS - is intimate, meaning they love each other, more than friends.
KISSES ON THE CHEEKS - it's like 'we're friends'.
A KISS ON THE NOSE - is somewhat playful. usually when someone plays around.
A KISS ON THE HAND - means you adore the person
&& ETC, there are a lot more.
Just wanted to add...for I'm really bored and also to keep the suspense, hehe)


"Hey, Danson! In here." Jiro yelled, as soon as Josh aka the fake Danson walked out from the building.

"Why'd you change your shirt?" Arron asked. "I thought you were just to get the gift?" Arron continued.

"Yeah. The color combination of our shirts really matched!" Calvin said. They didn't mind the pants, because all jeans and pants naturally look the same in a way.

"I ran and perspired a lot, so I changed my shirt." Josh said, immitating Danson's voice. He changed his shirt to something bulky, so even though they looked at him, they would think that it really was Danson, because, well, I think Josh has a big body!? Which he really had.

(AN*: Hey, guys... If I disappointed you in any way, don't hesitate to help and ask some questions regarding this story.)

"Anyway, never mind." Jiro said and turned to the cab driver who was right beside him, for he is sitting on the passenger's seat again. "Can you bring us to the 'Promenade'?"

"Okay." The cab driver replied and drove off.


"What do you want me to wear?" Ella asked Chun, opening her cabinet.

"A dress." Chun requested.

"What!? Again?" Ella asked, crossing her arms, completely disappointed.

"It's your day today, honey." Chun said, looking at the cabinet. "So, you should at least wear something formal." Chun added, completely hiding the suspicion that he has a surprise for her.

"What for?" Ella asked, who now didn't mind if Chun called her honey. "As if you're going to surprise me with something I want for today. A date, at least..." Ella thought and sighed.

"Just do it!" Chun said, turning the opposite direction.

"Fine!" Ella said, surrendering.

"If only I don't love you... I really don't know why I fell in love with a dress freak!" Ella thought and smiled, pulling a dress hanged from her cabinet.

"How about this?" Ella said, catching Chun's attention who was now looking at the dress she was holding.

"Better." Chun said. "It kind of looks familiar!?" Chun said, voicing out his thoughts.

"Of course, it would." Ella replied.

"Why?" Chun asked.

"What a fool." Ella said. "This dress is from your company!"

"Really?" Chun asked.

"Yeah!?" Ella said, rolling her eyes. "It's so cute." Ella said, looking at the purple ruffled tube dress, which is is she wore just now, is an inch below her knees.

"Wear that with this." Chun said, handing Ella his jacket.

"Fine." Ella replied and accepted his jacket and went to the bathroom to change and left the jacket on her bed for a while.


"Genie!" Hebe jumped out in joy.

"We thought you'll never come." Selina added.

"Chun might have killed us if you didn't come." Hebe said. "And you still got your parts in helping out." Hebe continued, pointing out to the unfinished corner in the venue.

"Okay, okay." Genie said, feeling a bit happier to see her friends.


"When the time comes, you all will know that I betrayed Ella." Genie thought, walking over to the unfinished corner that she's about to finish decorating, still not noticing her beeping phone. "I'll try my best to keep Ella away from Josh." Genie continued. "For I'm really having second thoughts about this."


"Hey, Genie! Where are you?" Hebe asked, distracting her from her thoughts. "Your phone's ringing for quite a couple of times!"

"Oh, sorry." Genie said and got her cellphone. When she saw that Josh was the one calling, she hesitated to answer it and looked around her surroundings if ever someone's getting suspicious on her and decided to answer it anyway.

"What do you want?" Genie asked, almost yelling.

"We're about to arrive." Josh said, immitating Danson's voice.

"Josh?" Genie asked, noticing that it wasn't Josh's voice and to her disappointment, he hang up on her.


"Who were you talking to just now?" Jiro asked Josh, turning to them who were at the back of the cab.

"Chun." Danson replied. They didn't wonder about what cellphone he was using, because they three, Arron, Jiro and Calvin were preoccupied with their own thoughts. They just happened to snap out of it as soon as Josh hang the phone up.

"When did you even get his number?" Jiro asked Josh, suspiciously.

"I just got it from him a couple of days ago." Josh replied.

"Oh." Was all Jiro could say, while he shook of all the thoughts that this Josh aka fake Danson isn't really Danson.

(AN*: If you don't get it... Practically, Jiro was being suspicious about Josh and thought that he isn't Danson, but then he just shook off his thoughts that Josh isn't Danson. Get it!? For I'm quite confused myself too, haha)


Just then, after a couple of minutes, a group of four people arrived and entered the venue with different stuff they were holding with their hands...

"Who are they?" Hebe asked Selina who was quite stunned with the way a particular guy from the group looks.

"Must be... the Teddy Bear guys." Selina thought. "Well, except for that guy who's holding a box." Selina thought again, giggling even before she could reply to Hebe's question. "I don't know." Selina replied. "But I'm sure they're Ella's friends." Selina continued, walking towards the group.

"Hi." Selina greeted them. "Do we happen to know you four?" Selina asked.

"Perhaps, no." Arron replied. "Not yet."

"Anyway, if you haven't met us just yet, then we'll introduce ourselves to you." Calvin said and smiled at Selina who was staring at him. "Uhm, miss?" Calvin asked Selina who was spacing out.

"Oh, sorry." Selina replied, back to her senses.

"She looks decent." Jiro thought. "Such an angelic face." Jiro continued. "Oh my God, is this love at first sight?" Jiro asked himself.

"By the way, I'm Jiro." Jiro introduced himself and shook hands with Selina.

"I'm Calvin." Calvin said, shaking hands with Selina.

"I'm Arron." Arron said and shaked his hands with Selina.

"And he's Danson and we're Ella's friends." The three chorused, excluding Josh who just gave them a glare and closed his eyes. By the way Josh acts, it seems like he really knows Danson, but then he's still not that perfect actor though.

"It's nice to meet you all." Selina said and bowed. "By the way, this is my friend, Hebe." Selina added, pulling Hebe to her side, while Hebe waved her hands in front of them for a friendly greeting.

"Hi." Hebe said, smiling at the four of them. "And bye, I have a lot more things to do." Hebe continued and walked off.

"Gosh, I thought she was nice." Arron thought. "Not until she said... bye, I have a lot more things to do." Arron continued, trying to mimmick Hebe's voice through his mind, while weird facial expressions formed his face.

"Hey, Arron." Jiro said. "Are you okay?" Jiro asked.

"Yeah, completely fine." Arron replied, sounding a bit dark-toned, like he was upset or something of that sort.

"Selina, who just arrived?" Genie yelled, asking Selina.

"Four handsome guys." Selina replied. "Ella's friends!"

"Ella's friends!?" Genie thought and asked herself. "Must be Calvin, Danson, Jiro and Arron!" Genie thought again, remembering all the past stories Ella used to tell her about.


Know what!? Just a sneak peak of what's going to happen next...
Genie would regret that she's done the plan with Josh,
but then the plan didn't really work out.
It's outcome was that, only Josh was the one who did it,
so it turns out that Genie didn't do anything, yey! \:D/

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Visiting old fics!
@jjinbbangbbang, I guess so. :))) This, after all, is my first shot in making an ff. :))) Thanks for the comment! :)

@luckypyo, I hope you did read it. :)))
jjinbbangbbang #3
Ah~ like story but maybe too many minor character?
luckypyo #4
oooh!!! i'm interested..!