Chapter 8

A Song Calling For You One More Time

Soo Min woke once she saw the sun shining through the window. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Soo Min looked around and noticed Suhyun was still sleeping, but where was Mingie all she remembered that she said she was going to play with Dongho last night. Soo Min changed her clothes to shorts, tank top, sweatshirt, and sneakers. She wanted to go for a jog.

Soo Min grabbed her iPod that was by her pillow and headed down stairs. She didn’t want to wake anyone that was when she saw Ki Ming and Dongho asleep on the couch. She wondered why she didn’t notice that last night. Soo Min headed down the path of the villa and went down to the beach. She put her iPod in her ears and hit play. She started to run down the beach.

Kyu Jong woke up moments later. He was sharing a room with Young Saeng and Hyun Joong. He got up and headed out of the room. They were not going to noticed he was gone since both Young Saeng and Hyun Joong were the heaviest sleeper in SS501. Kyu Jong headed down the stairs and went outside for fresh air.

Soo Min was still running and was at the other side of the beach by another villa. She stopped jogging and pulled turned her iPod off. She wanted to take a short break before she was going to head back to the villa she was staying at. She then noticed a cute dog on the beach that came over to her. Soo Min kneeled down and started to play with it, but stopped when she heard a creepy familiar voice.

“Ahh the cutie from last night, so you’re staying near here. Seems like my dog likes you as much as I do.” He smirked and took a step towards her. “I’m glad I went on a walk this morning from my hotel that is down the beach that way.” He pointed and took another step towards her.

Soo Min gripped some sand in her hand before standing up. He was to close now. Soo Min threw the sand in his eyes and ran back in the direction she came from. She crashed into someone, knocking whoever it was over, and landing on top of whoever it was.

Soo Min lifted her head slightly to get a good look at the person she knocked over. Her eyes were lost in his. She didn’t even realize that she was only inches from his face until he called out her name in his sweet voice.

“Soo Min are you alright. You’re not hurt or anything. Why were you running?” Kyu asked.

“Sunbae.” She quickly got up. Her checks turned a slight shade of pink. “I’m ok, I’m sorry I knocked to over. I was running to get a work out.” She lied.

“Soo Min are you still bothered about what happened last night.” Kyu asked her as he shook some of the wet sand out of his hair.

How did he always know what she was thinking? “That and…”

“Did something happen when you went on your jog this morning?” Kyu asked her as he stood up and grabbed her hands and pulled her back up to her feet.

“I kind of ran into that person from last night. After I threw sand in his eyes I ran as fast as I could to get back here.” She looked at him. “Ok I’m hungry, lets go up to the villa.” She started to walk up to the villa and she felt Kyu Jong’s hand on her shoulder. She looked at him and noticed the worried look on his face.

“He didn’t hurt you did he.” Kyu asked.

“Hurt me, no. He scared me.” Soo Min looked at him and grabbed onto his arm. “Let’s go back to the villa. We need to eat something before we explore the island today.”

Kyu let her drag him up to the villa. He was still worried about her. He doesn’t like seeing her hurt and she was on the verge of getting hurt again. When they arrived it seemed like everyone was still sleeping. Kyu Jong and Soo Min headed into the kitchen and started cooking together.

Kevin, Xander, Min Su, and Suhyun came down stairs a few moments later and said at the same time. “Wow it smells so good down here. What are you guys cooking?”

Xander and Kevin got distracted when they noticed the two Maknae’s asleep together on the couch. Xander pulled out his phone and took a picture of this moment that they probably were never going to see again.

A few hours have passed trying to wake everyone up. Getting hair pulled by Jung Min and getting hit by a few pillows. Everyone was now ready to spend the day out on the Island since they only had two more days to explore the island before heading back to idol life in Korea. They were ready to have fun in the sun.

Authors notes: It's a short chapter. It will be the last appearence of the creeper. I just wanted to use him for one purpose. Hehehe. I'm thinking about 1 to 2 more chapters in Hawaii and then Its back to idol life and more drama. I hope you enjoy it 

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 36: Hmm nice story I'm also so confused between kyu and bum cuz they r my bias to but for me I choose my sweet kyuie
bubblegirl12 #2
Chapter 36: nice! jfdksal; i lreally like it!
I know! But at the timw my heart could not do that to Kibum since it was during well you know since Kibum is Junnies brother
Awww cute story xcept for the last two chapter i changed it to Kyujongie in my mind xD i really like the fic but again yu should know who i really like from my user name lol sowiee <3
thanks for commenting
Dianasaur #6
SS501 is awesome LOL
don't worry Yuki and Shiawase i'm going to be writting side stories for this fic. I'm planning on it but right now I'm focusing on other stories please check them out
YukiMary #8
Awww I really love this story~~!! ^^ So it was Kibum who with her finally? Awwwwww >.< XDDD I really love this story!!! yaya~~ Well its end already. Haha but its really great!! Thanks for writing this!!! ^^~~~
awww thanks I have 6 other fan fics to work on lolz you should check them out