Chapter 35

A Song Calling For You One More Time
His face got close to hers and he looked in her eyes. He placed a hand on her cheek and pinched it. Kibum gave her famous eye smiles. He laughed at Soo Min antics cutely because she always did that to him.

Kibum kept his hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes. “You mean so much to me.” Kibum leaned in closer to Soo Min, “Don’t let anyone get you down since you are one amazing person.”

Soo Min looked at Kibum and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Kibummie you’re far to kind.” Soo Min smiled at him sweetly. “You really know how to make someone smile. Kibummie you’re warming up my heart that has been cold for a few months”

Kibum blushed at the kiss she gave him a kiss on his cheek, “Noona is such a sweetie. You have a pure heart, and that is what I like about you. I can see it in your eyes that you still love Kyu Jong Hyung.”

“I do not still love him. I locked those feelings away and I’m not going to return to them.” Soo Min stood up and picked up her things. She started to walk away and felt someone grab onto her arm. She looked back and saw Kibum with a worried look on his face.

“Yaa it’s not heathy to lock your feelings away like that. It will make you sick, and I don’t want to see that. You should let your feelings out rather then hiding them Soo Min,” Kibum looked at me. “There is a reason why Kyu Jong Hyung been acting that way. He is being blackmailed.” He blurted out.

“What do you mean by blackmail?” Soo Min looked at Kibum as he picked up Choco.

“I overheard him say it to your sleeping figure. I was watching from a distance. He still loves you or he wouldn’t have kissed you in your sleep. Hyung really loves and cares for you and is doing what he is doing to protect you Soo Min Noona.” Kibum placed a hand on my head, “He is the one you are ment to be with.” He turned around and started to walk away.

“How do you know all this?” Soo Min looked Kibum and grabbed onto his arm to stop him from walking away.

“I’m your guardian angel. I will always be there and always look out for my wonderful noona even if it means giving up my feelings for you. I will give them up so you can be with the person you are ment to be with.”

“YAA KIM KIBUM! I you like me that much then just kiss me” Soo Min yelled at him.

“Soo Min, I’m not going to kiss you. I do not like playing with people’s heart. Your heart is confused and I don’t want to hurt you even more then you already are.” Kibum looked at Soo Min with gental eyes. He could not believe she just said that to him.

“Kibum!” Soo Min looked at him “Don’t tell me how I feel right now. You don’t know how I feel.” Soo Min headed back to Icings dorm.

Soo Min had been avoiding Kibum for a week. Everytime she saw him at the company she went somewhere else. She did not want to speak to him. He should not have said what he said. Soo Min really cared about him. He was a special person to me. She works on composing songs alone now. Icing was having their Solo Collection comeback today. They were all going to perform their individual songs this week.

The five girls were getting ready in the dressing room at Music Core. They were going to perform Maknae to Leader.

Ki Ming went first. Her song was really cute and adorable she was dressed in a school uniform and sang about a school girl crush. Her song was called High School Love. Dongho was featured in the song. He did the rapping parts and kissed Ki Ming on the cheek during the performance. When their performance was over Ki Ming and Dongho the cute maknae couple walked into room holding hands.

Min Su was singing her song now. She sang Breaking on stage sitting on a chair. Her song was a ballet about a break up. She was in a pretty white dress to her knees. When she was done she smiled and blew a kiss to the audience.

Soo Young was dressed in black hoody and Jeans. She was singing a song featuring her wonderful boyfriend Alexander. Her song was called Wanting Your Love Tonight. Their performance went well. Suhyun was up and she sang a song called 1 2 3 It’s Love.

Soo Min was up. She was in jean shorts and a black jacket. Her song was called I want the Truth. Her image was a bit darker then her normal cheerful one. What shocked the audience is that she rapped in the song. Soo Min never rapped in songs. She was known for her sweet pure vocals.

The members of Iceing were back in their dressing room. They were leaving one by one. Soo Min was the only one left. She picked up a few things, and put them in her bag. She headed out the door when someone came rushing in. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her softly on the lips. When he pulled away Soo Min noticed who it was. It was…

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 36: Hmm nice story I'm also so confused between kyu and bum cuz they r my bias to but for me I choose my sweet kyuie
bubblegirl12 #2
Chapter 36: nice! jfdksal; i lreally like it!
I know! But at the timw my heart could not do that to Kibum since it was during well you know since Kibum is Junnies brother
Awww cute story xcept for the last two chapter i changed it to Kyujongie in my mind xD i really like the fic but again yu should know who i really like from my user name lol sowiee <3
thanks for commenting
Dianasaur #6
SS501 is awesome LOL
don't worry Yuki and Shiawase i'm going to be writting side stories for this fic. I'm planning on it but right now I'm focusing on other stories please check them out
YukiMary #8
Awww I really love this story~~!! ^^ So it was Kibum who with her finally? Awwwwww >.< XDDD I really love this story!!! yaya~~ Well its end already. Haha but its really great!! Thanks for writing this!!! ^^~~~
awww thanks I have 6 other fan fics to work on lolz you should check them out