Chapter 33

A Song Calling For You One More Time

“Kibummie I…” Soo Min just could not say those words to him. She could not tell the kind hearted Kibummie that she was secretly dating Kyu Jong, but saw him with Young Lee. She wanted to say it to him, but was having trouble saying how she feels. The words just would not come out of .

Kibum looked at Soo Min and pulled her closer to him. “You can tell me when you are less upset. Right now you should get some rest. Don’t worry noona, I will be here for you always. I’m not going to leave you like this.” He watched as Soo Min’s eyes closed slowly and wiped the tears that continued to fall. He could not stand seeing her like this.

The next morning came and Kevin who was dragged out of bed by Xander where heading to Soo Min’s room to check on her. They were wondering where Kibum was since he never returned to their room last night.

“Xander Hyung where are we going.” Kevin asked yawning.

“Kibummie never came back last night and I heard from my adorable Soo Young that Ki Ming crashed in her room last night because Soo Min did not open the door. I think Sunbae is upset about something. I’m worried about her since her emotions been all over the place lately. What a cute Maknae Icing has. She forgot her room key, but Soo Young found Ki Ming’s room key this morning on the floor of the room making wonder what happened. I wondered if he finally confessed to Soo Min Sunbae.” Xander pulled out the room key he got from Soo Young.

“I don’t think we should be doing this Hyung.” Kevin said with a tired, concerned look on his face. Kibum was always the responsible one.

“Kevin, I just want to know where he has been.” He pulled out the key that he got from Soo Young. Xander put the key in the door and it unlocked. He cracked it open peeking in. He saw Kibum and Soo Min asleep together on the same bed. Xander saw ice packs and aspirin on the bedside table. “Sweet Kibummie he took care of sunbae because she was injured.” He shut the door before Kevin got a look in. “Let’s go Kevin.” Xander grabbed onto his arm and dragged him along.

Kibum started to wake up. His eyes opened slowly and he looked down at Soo Min. He smiled at the sleeping girl. He started to hear her talk in her sleep.

Kyu Jong Sunbae…Young Lee that evil girl I hate her. Why did Kyu sunbae do that to me when we were dating secretly…Kibummie I’m heartbroken and want to get away again? I always seemed to get my heart broken.

Kibum sighed and got up. He wasn’t mad at Soo Min because she was already hurt enough, he was more frustrated with Kyu Jong for hurting her like this. He put the blanket over Soo Min and left the room. When he entered the hallway and saw Kyu Jong and his brother walking down the hallway towards him.

“Kibummie” Hyung Joon smiled. “What are you doing in Soo Min’s room?”

“She injured her ankle skiing yesterday, didn’t tell anyone about it, and she made it worse doing dance practice.” Kibum said coldly.

“You my brother,” Hyung Joon said in English, but switch back to Korean. “Why are you being so cold?”

“Soo Min’s hurt!” Kyu Jong headed towards the door and Kibum stopped him.

“She is sleeping right now and I don’t think she will be pleased to see you.” Kibum said in a cold voice.

“Yaa I can go in there if I want to.” Kyu Jong said.

“Well I’m not letting you because she is very unhappy with you right now.” Kibum said, “You and Young Lee who would have thought you would date the girl that hates your close friend Soo Min noona.”

“How would you know that?” Kyu Jong asked.

“She talks in her sleep. I heard a lot of things from her.” Kibum said.

Hyung Joon just watched the two go at it. His eyes widened when Kibum said that Kyu Jong and Young Lee were an item. “Yaa Kyu why would you do something like that?”

“I have my reasons why I am dating her. I do not have to tell you!” Kyu Jong said in a frustrated voice.

“YAAA” Soo Min opened the door. “How am I supposed to sleep?” She limped out the door. Kibum grabbed her arm to help her balance.

“You need to stay off your ankle.” Kibum said.

“I have to say something first. If you are happy with her then I’m ok with it just don’t call me anymore or see me. I need a break from our friendship. It might change or it might end.” She looked at him with ice cold, emotionless eyes. “Kibummie can you help me get to the restaurant so I can eat something. I don’t think I will be able to make it there on my own.”

“Sure, anything for you noona.” He put an arm around her and walked with her.

Kyu Jong watched her walk away with a sad look on his face. He was having thoughts about not having Soo Min in his life.

“Ya why did you do that to Soo Min. She seems so upset with you. Why are you dating Young Lee who is trying to ruin Soo Min’s idol carees.”

“I can’t tell you.” Kyu said as he saw Young Lee from the corner of his eyes.

Soo Min could not stand seeing Kyu Jong with Young Lee. She knew Kyu Jong would never do that, but after the argument she had with him. Things are different. Her ankle still slightly hurt even though it has been a week. She can walk on it, but she has to take things easy. She got a call from Nichkhun to meet him at a coffee shop. Soo Min arrived and waited outside, and felt hands cover her eyes.

"Soo Min shii how are you” Nichkhun said coming around to the front of her. “You look as cute as ever.”

“I could be better Nichkhun Shii.” I looked at him with sad eyes.

“Something happened didn’t did you confess to the person who stole your heart.” He put and arm around me. “Let me buy you something sweet and some coffee.” He walked shop, pulling out they chair for her and pushed her in. “Tell me everything.”

Authors Note: Another short chapter T_T I'm sorry about that! I think there will be about 2-7 more chapters. I haven't decided yet. I think it might be two plus an Epilogue. Oh yea last but not least I have a vote because I cannot decide...

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 36: Hmm nice story I'm also so confused between kyu and bum cuz they r my bias to but for me I choose my sweet kyuie
bubblegirl12 #2
Chapter 36: nice! jfdksal; i lreally like it!
I know! But at the timw my heart could not do that to Kibum since it was during well you know since Kibum is Junnies brother
Awww cute story xcept for the last two chapter i changed it to Kyujongie in my mind xD i really like the fic but again yu should know who i really like from my user name lol sowiee <3
thanks for commenting
Dianasaur #6
SS501 is awesome LOL
don't worry Yuki and Shiawase i'm going to be writting side stories for this fic. I'm planning on it but right now I'm focusing on other stories please check them out
YukiMary #8
Awww I really love this story~~!! ^^ So it was Kibum who with her finally? Awwwwww >.< XDDD I really love this story!!! yaya~~ Well its end already. Haha but its really great!! Thanks for writing this!!! ^^~~~
awww thanks I have 6 other fan fics to work on lolz you should check them out