Chapter 20

A Song Calling For You One More Time

Kyu Jong looked at Soo Min. She seemed really bothered to him. She didn’t have to tell him if she didn’t want to. He went over to her and hugged her. Something always seemed to be bothering her. She is the leader of Icing and that must be causing her a lot of stress. He doesn’t want her to end up in the hospital again. “Soo Min you can tell me what’s bothering you when you are ready? Whenever you need to talk to someone; I’m only a phone call away.”

 “That you Sunbae, your always here for my. I hope that never changes. I really should head back to Icing’s dorm. We’re going to be on a talk show tomorrow and we also have a performance on Music Core.”

“I’ll take you back to your dorm if you want me to.” Kyu looked at her.

 “I don’t want to inconvenience you Sunbae.”

 “Soo Min your no inconvenience at all. You my cute dongsaeng that I enjoy looking after. I’m taking you home because I want to.” He put an arm around her and led her out of the Kitchen. “Hyun Joong Hyung can I borrow your car.”

Hyun Joong tossed him the keys, “That car better come back in one piece.”

 “It will Hyung don’t worry.” Kyu Jong left with Soo Min.  He opened the car door for her and closed it once she got in. He drove her back to Icing’s dorm. He got out of the car and walked her to Icings dorm number.

 “Thanks for all you did Kyu Jong Sunbae. You really didn’t have to do that for us. I really appreciate it.” Soo Min leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks again sunbae.” Soo Min took out her key and opened the door. “Bye Sunbae.” She entered her dorm and closed it behind her.

Kyu Jong stood there for a moment and touched his cheek. He was thinking did she really just do that. He walked away and headed back to where the other members off SS501 were.

Icing was on the set of Chocolate. They were performing Fantasy and then having an interview about Suhyun as a new member many other questions that the host wants to know.

“Today I am here with Idol group Icing, with their sweet personalities. They are also well known in many Asian speaking countries as well as other countries around the world. They have a new member Shin Suhyun. She used to be a trainee under NH Media and made her debut with their new album A Sweet and Sour Romance. Suhyun Shii tell us a little about yourself.”

“Hello everyone! I’m Shin Suhyun and I been a trainee under NH Media for four years before being put into Icing. I’m so happy that I am able to perform with my childhood friend Soo Min . We decided to audition together. Since I became a trainee and she became the leader she felt bad about being a part of the group when I wasn’t. I’ve very proud of my childhood friend. She is the most caring person in the world. Everyone else gave me a warm welcome. They all looked out for me and treated me like I been in the group since the beginning”

“Wow you guys act like a family. You seem really close to each other and that is good to see. Ki Ming Shii you’re dating Dongho from U-Kiss how are things going with him.”

Ki Ming blushed and looked at the host. “Dongho is the sweatiest person in the world. He really cares for me and I have a lot of fun with him. We are the two maknae’s and we have our unni’s and hyung’s always looking out for us. We are like a big happy family over at NH media. We care and look out for each other.”

 “Soo Min Shii you busy busy girl. This year you have been in a drama, in a musical, and a CM with 2PM’s Nichkhun. Many girls must be jealous of you since you two shared an on screen kiss. How was it acting with Nichkhun Shii? Was there any sparks between you two?”

“It was fun acting and recording a song with Nichkhun shii. He is one of the nicest, caring person I know. He is like the brother I never had. He is a great friend and I’m happy to be friends with him.”

 “That is nice to hear. Icing has a special treat for us. They will be performing one more songs from their album. Enjoy.”

The music for Scorn Love started to play.

(Soo Min)

My heart can’t that this pain anymore

All you do is go behind my back         

And make me cry all night

(Ki Ming rap)

This love is not worth it

My love for you is Scorn

The pain is too much

You scorn my heart

(Min Su)

My tears fall

Because of you


This Scorn Love will no longer exist

Your cheating is over

My heart has to let you go

(Soo Young rap)

I can’t take it any more

This scorn love will pay

(Soo Min)

I wished it was a dream

But the person you were

 No longer exist

And will never return

He is gone forever

(Ki Ming’s rap)

I hate what you done to me

Tearing my heart in two

(Suhyun’s rap)

Is something that shouldn’t?

Have happened

You scorned my heart


This Scorn Love will no longer exist

Your cheating is over

My heart has to let you go

(Min Su)

This is no fairytale any more

You broke my heart

(Soo Min)

Breaking my heart

Didn’t seem like much to you


(Soo Min)

My heart is in two

My love scorn

I will not let this happen again

(Ki Ming)

You broke my heart for the last time

Not more tears will fall for you


We’re done

You sweet words don’t work anymore

(Soo Young)

These will be the last tears

I will cry for you

(Min Su)

My heart will not let this happen again

(Soo Min)

It’s my turn to take a stand

I’m going to end this with you

My scorn love with you is over

Now I can be the person

You never wanted me to be

Authors Note: I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for a late update. I wrote the song again. I Hope you like it. 

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 36: Hmm nice story I'm also so confused between kyu and bum cuz they r my bias to but for me I choose my sweet kyuie
bubblegirl12 #2
Chapter 36: nice! jfdksal; i lreally like it!
I know! But at the timw my heart could not do that to Kibum since it was during well you know since Kibum is Junnies brother
Awww cute story xcept for the last two chapter i changed it to Kyujongie in my mind xD i really like the fic but again yu should know who i really like from my user name lol sowiee <3
thanks for commenting
Dianasaur #6
SS501 is awesome LOL
don't worry Yuki and Shiawase i'm going to be writting side stories for this fic. I'm planning on it but right now I'm focusing on other stories please check them out
YukiMary #8
Awww I really love this story~~!! ^^ So it was Kibum who with her finally? Awwwwww >.< XDDD I really love this story!!! yaya~~ Well its end already. Haha but its really great!! Thanks for writing this!!! ^^~~~
awww thanks I have 6 other fan fics to work on lolz you should check them out