Chapter 2

A Song Calling For You One More Time

Soo Min sighed and put her sweat shirt hood up and went to go find Young Lee.  She didn’t want anything to happen to her.  Young Lee was making it hard to finding her. Soo Min continued to call her phone but there continued to be no answer.  The thoughts that were running through Soo Min’s mind weren’t positive. Suddenly, it started to rain buckets. Soo Min could not see where she was going. This did not stop her looking.  She continued to walk around the streets of Seoul; even though she was freezing cold she was going to find Young Lee.  She started to feel dizzy. She headed over to the dorms of the people she was close to besides band members. Soo Min knocked on the dorm door.

Kyu Jong heard the knock and headed over to the intercom computer screen and noticed who it was. He hurried to the door and opened in it. “Soo Min what are you…” She lost her balance.  Kyu caught her picked her up and carried her into SS501 dorm. “Hyung can you get a towel.”

“Kyu Jong oppa I’m fine.” She said weakly.

Kyu looked at her and he was shocked that she called him oppa instead of sunbae this made him smile.  Kyu placed her on the couch.

Young Saeng entered the room with a towel, “why do you need a towel Kyu.” He then noticed Soo Min and immediately went over to her and put the towel around her. “What happened why is Soo Min here.”

Soo Min started to tell her story. “I was trying to find Young Lee. She got into a fight with Ki Ming.  They were arguing about me being leader. I think Young Lee really hates me. I took care of it as leader and it made her even madder. I have to find her what if she is hurt or something.” She stood up but Kyu and Young Saeng pushed her back down onto the couch.

“You almost fainted do you think we’re going to allow to go out at this time of night and in this weather to go searching for Young Lee.” Kyu looked at her. He was very concerned and worried about Soo Min.  She looked very tired; she was shivering, and even looked pale. 

“Ya, a member of my group ran out and is missing. What would you do if someone in your group did this? She will not pick up her phone. I have been out for two hours trying to find her. Do you really expect me to sit here and not know if she is safe or not. My group members come before me.” She got up a fell to the floor.

Young Saeng looked at her and went down and helped her up. “Soo Min please, you need your rest. Your health comes first. Please stay and get warmed up.” He placed a hand on her forehead because he was worried she might have a fever.  “Soo Min you’re burning up.”

“Yaaa what’s with the…” Hyung Joon saw Soo Min and ran over to her. “Sooo Minnnn Shiii” he hugged her. “Why is such a beauty here in our dorm?” Someone grabbed on to his ear and pulled him off of Soo Min. It was Jung Min controlling his hyper child.

“Ya Joon you're being rude to our cute guest.” Jung Min said giving Soo Min a wink.

“Mal your being annoying. We never have such a cute pretty young lady in our dorm. It’s an honor to have Soo Min Shii here.”

Kyu looked at Jung Min and Hyung Joon bicker. “Soo Min we will help you look for her tomorrow. Right now you need to get warm and we need to get your fever down.   I don’t want your fever to get worse.” He pulled her up from where she was sitting and placed an arm around her and led her to the bathroom. He didn’t want her to collapse again “I will call your fellow band members to tell them you where you are. They are probably worried about you.” Kyu returned moments later with some of his clothes so she could where something warm. Moments later he pulled out his cell phone and called Soo Young.

“Hello, Kyu Jong Sunbae! Why are you calling?” Soo Young answered.

“Hi Soo Young I just wanted to let you know that Soo Min is at SS501’s dorm. She almost fainted from searching for Young Lee.  She will be spending the night here since the weather is terrible and we don’t want to send her out in this weather.  She told me about what was going on.  We will help you find Young Lee tomorrow.”

“Young Lee has already returned and she said she is dropping out of the group to go solo because she can’t stand Unni anymore.  She already told the company and is moving out tomorrow. Please don’t tell Soo Min Unni. She is already stressing out enough. Please take care of our Unni Kyu Jong Sunbae. She means a lot to us.” He heard Soo Young hang up.  Kyu just stared at the phone. What was going to happening to Icing with Young Lee leaving the group? What was going to happen to Soo Min.  She is already working herself to death. She comes up with some of the dances and the songs for the group.

Jung Min was walking down the hall and noticed Kyu Jong had his worried face. “Kyu is something wrong.”  

Kyu Jong looked at Jung Min and grabbed onto arm and pulled him into the room he shares with Young Saeng. He explained to him what happened with Soo Min’s group.

Jung Min wasn’t shocked. He looked at Kyu “That girl really seemed to hate her from the start. I remember when she debut.  I always got a bad vibe from Young Lee. She always gave Soo Min a glare that was really cold.”

Soo Min was listening at the door with her arms crossed. “Ya what happened with Young Lee you know something don’t you.”

Both boys turned and looked at her. Jung Min waved at Soo Min and quickly left the room leaving Kyu on his own to explain to Soo Min. “Soo Min ah well ummm.” Kyu was stuttering and getting nervous. “Well I called Soo Young and she told me well umm…”

Soo Min looked at Kyu “What what happened to Young Lee. Is she hurt, did something bad happen to her.”

“Soo Young told me she is dropping out of Icing.  She already told the managers and president of your company.” Kyu looked at her.

Tears started to stream down her eyes “It’s my fault. I caused her to quit the group. I wasn’t being a good leader. I’m always in dramas and involved in other things. What Kind of leader am I.”

Kyu Jong went over to her and pulled her into a hug. He spoke in sweet gentle words. “Soo Min you’re a great leader.  You helped Icing by being in dramas. You helped the popularity of Icing rise. Icing is not over yet.”  Kyu Jong wiped her tears away. “Don’t cry Soo Min. I don’t like seeing you hurt like this.”

Soo Min looked at him, “You’re so kind hearted Kyu. That’s one of the many things I like about you.”

Kyu Jong offered the bed to Soo Min. He sat in a chair near the bed and fell asleep instantly right after she fell asleep.

During this time the mangers and president of NH Media were discussing and preparing a new comeback for Icing. They were going to stop promoting A Snowy Dream after Icing finished all their performances; however they will be doing that as four members. For their next mini album Icing newest member will be Shin Su Hyun. The company sent out the information to various publications to get the word out.

Park Young Lee leaves Icing and NH Media to join a new company.  Icing is not over.  Trainee for four years Shin Su Hyun will be added as the fifth member of the group.  Su Hyun is 23 years old and is a childhood friend of Leader Soo Min. 

Authors Note: I hope you like this chapter. Sorry no U-Kiss yet. They will appear near the end of the next chapter .

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 36: Hmm nice story I'm also so confused between kyu and bum cuz they r my bias to but for me I choose my sweet kyuie
bubblegirl12 #2
Chapter 36: nice! jfdksal; i lreally like it!
I know! But at the timw my heart could not do that to Kibum since it was during well you know since Kibum is Junnies brother
Awww cute story xcept for the last two chapter i changed it to Kyujongie in my mind xD i really like the fic but again yu should know who i really like from my user name lol sowiee <3
thanks for commenting
Dianasaur #6
SS501 is awesome LOL
don't worry Yuki and Shiawase i'm going to be writting side stories for this fic. I'm planning on it but right now I'm focusing on other stories please check them out
YukiMary #8
Awww I really love this story~~!! ^^ So it was Kibum who with her finally? Awwwwww >.< XDDD I really love this story!!! yaya~~ Well its end already. Haha but its really great!! Thanks for writing this!!! ^^~~~
awww thanks I have 6 other fan fics to work on lolz you should check them out