New one 4

I need you back
Yunho is losing his patience. They are walking for more than an hour and yet she still didnt even say anything about somin. She took him almost everywhere. He is sooo irritated, and that was obviously printed all over his face. He turns his head to confront her but she runs toward the fountain. 'wow, it's so beautiful!' she exclaims, her laughter heard all over the place. Yunho amazingly look at this girl, he is mesmerize with her simplicity, shows happiness with the simple moving of water. He looks intently on her face, her bright eyes reveal her joyfulness, open in amazement, a smile crept on his face 'so cute'. But he refrains himself, 'wait, did i think that she's cute, i must think that she's indeed annoying'. He walks near her, 'yah, arent you telling me where somin is?' he shows his irritation. Lehcere turns to him, her face sadden, 'oh....' she think that there's no way she can lead him away from that topic anymore, so she must tell him, 'do you have a passport?'. . 'why do i need that?'
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Temmygold #1
Love it @
Chapter 323: amazing
Pitu-kris #3
Chapter 474: Awee very nice story . Please update another story. You are best.
Ydvvfjkch #4
Chapter 474: I like New style of narration.same persons different generations popular roleplay names. As for story it's sooth n streets free like Cinderella story.
thebesthit #5
omg the amount of chapters XD
Ashuasha #7
Chapter 474: I don't know whether u will s my comments r not...but I must tell u tat this was d best story I ever read . this made me cry,laugh,smile,nd feel excited....I swear I will definitely make my future hubby to read this story at once I get married.more emotional story