
I need you back
'i like you' hyunjoong says, his eyes stare on hers. 'wha..what?' she unbelievably asks, her eyes widen. He smiles, 'really, you're so different among the other fans out there' he says leaning closer to her. She stiffs her position like a statue, she cant even move a bit. Is he serious? They said that almost celebrities play around with every fan they like. She hopes that he isnt belong to those 'almost celebrities'. 'if i said those words to other, i bet, they'll jump and rejoice right infront of me, others maybe stripping right now and throw their ness on me' he continues. 'but you...You are different' he closes the gap between them, his lips cover hers. She blinks many times. 'what will i do? Should i close my eyes? Open my mouth? Or should i push him?' she thought, she chose to do the first. She closes her eyes and feels the sensation that he brings to her. He holds her nape and deepen the kiss, his tongue her lips and begging for entrance. She opens a little and accept his kiss.
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Temmygold #1
Love it @
Chapter 323: amazing
Pitu-kris #3
Chapter 474: Awee very nice story . Please update another story. You are best.
Ydvvfjkch #4
Chapter 474: I like New style of narration.same persons different generations popular roleplay names. As for story it's sooth n streets free like Cinderella story.
thebesthit #5
omg the amount of chapters XD
Ashuasha #7
Chapter 474: I don't know whether u will s my comments r not...but I must tell u tat this was d best story I ever read . this made me cry,laugh,smile,nd feel excited....I swear I will definitely make my future hubby to read this story at once I get married.more emotional story