Chapter 17 - Painful Goodbyes

Behind the Scenes

[A/N]: Wah, they finally have to say goodbye while EXO-K goes back to Korea. -sobs- This chapter is completely fiction, because I have no solid evidence of their goodbye, although they must have had one, so just indulge me this once and let me use my imagination... hehe^^ I wanted to show it from both of their POV's, so sorry if this chapter seems a little redundant... .__. (And sorry for the picture... I didn't know what to use >< A picture that isn't real for a chapter that isn't real? I also included a cooking one that I saw before, which actually inspired the kimchi cooking scene in one of my chapters!(: If you have a tumblr, go follow askhanhun right now lol they're so funny! xD)


Luhan POV


I fought to keep my face composed. Must stay strong for Sehun. Must stay strong for Sehun... But I felt my mouth pulling down into a frown. I knew my eyes were getting wider by the second, like a deer in headlights.

“I’ll...I’ll miss you.” Sehun was looking down. His voice cracked. My heart broke.

That’s it. I can’t take it. I pressed my hand over my eyes for a second before lunging into Sehun’s chest, wrapping my arms around him as tightly as I could. Stiff in shock at first, Sehun relaxed after a few seconds and moved his arms up to hug me too. He was patting my back gently. So much for comforting your dongsaeng, I thought.

I sniffed. “Call whenever you want, okay Sehunnie?” Meaning, call me every day, you little jerk. Why are you leaving me.

“Okay,” he whispered.

I didn’t want to let go. This was true friendship.

“EXO-K! WE NEED TO LEAVE FOR THE AIPORT! NOW!!” I heard EXO-K’s manager yell.

Sehun shifted position slightly as if about to leave, but I ignored him completely. You’re not leaving until I say so.

So we stayed like that, hugging tightly. I heard the other EXO members saying final goodbyes around us, but I still refused to let go. Don’t let go, and I won’t let go either.

Then Jongin came over and clapped his hand on Sehun’s shoulder. I looked at him, almost glaring. (Fine, I glared, but I couldn’t help it, okay? This was just not the time.)

“Come on, Sehun, we need to go,” Jongin said in a tired voice.

Sehun started to pull away.

“Wait,” I breathed. “Promise you’ll call?”

Sehun gave a small smile. “Of course, hyung.”

I blinked a few times to make sure the tears wouldn’t come out.

“I’m holding you on that promise.”

Sehun smiled weakly again and slowly, gently took my arms off of him. Then he waved shyly and turned around to go.

Is this it? This can’t be it. I won’t see him for another month, or longer. No...

Without a second thought, I ran up to him and collided into him, arms wrapping around his waist in a back hug. His arms had gone up immediately, and now they settled back over mine. I felt Sehun’s body go up and down slightly. Was he...laughing?? At a time like this??

“Sehun, are you laughing?” I demanded, pouting.

“Hyung, I’ll really miss you,” he said, turning his head to face me. He had a sad smile on his face. “Truly.”

So I let go of him, and then grabbed his hands one last time before he walked to the van. I stood there waving until they were out of sight. Then I ran into our van, where the other members were waiting.

Kris wasn’t even smirking. He looked really sad. Zitao surprisingly wasn’t teasing me either. In fact, he looked like he was about to cry. I sat down next to him and patted his back soothingly as we drove to our temporary dorms. It was a long ride. The next few weeks would be even longer.

Sehun POV

Luhan’s face was contorting, changing from a look of despair one minute to an emotionless expression the next. What could he possibly be thinking in his head? I wondered.

Then he frowned and his eyes got really wide. Why is he so cute... Ah, I should say something... Um... How do I put what I’m feeling to words...

“I’ll...I’ll miss you.” My voice cracked. I looked down in embarrassment, mentally slapping myself. What was that?? All these emotions inside you, and all you can say is “I’ll miss you”?? He probably won’t even think it’s sincere!

Suddenly, Luhan’s body slammed into mine and I felt strong arms wrap me in a tight hug that made it hard to breathe, and I was already having trouble keeping my breath steady without the death grip. However, I recovered quickly and put my arms around Luhan. He seemed so sad, just as I was. I want to comfort him... I patted him on the back with my hand, occasionally running it along his back to calm him. Like a baby... A cute, precious baby.

Then Luhan spoke. “Call whenever you want, okay Sehunnie?”

My stomach turned into a knot. Of course I will, pabo. But all I managed to whisper was: “Okay.” I was afraid to talk because I knew that if I used my voice, it would only crack again.

I didn’t want to let go. This was true friendship.

“EXO-K! WE NEED TO LEAVE FOR THE AIPORT! NOW!!” Our manager was shouting at us to stay on schedule.

I moved a little bit, trying to follow our manager’s order, but I couldn’t really budge under Luhan’s tight embrace and he showed no sign of letting go. Honestly, I don’t want you to.

I let him keep hugging me. (I couldn’t break away, anyway.) I noticed that the other EXO members were beginning to leave for the van. Luhan still wasn’t loosening his grip.

Then I heard footsteps behind me, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Come on, Sehun, we need to go.” Jongin’s voice.

Obeying, I started to pull away from Luhan.

“Wait,” I heard him murmur. “Promise you’ll call?”

I smiled slightly. I couldn’t help it. Doesn’t this guy know how much I’ll miss him?

“Of course, hyung,” I answered.

Luhan blinked a bunch of times. Aw, how cute.

“I’m holding you on that promise,” he warned. I smiled again, tired because the exhaustion from the day was starting to hit me and this painful goodbye was just stretching me to my limit. I slowly pried his arms off of me, putting them back at his sides. Then I let go of his arms, gave a small wave, and turned around to leave.

Walking to the van, I felt someone run into me from behind without notice. The person’s arms s around my waist and linked together in front of my stomach. I had lifted my arms in surprise instinctively, but I looked down at the hands and saw that they were Luhan’s. I relaxed and let my arms fall to my sides again, trying to contain my laughter. And you say I’m a playful little kid... I’ll really miss you, hyung. What in the world am I going to do without you by my side? Or rather, without being able to stay by your side?

“Sehun, are you laughing?” I looked down at Luhan and saw that he was pouting. I will miss seeing your pretty little face.

“Hyung, I’ll really miss you.” I smiled sadly at him. “Truly.”

Luhan, apparently satisfied with my answer, let go of me. Is this it then? No more holding on?

But no, he grabbed my hands and put them in his own one last time before letting me go to the van. Don’t let go...

Jongin nudged me again, so I followed him to the van reluctantly, turning back to wave at Luhan one last time. I sat in the back of the van so I could look out the back window. I watched Luhan waving to me until he disappeared into the horizon. I sighed and turned forward again. The other members were all somber and silent. But Jongin was watching me.

“Don’t worry, Sehun. Everything will be fine,” he comforted. How can you say that?

“Soon enough, we will all be together again,” he added. Not nearly soon enough.

Luhan, don’t forget me. Never stop thinking about me. You will always be on my mind. Be safe...



Don't separate, HunHann T_T



The next few chapters won't be able to show them together...

But debut stages and interviews and birthdays coming up! :D

I may not be able to update tomorrow, so veryveryvery sorry if I don't... .__.

Thank you so much for the support~ It really means a lot^^

QUOTES: Sehun said in an interview that he didn't know true friendship until he met Luhan.

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Hi ^^ Just passing by (after I abandoned this site for years) and I thought I should give you a greeting. (Eventhough you might not remember me at all lol)
After all, you and this fic are one of my (a very few) favorites here (since I haven't read any fic in here that much).
I don't know, well, your fic made me have some kind of bittersweet feeling, nostalgic and heart-warming memories.
I still remember the day I got back home after school to check your updates here :')
Those days and that era were the best, to be honest. With everything still went well and happy. Lots of thing happened after that right?
And that's why I said this fic made me have bittersweet feeling ;u; since...yeah, I really miss Luhan. Sobs.
I definitely re-read this again when I have some more time.

See ya ! ^^
eggers_baekhee #2
HEY FRIEND!~ i came back to read this story because i missed it sooo much!~
SpencerLee13132 #3
Hi! I wanna tranlate your fic. Can I please to have your permission? Sure I'll get full credit and link back to your fic. Looking forward to your reply. :">
this fanfic is the reason why i joined aff and it's now over. *sobs*
i really admire how you put so much effort managing your time with school activities and writing this and updating your story with so many trivia/add-ons,etc. keke... that's why i love you for this.

i felt bad i totaly missed a lot of chapters since i was gone long in aff. looking forward to your new story. gonna subscribe to it. thank you for writing this story. :)
Thank you for writing this amazing fic :'( *sob
I'll keep looking forward to reading your new story.
Author-nim DAEBAK!
Its over ;_; I really loved this fic! T T Thank you for writing this!!!!! <3
omg .. you make me cry ; __ ; no, not only because of sweetness in the story itself
but because i feel so special and full of affection toward this good story
i first read this since ... oh .. 2 months ago ?
it seems so short but for me, it's not short at all and i grow fonder to every chapter you updated ; - ;
you make me feel like ... me, you and exo, it's like we all walk together step by step since that day i know this fic
and to know that it's become to its end now make me heartbreaking T__T
to read this fic, waiting for your next update each time & comment something, all of this become my good memories which i will never forget ; ;

thank you very much for this amazing fic ~♥
and have a good journey with your trip ' v '

(and about the fic lol i talk only my feeling to you and your good fic and almost forget this !
really. i can't handle yixing & zitao's cuteness T_____T they're so cute ~~~
meanwhile - there is a couple that ship themselves looooool
oh i'm gonna miss you and there moments in this fic so much .... ; ________ ; /sobs ...)
I love this fanfic so much.
I'm sad it's over, but it was great while it lasted. :D
Amazing last two chapters!