BFF Jongyu Is Adorable Okay


Jongyu = idiots... I love them so much


“Oh my god Jonghyun you don’t even understand!  It went so good!  Well except for the part where I dumped a soda in his lap.  But other than that it was great!”  Onew was practically screaming into his cell phone as he rode the bus back to his house.  The other patrons glared daggers at him but he ignored them all, bouncing in his seat out of sheer excitement. 


“Hyung you dropped your drink in his lap?“  Jonghyun groaned into the receiver.


“Yeah, I might have stepped on his toe at one point too but he pretended not to notice so we will ignore that minor infraction,” Onew said, the smile still plastered onto his face.


“Hyung you are hopeless,” Jonghyun muttered.


“I’m not kidding Jong!  It went really well!  He tried to explain soccer to me, key word being tried because I still don’t have the slightest idea what a ‘yellow card’ is, but it’s the thought that counts.  And he told me a bit about his family and how he is really close with his younger brother and he was just really sweet.  And his favorite color is blue!  Oh and he prefers Korean food to foreign stuff so I guess I can forget about the romantic spaghetti dinner idea.  And he totally didn’t make a big deal about the drink thing, which was really nice of him.  And he just loved the jersey I bought for him too!”

“Hyung.  Breathe,” Jonghyun finally interjected.


“I’m just really excited Jjongie!  It was just really fun.  He actually talked to me, and after the whole drink fiasco, I calmed down enough to actually enjoy the date!  I don’t know if he likes me but he definitely doesn’t hate me.  I might even go as far as to say friends.  But I think he likes me.  You should have seen the way he was staring at me.  These pants were definitely a good idea.  I’m going to have to thank Key properly.  I mean, Jonghyun he ogled me.  That is such a good word, ogled.  But it’s true!  He could barely tear his eyes away.  But anyway, he finally started talking.  Like really talking!  I mean, he told me about his family and how he was on the soccer team at his old school and like personal stuff.  You know?”


“Did he tell you why he transferred here?”  Jonghyun questioned.

“Well, no.”  Onew replied slowly, now that he was actually thinking about it Minho had managed to dodge that particular question quite well.  “He kind of avoided that question.  But it is only the first date.  It is obviously a big deal so I didn’t want to push it.”


“It sounds sketchy hyung.  What if he is some kind of ax murderer or something?  And this whole, ‘I’m too shy to talk’ thing is just an act to lure you into a false sense of security,” Jonghyun said, his voice full of excitement at the prospect of such an absurd reality. 

“Jonghyun that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of,” Onew deadpanned.


“Easy for you to say, you aren’t the one who will have to console your distressed mother after the loss of her precious baby boy,” Jonghyun replied seriously. 


“I would be the one who was dead!  And why would she come to you for comfort anyway?” 


“Because you dad is gone on a business trip again,”


“And you don’t think he would come home for my funeral?  I am their only child!”     


“That doesn’t mean that they like you.”


“Jonghyun, don’t project your insecurities onto me.  It isn’t my fault that your parents like Songdam noona better than you.  Honestly, you can hardly blame them,” Onew said with a smirk, knowing it was always a sore subject with Jonghyun.


“Whatever.  They don’t like her anymore now that she is dating that loser,” “Jonghyun said simply, smug satisfaction evident in his tone. 


“He is pre-med at Konkuk University.  What parent wouldn’t love him?  I think they actually like her more now,” Onew jabbed back.


“What?  Why?  It isn’t even a good school,” the pout could be heard in Jonghyun’s voice now.


“Jonghyun it is in the top twenty in the country,” Onew said, biting back his laughter at how easy it was to get Jonghyun riled up.


“Whatever, it isn’t like it is Seoul National or something,” Jonghyun said dismissively.   


Onew simply chucked, “Why are we talking about this again?”


“I don’t know!  You were the one who brought noona’s stupid boyfriend into the conversation, not me,” Jonghyun grumbled.


“Well I’m almost home so we will have to talk about this at school on Monday,” Onew said as the bus neared his stop.  He hung up the phone quickly, not waiting for a response before gathering his things and waiting for the bus to stop before jumping down and walking the few blocks to his house. 




Onew floated through the weekend in a haze.  His mind was filled with happy memories and sweet smiles.  He was infatuated.  He was more than infatuated.  He was in love.  Minho balanced him perfectly.  Where Onew was clumsy and awkward, Minho was sturdy and stable.  While Onew talked too much, Minho didn’t talk enough.  Onew was a social butterfly while Minho was quiet and reserved.  But around Onew, Minho talked more.  He laughed, made jokes and he slowly began to lower his protective shield.  When Onew was around Minho he didn’t feel the need to put on a fake smile or pretend to be something he wasn’t.  Minho made him feel comfortable and safe.  Minho’s strengths were Onew’s weaknesses and together they were both better versions of themselves.  And Onew could really get used to that. 


However all the excitement from the weekend came crashing down around him when he walked into class on Monday morning.  He had been let out late from his first class so he had to rush to get to heath class on time.  He still arrived a few minutes after the bell, however one of the perks of being in the top of the class was that teachers let him get away with murder.  He slipped as silently as he could into the classroom, giving an apologetic bow to his teacher before sliding into his seat.  He turned to greet Minho and instead found himself face to face with some underclassmen he couldn’t name.  Where was Minho?  Was he sick?  But why was this random kid in his seat?  He scanned the classroom as stealthily as he could and he heart sank to the floor when he saw Minho, sitting in the back of the room, obviously avoiding Onew’s gaze.


Maybe the date hadn’t gone as wonderfully as he had originally though Onew couldn’t help but think to himself as the younger boy practically fled the classroom the moment they were dismissed.  Onew’s shoes felt like they were made of lead as he slowly dragged his feet down the hallway, maybe he and Minho weren’t the perfect match Onew had originally thought they were.  Maybe it was all just wishful thinking.  


Omg baby-sized angst.  We all know Brooke hates angst so don't worry.  I hate making my Dubu sad so it won't last too long. 

The chapter didn't turn out at all how I planned.  Jongyu decided to start bickering about stupid on the phone and pretty much take up the whole chapter.  But anyways, I thought we were going to get way farther into the plot in this chapter and it just didn't happen.  Maybe in the next one.  Maybe. 

P.s. Konkuk was where I studied in Korea.  I miss it a whole bunch.  :'(

Enjoy my bbs.  I'll try to edit it again later, there are probably typos everywhere.   

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943 streak #1
Chapter 10: You can always add the word 'deized" in your spell check. So, it will be acceoted everytime you use it. Hahaha! I' m having a blast.
943 streak #2
Chapter 7: I totally feel Onew's frustration in getting to his tight pants. That happened to me before. It was very tiring.. In my country, we actually have a catch phrase for suffering for looks.
943 streak #3
Chapter 5: Don't apologize. I love onthighs, too.
943 streak #4
Chapter 4: You have every right to pick Jonghyun as your favorite character here. He is so hilarious in his seriousness. U could even pucture his face. Oh dear!
943 streak #5
Chapter 2: I'm running out of Onho fics to read and I stumbled upon this. I love it.
flrite #6
Omg i love rhis so much
Chapter 28: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3