My es Won't Stay Out of These Fics...




Onew hopped helplessly on one foot, frantically pulling at the skintight blue jean material and attempting to get it to slide over his thighs but to no avail.  He squeaked in surprise as his ministrations made him to lose his balance causing him to topple over in a heap of limbs and fabric, groaning as his forehead connected with the unforgiving wood floor. 


He rolled onto his back, annoyance and desperation bleeding into his actions as he yanked at the pants, forcing them onto his body and cursing Key to the darkest pits of hell for making him buy jeans that were obviously too small for him.


He pulled the stiff material up and over his hips and shimmied them into place.  He in a deep breath, holding it as he fastened them before falling back eagle-spread on the floor in exhaustion. 


Onew never knew it could be so physically taxing to get dressed.


He continued to grumble to himself as he carefully stood up and pulled himself back to his closet to find the shirt Key had chosen to complete his outfit. 


Onew shifted awkwardly in front of the mirror, inspecting his new look.  Even he had to admit that he looked good.  The pants were uncomfortable but bearable and they did make him stand out and the shirt was surprisingly simple but fit him well and showed off his frame nicely. 


He took a moment to admire himself before glancing at the clock and springing into action once again. 


He quickly finished getting ready, double and quadruple checking to make sure he had everything, his wallet, the tickets and his phone.  When he was absolutely certain that he wasn’t forgetting anything he quickly slid on his shoes and headed out the door, rushing to the bus stop.


He clambered up the steps of the vehicle, catching himself before his face could collide with the safety railing.  The driver simply gave him an annoyed glance.  He smiled sheepishly, quickly swiping his card and settling in an empty seat. 


Onew rung his hands nervously as he sat, each minute bring him closer and closer to his first official date with Minho. 


He pulled out his cell phone to check the time once again before opening up the ‘sent’ folder and rereading the text that Jonghyun had sent the day before.


-       “Hey it is Onew!  How about we meet outside the stadium at like 3:30 tomorrow?”


It was short, simple a direct.  It was also painfully obvious (at least to Onew) that he didn’t write it.


But he was more focused on the reply he had received from Minho.


-       “That sounds fine.  See you tomorrow.”


Just like Minho, the response only contained the bare minimum amount of interaction.  He didn’t fluff up his words but straightforward in a way that unsettled Onew. 


What were they going to talk about?


Would Minho talk more or less now that they were meeting outside of school?


Onew began to give himself a pep-talk to try to calm his nerves. 


He was just hanging out with Minho.


He had talked to Minho before.


While the boy was quiet he had always responded positively to Onew.


He had agreed to this date, which was a good sign. 


There was nothing to be worried about.


Well, he thought there was nothing to worry about but as the bus drew nearer and nearer to the stop by the stadium his nerves began to spike dangerously. 


He took a deep breath, attempting to calm his heart rate before standing and pressing the buzzer to signal the bus to stop.  He carefully hopped down, enjoying the feeling of the warm sun beating down against his skin.  It was surprisingly pleasant outside since the distinctive chill of autumn had crept into the air, cutting through the heat. 


He focused on keeping his breathing even as he walked the few blocks to the stadium. 


He rounded the corner and sighed in relief when he saw Minho almost immediately.  As nervous as he was, the prospect of having to wait, his anxiety stewing the whole time, was painful to even think about.  Onew waved enthusiastically, flashing his signature smile as we made a beeline for the younger boy.    


Onew smiled to himself as he felt more than saw Minho’s gaze sweep across his body, lingering on his over-the-top pants before the younger boy’s head snapped up, meeting Onew’s eyes. 


He had never been a fan of having much attention on himself, especially physically, however with Minho he quite liked the dark look in his eyes and the obvious clinch in his jaw.


“You didn’t wait long did you Minho-ah?”  Onew asked politely.


“No Onew ssi, I just got here as well,” Minho responded, he voice even and so deep that Onew felt as if his knees go weak as the smooth tone reverberated throughout his very being.  He repressed a shudder that threatened to run down his spine; he was annoyed with himself for being so affected by Minho’s voice alone. 


“You know you can just call me Onew right?  Or hyung if you prefer, no need for the formalities,” Onew said with a soft smile.


“Alright hyung,” Minho said softly, an embarrassed smile pulling at his lips. 


Onew smiled, trying to hide the blush that he could feel creeping up his neck as he shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other.


“Umm hyung, what did you do to your head?”  Minho asked, his fingers tenderly grazing over the large red bump on Onew’s forehead.


Onew blushed again, both from the innocent touch and embarrassment.  “I kind of fell down,” Onew said simply, rearranging his hair to better cover the growing bruise.


“Oh,” Minho replied simply, glancing around awkwardly.


“So should we, uhh go in or something?”  Onew asked, cursing himself for how utterly stupid he sounded.


Onew could see Minho biting back a smile as he nodded, leading the way towards the crowded entrance. 


They made their way inside, stopping at the over-priced concession stand to get snacks before sliding their way through the mass of bodies to find their seats. 


The seats were surprisingly good considering his source.  He now understood why Jognhyun had been so reluctant to hand them over.  They were seated along the midfield line and weren’t so high that the players looked more like ants than humans.  Personally Onew couldn’t care less; it wasn’t like he would pay much attention to the game, but Minho’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning.


Onew focused on not tripping over feet, his own or other patrons, as they made their way down the aisle towards their seats.  He had almost made it to their designated seats without mishap when his feet found a misplaced purse to stumble over.  But before his palms had connected with the rough concrete he felt a firm hand on his elbow, steadying him. 


Onew gave Minho a sheepish smile, grateful that the younger boy had stopped him from completely embarrassing himself just yet.  But Onew knew it was only a matter of time.  Combining his natural clumsiness with his high-strung nerves because he was on a date with Choi Minho was just a recipe for disaster.  He just hoped that he didn’t scare Minho completely off.


I promised a double update... I know.  The next part will be up tonight or tomorrow.  It is like 98% done, but I am being forced to socialize tonight so I don't have time to finish it.  I'm sorry.  I would much rather be writing fanfiction tbh.  But it will legit be up shortly, for now I hope you enjoyed the mental imagery of Onew trying to get those pants on... :D 


Minho's POV Here!

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962 streak #1
Chapter 10: You can always add the word 'deized" in your spell check. So, it will be acceoted everytime you use it. Hahaha! I' m having a blast.
962 streak #2
Chapter 7: I totally feel Onew's frustration in getting to his tight pants. That happened to me before. It was very tiring.. In my country, we actually have a catch phrase for suffering for looks.
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: Don't apologize. I love onthighs, too.
962 streak #4
Chapter 4: You have every right to pick Jonghyun as your favorite character here. He is so hilarious in his seriousness. U could even pucture his face. Oh dear!
962 streak #5
Chapter 2: I'm running out of Onho fics to read and I stumbled upon this. I love it.
flrite #6
Omg i love rhis so much
Chapter 28: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3