The Sight

Deliria High: The Dance Partner

Early the next morning, HyeSu woke me up by throwing a jacket at my head.

"Yah! What the-"

"Good morning Minjae unnie!" HyeSu said brightly.

I looked over at her. She was dressed and plaiting her black hair into a rope braid.

"What time is it." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Time you were up." She threw a towel at me and then pushed me into the bathroom. "Come on chop chop."

"What's the rush donsaeng!" I complained.

"Watching someone sleep is boring." HyeSu said before stepping out of the bathroom and closing the door.

I stepped into the shower and sighed at the welcome stream of water. I closed my eyes so I could wash my face but at the moment I did, JR's face swam into my mind. I gasped and mentally shook my head but the image of his smile was still hooked in my head. 

I allowed my self a small smile but the determined part of my me told myself I should forget him.

I was here to focus on my dancing.

And as HyeSu said JR is loads of girls type.

I wasn't here to get hurt. Damn it I could already imagine how it would un fold. The comforting but pitying look in HyeSu's eyes because she had told me from the start.

I shook my head firmly.

I was exagerating. A friendly greeting, a gorgeous smile and a plate of food didn't mean anything.

Even though anyone who makes me food has a place in my heart. I'm a hungry person.



"Where do you want to go first then." HyeSu said as we stepped out of our room.

"The dance studio." I replied immediately.

HyeSu raised her eyebrow and gave me an odd look but then she shrugged, 

"Come on then." She smiled, hooking her arm threw mine.

The dance studio was on the second floor. HyeSu and I ran laughing up a flight of stairs. She greeted a couple of students and introduced me. Everyone seemed friendly enough and made me feel welcome.

Finally we came to set of double doors. I felt a tremor of excitment ran through me.

It was just how I had imagined it. The overhead lighting streaked across the wooden flooring. From where I stood I could see my reflection crystal clear in the mirrors. 

It was everything I had dreamed of.

Except for one thing.

"Oh they're here." I said, my voice neutral.

HyeSu looked at me, taking in my shocked expression.

"I thought that's why you wanted to come here." She said slowly.

"No." I frowned. "I actually like dancing. I actually wanted to see the dance studio."

"Oh." HyeSu gave me a quick hug. "Sorry donsaeng!"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

Nu'est were in the middle of the dance studio. Music was blaring out of the speakers and their bodies twisted in perfect time with each other. The expressions on their faces were so fierce, so bad . Especially JR and Ren's. Ren's face had completely changed from the sweet shy expression I had seen yesterday. One of his eyebrows were raised  and his mouth quirked in to a smirk. JR had a cold look on his face and determination in his wide dark eyes.

I would have been a bit scared had I not encountered their friendliness already.

Ren happened to turn and catch a glimpse of me. All at once his bad exterior fell off like a mask and he smiled widely.

"Minjae donsaeng!" He cried.

"Ren oppa." I smiled.

The others turned and greeted me. Bakeho ruffled my hair, Aron gave me a high five and Minhyun waved shyly. JR turned the stereo off and then walked over, a slow smile spreading of his face. 

"Minjae." He smiled.

Should I call him JR oppa? What do I say?!

I smiled and waved.

"We're practicing for the talent show Minjae." Said Ren proudly.

"Talent show?" 

"The Annual school talent show, all the groups, solo acts, singers, actors, dancers, you name it, show off their talent. The group that wins are the champions for the whole of that year." HyeSu explained.

"Oh who won last year?" I asked

All the Nu'est members grinned.

"That would be us." Said JR with something of a smug smile.

"Well Minjae's a dancer." HyeSu said quickly.

Surprised looks all around. I stuck my chin up defiantly. I know I didn't exactly look like a dancer here in awe of a dance room but who were they to judge.

JR must have seen something in my eyes because he said,

"Show us,"

"Yeah Minjae!" The others chorused.

My eyes widened and I began backing away, hands up in front of my face. HyeSu grabbed my shirt to stop me running out the door.

"Come on Minjae. How're you going to dance in the talent show if you can't even show us silly unnie."

"Talent show?" I said desperately. "Who said anything about a talent show? I was merely enquiring about it. Doesn't mean I want to take part or anything."

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Yeah pull the other one Minjae, it's got bells on it." Baekho scoffed.

"Who even says that anymore Baekho." Said Aron. "What does it even mean."

"It means that we all know she's lying."

"That's a dumb thing to say. Pull the other one it's got bells on it. Where do you get these lines from Baekho."

"Your Grandmother?"Minhyun piped up.

I was in the process of a quick sigh of relief at the abrupt subject change when JR said.

"Lets not get distracted. We still want to see Minjae dance right."

I shot him a look that plainly said why would you do this to me.

"I'd love to see you dance." Ren said softly.

I looked at him. His gaze was bright and clear and it seemed to give me the stength to finally sigh,

"Fine. I'll dance for you."







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Chapter 54: yeobosaeyo (hehe pun intended) What's going on update soon!!!!!!!!!!
Hello? :( did something happen?
lotusren #3
Chapter 54: Unnie, Please update soon ! This is such a good fanfiction! It'll make my world if you update again ! Thank You also for writing such a good story !
Chapter 54: oh my word...please update this unnie...I'm begging you :D
TeenTopLover02 #5
Chapter 54: Thank you so much for the update!! Please update again soon! :-))
Chapter 54: Do you know how long I've been waiting for this update?! Thank you thank you thank you!!! :D
Chapter 54: Oooh is this an update I see? Yaaaaaaay!

Why JR? Why can't you look past the kiss? Hur hur hur!
Chapter 54: thanks for the update!~ :)
Chapter 54: JR is a friggin idiot