Confession #16 - Never Forget

Confessions of a girl



“Hey _______!”

“Yoseob oppa! You’re earlier than usual!”

“Hahaha~ *laughs nervously* Ummm…. Do you want to go on a date with me today?” Yoseob asked shyly while shifting his gaze to everything else in the room but her.

*Yoseob oppa is so adorable!*

“Ok~ Let me just ask Dr. Yang for permission to be discharged for a few hours.”

“Oh! I’ve already discussed it with Dr. Yang & he says it’s ok!” Yoseob smiled brightly.

“Wow! That’s fast~ Well.. ok then, let’s go!”

“Here! Some clothes for you to change into! I’ll be waiting outside!” Yoseob called out after handing the bag to ________.

Once she was done, she stared at herself in the mirror. A tear or 2 escaped. It was beautiful, the most gorgeous dress she’d ever had.

“Yoseob oppa bought this for me….” ________ whispered.

Suddenly, _______’s legs gave out & she fell forward. Luckily, she was able to grab a hold of the sink to balance herself. Her chest throbbed in pain. _______ took in deep breaths to even out her now shallow breathing. She pushed herself against the sink & stood up properly. _______ splashed some cold water onto her face then looked at the mirror.

*I can’t let oppa worry…*

_______ slowly got out of the bathroom grabbed her bag then went outside to meet Yoseob. Yoseob’s smile grew wider when he saw how beautiful _______ looked.

“You look amazing. I’m so happy to have such a b2uty (^^) by my side.”

_______ blushed & looked away. Yoseob tilted her head towards him & leaned in closer until their noses were touching.

“Hey~ You’re beautiful!”

Yoseob’s voice was gentle & exquisitely sensual, sending wonderful tiny shivers up & down _______’s arms. ________’s eyes were locked deep with Yoseob’s brown orbs. She was flustered but she couldn’t find the strength to pull away from his gaze. It was like he had a hold on her & couldn’t break free, not that she wanted to.

Yoseob slowly leaned in closer & closer until the 2 lips met in a kiss. His arms gently wrapped themselves around _______’s waist & pulled her in closer. He just couldn’t get enough. He was truly, madly, deeply in love with _______.

After some time, they pulled away. _______’s tinted cheeks intensified to a crimson red. She’d never felt so…. magical, if that even made sense. All she knew was that Yoseob literally takes her breath away & she didn’t mind it one bit.

“Come on, let’s get out of this place!” Yoseob took _______’s hand in his & took her away.

“Where are we going?”

“Hmmmm…. Let’s go to every place that we went to on our 1st date!” Yoseob suggested.

“Haha~ ok!”

Off they went, to every single place that they’d gone to on their ‘friendly outing’. By the time they got to their last destination, the beach, it was already 6. They sat down on the soft sand, fingers intertwined. ________ gazed at the ocean. Yoseob gazed at ________.

“Yoseob oppa~ Thank you for today~” ________ turned to face Yoseob.

Yoseob softened & squeezed her hand in his.

“Your welcome, baby~ I’d do anything for you~”

Yoseob kissed her hand then her forehead. He took off his jacket & placed it around her shoulders. _______ smiled at his gentleman-ness. She then laid her head on Yoseob’s shoulder & his arm automatically wrapped itself around _______’s body. They enjoyed each other’s company while watching the sunset. Just as the sun was about to disappear….

“Choi _______, would you be with me forever?”

_______ lifted her head & looked at Yoseob, shock written on her face. Yoseob calmly turned towards _______ & held out a small box. _______ gasped & covered .


“Choi _______~ I know that we’ve only really gotten to know each other for a short while but I know. I knew from the moment I saw you that day that you were meant for me. I haven’t officially confessed my feelings to you so now I am. I love you so much & I hope you’ll do me the honor of staying by my side, forever.”

_______ was crying uncontrollably by now. She didn’t know what to say. Instead, she leaned forward & kissed him. _______ kissed Yoseob with every fiber of her being, wanting to let him know that she loves him too.

“I’d want nothing more Yoseob oppa~”

Yoseob’s smile widened.

“But… I can’t. I’m sorry oppa… You know the situation we’re in. I can’t be by your side forever. I want to! I really, really do, with all of my heart but I can’t & I won’t do this to you. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

________’s tears kept flowing. Her head dropped down. Yoseob lifted her chin & looked straight in her eyes.

“I don’t care how much time you have. All I’m asking for is a chance for the time that’s left. Please~”

Yoseob was now crying as well. He couldn’t stand seeing _______ cry because of him. He was aware of  the reality of it all but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to regret not confessing & proposing to the girl he’ll love forever.

_______ took the box from Yoseob.

“As long as that ring is yours, I’m yours. I love you & you alone _______. Nothing will change that.”

“I love you too Yang Yoseob.”

_______ hugged him & sobbed against his chest. They stayed like that for a while then went back to the hospital.

Yoseob walked _______ back to her room.


The 2 turned around & saw Junhyung running towards them.


“Yo-seob! ____-___!” Junhung huffed, trying to catch his breath.

“I’ve been looking everywhere... for you guys! Did.... you just get back?”


“Wait! How’d you know we were together?”

“Well, who else would you be with besides me?” Junhyung chuckled, his breathing back to normal, “Also, Yoseob & I kind of arranged today….”


“Yoseob gets to spend the day with you then at night, when I finally get off work, I get to spend time with you.”

“O-k~~ I feel like a toy!” ________ pouted.

“Awww~~ Don’t say that~~ You’re not a toy! More like a cute puppy!” Junhyung joked & put his arm around _______’s shoulder.


Junhyung & Yoseob laughed.

“Alright kiddies~ Say your goodbyes! It’s my time!” Junhyung said then turned around.

“Oppa, why are you facing the wall?”

“I don’t want to see the girl I love being kissed by another guy! Even if it is Yoseob…” Junhyung crossed his arms & grumbled.

Yoseob & _______ giggled. This was probably the 1st time they’d seen Junhyung acting childishly.

“Didn’t know hyung was so cute~” Yoseob said, a little too loudly.

“Ya! Just kiss her already!”

Yoseob turned to _______. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear then kissed her forehead. He then embraced her like he hadn’t for a thousand years. When they pulled away, ________ stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around Yoseob’s neck & pulled him into a kiss. He instantly wrapped his arms around her waist.

*cough cough*

Junhyung tried to gain their attention.

_______ pulled away then pecked Yoseob’s lips one last time.

“I love you Yoseob~”

“I love you too baby girl~”

They separated then Yoseob left. _______ tapped Junhyung’s shoulders to let him know that it was ‘clear’.

“That took extremely long~~~!!”

“Are you jealous oppa?”

“What?! Me? Jealous? Of course!”


“Come on!” Junhyung grabbed _______’s hand, “Let’s go to the rooftop!”

_______ couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw what Junhyung had done. He’d laid out a nice blanket on the floor & decorated candles to form ‘I love you’ (in Korean). Junhyung patted the space beside him, urging _______ to sit down.

They gazed at the starry night, losing track of time. Junhyung had covered them with another blanket to keep them warm. He intertwined their hands & gripped onto hers tightly.

“Junhyung oppa~”


“Are all the stars the same?”

Junhyung laughed.

“That’s so random!”

“Let’s make one ours oppa! Let’s make one our star!”

“Ok! Pick one!”

“Hmmmm…. How about that one?” _______ pointed to one of them.

“I think….. that one’s ours~~” Junhyung directed _______’s hand to another.

“Hmmm? Why?”

“Cause it reminds me of you~” Junhyung said while looking at _______ with gentle eyes. _______ turned towards Junhyung & giggled.

“I don’t get it oppa!”

“How can you not see it? It’s shining the brightest amongst the others~~”

“But I....”

Then, it hit her.

Junhyung took _______’s other hand into his & turned her around to face him fully.

“I don’t know how you can’t see how brightly you shine, but that’s why I love you. I love how you don't think you're pretty or whatever when you’re the most beautiful, amazing girl in the whole world. I love how you crinkle your nose when you’re upset or annoyed, I love how whenever you laugh, people start laughing too cause you’re contagious. I love how you think of others first before yourself. I love that you care so much that you’re willing to sacrifice anything, even your happiness. Most of all, I love that you ‘re the girl who stole my heart.”

“Junhyung oppa~”

“I love you Choi _______! I should’ve told you long ago but I’m telling you now! Would you be my girl?”

Junhyung took out a ring. _______ couldn’t believe it was happening again.

“Did you & Yoseob like plan the proposals together or something?!” _______ asked, laughing.

“What?! The punk proposed to you too?!” Junhyung screamed.

_______ nodded in amusement.

“Damn! That crybaby beat me to it!”

“Haha! It’s ok oppa~”

Junhyung warily looked at _______ then searched her fingers for the ring that Yoseob had proposed with.

“I didn’t say yes…”


“I didn’t say no either…..”

“I don’t understand….”

“Oppa~” _______ sighed. “You know better, better than Yoseob even. You know I don’t have much time left & you know that I don’t want you to get hurt, the both of you.”

“_______, I….”

“Why are boys so stubborn!?!” _______ yelled out in frustration.

“It’s not boys! It’s just us~~” Junhyung chuckled.

_______ took out Yoseob’s ring. She stared at it.

“I don’t know what to do oppa~ “

“Just keep it with you _______-ah~”

Junhyung slipped his ring into her hands. He clasped her hands shut.

“We know what we’re getting ourselves into, we know. I guess we just don’t care…” Junhyung said, smirking.

“You too are really something, you know that! Yoseob oppa said the same thing~”

“Did he now??”

They laughed.

Junhyung placed his hand at the back of _______’s head & slowly pulled her into a kiss. After a while, Junhyung broke away.

“I love you~”

“I love you too oppa~”

“Let’s head back before you catch a cold!”

They packed up the blanket, blew out the candles then walked back to _______’s room. _______ got changed then slipped under the covers. Junhyung leaned down & pecked her forehead.

“Have a good sleep baby~” Junhyung whispered.

“You too oppa~” _______ smiled.

Junhyung went home, his heart beating wildly.

After Junhyung had left, _______ took out the 2 rings & hung them around the plain chain that she was wearing. It was a gift from her parents, the last one she received before they died.

_______ the rings, smiling to herself. Wearing them would’ve made everything official, like she’d promised to be with her oppas’ forever & she knew she couldn’t fulfill that promise. The best she could think of was to attach them to her necklace. That way, she could keep her most precious possessions close to her heart & also show Yoseob & Junhyung that she truly loves them & wanted to be with them.

*Please~ Never forget that I love you…*









Sorry for the long wait!

Hope this chapter's not too bad! I think it BIG TIME!

Next chapter will be the end already T~T

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sowhathuh #1
aw, nice story
I love this story..
Another story that made me cry.
I admire them. They're all strong..
I'm not really into reading sad fanfics with people dying in it, but this one is somehow different, and your lyrics for wedding dress were really good!
orz i'm soooooooooooo late to read this masterpiece of yours.......... T_T omg so sad right now, well at the last chapter i thought _____ would stay longer, but she didn't T_T<br />
but it relieved me to know that yoseob and junhyung could move on :') thank you for making such an amazing fic T_T I LOVE YOUUUUUUU
Thank you so much to all my readers!! <3<3<3<br />
I really appreciate your comments, really!!<br />
Thank you again for the support & love ^^
I cried alot TT.TT<br />
It was very cute and beautiful:)<br />
greatjob!I loved it< I have to go wash my face due to my waterfall attack^^~~
Ah... I did cry :) It was sooo sweet! I loved it. For some reason the music video of Haru Haru by Big Bang kept playing in my head... sorta similar to what happens... not really. But it was a really touching story!
CAR3MeL #8
Oh my god.<br />
I just read your whole story in one day.<br />
Its was SO GOOD.<br />
I'm about to cry ;( so sad at the end<br />
you did a good job!
loveyoseob4eva #9
Omgg I almost cried!!! I think it was best for the girl to umm you knoww cuz she couldn't choose between Yoseob or Junhyung without breaking each other hearts [: love your fanfic btw <3