Operation start!

Forever friends?

"Minhyuk oppa!" I gasped. "You're in this school?" He grinned and nodded. "Weren't you in-?"

"Yes! But I transferred because I wanted to be with my dearest girlfriend," he teased as he pulled me up from my seat. I gasped once more. He grabbed my bag on my chair and tightened his hand around mine, pulling me out of the classroom all together.

"Oppa! I have lessons!" I whined.

"Skipping one lecture doesn't matter! Come on, let's go have a drink," he smirked in my direction. After skipping the lecture, we were at the school's cafeteria. "Hyeri told me what you girls were planning."

"Oppa, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to use you or anything," I rubbed my neck in embarassment. He looked away and sighed. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

Then he laughed, "I don't mind! I get to have such a beautiful Korilla as my girlfriend. Why not?"

"Are you sure?" I asked again. He reached over and squeezed my hand. He nodded and smiled sincerely. "Okay then."

"So what do I have to do?" he asked with a smirk. "Do anything a normal boyfriend does?"

I nodded and said, "I don't even know if Himchan will feel anything, but Hyeri said to try. So what's the harm right?" I laughed without humor, wincing at my own words when I said that I doubted Himchan would feel anything.

"I have a condition though!" Minhyuk suddenly said. "You must be act like a girlfriend to me even when he's not around, deal?"

I thought about it and asked, "Why?" Then he gave me that -.- look so I nodded, "Okay, okay!" He stood up and looked at me. I followed him and he took my hand in his. "Oh?"

"Let's stroll this school as a couple," he smiled. We interlocked our fingers as we left the cafeteria. He carried my bag in on his shoulder as we strolled around. "Follow me to the school's office? I've gotta settle soem transfer stuff." I nodded and walked with him over.

When we reached the office, many people were crowding the area. "What's going on?" I asked Minhyuk as I tiptoed to look. He craned his neck a little and said, "Someone got hurt I think."

I caught the color blond on the floor, so I burst through the crowd. When I got to the front, I saw Himchan on the couch outside the office, with his arm covered in red. Youngjae and Yongguk were tending to his wound. "OH! KORI!" Youngjae spotted me. I turned and caught eyes with Himchan. I rushed forward and knelt beside his leg. I took his arm carefully and examined.

"What happened?" I demanded to know as I stared at Youngjae. I felt my heart tear a little at the sight of Himchan getting hurt. The blood covered his entire arm.

"He was trying to get something he dropped on the road. A car drove pass and nearly knocked him. Thank god he only fell," Youngjae explained. "I'm gonna get a bandage."

"This guy! Aish," Yongguk nagged as he knocked Himchan's head lightly.

"Why did you do that!?" I yelled at Himchan. He opened his mouth but closed it again. "Stupid!" I scolded. I fished for my hankerchief and lightly cleaned the blood off. He winced at the contact and I scolded again, "It hurts? Then don't do something stupud like that again! What's your brain for?"

"Why are you scolding a wounded person..?" Himchan spoke with a hoarse voice. "It's making me feel worse."

"Well, you deserved it!" I pushed his shoulder and stood up. Youngjae came back with a bandage and some medication. "I think we should get him to a hospital. What if it gets infected?"

"I brought my car today. I'll send you guys over?" Minhyuk offered. For a minute, I forgot he was there.

"Erm, thanks but we'll just call our manager," Yongguk politely rejected.

"It's okay. He seems like he needs urgent help, and Kori's looking worried sick. Come on. Let me take you guys over. It's no trouble," Minhyuk smiled. Yongguk looked at me and I nodded.

"Okay then," Yongguk smiled slightly and went over to help Himchan stand up. We walked to his car and made sure Himchan was seated properly.

I sat up front with Minhyuk, while the three guys sat behind. During the ride, it was quiet, but Minhyuk kept whispering cold jokes to me, making me crack up. He slipped his hand into my mine as he drove, like it was the most normal thing to do.

Suddenly, Himchan spoke, "Stop the car for awhile, please."

"What's the matter? Are you hurting?" I turned behind to ask. He shook his head.

"It's too squeezy behind," he said. "Youngjae ah, go switch places with Kori."

"Squeezy?" I asked.

"Squeezy? It's perfectly fine..." Youngjae said and earned a stare from Himchan. "okay, okay.." We switched places and now, I was in between Yongguk and Himchan.

Minhyuk laughed and spoke to Youngjae like friends. Yongguk fell asleep, and so did I. I laid against Yongguk's shoulder and slept my way there.

Waking up to the sound of Youngjae asking, "That's right. Where did Daehyun go?"


Sorry for the long wait again! It's lovetronica here. :) Thanks for reading! Sub more and comment more! Love y'all so much!

It's an upcoming exam week, so we're sorry if there're less updates. Sorry sorry sorry! :) Here's the second update of the day. I hope you guys like it. :)

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Please, I beg you to update.
Chapter 24: Update soon !!!
loved_grl6 #3
Chapter 24: please please update!!!!!! loving this story so much...one of the best i've read so far..:) <3 it!!!
taehyungshii #4
Chapter 24: A new reader here!
Awesome story ^^
Please updated soon...
Chapter 24: Totally new reader and please, please, please update soon!
Chapter 24: Update soon please! ^^
CherryLuv7 #7
Chapter 24: Please Update Soon? *puppy eyes* (oO)__(Oo)
loved_grl6 #8
need more......its so good...!!!!
please please please update soon !
hehe im so late :p
CherryLuv7 #10
Please Update Soon!! I'm so addicted >3<