
Coffee Boy Sunggyu


                After a day Sunggyu finally woke up; he was happy to see that you were okay.  He found out that you were released from the hospital and begged to also be released but the doctors refused. “It’s okay Sunggyu, I promise I’ll visit every day.” Sunggyu smiled and said “and don’t forgot to bring me food, this hospital food just doesn’t cut it for me.” You smiled and nodded.


                Sunggyu was lying in his hospital bed, he looked at the clock and saw that it was 12o’clock. “Aish, where is this girl? She’s supposed to be here by now.” Sunggyu got up off his bed and started to walk around the hospital and wait for you.

                He sat down on a bend and waited for you, and then suddenly someone sat beside him “Waiting for someone?” said the lady.  Sunggyu turned to see who it was, it was Saerah. Sunggyu smiled and said “Saerah, you came to visit me!” She smiled slightly and nodded.

                Sunggyu’s head tilted, he could tell something was wrong with Saerah.  “Is there something wrong?” Saerah started to tear up; she got up off the bench and stood in front of Sunggyu.  She looked down at her feet and slowly got down to her knees. “Saerah, what are you doing?” She started to cry.

                “I’m sorry Sunggyu.” Sunggyu was confused, ‘what was she sorry for?’ “I’m sorry Sunggyu… I’m so sorry.” “W-what are you talking about?” She really didn’t want to admit what she did, but she knew she had too. “Everything that happened that night with Alison’s kidnapping… that was my entire fault.”

                Sunggyu looked shocked; he didn’t know what to say. “I planned the whole thing with Daniel, I bribed the waiter to drug Alison’s drink, I hired people to bring her to warehouse… but Daniel didn’t tell me he was going to resort to violence… I’m so sorry. I did this all so I could get you back.”

                Meanwhile, you just arrived at the hospital; you had packed a lunch for Sunggyu and brought a movie for both of you to watch.  You were on the way to his hospital room when you saw Saerah on her knees in front of Sunggyu.  You stopped and hid behind a wall and eavesdropped on their conversation.

                “I know you probably hate me now Sunggyu… I mean Alison does… I… I understand if you never want to see me again.  But I want to tell you I’m really sorry… I’m so sorry.” Saerah’s tears were falling down her face uncontrollably, and Sunggyu didn’t know what to do. He bent down and told Saerah to stand up.

                Sunggyu took a deep breath and said “I… I… hmmm how am I going to explain this.” Sunggyu stood for a while and thought, then he took another breath and said “Saerah… what you did is unforgivable, and I’m pretty speechless. I wouldn’t expect this from a person like you Saerah.  I thought you were better than this; that you would never resort to something so… so low.”

                Sunggyu wiped away Saerah’s tears and said “But… because you’ve been a friend of mine for so long… I’ll forgive you.” Saerah looked up at Sunggyu in shock and you did the same; you gasped quietly.  “W-w-wa… h-h-o… w-why?” Saerah said. Sunggyu smiled “I can tell you learned a lot from the mistake you made, and I’m sure you won’t do it again.  I know you’re better than that Saerah, and you deserve another chance.”

                Saerah broke down into tears once more and Sunggyu comforted her. “This is why I loved you so much Sunggyu, Alison’s so lucky to have you.” Sunggyu nodded and continued to comfort.  Saerah stepped away and said “I have to tell you one more thing… I’m moving back to America.” 

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Chapter 37: Aaww they are having a baby ... so happy for them...
Chapter 37: Whoo! A happy ending! Got surprised when I saw this being updated (and finished)! Does the baby have a name? xD
Chapter 36: vejktekhgooekjlhgkljtshl;; you dont know how happy i am to see you updated. Haha.
Im glad gyu's okay... And you're okay too xD
Chapter 36: Wah! I was surprised when I saw this story being updated! Thank you for the wonderful chapter! So glad Gyu's back and of course, you're back as well! Looking forward to the future of this story! ^^
Haneulxxx #6
Chapter 35: Asdfghjkl sunggyu? ^^ update soon author ssi!
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh not sunggyu...!!!
Oh god...
Its been forever!!!
Update soon!!
Or imma die >.>