That Little Liar..

Little Steps


As soon as Suhyoon went in her room to sleep, Myungsoo whipped out his phone from his pocket. He dialed Woohyun, one of his closest friends.

"Hey Myungsoo! How's it going with Suhyo-"

"Shut up, Woohyun! I'm tired of being nice. Even if all you guys like her, I don't want to be nice to anyone anymore. You guys know I'm not the nice type."

They talked for hours. Myungsoo started raising his voice, wakening Suhyoon.


"I'm not going to be nice anymore, okay? Woohyun, please. Tell the others. I'm not going to be nice."

Little did Myungsoo know that Suhyoon was listening. She was pissed, tore off the bandage, and went back to sleep.



It was Saturday morning. Suhyoon forgot about what had happened last night, and had forgotten about Myungsoo living in her house. She left her room, and found another note on the kitchen table from her dad. He had left early, AGAIN. She sighed. She then went to the bathroom, and swung the door wide open. There, she saw Myungsoo, wearing only his polka dotted boxers, brushing his teeth. 



Myungsoo stared at her. "You saw me half yesterday, you can handle my boxers."

She was stunned. Then she remembered. She had hurt her leg, and Myungsoo helped her. Oh, and she remembered the half ness.... And the phone call. 


She quickly stood back up, and attempted to slap him.

Of course, she had forgotten the fact that he was like, A KARATE MASTER. He caught her hand midair, and looked her straight in the eye.

She lost her train of thought. Those beautiful eyes.... So.... BEAUTIFUL, she thought. SNAP OUT OF IT, SUHYOON.


She was back in reality. "I heard your phone call last night. So all of that was acting? Just because your friends wanted you to try to get closer to me?"

Myungsoo smirked. "Yep. You should know by now that I'm not a nice person."

He took a step closer to her.

"Uh, you're in your boxers, go away."

"Oh, sorry," he blushed. He let go shoved her out of the bathroom. "I have to pee, leave."

She scoffed, and walked back to her bedroom, when she noticed white, fluffy bubbles seeping out of the cracks of the laundry room. She cautiously opened the door, and a cloud of detergent bubbles swallowed her. 



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awww, the ending came so fast. :O but at least their happiness is all good and everything worked out well. =]
dinosauregg96 #3
aw! i liked this! its so sweet!
you did a great job! :D
Sujubuddy #4
So many updates in a day! I LOVE IT. <3
4everALonE_26 #5
Annyeong! new reader! and one of the silent reader!LoL
UPdate sOoN~~ Luv ur FAnfiC!=D
Kyungmin went into hiding!! :O i hope he didn't go too far away and hope they find him. :L
oh snapples, they got their wish.. but now what. and aww such one big, happy family. <3
... oh so sweet. they are now officially (publicly) wedded... but what's gonna happen now. :O
aww, such a cute sweet moment. i wish i could experience the first fall of snow. it would be really nice.