A Little Snow

Little Steps

It took Myungsoo two days to heal. By the time it was Wednesday, he was feeling better, and didn't have any traces of being sick.

They decided  to go visit Suhyoon's dad, now that Myungsoo felt better.



"Daddy, we're here," Suhyoon quietly said as they walked into the room. He was hooked up to an oxygen mask, and his eyes were closed. 

Myungsoo helped Suhyoon shift her dad around on the bed. He had been lying down on the same position for a while, and Suhyoon feared that when he woke up, he would be sore, and wouldn't be able to walk. If he ever woke up, of course. 



They left a couple hours later. The wind was chilly, and there were dark clouds ahead. It was almost seven, and both Myungsoo and Suhyoon were starving.

"Let's go eat 삼겹살 (sam-gyup-sal, pork meat)! I'll buy," said Myungsoo. He pulled out a wad of money that his dad had left, and that he earned from his part time job. 


They entered the restaurant, Honey Pig. It had the delicious aroma of meat. "Table for two," Myungsoo said to the waiter.

They sat down, and ordered lots of samgyupsal. Once done cooking, Myungsoo started making a wrap for Suhyoon. He placed korean lettuce on his hand, piled half a spoonful of rice, a nicely cooked meat, and sauces and veggies on top. He then folded the lettuce in, making sure that nothing fell out.

"Aaah," he said. 

Suhyoon blushed. "Not here, Myungsoo..."

"It's okay, no one's watching."

Suhyoon slowly opened . Myungsoo stuck the food in .

She smiled. 






They left the restaurant full and content. 

The weather was freezing. Suhyoon huddled closer to Myungsoo. Suddenly, a white flake dropped down on her nose. She looked up. Snow.

It really was beautiful. Myungsoo saw too, and looked towards the sky. 

Suhyoon stuck her bare hands out of her pocket, and let the snowflakes drop on her hand, and melt in an instant. 

Myungsoo opened his mouth to let the cold snow chill his tongue. 

"It's our first snow together," Myungsoo said.

"Yeah... It's beautiful."

"Like you."

"Stop being so cheesy!" Suhyoon and Myungsoo laughed, and walked home holding hands.

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awww, the ending came so fast. :O but at least their happiness is all good and everything worked out well. =]
dinosauregg96 #3
aw! i liked this! its so sweet!
you did a great job! :D
Sujubuddy #4
So many updates in a day! I LOVE IT. <3
4everALonE_26 #5
Annyeong! new reader! and one of the silent reader!LoL
UPdate sOoN~~ Luv ur FAnfiC!=D
Kyungmin went into hiding!! :O i hope he didn't go too far away and hope they find him. :L
oh snapples, they got their wish.. but now what. and aww such one big, happy family. <3
... oh so sweet. they are now officially (publicly) wedded... but what's gonna happen now. :O
aww, such a cute sweet moment. i wish i could experience the first fall of snow. it would be really nice.