He's Not As Bad As I Thought!

Little Steps

Suhyoon had fallen fast asleep while Myungsoo was carrying her back home.

"Ahem," Myungsoo said. "We're here." 

Suhyoon quickly woke up, wiped the drool off her face, and accidentally wiped it again onto his shirt. Myungsoo flinched. "...... You're washing this shirt," he grumbled. 

They walked inside, only to find the house empty. Suhyoon limped over to the kitchen, and found a note on the table:

"Suhyoon! Myungsoo! Sorry I'm not here right now. There was some problem over at my office, and I just need to check up on it. Sorry!!!! I left a little snack for you guys to eat if you're hungry. And again, I'm so sorry. Oh, and Suhyoon, be nice to Myungsoo. Love you, Dad."


"Great, just great. My dad's gone, I have a huge, bloody gash on my leg, and I'm stuck with you." Suhyoon was devastated, and longed for her dad. 

Myungsoo scowled. "Here, let me see that wound..." 


They sat down at the table together, and Myungsoo tended to her leg.

"So, Myungsoo. Why are you helping me? I wasn't nice to you, I think..." 

There was a moment of long and awkward silence. Myungsoo said, ".... You're helping me by letting me stay here a while. And, my friends like you, they think you're pretty and smart and.... There, all done." He stopped in the middle of his sentence as he bandaged her wound. 

"Thanks," she said. 

"Well," Myungsoo replied, while talking off his shirt, "You need to clean all the drool off this shirt."

Suhyoon shrieked, covered her eyes, and turned around. "PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON! I'm not used to guys running around my house , especially strangers like you!"

"We're not strangers," Myungsoo chuckled. "I even carried you on my back! And get used to it, this is how I wander around at home."

"Okay, ummmmmm.... Uh, well, I'm going to my room now."

"Wait, you're supposed to wash my sh-" He was cut off midsentence as Suhyoon shuffled to her room, entered, and slammed the door. She flopped onto her bed, and stared at the ceiling.

Dang, his abs are fiiiiine, she thought. Wait, what am I saying? Shush, Suhyoon, you must be tired. Stop thinking about his luscious lips, his big, gentle hands, piercing eyes...... SHUT UP SUHYOON! DON'T FALL FOR THAT- THAT- KID! 

She sat up, and walked to her door. She slowly peered through the crack, and saw Myungsoo, half , eating the little snack her dad had prepared. Grrrrr, her stomach grumbled, and broke the silence. Myungsoo turned around, and laughed. He motioned her over to the table, and they had their mini feast. 


"You know, once you get to know me, I'm not as mean as everyone says. I mean, I am mean, but only to people I don't like," Myungsoo said, while munching on dumplings.

"Then shouldn't you be mean to me? You don't really like me..", Suhyoon replied.

"How do you know that?"

-awkward silence-

"Oh, look, it's getting late. I think I'm going to sleep now..... KBYE." Suhyoon quickly left the table, and back into her room.

She fell asleep instantly, thinking about Myungsoo...................


But the next morning was a whole different story. The Ice King was back. 

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awww, the ending came so fast. :O but at least their happiness is all good and everything worked out well. =]
dinosauregg96 #3
aw! i liked this! its so sweet!
you did a great job! :D
Sujubuddy #4
So many updates in a day! I LOVE IT. <3
4everALonE_26 #5
Annyeong! new reader! and one of the silent reader!LoL
UPdate sOoN~~ Luv ur FAnfiC!=D
Kyungmin went into hiding!! :O i hope he didn't go too far away and hope they find him. :L
oh snapples, they got their wish.. but now what. and aww such one big, happy family. <3
... oh so sweet. they are now officially (publicly) wedded... but what's gonna happen now. :O
aww, such a cute sweet moment. i wish i could experience the first fall of snow. it would be really nice.