A Vegetable and some Ramen

Little Steps


Suhyoon rushed into the ER to see her dad lying down the the hospital bed, the bed being pushed into an elevator. She quickly ran and joined her dad and the doctors. She was sobbing by now. She held her dad's hand and said, "It's okay, Dad, I'm right here." The doctors spedwalked down the aisle as the elevator door opened on the operating room floor. She ran with them. As the reached the doors, the doctors pushed her aside, and said that she couldn't enter. She watched the doors close as her dad was rolled in to the operating room. She fell on her knees, and stared. Suddenly, there was a hand on her shoulder. She looked up, and saw that it was Myungsoo. He had saw Suhyoon get on the elevator, and guessed that they were going on the operating room floor, which he had taken the stairs to.

"Suhyoon, get up and sit on the chair." He helped her get up, and they sat. "I'm sorry for what happened."

Suhyoon didn't say a word.

A couple hours later, a doctor came out of the doors. Both Suhyoon and Myungsoo sat up. 

"How is he?" was the first thing that Suhyoon said.

"Well, as you know," the doctor started to respond, "your father was hit by a truck driver. He was thrown around pretty badly. He's in a vegetative state. We don't know when he'll wake up. But if he does, we don't know if he will regain full function of his legs again. We're very sorry. But don't worry, the hospital will take very good care of him." 







Suhyoon looked at her father through his hospital room window. She slowly opened the door, and ran to his bed. She crawled on it, rolled up into a ball, and cried. Myungsoo, who didn't want to see her be so miserable, entered the room and picked her up. He walked her to the couch near  the bed, set her down, and propped himself next to her. She dropped her head onto his shoulder, close to his chest. Soon, she stopped shaking and crying, and concentrated on his heartbeat. Bu dum, bu dum, bu dum..

Myungsoo could feel Suhyoon's warm and soft breath, seeping into his school uniform and slipping across his hard chest. 

"Do you want to go home now?" he asked.

".... Yes."

"Would you like to have some ramen before we head home?"

She looked at him and gave him a tiny smile. "I would love that."


Suhyoon had a feeling that Myungsoo would take good care of her, even if her dad wasn't there.

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awww, the ending came so fast. :O but at least their happiness is all good and everything worked out well. =]
dinosauregg96 #3
aw! i liked this! its so sweet!
you did a great job! :D
Sujubuddy #4
So many updates in a day! I LOVE IT. <3
4everALonE_26 #5
Annyeong! new reader! and one of the silent reader!LoL
UPdate sOoN~~ Luv ur FAnfiC!=D
Kyungmin went into hiding!! :O i hope he didn't go too far away and hope they find him. :L
oh snapples, they got their wish.. but now what. and aww such one big, happy family. <3
... oh so sweet. they are now officially (publicly) wedded... but what's gonna happen now. :O
aww, such a cute sweet moment. i wish i could experience the first fall of snow. it would be really nice.