Before School...

Little Steps

"Crap, I'm late again!" Suhyoon rushed out of her room and ran to get her shoes on. "Wait, don't forget to eat breakfast!", her dad called out. He walked towards her and handed her a toasted bagel with her favorite strawberry cream cheese. She looked up and smiled at her dad. He was the only one there for her. Suhyoon's mom had died when she was a young infant, and all she had in the world was her loving dad. *I'M SO CURIOUS, YEEAHH*. "That's a new ringtone, you changed it AGAIN?" her dad asked. She laughed, kissed him on the cheek, and ran outside, towards Yoojung High.

"Suhyoon! Wait up!" Suhyoon turned around to see her best friend, Eunbi, racing towards her. As they walked closer to school together, they saw him. But who? WHO?

Kim Myungsoo.

Eunbi scooted closer to Suhyoon. "Hey look, it's him," she whispered while pointing at Myungsoo and his group of friends. Suhyoon wasn't too fond of Myungsoo. Their fathers had been good friends for a long time, but the two kids could never get along. Suhyoon knew that they weren't going to be friends from the beginning.


Myungsoo was standing outside of the school, with six of his "gang"; Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungjong, Sungyeol, Hoya, and Dongwoo. ,They were his best friends, and they all knew it, too. Hanging out outside right before school was their usual routine. As they watched the students go by, they noticed one in particular.


She was so pretty, so smart.... "Myungsoo! You know her family! Introduce us!", all the boys pleaded. Myungsoo gave them a cold stare, and looked back at Suhyoon. "What the heck, why her?... She's not even that pretty." They other six boys slowly turned their heads towards Myungsoo, and gave him an are-you-stupid look. Myungsoo shrugged, and slowly made his way into the school, just as the bell rang.

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awww, the ending came so fast. :O but at least their happiness is all good and everything worked out well. =]
dinosauregg96 #3
aw! i liked this! its so sweet!
you did a great job! :D
Sujubuddy #4
So many updates in a day! I LOVE IT. <3
4everALonE_26 #5
Annyeong! new reader! and one of the silent reader!LoL
UPdate sOoN~~ Luv ur FAnfiC!=D
Kyungmin went into hiding!! :O i hope he didn't go too far away and hope they find him. :L
oh snapples, they got their wish.. but now what. and aww such one big, happy family. <3
... oh so sweet. they are now officially (publicly) wedded... but what's gonna happen now. :O
aww, such a cute sweet moment. i wish i could experience the first fall of snow. it would be really nice.