Chapter 9

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


Shouldn’t a friend respect the person that is important to me and treat that someone as her/his friend too?

Hye ah bit her lip after reading Sungmin’s latest Tweet. She suppose, he must be referring to yesterday’s incident. She sighed, not knowing whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. She can’t really differentiate whether he is doing this because he is trying to salvage the scandal thing or he is really concern… Hmnn… must be because of the scandal… wake up, Won Hye Ah…Babo… Hye Ah knocked at her own head and turned off her computer, decided to read a book…

*Ding dong*

‘Who?’ Hye Ah wondered. Who could be dropping in at this time of the day when everyone is suppose to be at work?

‘Lee Sungmin?’ Hye Ah muttered after a peep at the cat’s eye… She tidied her hair, looks at her own reflection in the full length mirror at the doorway and frowned. She should had wear something nicer… She looks like an ajumma now… But she had no time to change now…

‘Lunch!!!!’ Sungmin yelped joyfully at her the moment she opened the door and slipped in the house swiftly.

‘Lunch? U comes especially to have lunch with me?’ Hye Ah asked,

‘Yes… and to examine your wound…’ Sungmin smiled, pulling her hand and walked toward the sofa.

‘Wound?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Yes…. Let me have a look….’ Sungmin took her hand in his after he placed the packed food on the table and looked at the wound, good… seem to be ok to him now.

‘How do u know I will be at home?’ Hye Ah asked, smiling at how serious he looked when he checked on her arms.

‘I guess so…’ Sungmin said as he moved toward her right side and checked on her right hand.

‘What if I am not around?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Where can u go in this state?’ Sungmin asked, pointing to her wound.

‘Long sleeve shirt…’

‘U doesn’t seem like to be enjoying going out sort of person…’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Very true…. Hahaha!’

‘Lets eat?’ Sungmin ssuggested.

‘Ok~ thanks for the trouble..’

‘I am just looking for someone to have lunch with me…’ Sungmin chucked.

‘U got a bunch of buddies… as if u are lack of accompany…’ Hye ah chuckled as she get the table laid.

‘Oh~ but most of them are with partner… leaving the lonely me…’ Sungmin pouted, unknowingly turning on his aegyo mode again.

‘Hahahahaha! Stop acting cute…’ Hye Ah chuckled, amused at his aegyoness. She had to admit, it’s really cute.

‘I am not acting, I AM CUTE!’ Sungmin insisted, in a serious tone.

‘Yes, yes…. please eat, cutie pink bunny~’ Hye Ah laughed, sitting down in front of him.

‘Hmnnn what do u calls me?’


‘No No No… u said pink bunny? How u know that?’ Sungmin smirked. Ah huh… so she been stalking them?

‘U heard it wrongly… U must be having illusion due to hunger… eat!’ Hye Ah bowed her head low and started to dig in to the food. This kid really is shrewd….

‘Hahahahahahahah!’ Sungmin laughed, started to dig in to the food.

‘So, what time is your schedule later?’ Hye ah asked, looking at the wall clock.

‘About 3… I have to go after this…’

‘Oh~ its such a rush… don’t do that next time…’ Hye Ah shook her head.

‘Are u worried about me?’ Sungmin asked, chuckling.

‘Yes, I am worried I will be blamed if anything happen to u~’Hye Ah smirked.

‘Just admit it if u are worried…’

‘Cheh~’ Hye Ah snorted, continued to eat.

‘And I can’t have dinner with u later… And tomorrow lunch… I had schedule…’

‘Its ok… I can take care of myself..’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘But I will be available for tomorrow dinner… wait for me all right?’ Sungmin requested.

‘All right…’ Hye Ah smiled, started to anticipate for tomorrow dinner….




‘U know….u don’t have to make time for me everyday… I am fine alone..’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin who is concentrating on the road.

‘I am worried u might be bored eating alone…’ Sungmin smiled, with his eyes still on the road.

‘I will put on weight if I keep on eat and eat with u like this….’ Hye Ah complained, placing her hand on her tummy.

‘Oh~ u are far from that…’ Sungmin chuckled, she is too skinny. Ought to put on some extra pounds.

‘Hmnnn…. If I am not careful, becoming fat is just the matter of time…I need exercise…’ Hye Ah make up her mind to do some exercise starting from tomorrow to burn the extra calories she had taken these few days.

‘No…. not until your wound are fully recovered…’ Sungmin shook his head.

‘Its just scratches…’ Hye Ah muttered.

‘But scratches might turn into scars if u does not take a good care of it…’ Sungmin stopped his car and pulled at her left hand, examining it.

‘Not that serious…’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin serious expression, couldn’t help feeling sweet inside.

‘Erm… seem to be getting better…’ Sungmin smiled contently and stretched his hand out for her right hand.

‘Of course.. its not that serious to start with…’ Hye ah chuckled, holding out her right hand to him.

‘Good… Now lets go and have our dinner…’ Sungmin gave out a contented smile and get off the car, moving toward the passenger seat and helped her to get out of the car.

‘Is this place safe?’ Hye Ah asked, a bit traumatised from her previous experience.

‘No worry, I will stick to u… so u will be protected..’ Sungmin pulled down his cap and wrapped his scarf around his neck, turning over to wrap her well in her scarf too.

‘Sigh… so tiring… I miss the day where I can just loiter around without any worries..’ Hye Ah pouted.

‘Sorry…’ Sungmin chuckled as he wrapped her hand in his naturally, pulling her closer to him.

‘Hmnn… now I am worried about the filming tomorrow…’ Hye Ah pouted.

‘Oh~ just behave naturally, the main is not us anyway….Our is just on the way thing…’ Sungmin assured.

‘I know… but it must be very stressful… wow…. Just the thought of it makes me shudder…’

‘Ahaha… just take it as u are giving lecture… no worry…’ Sungmin pulled her into the quiet restaurant and walked toward the private room, which he reserves in advance.

‘Aigooo…. Ahahaha….’ Hye Ah let out a chuckled as soon as she is safe inside the room and it puzzled Sungmin very much indeed.

‘What is that?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hahahaha! we are behaving like we are having affair… Kekekeke~’ Hye Ah laughed again, at the thought of how they tried to avoid any attention just now.

‘From Ninja to having affair?’ Sungmin laughed, shaking his head.


‘Oh…. Jin Young always said we are Ninja in action…’

‘Oh~ that’s makes Yesung ssi a Ninja-Turtle then…Hahahahahahaha!’ Hye Ah started to fall into a hysteric laughter again at the thought of Yesung being dresses in a Ninja-Turtle way, complete with the heavy shell behind his back.

‘Aigoooo…. Are u that happy?’ Sungmin asked, pinching her cheek.

‘Aigooo…. Aish… I think I am watching too many Mini Drama and We Got Married? Being influenced by Kyuhyun ssi laughing bacteria…’ Hye Ah said after she stopped her laughter, wiping away the tears from her excessive laughter.

‘Huh… seem like someone is doing some stalking recently…’ Sungmin smirked, happy with the fact that she is following with they are doing.

‘Oh~ It was just part of the homework for tomorrow filming…’ Hye Ah sit up straight and picked up her chopstick, picking on the side dishes in front of her.

‘Why are u so uptight? Are u hiding something from m…e?’ Sungmin chuckled, leaning closer to her.

‘Hahahahahahaha!!!’ Hye Ah laughed at Sungmin’s shocked expression when she stuffed in a chilli in his mouth while he talks.

‘U…. are getting from bad to worst….Totally influenced by Kyuhyun… I forbid u to watch his part!!’ Sungmin warned, after downing a glass of water.

‘Oh~ that was not being shown that often… u are the one who is always complaining to me about his mischeviousness…’

‘Am I?’

‘Oh~’ Hye Ah nodded, smiling at him brightly.

‘Surprisingly good mood u has…’

‘Maybe I am relaxed? Sometime I was thinking… it was not such a bad thing too to be able to take a short break like this…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Being lazy…’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Hahahahahha! Maybe…But please take note, I mentioned short break…’ Hye Ah winked at him.

‘Oh~ the school called u?’

‘B.I.N.G.O!’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘Good, at least its working….’ Sungmin nodded, pouring her some Soju.

‘U really did call the principal?’ Hye Ah hold up her cup, looking at Sungmin.

‘Hmnn…’ Sungmin smiled, not acknowledging nor denying.

‘What did u say?’ Hye Ah asked, putting down the cup and moved toward Sungmin’s side, grabbing at his hand.

‘Hahahahahah! As long as it works, whatever I said is not important…’ Sungmin tried to brush it away and placed the cup in her hand again.

‘Eigh…. Tell me….’ Hye Ah pushed the cup away and shook his hand lightly.

‘Aegyo…’ Sungmin smirked.

‘Huh? U aegyo to the principal?’ Hye Ah crinkled her nose at the thought of it… Eiwwweeee….

‘NO! I mean try aegyo to me and I will tell u… ahahahaha~’

‘……………..’ Hye Ah lets go of Sungmin’s hand and looked at him in dismay… Aegyo?? She had long abandon this skill….Not a kid anymore right? Aegyo? Eishhhh…

‘If u are not doing it, just get back and finish your dinner…’ Sungmin picked up his chopstick and intend to get on with his dinner.

‘………………….’ Hye Ah took away Sungmin’s chopstick and looked at him, biting her lip.

‘What is that?’ Sungmin looked at Hye Ah in surprise.

‘Minnie oppa….’ Hye Ah smiled at him, hugging his hand and leaned her head to his shoulder.

‘Ahahahahhaa! Yes? My precious darling?’ Sungmin asked, who said she couldn’t aegyo?

‘Tell me… tell me…. Tell me pl…ea…se…’ Hye Ah grabbed at his hand and shook it gently while trying her best to put up the puppy eye that she always see in Sungmin’s eyes.

‘Aigooo…..u done so well….’ Sungmin pinched her nose, chuckling.

‘So… tell me please….’ Hye Ah pouted.

‘All right…..’ Sungmin chuckled. Eighh… so cute….

‘What did u tell the principal?’ Hye Ah asked, regaining her usual self.

‘Eh.… where is the little cutie just now?’ Sungmin teased.

‘Stop fooling around… now talk…’ Hye Ah blushed and gave his hand a light slap.

‘Very simple, I just asked him a question.’

‘Question? What is that?’

‘Are u still going to let my Hye Ah teaches in your school?’

‘Just like this?’ Hye Ah couldn’t believe it can be that simple.

‘With an add on of course….’

‘Hmnnn…’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘If u are not going to let her continued, I will move her to another school….’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Huh?? U…. U… what if the principal agree to let me go?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Not to worry… I do have place for you to go….’ Sungmin smirked.

‘Hmnn… don’t tell me your private tutor…’ Hye Ah rolled her eyes.

‘Hahahahhaa! That’s a good idea… why didn’t I think of that? But no, not my initial idea…’

‘Cheh~ Then?’

‘Didn’t I tell u Kyuhyun’s father owns a language school?’

‘No, u didn’t….But I am still glad to be able to go back to my school! Thanks U~’ Hye Ah gave Sungmin a little hug and walked back to her own seat, picking up her chopstick again.

‘Hehehehehe! Is that my reward?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Oh~ no worry! I will put up a good show tomorrow…’ Hye Ah smiled, ah… everything tastes so nice to her right now..

The two of them started to get their hand on polishing the food on the table while talking joyfully to each other, with Sungmin feeding her the information about them which he think will be useful to her.

‘I need the washroom…’

‘All right, I will pick the tab… and wait u outside?’ Sungmin doesn’t want to leave her alone for too a long time, for fearing she might be endanger by the fans again.

‘Okay…’ Hye Ah nodded.

Sungmin was waiting for Hye Ah somewhere nearby the ladies when he receive intensive glance from one of the girl who is coming out from the ladies. He took a sly glance toward the direction where she walked to and he found her talking to another bunch of girls while looking over to his side.

‘Darn… I think I am being spotted again… quite a bad luck recently…’ Sungmin muttered in his own mind.

‘Oh, I am ready…. What?’ Hye Ah is a bit surprise when Sungmin pulled at her hand and ran toward the backdoor in top speed.

‘Fans!’ from the corner of his eyes, Sungmin saw the girls dashing toward their side. He  doesn’t want to get caught by them! Especially with Hye Ah with him right now. At least he can still pretend it’s not Sungmin they saw if they didn’t not catches him…

‘…………….’ Hye Ah grabbed at his hand tightly and ran as fast as she could with him. Sungmin pulled her into a corner and hugged her close to him, observing the situation outside. Hye Ah’s cheek is now practically sticking to his chest right now.. and the thumping of his heart can be clearly heard in the quiet valley… She can feel his heavy breathing above her head to as he tried to adjust his breathing after all those running. Hye Ah placed her hand on her chest too, her heart is thumping crazily too and she think Sungmin is going to hear that if they continue to stick together like this… She tried to edge away from him by giving his chest a light push.

 ‘Ssshhhh….’ Sungmin whispered, pulling her closer to him. Hye Ah closed her eyes, she is now sticking even closer to him right now… She blushed as her heartbeat getting heavier and heavier every minute as Sungmin tighten his grip on her. She closed her eyes, hoping her heart won’t be jumping out from …

‘I think we are quite safe…. Are u all right?’ Sungmin asked, looking down to the petite girl who had gone all quiet.

‘I…. am…all right…’ Hye Ah push herself away from his embrace and looked away, tucking her hairs behind her ears with her trembling finger as the two of them fall into an awkward silent again….

‘Umn…. In that case… lets go…’ Sungmin rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly too..

‘Okay…’ Hye Ah smiled at him.

‘Lets go…’ Sungmin took her hand in his and Hye Ah obliged to it without any objection. ‘Scary?’ Sungmin asked.

‘A bit…’ Hye Ah nodded. ‘But… exciting at the same time…’ Hye Ah continued, with a chuckle.

‘I wonder how can u go back to school like this…’ Sungmin started to get worry she might be attacked when she started to resume her normal lifestyle without him beside him.

‘If u notices, I will only be in trouble when u are beside me…’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘So now u are blaming me?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hahaha! Nope…. But life still have to go on…Just be a little bit careful…’

‘Hmnnn…. Here, get on the car…’ Sungmin opened the door and she slipped in, leaning her head to the headrest.

‘U gotten what u wanted, exercise…’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Hahahahahah! A forced one~ ya… I had a good run I admit…’ Hye Ah nodded, twisting her neck a bit.

Hye Ah lay on her bed again, holding her handphone close to her… She know Sungmin will definitely call her once he is home.

Hye Ah smiled upon the feeling of the vibration of her phone, picking it up almost immediately.

‘Yeoboseyo~’ Hye Ah answered the phone sweetly.

‘I am home…’ Sungmin cheerful voice comes through the speaker, bringing a smile to Hye Ah’s face as well, chuckling at her almost close to aegyo tone.

 ‘Right… rest early then…’ Hye Ah smiled, preparing to end the call.

 ‘And Hye Ah… are u doing anything else tomorrow?’ Sungmin asked.

‘The filming?’

‘After that?’

‘I do not have anything on after that….’

‘Interested to go to Neoraebang?’ Sungmin suggested.

‘With u?’

‘Of course…’


‘Cos we are suppose to date remember? And not only us… the whole gang will be there…’

‘Hmnnn…. But that’s a private party between u and your team mate right? I…..’ Hye  Ah hesitated. Can she handle so many hyperactive men in a go?

‘Believe me u will loved it….’

‘I don’t think there’s need…And since nobody will see us…’

‘Don’t tell me u are….worried…’

‘Of what?’

‘Falling in love with me?’ Sungmin smirked, counting down 3,2,1….

‘Yah! Who said so? Me? Worried?Cheh~ Ok, where and when?’ Hye Ah snorted… but somehow she is already moving toward her wardrobe and looked at the content inside with a worried look… will she ever find something suitable to wear?

‘That’s a deal?’ Sungmin asked.

‘All right… I will see u then…’ Hye Ah pulled out some of the clothes that she think is appropriate and threw it on her bed.

‘Okay~ take care ya…’

‘Oh…’ Hye Ah ended the call and threw the phone on her bed, trying on the clothes one by one…

Sungmin looked at his phone with a smile on his face. Lee  Sungmin ah Lee Sungmin, u must be crazy…Do u know what is the meaning of bringing her to their private gathering like this? But why does it feel so good to be crazy?  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~