Chapter 7

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


Having nothing much to do…. She decided to have a taste of being an E.L.F and tried to search online for Super Junior’s related information. Some homework need to be done if they are to pretend to date right? At a click of finger, numerous pages of Super Junior related appear in front if her. Hye Ah decided to narrow down her searches and put in Super Junior Lee Sungmin….

Its already 7a.m in the morning when Hye Ah realized she been spending too much of her time in front of the computer… From Lee Sungmin to Cho Kyuhyun, his room mate with a model girlfriend… then to Shindong who appear to be his good friend, Kangin who is awkward with him previously, and serving his military services now… Then to the yo yo touch man who is also awkward with him after a… kiss???!! Hye Ah couldn’t believe they  actually done that… She would had thought they are gay if she is not aware of the existence of Heechul’s wife. Then to the new SJM with Zhou Mi the tall Chinese man, Donghae the romantic fish, Eunhyuk the dancing machine, Henry the mochi, Kyuhyun the evil maknae again, Ryeowook the cutie, Siwon the gentleman and himself. She already knew about the Leader Leeteuk and additional to it, the main 4thdimension vocalist, Yesung. And she is also aware of another 2 member who are not with them right now, Kibum and Hankyung… So she can safely say that she can remember all the members in the group right now….

‘Ah…. 1sttime in my life I think skipping class is a blessing…’ Hye Ah laid on her bed, blinking her eyes sleepily. However, not forgetting to drop her housemate a message to let them know that she is catching her sleep right now… not wanting to be dig out of the bed by them again.




‘Min…. minnie ah!!’ Shindong yelled, rapping in the pink bunny room’s door.

‘Yes?’ Sungmin asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

‘Hye Ah ssi posted something on her Twitter…’

‘She did? What did she say?’ Sungmin asked sleepily, a little bit awake right now.

‘Oh~ its in English….’Shindong poked in his phone, logging in the Twitter.

‘English?!’ Sungmin muttered sleepily, reaching for his phone.

‘Yeah…’ Shindong.

‘Hmnn….’ Sungmin read the content of her Tweet with his head still sticking on the pillow, smiling a little a bit before he turned and closed his eyes again. He need to catches some sleep before he talks to her again later….

Ming… I miss u too….




‘Yeobo..seyo…..’ Hye Ah grabbed at her noisy phone and placed it to her ear, answering it between her yawn…

‘Are u quite awake?’Sungmin asked

‘Hmnn… that  early?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘My dear miss…. It coming to 12…. How long do u intend to sleep in?’ Sungmin chuckled, totally not aware that she stay up till 7.a.m…

‘Hmnnnn….’ Hye Ah said between her yawn.

‘Yeoboseyo???’ Sungmin chuckled when he couldn’t get any respond from the other end of the phone. He ended the call, decided to let her sleep in a little bit more.


‘What are u doing now?’ Sungmin asked, with a hint of aegyoness.

‘Geezzz… do u always talk like that?’ Hye Ah asked, shrugged a bit at the aegyoness in his tone.

‘I thought all eonnie liked that~’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Eeeewwwweeeee… I can’t stand it…’

‘I didn’t do it on purpose, I am born with it…’

‘Cheh~ Yes, u didn’t call just to aegyo with me right?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Just wanted to know what u are doing now…’

‘Staring at the ceiling….’ There no way Hye Ah will tell him that she is now just started on that Mini Drama they done years ago, after a whole nightof Lets Learn about Super Junior and Intimate Note…

‘Ahh…. Aren’tu bored?’

‘I am….To stiff…’ Hye Ah let out a yawn after her own statement. Telling herself that she must had been too bored thus she will watch those kind of shows where she normally won’t…

 ‘U ever heard of ‘We got married’? Sungmin asked.

‘No… but the sound of the program doesn’t sound appealing to me…’ Hye Ah frowned, don’t tell me they are doing that.

‘We are not doing that in case u are wondering…’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Oh? Do u remember Eunhyuk?’

‘I know… dancing machine….’

‘Oh! Thought u said u doesn’t know us?’

‘I have to do some homework right? I doesn’t want to embarrass myself in front of the national TV…’ Hye Ah rolled her eyes…

‘Hahahahahahaha!! Good student…’

‘Its okay… I will go and search for it later… since I had nothing much to do…’ Hye Ah heaved out a heavy sigh after that.

‘Thinking about your job?’ Sungmin asked,

‘Yeah… wonder when can I resume…’ Hye Ah frowned.

‘Hmnn… do u mind teaching only one student?’ Sungmin asked.

‘U? when do u have the time to?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘I make some arrangement…. Shall I see u tonight around 6? We shall go for dinner 1st…’ Sungmin suggested.

‘All right…’ Hye Ah ended her call joyfully, walking toward her desk and looked at the teaching material she had.

‘Conversational English should be more useful to him… so he would need… this… and that…ok…’ Hye Ah sat down and get her hands on preparing some material which she think she would need later.


I am on my way….

Hye Ah looked at the message Sungmin send her and pushed herself up from the desk… Gosh… to think she fallen asleep sprawling on the desk like this… Late night life really doesn’t suit her… She walked toward the washroom sleepily and washed herself…

Moment later, the doorbell rang and she made her way toward the main door, allowing the Ninja-cladded Sungmin in.

‘Are u ready?’ Sungmin asked, looking around.. its typical sort of girl place. Clean, neat and tidy.. he liked it.

‘Yeah, let me get my bag….Where are we going today?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Dinner 1stof course… and why are u bringing that?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Didn’t u said that u wanted to learn English?’ Hye Ah asked, opening her big bag and showed him the books inside.

‘Ergh…hmnn….’ Sungmin chuckled.. Gosh… he didn’t expect she will be that serious..

‘Why?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Actually…. I wanted to discuss with u… with regards of u resuming your job 1st…’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Oh…. How to?’ Hye Ah tilted her head a bit.

‘Leave those books 1st… lets go for dinner?’

‘Bring it along… we might have time for it later…’ Hye Ah insisted, hugging the bag of book while she tried to get her shoes on.

‘Let me… looks heavy…’ Sungmin took over the bag and waited patiently for Hye Ah to lock her door.

‘Lets go…’ Hye Ah nodded at Sungmin.


‘What suggestion do u have?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘A talk with your principal?’ Sungmin suggested.

‘Do u think it will be useful?’

‘I suppose so… Aren’t teacher normal human? Cant they date?’

‘Yeah… but which normal person will get their date publish like this?’ Hye Ah asked, sighing.

‘Because u are dating with me, a celebrity that’s why…..’ Sungmin smiled. Why does the word ‘dating with me’ sound so sweet to him?

‘Hmnnpppp…. I doubt he will accept that reason just like that…’ Hye Ah stirred at her drink moodily…

‘I think the program next week will be able to help, more or less,….’

‘Really?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Trust me…’ Sungmin took hold of her hand and gave it light squeeze…

‘……………..’ Hye ah wrung him a tired smile and looked down to her drink again.

‘If not… just change a place?’ Sungmin suggested.

‘Oh… but I am so used to that school… and I liked there…’ Hye Ah pouted.

‘I know…. But if the worst case comes…’

‘I suppose I will just have to accept it then….’ Hye ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Don’t worry… we think  of a way together…’

‘And… what about your side? No problem so far?’

‘Me? I am fine, still manageable… and the management do accept what we had propose… to put it off till next week program…’

‘Exactly… what do I have to do?’

‘Basically… just a lunch… and just follow us…’

‘Lunch? Don’t think I can swallow with so many eyes in front of me…’ Hye Ah sighed, sipping her drink.

‘And what are u going to call me? Oppa?’

‘*cough cough*!!! *cough cough* O..ppa??...yah! are u crazy?’ Hye Ah asked, patting her chest.

‘What do u mean by that?’ Sungmin asked, passing her a tissue paper.

‘Ermmnn… Hmnnn… thought I told u I am noona?’ Hye Ah cleared , wiping and casted him a disbelieving look.

‘Eighh…. We can’t tell the camera that right?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Why not? Its fact…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Dear… we are pretending to date now…. Do u call ur boyfriend with full name plus a ssi?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hmnn…. Why not?’

‘Don’t tell me… u…never dated?’ Sungmin asked.

‘What does it got to do with our current discussion?’ Hye ah looked away, sipping her drink.

‘So…. I suppose I am right then…’ Sungmin chuckled. Eigh… no wonder she is so raw…

‘Yes! I never dated before, satisfy?’

‘Hahahaha! All right, lesson No.1… couple always had a special name for each other… like Kyu always call Yuri Yul, Teukie hyung away called hyung su nim Jini….Siwon and Hani (honey)….’

‘I see… cheesy name u mean? Hahaha! So what do u want me to call u? No oppa please… I can’t make myself to…’


‘Minnie? So girlie….’ Hye Ah laughed.

‘So oppa will be a better choice?’

‘Minnie…’ Hye ah concluded.

‘So, what shall I call u?’ Sungmin asked,

‘Hye Ah…’

‘Hye Ah eonni?’

‘As u liked it… but not under the screen, we are not that close actually…’

‘U broken my heart eonni…’

‘Lee Sungmin ssi!’ Hye Ah frowned.


‘And, I think we better make this clear…’

‘What again? U sure does like to make rules… are all teacher like this?’

‘I think we have to put a deadline for everything…’


‘Yeah… deadline of our date…’

‘Oh?’ Sungmin frowned.

‘how long do u think its appropriate? 2 months?’

‘Isnt it a bit too short?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Erm… maybe,…. 3 months?’

‘Hye Ah….’

‘Objection?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Hmnnn….’ Sungmin looked at her, speechless.

‘Ok! Three months it shall be…’ Hye Ah concluded

Sungmin looked at her smiling face… there is nothing he can say to object right now isn’t it?

‘All right, I have my condition too…’ Sungmin said, looking at her.

‘What is that?’ Hye Ah asked. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~