Chapter 8

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


‘Little kid… u better don’t give me any rubbish condition..’ Hye Ah warned, narrowing her eyes at him.

‘1st, u are not to call me kid again. U have 3 selection, Minnie, Ming, oppa~’ Sungmin frowned.

‘Ok~ noted, Minnie…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Thank u… 2nd, u are to oblige to my instruction whenever we are in public, especially in front of camera.

‘Agreed… u should know better…’

‘3rd, we are to meet at least once a week…’

‘Ok~ I am free anyway~ till don’t know when~’ Hye Ah shrugged.

‘I am surprised u will agreed to it so readily..’ Sungmin smirked.

‘Sound logic to me… But…don’t think u can make me do anything funny in front of camera all right…’ Hye Ah warned.

‘Agreed~’ Sungmin nodded. What makes her think he will make her do something funny?

‘Hmnn… then fine~ deal… 3 months from now on….’

‘Now, your reinstation…’

‘Oh….’ Hye Ah hummed. She is not very optimize with that one…

‘No worry…. I will do something to it….’

‘Like?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Just don’t worry….’

‘Hmnn… can u stop being so mysterious for a moment?’

‘Hahahahah! I will tell u when everything is finalize… meanwhile, have your dinner.’

‘Cheh~ u and your secret…’ Hye Ah chided.


Hye Ah was waiting for Sungmin to bring his car over in front of the restaurant where they are having their dinner previously. She noticed that there are several curious glances coming from some of the passer by…. Sigh…. Like Sungmin said, she is already a half celebrity.. She couldn’t believe that she can become that ‘popular’ in just 3 short days after Sungmin Twitter. And the funny thing is, she has the so called MinHye shipper and some anti as well…

‘!!!!!’ Hye Ah was shocked when she was being stared by 2 young girls in their teen, in the most unfriendly way they can be. Hye Ah turned her head away, avoiding their glances. Gosh…. Scary… must be because they thought she takes away their Sungmin oppa….

‘Yah! U! get away from Sungmin oppa! U are so old! Not compatible with him at all!’ the girl looked at Hye Ah, throwing the hurtful word at her.

‘…………..’ Hye Ah choose to keep her cool and tried to ignore the insolent young girl.

‘Yah! I am talking to u, old hag~’ the girl sneered, walking toward Hye Ah.

‘…………’ Hye Ah turned and gave her a pointed look, not intending to give her any other respond other than that.

‘Are u a mute?’ the girl shouted, totally ignoring the pulling and persuasion from her friend.

‘ Maybe u should try telling Sungminnie that? If u can…’ Hye Ah asked, looking at her. U and your fantasy… Your Sungmin oppa doesn’t even know about u…

‘What????!!! U ’ The girl tried to grab at Hye Ah’s hair where she dodged it skillfully and pushed her hand away.

‘U stop that!’ Hye Ah shrieked, pushing away her hand which is trying to reach for her face.

‘I will kill u today!’ the girl yelled, dashing over and started to scratch Hye Ah outstretch hand.

‘Stop it….’ Hye Ah is panicked at how crazy the girl is and tried to defend herself the best she could. However, no matter how hard she tried, she still can’t really outfight the strong girl that keep trying to pounce over to her and eager to leave marks and scratches on her. She is really scared by now… Isnt anyone going to rescue her?

‘WHAT ARE U DOING???!!!’ a familiar voice come to Hye Ah’s voice and before she knew it, she is being wrapped by a strong warm arm and lean on his well toned chest.

‘Minnie…’ Hye Ah wailed, on the verge of tear.

‘Its okay, I am here huh?’ Sungmin comforted, smiling at the traumatized girl.

‘…’ the crazy fan looked at Sungmin in awe… is this really her Sungmin oppa? Standing in front of her?

‘What are u trying to do actually huh?’ Sungmin asked, looking at the girl with the sternest expression on his face.

‘I… I…. oppa…. Nice to meet u…’ The girl decided to avoid Sungmin question instead.

‘Not very nice experience for me though..’ Sungmin snapped as he guided the still trembling Hye Ah toward his car.

‘Are u all right?’ He asked, while helping her to fasten her seat belt.

‘…………’ Hye Ah shook her head, biting her lip to stop herself from crying. Never did she ever been insulted in these way… And to make the thing worst, in public.

‘I am sorry…’ Sungmin apologizes, driving toward Hana’s house which is just around the corner.

‘………..’ Hye Ah shook her head again, with her hand busily rubbing away the tears that she couldn’t contain anymore. Sungmin felt a great pang of guilt at her silentness and the scary red marks on her hand, cursing himself for not protecting her well.

‘Hye Ah… look … I am really sorry… I know u are… u are… u must be full of grievance now… But… I… didn’t mean it to be this way…’ Sungmin explained, frowning at the sight of her silent tears.

‘Not… your fault….’ Hye Ah muttered between her sob, burying her face in her palm.

Sungmin drove in to the carpark of Hana’s apartment and stopped his car with a jolt, turning off the engine and pulled her into his embrace.

‘……’Sungmin closed his eyes upon feeling the dampness of his shirt as her tears drop freely on it.

‘…………’ All Hye Ah can do is just cry, and cry and cry…

‘Stop crying will u…’ Sungmin whispered, her hair.

‘Umnn… so scary…’ Hye Ah muttered, with her shaky voice.

‘Yeah… I know… I know… I am sorry… its okay.. its over, huh…’ Sungmin whispered, pulling her closer to himself and patted on her back.

‘…………..’ Hye Ah nodded slowly, trying to stop her tears. Sungmin nuzzled his cheek against her neck, taking her scent into his breath.

‘Huh?!’ Sungmin is a bit surprised when Hye Ah sprung away from him, looking at him with her red teary eyes.

‘I…am… fine…’ Hye Ah stuttered, trying hard to hide her blushing face.

‘Really?’ Sungmin asked, trying to read her mind.

‘Erm.. yeah… And….where are we?’ Hye Ah asked, looking at the unfamiliar surrounding.

‘Hana’s house…’ Sungmin replied while unfastening her safety belt.

‘Hana?’ Hye Ah casted a questioning looks at him.

‘Yeah… remember Siwon?’ Sungmin asked, taking her hand into his and pulled her gently out of the car.

‘Siwon ssi’s girlfriend?’ Hye Ah asked, slipping her bag into her arm. She frowned a little when the strap of her bag brushes again her new wound, triggering her sense of pain.

‘Eigh… why are u so rough?’ Sungmin took over her bag and looked at her hand, frowning at the sight of the red scratch marks on both of her hand.

‘Its… okay…’ Hye Ah pulled her hand away from him and hid it behind her back. Her hand looks so ugly now, she doesn’t want him to see that.

‘How could it possible be ok?’ Sungmin frowned, looking at her red watery eyes. They knew each other for barely less than 2 weeks and he had caused her to cry twice. Twice??!! what is he doing?

‘Its okay when I told u its okay…’ Hye Ah pursed her lip, walking away.

*Sigh* Sungmin followed behind her after heaving a heavy sigh and looked at her in surprise when she suddenly stop in her track. ‘Why?’ Sungmin put a hand protectively on her shoulder and looked around. Fans again?

‘I… don’t know the way…’ Hye Ah pouted.

‘Hahahahahha! Sorry.. that’s forgetful of me…’ Sungmin laughed, guiding her toward the lift with his hand stil on her shoulder.

*Ding Dong*

‘Sungmin oppa? And.. An nyeong ha se yo…Hye Ah ssi?’ Hana is taken by surprise when she saw Sungmin appeared on her doorstep at this hour of the day, with Hye Ah tagging along.

‘An nyeong ha se yo… Hana ssi…’ Hye Ah bowed at her, not knowing where she shall place her ugly hands.

‘Come on in… what happen?’ Hana asked, realizing that Hye Ah doesn’t look quite good...

‘Attacked by the fans…’ Sungmin replied, pulling out her left hand.

‘Oh dear~’ Hana closed the door after them and ran toward the storeroom where she kept her 1staid kit.

‘Thanks, Hana…’ Sungmin smiled gratefully at Hana and took over the 1staid kit box.

‘Uhmn… u better get that treated..’ Hana frowned at the sight of the red marks on both of Hye Ah hands and shook her head. Another case of brutal anti-girlfriend fans….She better get her some warm drink to calm her down.

‘Its not that serious…’ Hye Ah muttered when she saw Sungmin dabbing her wound softly with the antiseptic-dipped cotton bud.

‘How can it be?’ Sungmin frowned at the numerous scratches.. Gosh… is that girl a cat? He blew at the wound softly as he dabbed the antiseptic on her wound gently, for fearing of hurting her.

‘Just scratches…. Not that painful….’ Hye Ah insisted, trying to pull back her hand. Eiggshh… its so embarrassing to be fussed around by a kid like this…

‘…………’ Sungmin narrowed his eyes and pressed on her wound a little harder.

‘Lighter! Are u trying to kill me?’ Hye Ah jumped at the stinging pain on her hand when Sungmin exorcise some force on her wound.

‘I thought u said its not serious?’ Sungmin smirk, this teaches u a lesson for trying to put on a false front.

‘……………..’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin in silent with tears b in her eyes.

‘I…. Aigh…’ Sungmin can’t understand what had gotten into him today… Why is he letting out his frustration on the poor innocent victim that suffers because of him here?

‘What… happen?’ Hana asked, sensing the tension between the 2 of them.

‘Can u please help me?’ Hye Ah snatched the cotton bud and antiseptic from Sungmin and looked at Hana pleadingly.

‘Oh~ of course…’ Hana put down the tray of hot cocoa and took over the bottle and cotton bud from Hye Ah.

Hana casted a sly look over to Sungmin who seem to be fuming mad before she attends to Hye Ah’s wound. Hmnnn… Its not usual for Sungmin to lose his cool like this. And, she seem to had heard him shouting at Hye Ah just now? Its so un-Sungmin like… The Sungmin oppa that she knew is always gentle, kind and soft spoken.

‘Thanks… Hana ssi….’ Hye Ah smiled at the said girl who is busily tidying the 1staid kit right now.

‘Its ok~’ Hana nodded and looked toward Sungmin who is looking at them in silent all the while, gesturing him to talk to Hye Ah while she walked toward the storeroom with the 1staid kit in her hand.

‘……………..’ Sungmin glance over to Hye Ah who is sitting awkwardly on the sofa and walked toward her, settling down beside her. Hye Ah continued to bowed her head and stare on her lap, ignoring the man beside her.

*Ding dong* the door bell ring again and Hana dashed toward the door, knowing very well who it will be.

‘Hani~’ Siwon greeted, pulling the said girl into his embrace for a hot passionate kiss.

‘Won….’ Hana pushed him away and glance over to Hye Ah and Sungmin, blushing.

‘Oh~ Minnie? Hye Ah ssi?’ Siwon raised his eyebrow in surprise and casted an enquiring look at his girlfriend.

‘An nyeong ha se yo, Siwon ssi…’ Hye Ah bowed at him, trying to give him a smile.

‘Neh~ An nyeong ha se yo,Hye Ah ssi…’ Siwon is even more surprised when he saw the bright red marks on her hand. He frowned a bit at the sight of it, more or less guessed what had happen, especially after witnessing the pissed look on Sungmin’s face.

‘Nothing… we are going now…’ Sungmin has neither intention nor the mood to explain further to Siwon after all these commotions. He just wanted to have a good talk with her, alone. He suppose, Hana will be telling him the story later anyway. Meanwhile he will just leave the 2 love bird alone. He stands up and walked over to Siwon, patting his shoulder.

‘Minnie….’ Siwon pulled down Sungmin’s hand and gave him a hug, whispering in his ears. ‘I know u are angry at yourself right now…. But it’s not your fault… And I think she will understand… don’t worry too much?’

‘Siwon ah….’ Sungmin nodded at him, smiling at him.

‘Take care..’ Siwon patted in his shoulder, waving his hand at him.

‘Let’s go, shall we?’ Sungmin picked up her bag and offered his hand to her. Hye Ah nodded and placed her hand on his outstretched palm. She would had slapped his hand away  if not for Hana and Siwon looking at them…

‘Take care Sungmin oppa…’ Hana said as she steps forward and gave Sungmin a hug. ‘And you too, Hye Ah ssi…’ She turns over to Hye Ah and gave her a little hug too, for fearing of irritating her wound.

‘Thanks…’ Hye Ah smiled at Hana and nodded her head. She liked this girl, she is not only pretty from outside, but pretty within inside too. No wonder the Mr.Perfect of Super Junior will fall head over heel in love with her.

 ‘I am sure we will meet again very soon…’ Hana chuckled, waving her hand at them.

‘Erm… yeah… I suppose…’ Hye Ah nodded, maybe at the show next week?

‘Let’s go…’ Sungmin took her hand in his and gave the WonNa couple a wave before they made their way toward his car. Hye Ah pulled put her hand once they are out of Hana and Siwon sight, turning her face away from Sungmin.

‘…………………..’ Both of them are silent on the way toward the car, not knowing how to break the awkward silent.

‘Where are we going?’ Hye Ah asked, noticing he was driving toward an unfamiliar place again.

‘To talk….’

‘……………….’ Hye Ah looked out of the window in silent again. There is no way she can make him change his mind anyway. So, just let it be. Although she doesn’t really sees any point of them talking right now, maybe ended up in a quarrel anyway.

Sungmin stopped his car at the quiet spot of Han River, getting down from the car. Hye Ah opened the car door and jumped down the car by herself, not wanting any help from Sungmin at all.

*sigh* Sungmin heaved out a heavy sigh as he glance over to Hye Ah who is walking in front aimlessly. He jogs a little and pulled at her hand, stopping her from walking further.

‘I am sorry….’ Sungmin apologize.

‘………………’ Hye Ah looked at him, trying to figure out what does his apologize mean.

‘I am sorry for losing my temper at u….’ Sungmin continued.

‘………………’ Hye Ah continued to look at him. However, the expression on her face does soften a little at the sound of his sincere apologies.

‘I…. really didn’t meant it to be this way… I mean… I never imagine that someone would be getting hurt because of me.. and I am angry at myself for not being able to stop it… So… I am sorry… I know I shouldn’t be venting my frustration at u… But I just couldn’t help… especially at the sight of your wound… And I just lose my grip when u told me u are alright when I know u are not alright!!! Maybe not on your wound… But I am sure u are definitely deeply affected by this accident… And so….’ Sungmin goes on and on as Hye Ah keep silent all the while.

‘Minnie….’ Hye Ah called out to him, gripping at his hand.


‘I know u are guilty…Yes I do…’ Hye Ah nodded.


 ‘That’s why I tried to assure u that I am alright…’ Hye Ah explained. 

‘But….are u really alright?’ Sungmin asked, touched at her thoughtfulness.

‘Not really… but not as bad as how u thought it will be too…’ Hye Ah answered honestly.

‘Just tell me u are not alright if u are not alright next time…’ Sungmin whispered, wrapping her into his arm gently.

‘U mean…. There are next time?’ Hye Ah tilted her head and looked at him, with her hand poking on his chest.

‘No way….’ Sungmin chuckled, grabbing at her hand. 

‘……………….’ Both of them are silent for a moment when their eyes met, with their hearts racing fast.

‘Minnie ah….’ Hye Ah whispered.


‘U are pressing on my wound….’ Hye Ah said with a little frown.

‘Oh~ I am sorry…’ Sungmin jumped away from her as soon as he heard that and examined the both of her arm again.

‘Ermm… its really not that serious to be frank, if nothing irritate it…’ Hye Ah assured him.


‘Don’t u have any schedule tomorrow?’

‘Yes…I did…’ Sungmin looked at his watch, coming to 11.

‘Let’s go back….’

‘What are u going to do tomorrow?’ Sungmin asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

‘Not sure yet…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘No worry, it is as a short break?’

‘Hmnn… maybe I will be visiting my parent? They kept asking me about u…’ Hye Ah sighed.

‘What is that sight? Am I that undesirable?’  Sungmin asked.

‘No… I don’t mean it that way… But… it’s not easy for a parent to accept the fact that their daughter is dating a celebrity….’

‘……………..’ Sungmin nodded, Understandable… entertainment, after all is still quite a complicated circle.

‘And on top of that… the guy is younger than me…’ Hye Ah gave him a pointed look.

‘Nothing wrong with me being born a little later than u isn’t?’ Sungmin frowned. Is age really that important?

‘Nothing… Its okay…not that we are really dating anyway…’ Hye Ah looked out of the window, feeling a little uncomfortable after saying this. Sungmin looked at her side feature, he did feel a little bit disappointed at the sound of her saying there is just a fake relationship… But, this is the fact isn’t?

‘All right, here we are…Wait a while….’

‘Thanks…’ Hye Ah smiled as she saw Sungmin running toward her side of door and helped her down.

‘Come on…’ Sungmin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked toward the lift with her, pressing on the number 9, the level where she live.

‘Ok~ take care on the journey… and thanks for sending me home…’

‘Yes, and Hye Ah….’ Sungmin looked at Hye Ah’s back as she is trying to get her door open now


‘Gomawo….. for not blaming me for all those suffering…’ Sungmin wrapped the both of his arms around her shoulder and leaned his chin on her head, from behind.

Hye Ah pried his hand away and turned to look at him, shaking her head.

‘No, I said it, both of us are responsible for what happen… So, do not push the blame to you yourself alone…’

‘…………………’ Sungmin smiled, pinching her chin.

‘Eigh…. I am not a kid…’ Hye Ah chuckled, pushing away his hand.

‘Oh~ how? U still look like a baby doll to me…’ Sungmin enveloped her into a hug again and the both of them falls into silent again, a comfortable one. Sungmin snuggled his cheek against her neck again, making Hye Ah jump for the 2ndtime of the day.

‘Why? Do I press on your wound again?’ Sungmin asked, upon sensing her unusualness.

‘Yeah…Erm.. sort.. of…’ Hye Ah nodded, looking down to hide her blushing face.

‘Oh really? That painful? Your cheek are burning too…’ Sungmin looked at her worriedly.

‘Oh~ i… am just… I mean the wound does sting a bit…’ Hye Ah chuckled nervously.

‘Ok~ u better get in and rest….’ Sungmin opened her door and pushed her in, waving at her.

‘Bye~ take care… Hye Ah waved at him, closing the door behind her fast and dashed toward the bathroom.

‘Eighhssshhhh…. What happen to my cheek?’ Hye Ah splashed some cold water to her burning cheek, hoping it would help to relieve the burning sensation she is feeling right now.


I am home… good nite and sleep well, Hye Ah~ ^^  

Hye Ah smiled at the sight of Sungmin’s message and placed her phone back to the side table after giving him a brief reply.

She lay down, looking at the ceiling. She seem to be able to see Sungmin’s smiling face in front of her right now….The familiar hot sensation is coming back to her cheek when she thought of how Sungmin snuggled his cheek against her neck… Aighh…There seem to be electric current circling around her body every time he does that… Aigooo….. Hye Ah placed her palm on her burning cheek. Turning over and bury her head into her soft pillow. How is she going to sleep if she keeps on thinking of Lee Sungmin like this?  Crazy… she must be crazy… all those video about them must had make her into a silent E.L.F, a Sungmin bias at that… she better stop that…  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~