Chapter 19

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


‘So, Hye Ah… are u going with me?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘I am sorry, Oh Jeun ssi, thought I said she is with us today?’ Sungmin wrapped his hand on her shoulder possessively and looked at Oh Jeun with a smirk on his face.

‘I think… maybe we should let Hye Ah decide instead…’ Oh Jeun casted a questioning look at Hye Ah and gave her a small smile.

‘I…. Ergh…Well….’ Hye Ah hesitated, glancing over to Sungmin and back to Oh Jeun again.

‘Hye Ah?’ Sungmin casted a worried look to her, urging her to make her decision.

‘Oh Jeun oppa… Erm… I don’t remember we had a date today?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Indeed we don’t, but didn’t u said that I can just drop by whenever I want to? And I remembered, u tell me u doesn’t have any date today?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘Ergh… that was last week…But… well… yeah.. I am sorry for not updating u about the changes of the schedule..’ Hye Ah did not expect herself to made up with Sungmin so fast to the extent of attending their gathering again like this…

‘Oh~ that was blur of u, Hye Ah… u know we always will be celebrating after our performance right? Not that this is the 1sttime u joining us…’ Sungmin chuckled, can he safely say that Hye Ah will be following him now?

‘Umnn..hmnn… I will still respect your decision, Hye Ah, if u prefer to stay with Sungmin ssi today then I will just meet u another day then.’ Oh Jeun continued with yet another graceful smile that made Sungmin feel like rolling his eyes. So.. he is thinking of coming and bothering his Hye Ah again?

‘Hye Ah?’ Sungmin casted yet another enquiring look at her.

‘Oh…’ Hye Ah turned and looked at Sungmin, only to meet with his puppy eyes that she couldn’t resist. She then turns her head toward Oh Jeun, who is smiling at her with the most sincere and understanding smile that is making guilty for turning him down.

‘The choice is up to u, Hye Ah…’ Oh Jeun add on again.

‘Hye Ah…’ Sungmin squeeze at Hye Ah hand softly, don’t tell me it just take 3 weeks to make Hye Ah fall in love with this really quite Siwon-alike guy?

‘I… I… suddenly remembered I had something on! I need to go now…. I am sorry~’ Hye Ah waved her hand and flagged down a passing by taxi and hopped in it before the guy could stop her.




‘Oh Jeun ssi?’ Yuri is a bit stunned at the man who is appearing in front of her doorstep.

‘Yuri ssi….’ Oh Jeun smiled a little at the sight of the pretty lady in front of her.

‘Ergh… Can… I… help?’ Yuri asked, not knowing what the handsome man intention is.

‘I do certainly need your help…’ Oh Jeun said with w little smile on his lip.

‘Hmnnn… i… don’t really think I can be much of help to u…’ Yuri hesitated..

‘Why don’t u decide it after a talk?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘All right… what is that…’

‘Are we going to talk here?’

‘I am sorry… come on in…’ Yuri step aside as to allow Oh Jeun to step into his house, glad that Kyuhyun is with her right now. At least she has someone to ask for help if this Oh Jeun is up to no good.

‘Yul~ who is that?’ Kyuhyun yelled.

‘Its…. Well… Hye Ah’s friend..’

‘Hye Ah’s friend?’ Kyuhyun wondered, which Hye Ah’s friend will be coming over to look for his girlfriend?

‘Yeah… He is Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun. And this is Kwon Oh Jeun..’ Yuri introduce.

‘Oh~ I know… saw him outside the school that day.. Nice to meet u~’ Kyuhyun nodded, that matchmaking guy… fancy him coming to look for Yuri..

‘Nice to meet u too…’ Oh Jeun nodded.

‘So.. what can we help u?’ Kyuhyun asked, doesn’t see any reason of Oh Jeun to be here except for Hye Ah.

‘Have a seat…’ Yuri pointed to the sofa, walking toward the kitchen to get them some drink, with Kyuhyun tagging along throwing all sort of question at her..

‘Yuri ssi, I will get straight to the point… I need your help to get a certain person’s address..’ Oh Jeun grabbed at Yuri’s hand, pleadingly. Yuri looked at their adjoined hand in surprise, she raised her head and looked at Oh Jeun wide eyed. Oh Jeun shrugged his shoulder and gave Yuri a knowing smile.

‘She doesn’t know that..’ Kyuhyun snapped, while Oh Jeun and Yuri are busy interacting with their eyes. Cheh…. trying to dig out Hye Ah’s hometown address from SUJU girl, is he in the right state of mind.

‘Kyu… maybe we should hear Oh Jeun ssi out 1st…’ Yuri asked, with a smirk…She think, She know what is going on…

‘I believe, u will be more than willing to help me?’ Oh Jeun smiled, nodding at Yuri. He know, Yuri had already gotten what he wanted.

‘Yes…for sure I can help u… but how will u return my favour?’ Yuri asked, tilting her head a little.

‘All right… what can I help u?’ Oh Jeun chuckled, this girl…. She is sure interesting as how he is being told.

‘Can u promise me….Hye Ah’s happiness?’ Yuri chuckled.

‘MOON YURI!!!!’ Kyuhyun yelped.

‘Kyu… do not interrupt… How’s that Oh Jeun ssi?’

‘Hmnn… ok, but how?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘Hey… what is the secret between the 2 of u?’ Kyuhyun asked, turning Yuri over to face him. The smile on this girl face tell him that this girl is planning for something right now.

‘Kyu…let me be all right?’ Yuri chuckled at Kyuhyun’s and touched on his face gently.

‘Right… what do u need me to do?’ Oh Jeun asked, crossing his leg and looked at Yuri with a smile.

‘U should know what I am implying at…’

‘Yes, but how?’ Oh Jeun asked, raising his eyebrows at Yuri.

‘By making a move…’ Yuri raised her eyebrow back at Oh Jeun who is chuckling at her action.

‘U are not worried?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘I have 100% faith on Sungmin oppa…’ Yuri laughed.

‘Yul! U are not thinking of helping this guy, right?’ Kyuhyun asked, frowning at the sound of their conversation. He is getting a little confuse right here… what kind of riddle are they having right now?

‘Yes, I am, Kyu…’ Yuri nodded.


‘Don’t u have confidence in Sungmin oppa?’ Yuri asked, turn around and looked at Kyuhyun.

‘Of… course I do….’ Kyuhyun casted a look over to Oh Jeun who is looking at them in amusement. Although he had to agree that Oh Jeun look like a good catch, but their Sungmin is a not a bad choice too isn’t?

 ‘Right~ that’s do it then… let Hye Ah decide…’ Yuri chuckled in delight… thing is going to be interesting….




Hye Ah buried her head in her soft pillow, covering her ear at the constant ringing of her handphone. Although she had now turn the phone to silent mode, but she still seems to be able to hear the ringing whenever the phone started to vibrate. She doesn’t have to look at the phone to know who the one that is calling her right now is. Needless to say, it definitely will be either Sungmin or Oh Jeun…. Who seem to be enjoying taking turn calling her every now and then.

The calling and the waiting for her outside her school, her apartment by these 2 guys started and it been getting on her nerves when the 2 guys constantly forcing her to make decision between the 2 of them ever since the day they met in front of the school…. How is she suppose to choose between the 2 of them?

Mrs.Won comes in to Hye Ah’s room directly when she is not getting any respond from her daughter after several knocks.

‘Eomma…’ Hye Ah raised her head up and looked at her mother.

‘Gosh~ aren’t u going to answer that phone? Don’t tell me it been ringing since this morning?’ Mrs.Won reached for her phone but being stopped by Hye Ah, shaking her head.

‘Leave it, eomma…’

‘Ergh… u can ignore that phone…. But… what about those two cars which are stopping in front of our house now?’ Mrs.Won chuckled, slapping on her daughter’s hand.

‘Gosh!!! The both of them chased all the way here?’ Hye Ah looked up and looked at her mother who nodded at her. Hye Ah scrambled up from her bed and run all the way down to the living room, peering out from the window. Sure enough, Oh Jeun’s Mazda and Sungmin’s Honda are now stopping side by side with their owner leaning to each side of the car looking at their phone.

‘Don’t tell me u are going to ignore that…’ Mrs.Won asked, tapping on Hye Ah’s shoulder.

‘*Sigh* these 2….’ Hye Ah walked back to her room, getting down again after she gotten a change of clothes.

‘Hye Ah!!!’ both Sungmin and Oh Jeun run toward her, trying to get her attention.

‘Oh Jeun oppa, Minnie…Ergh…why are the both of u here?’ Hye Ah casted a look at Oh Jeun before she turn and looked at Sungmin.

‘Obviously to look for u…’ Oh Jeun smiled, taking her hand in his.

‘To ask u out for a date..’ Sungmin too took up another of her hand and smiled at Hye Ah.

‘Gosh…. started again…’ Hye Ah muttered to herself, moving her sight from Oh Jeun to Sungmin, and from Sungmin to Oh Jeun again. Seriously the 2 of them is making her feeling suffocated with their constant effort of gaining her attention.

‘Hye Ah, we are holding a farewell party for Lizzy, surely u won’t want to miss that don’t u?’ Sungmin threw out the bait, smirking a little. Hye Ah won’t be able to resist that.

‘But… I thought its tomorrow?’ Hye Ah asked, for sure she won’t miss that… Lizzy is her bestie but the girls had updated her that Lizzy plan to stay with Eunhyuk for the whole day to spend some personal time together today.

‘Ergh… yes… but we will be meeting the rest to do some planning…’ Sungmin explained.

‘Hye Ah, I am fine if u wanted to be with Sungmin ssi this week… Shall we attend the teaching seminar together on the coming week?’ Hye Ah asked gently.

‘Seminar?’ Hye Ah turn her head toward Oh Jeun, she didn’t tell her that he managed to get a place for her in that seminar.

‘Yeap… I manage to get you registered…’ Oh Jeun smiled at her.

‘So, are u going with me today?’ Sungmin asked, tugging at her hand softly.

‘Or u rather to have lunch with me today?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘Gosh….. I think, the three of us need to talk….’ Hye Ah pull back her hand and cover the both of her ears with her hands. They are driving her crazy with all these bugging.

‘SURE~’ both Sungmin and Oh Jeun answered in unison, before turning to give each other a blank stare….

‘This way, Hye Ah…’ Oh Jeun pointed toward his car.

‘My car is here, Hye Ah…’ Sungmin pulled at Hye Ah’s hand, frowning a little at Oh Jeun fast action.

‘Gosh… I will drive myself…’ Hye  Ah rolled her eyes, can these 2 guy stop these for a while?

‘Wait Hye Ah… why don’t we all take my car?’ Oh Jeun offered.

‘Fine..’ Sungmin nodded, at least he will still be in the same car with Hye Ah,

‘I will take the rear seat…’ Hye Ah sighed, walking toward Oh Juen’s car.

What had got into these 2 guys? Why are the 2 of them are so aggressive out of suddenly… it’s driving her crazy… seriously…


Hye Ah fidget a little on her seat, looking at the 2 man in front of her. Oh Jeun is now sitting down with his usual gracefulness looking at her with the usual small smile on his face. Sungmin who is seated beside him looked at Hye Ah with his usual gentle gaze and the cute smile that Hye Ah couldn’t resist.

‘Erm… Oh Jeun oppa… Minnie…’ Hye Ah began.

‘Yes?’ the guy answered in unison, straightening themselves up at the sound of her speaking up. 

‘1st… can the 2 of u stop waiting for me in front of my school gate?’

‘Why?’ the guys asked in unison.

‘Its… attracting too much unnecessary attention…’ Hye Ah rolled her eyes, the whole school knew that she is ‘dating’ Sungmin right now. Doesn’t it look weird if another guy waited for her outside the school like this? As for Sungmin, he sure to create a tornado whenever he goes, especially school where most of the teens goes in and out. The girls just can’t wait to pounce to him whenever they see him.

‘But… all the students know we are dating don’t we?’ Sungmin chuckled, pulling at Hye Ah’s hand.

‘Minnie…’ Hye Ah pulled back her hand and casted a sly glance over to Oh Jeun.

‘Hmnn… But Hye Ah, all the more I need to wait for u outside the school gate…’

‘Oppa?’ Hye Ah casted a questioning look over to Oh Jeun and Sungmin frowned a little at the gracefulness he see in Oh Jeun.

‘Because I need to show u my determination…’ Oh Jeun turned and gave Hye Ah a sincere smile, making Hye Ah stunned at his sudden statement.

‘Oppa… i… I don’t understand… why….’ Hye Ah stuttered, he can’t be falling for her right?

‘U knows it Hye Ah….’ Oh Jeun chuckled a little, giving her a pointed look.

‘U sure? But… but…this is not what u told me in the 1stplace…’ Oh Jeun had been telling her that she is nothing more than a younger sister to him…

 ‘………………..’ Oh Jeun shrugged his shoulder, chuckling softly after that.

‘Oppa!’ Hye Ah groaned, is Oh Jeun trying to add in to her trouble?

‘Excuse me… Hye Ah, I don’t get it seriously…’ Sungmin doesn’t feel too happy when he is being neglected by the 2 of them. Especially he can feel that this Oh Jeun guy is a big threat to him.

‘It is quite simple, I believe u do understand me Sungmin ssi…I don’t mind to wait for that agreement thing to end…’ Oh Jeun looked at Sungmin, smiling a little.

‘Hmnn… is that so?’ Sungmin just knew it, who will believe Hye Ah’s word of him just being a brother to her only?

‘Oppa… stop fooling around…’ Hye Ah groaned, this is extremely stressful…

‘Do I look like I am joking?’ Oh Jeun asked, with his usual gracefulness again.

‘But I am so sorry, I don’t intend to end that agreement thing at all…’ Sungmin too smirked at Oh Jeun, with a determined look on his face.


‘Hye Ah… u said u hated the fact that we are telling a lie by pretending to date don’t u?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Yes… I did… but…’

‘So, let’s not pretend anymore… I wanted to date u, for real~ Are u willing to be one of the SUJU girls?’ Sungmin asked, smiling adorably at her.

‘Mw..wo…mwo… ya?’ Hye Ah blinked her eyes at him, still trying to process the information in her messy mind.

‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘Can I say both?’ Sungmin answered, tilting his chin a little.

‘Minnie!! Oh Jeun oppa!!!’ Hye Ah groaned again, what are these 2 guys talking about right now?

‘To end or not to end… I don’t think it’s up to u to decide alone, Sungmin ssi…’

‘Well… its not up to u to decide too I believe, Oh Jeun ssi?’

‘What do u think? Hye Ah….’ the 2 guys turned over to Hye Ah and gave her a pointed look.

‘I… well…’ Hye Ah looked at the 2 guys in front of her, is she dreaming now? How on earth will she be thrown this question? How is she supposed to answer?

‘Hmnn… hesitation means she doesn’t feel the same way, Sungmin ssi….’ Oh Jeun chuckled.

‘Oh, u mean she doesn’t return your feeling?’ Sungmin smirked, he is not going to get beaten by this Oh Jeun guy…

‘Hahahaha! does all celebrity born with super high self confidence like this??’

‘Self confidence is because I am sure of my direction and what I wanted…’ Sungmin said as he casted a meaningful look over to Hye Ah.

‘Hmnn… lets see, Sungmin ssi…’ Oh Jeun too gave Sungmin a little smirk and Hye Ah can’t help rolling her eyes at the  sound of these 2 guys talking about her openly like this without even caring what she thought.

‘Hi there…look….’ Hye Ah tried to voice out her opinion but the 2 guys totally did not give her any chance to do so.

‘Hye Ah, keep it out for a moment…’ Sungmin muttered, giving her a gentle smile while Oh Jeun turned and nodded to her in agreement.

‘But~ why can’t i…. voice out my…’ Hye Ah tried to voice out her objection but the 2 guys doesn’t seem to hear her words at all.

‘Let’s just have a fair competition and let her choose then…’ Oh Jeun shrugged his shoulder.

‘Are u trying to say I am not being fair here?’ Sungmin asked.

‘What do u think, Sungmin ssi, are u being fair?’ Oh Jeun asked. Oh Jeun doesn’t think it is being very fair as Hye Ah always obliged going to Sungmin because she is known to be dating him. Even if he can ignore how Sungmin feel, he can’t ignore the fact that it will tarnish Hye Ah’s reputation in the case the public thought that Hye Ah is two-timing Sungmin.

‘So now are u trying to talk me out from meeting her that often?’ Sungmin smirked.

‘Are u worried that she will fall in love with me?’ Oh Jeun asked, with his full of confidence smile.

‘Hahahaha!!! that’s a joke~ fine, we shall have a fair share of her time then…’ Sungmin laughed.

‘That’s good… how should we do that?’ Oh Jeun asked, leaning over with great interest.

‘Hey, there…. Don’t the 2 of u bother to…’ Hye Ah tried to cut in again, seriously doesn’t like the 2 of them ignoring her like this and even went to the extent of ‘distributing’ her time without even asking for her opinion.

‘Hye Ah… we will talk to u later about this….’ Oh Jeun said as he gave Hye Ah an assuring smile while Sungmin turned and gave her a nod.

‘Crazy!!! Why don’t the two of u talk instead? I am leaving, since I am not needed here….And!! DON’T follow me!!!’ Hye Ah hissed at them and get up from her seat, leaving in huff.

‘Hye Ah!!! Hye Ah!!’ Sungmin and Oh Jeun tried to get Hye Ah back but she just simply ignore them, like she did not hear them at all.

‘Crazy~ I am going crazy… aighhh….’ Hye Ah scratched her head in frustration and run toward the main road, flaggin down a Taxi and made her way toward her house, planning to hide inside her room and ignore the both of them no matter what…

The 2 guys looked at each other, totally speechless. However, they had decided that they had nothing in common to talk to and went on their separate way. Sungmin rather find his own way back to Hye Ah’s himself… maybe he can have better luck in seeing Hye Ah?




‘…….…’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin who is talking to her mum while busily peering over toward the direction of the house, seemingly trying to persuade her mum into letting him in to talk to her.

She heaved a sigh of relieve when Sungmin finally get on his car after her mum gave him a hug?

‘Eomma… seriously… what are u doing?’ Hye Ah muttered to herself, looking at her mum who is waving to Sungmin after he gave her a bow.

‘Hye Ah? U are here all the while?’ Mrs.Won asked, smiling at her daughter, seemingly having an extremely happy talk with Sungmin.

‘Yes… what.. did the both of u talk about eomma?’ Hye Ah asked, glancing over to her mum who is still smiling right now.. Somehow, that smile seem more like a smirk to her right now and Hye Ah doesn’t have too a good feeling about that.

‘Oh~ nothing… Minnie said…’

‘Minnie? Eomma! Since when u are that close to him? To the extent of calling him Minnie?’ Hye Ah shrieked.

‘Hahahaha! just now…’ Mrs.Won laughed, she had to admit this bunny guy is indeed adorable~ No wonder her daughter fall under his spell that easily.

‘Gosh… u talked like u know him for years..’ Hye Ah rolled her eyes.

‘Times doesn’t really matter…’ Mrs.Won shrugged her shoulder, getting her hand on tidying the living room.

‘Hmn… eomma… U haven’t told me…. What did the both of u talked about?’ Hye Ah bit her lip, bringing up the previous topic again.

‘Oh~ yeah, that’s remind me… He will be back to pick u up later.’

‘He what??!!!’ Hye Ah shrieked again.

‘Seriously, Hye Ah… U seem to be enjoying shrieking at me every now and then…’ Mrs.Won frowned at the high decibel of her daughter’s voice and frowned a little.

‘Eomma!! What is the picking up thing?’ Hye Ah asked in dismay. So, Sungmin is really a lady killer eh?

‘Back to city of course…Don’t u have to teach tomorrow?’


‘Eigh… I told him he don’t have to,  but he said he doesn’t want to see u going back alone… such an understanding boy… hehehehe…’ Mrs.Won laughed, walking toward the kitchen, intend to prepare their lunch.

‘So… did he tell u where is he going now?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Yes…’ Mrs.Won nodded.


‘He said he will loiter around till u are ready to go back… And I did ask him to join us for lunch… but he said u might not want to see him…’ Mrs.Won said, casting a dirty look over to her daughter.

‘EOMMA!! What is that look suppose to mean?’ Hye Ah shrieked again, how did Sungmiin manage to buy her mum over in just a short conversation like this?

‘Nothing….*sigh* Its not hard to imagine how lonely that boy will be… having lunch alone… nowhere to go…I doesn’t really minded cooking for him u know… eighh.. such a good kid…’ Mrs.Won muttered to herself, while getting the pots and pan out.


‘Hmmnn?’ Mrs.Won hummed a short reply to her daughter.

‘Shall I just ask him over?’ Hye Ah asked, biting her lip.

‘Up to u…’ Mrs.Won answered without even looked up from her current job of washing the pot. Hye Ah bit her lip, picking out her phone and dialled Sungmin’s number.

Sungmin chuckled when he feel his phone vibrating joyfully. Mrs.Won is right, he will definitely get the call from Hye Ah in not more than 30 minutes..


‘Minnie ah…’

‘Oh~ Hye Ah? Yes?’ Sungmin asked, pretending to sound surprise at her call.

‘Where are u now?’ Hye Ah asked,

‘Erm… not to  sure, somewhere near your house?’


‘Just… spin around the vicinity… I am not really familiar with the place u see…’ Sungmin said between his constant efforts to control his laughter.

‘*sigh* Do u want to lunch at my house before we set off back to the city?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Really? U are willing to see me?’ Sungmin squealed excitedly.

‘Yes… do u know the way back here? Where are u now?’ Hye Ah asked.

 ‘Of course, I am still somewhere nearby… I see u soon, alright?’ Sungmin chuckled, heart leaping with joy.

‘No rush… drive carefully…’ Hye Ah smiled a little at his childlike behaviour and looked over to her mum who is smiling to herself too. Seriously… this Sungmin really had a way with female, not matter what their age is…

‘See u~’ Sungmin ended the call cheerfully and started his car engine, driving toward the direction of Hye Ah’s house.

‘Now only I know what Ae Li Hyung su nim mean by saying I have ultimate attraction toward the females~ I has to admit… Its useful…’ Sungmin chuckled to himself joyfully, turning his steering wheel and made his way toward Hye Ah’s house.. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~