Chapter 17

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


Hye Ah widen her eyes at the sudden brutalness of Sungmin and tried to wedge herself out from him. He didn’t expect Sungmin will be kissing her by force like this…

‘Let me go…’ Hye Ah tried to push him away again and Sungmin stopped his forceful kiss and looked at Hye Ah with a hurtful expression. Hye Ah stunned at the sadness in his eyes and suddenly she doesn’t know how she should react anymore.

Sungmin raise his hand up and caress Hye Ah’s cheek softly, the coldness and fume in his eyes changed to his usual loving and gentle gaze while he do that. He lowered his face again and gave her lip a gentle peck before he deepened his kiss.

Hye Ah closed her eyes and accepted his kiss willingly, her hand clutching to his. Sungmin took her hand and place it on his shoulder, Hye Ah s her hand up and wrapped it around his neck. Sungmin took the chance to wrap his hand around her waist as he deepens his kiss.

Hye Ah lied on Sungmin’s chest, trying to catch back her breath after the kiss. Sungmin leaned his head on her’s and at her hair lovingly, enjoying the peaceful moment between the 2 of them.

‘Hye Ah….’

‘Hmnn?’ Hye Ah hummed a soft reply to him, her fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt.

‘U do love me don’t u?’

‘……………’ Hye Ah tilted her head and looked at him…Shouldn’t he be telling her that he love her?

‘U do love me don’t u? I can tell it from the kiss…’ Sungmin smirked, caressing her cheek right now.

‘U mean… u kissed me just because u wanted to prove that whether I… love u or not?’ Hye Ah pushed herself away from him and tilted her head, looking at him with a frown.

‘Hmnn… Ergh… Anything wrong?’ Sungmin asked, why is there a sudden change in her attitude like this?

‘U brat!’ Hye Ah pushed him away, smacking on his chest when Sungmin tried to get near to her again.

‘What is this time? Isn’t everything all right just now?’ Sungmin asked, not sure what is the reason of her being angry this time round.

‘Get away from me…’ Hye Ah hissed, dashing her way toward the main door house.

‘Eigshhhh!!! Woman!!!’ Sungmin scratched on his head in frustration before he ran toward the door and gave his chase after her…. He managed to pushed the door shut before Hye Ah manage to slip out from the apartment. Hye Ah turned and gave him a cold stare before she tried to get the door open again. Sungmin slapped the door shut again and frowned at her action.

‘Get away!!!!’ Hye Ah tried to push Sungmin out of the way, and it does successfully pissed Sungmin up.

‘What is it you are displeased this time round? At least tell me what incurred your wrath!!!’ Sungmin growled at her, grasping at her wrist.

‘I am not your testing sample of your charm!!!’ Hye Ah tried to wring his hand away, trying hard to control her tear as well.

‘What do….?’ Sungmin frowned at her sudden statement, doesn’t really know what is she trying to convey… But his queries are being cut off abruptly by her…

‘So! Do not anyhow kiss or touch me as u like!!!’ Hye Ah shouted, wringing away his hand.

‘U…U…. didn’t u kiss me because of a bet too?’ Sungmin growled back, totally losing his grip.

‘So now u gotten ur revenge, happy?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Where do u think u are going? To see that matchmaking guy?’ Sungmin asked, placing his hand on the door again.

‘So what? None of your business!!’ Hye Ah pushed him away and get her hand on the door knob again, dashing out of the house.

‘U!!! Won Hye Ah! U better come back here!’ Sungmin growled.

‘No way! And just to remind u, our pact ended. On this very day! We are not related anyhow And I don’t ever want to see u again!! So, do not come and spoil any of my date from now on!’ Hye Ah turned back and shouted back to him, stumbling her way out of the apartment.

‘Make sure u remember that word Won Hye Ah!!! U will definitely come back to me one day and I can assure u that u are going to be sorry for what u had said today!!!!’ Sungmin shouted, getting even more fume up when Hye Ah literally ignored him and dashed toward the lift, pushing her way past the Super Junior boys who is now busily pouring out from the lift. Hye Ah didn’t even bother to greet any of them, whether it’s due to embarrassment or she totally doesn’t realize it’s the boys, unknown. Poor Ryeowook who is the last quickly squirmed out from the lift as he certainly doesn’t wish to be squashed by the closing-in-motion lift door, courtesy of Hye Ah constant pressing on the close button…

 ‘&&@^%^E$GYDGGF!!!’ Sungmin cursed under his breath and flung the door shut when he saw his team mate doesn’t have any intention to coming in to the apartment. He blew out a great long breath of frustration from his puffed up cheek and storm back to his room, slamming his poor room door shut.

The still very stunned 11thfloor Super Junior members are now busily exchanging sight with each other, wondering what had happen to these 2. Never did they heard Sungmin raised his voice at a girl like this before… However, they concluded that the interior of their apartment is definitely a better place for discussion compared to their current position and decided to make their way in…


‘Ming?’ Shindong knocked on the room door, opening it when he is not getting any respond from the occupant. He been cooping himself inside the room the whole day with the murderous look on his face, making the other occupant, said Kyuhyun extremely stressful. Thus, the gamer decided that his girlfriend, Yuri’s place is a better place for him to be… In case he accidentally incurs the wrath of the martial art expertise and places his own life in danger…

‘What…’ Sungmin answered in his current sprawling position without even bothering to open his eyes.

‘Talk…’ Shingdong smacked on Sungmin’s , trying to get his attention.

‘Nothing to talk…’

 ‘Seriously, Out of all thing u…  I didn’t expect u to shout at her???!!’ Shindong literally ignored his statement and lied down on Kyuhyun's bed, looking at Sungmin who is now scrambling up noisily now at the sound of his statement.

‘U should hear her volume too…’ Sungmin rolled his eyes at the thought of the shouting at each other session between Hye Ah and him this afternoon.

‘What is that about?’ Shingdong asked, what can make the usually calm bunny this agitated.

‘I don’t know!!! She suddenly lose her temper like that… How am I suppose to know what happen? She didn’t even bother to tell me why when I ask! Say, she is not my testing sample of my charm???!! Goodness knows what she is driving at???’ Shindong looked at Sungmin as the pink bunny is now agitatingly blubbing up the argument between him and Hye Ah.

‘What had u done to her?’ Shindong asked, narrowing his eyes at Sungmin. Hye Ah doesn’t seem like to be someone who will throw her weight about to him…

‘Kiss? But she is perfectly fine after that… but suddenly push me away for nothing?’ Sungmin knitted his eyebrow together, trying to think back what is the initial conversation with Hye Ah.

‘Must be something u said to her…I believe…U better think of a way to pacify her…’ Shindong smirked, couldn’t help but to feel a bit sorry for Sungmin. Hye Ah doesn’t really seem the unreasonable type,  but he can be sure she is not the docile type as well. He can predict Sungmin will have a hard time pacifying her back later on.

‘Hmn… not to worry… Believe or not, I definitely won’t be the one who need to make the move…’ Sungmin smirked, full of confident.

‘Are… u sure?’ Shindong asked, looking at the confident bunny.

‘For sure…’ Sungmin nodded.


‘Are u trying to do something funny again, Lizzy?’ Hye Ah ask.

‘Oh… i… well.. its just between us girls I promise…Just a catch up…’ Lizzy bit her lip, shaking her head at the rest of the girls who is now all holding their breath right now.

‘Make sure u keep your word Lizzy, I don’t wish to lose the friendship and trust between us, really.. from the bottom of my heart. I can’t be that forgiving everytime….’ Hye Ah sighed.

‘Oh, Hye Ah… its just a meet up… don’t make it sound so serious…’ Lizzy looked down to her lap, feeling a bit guilty. She is indeed planning for something before she makes that call. But after talking to Hye Ah, she doesn’t think she can do that anymore. She don’t think Hye Ah will ever talk to her if she betray her, again… Hye Ah had been very kind and did not really blame her for telling Sungmin about that matchmaking thing.

‘All right then, I am fine with the venue and timing… Lets us meet~ who will be there?’

‘Erm… I think most of us shall be fine… unless some last minute thing come up…’

‘Oh~ can’t wait for that day to come…’Hye Ah chuckled, elated that she will be seeing the girls too. Although it is only less than 2 weeks since she last saw them. She really does missed hanging out with them, talking practically about everything.

‘All right…we shall see u then…’ Lizzy chuckled, a bit excited at the thought of seeing Hye Ah again.

‘Oh~ I am ending the call…’


‘Tell the girls I miss them~’ Hye Ah cooed, in a half aegyo way.

‘Yes… we miss u too….’


‘Bye~’ Lizzy ended the call and looked at the rest of the girls. ‘U heard that… I don’t think this work…’ 

‘What did she say?’ Hana asked, moving toward Lizzy.

‘She asked me not to do anything funny… and say… she doesn’t want to lose the trust and friendship between us…’ Lizzy said as she casted an enquiring look at each of the girls.

‘………………..’ the girls falls into a deep silent after that, busily processing Lizzy’s word.

‘Oh~ just when I thought this is a good way to let the two stubborn people to meet and have a good talk…’ Yuri slapped on her own tight, with her brain straining hard for an alternative plan again.

‘She warned us already isn’t it? I don’t really want to lose Hye Ah friendship…’ Suan shook her head at the thought of Hye Ah being angry at them. She doesn’t think it’s that easy to gain her forgiveness if they still insist to go according to their plan of arranging her and Sungmin to meet up without the both of them knowing.

‘And… I don’t think they will talk even if they met, given to their current situation…’Hyojin nodded, maybe it’s not the right timing yet.

‘So… I don’t think we can go along with the plan anymore… Not now, at least…’ Lizzy add on again.

‘I get what u mean, Lizzy… but its still a good thing to be able to catch up with Hye Ah isn’t it?’ Jin Young said between her smile, hoping to cheer the other girls up.

‘Yeah… at least meet her up 1st… we can talk about other plan in later date..’ Yuri nodded, she may have better ideas after meeting Hye Ah….

‘U… better do not make the whole thing worst…’ HyoJin stated, knocking at Yuri head lightly.

‘Eiiwwww… u are beginning to sound more and more like Leeteuk oppa, HyoJin….’ Nari shook her head, looking at Hyojin with a disbelieving look… Hyojin merely chuckled and gave Nari’s head a light push.

‘Not a good sign…. U will be poisoned by Leeteuk sooner or later… Just like how Ae Li being poisoned by Heechul…’ Suan said as she waved her finger in front of Hyojin.

‘Yah!!! In which way did I offend u? I been trying to stay out already don’t I?’ Ae Li squealed, pushing Suan’s finger away.

‘But I think Suan’s word is making sense… The way u talk right now, Ae Li… is totally Heechul oppa style…’ Chaerin point it out, peering over to the said person.

‘Hahahahahahahahha!!!!’ the rest of the girl laughed at Ae Li pissed face, but the latter too broke into laughter too when Junho comment that his Ae Li yi yi current facial expression is exactly the same with Heechul’s samcheon angry face…..


Hye Ah looked at her phone after she ended her conversation with Lizzy. Its been almost 10 days since she last saw Sungmin… She couldn’t help missing him although she doesn’t really wanted to admit that herself.

‘*sigh* Silly me… why can’t I just erase him away from my mind?’ Hye Ah sighed, browsing her phone for Sungmin’s photo. She his feature gently with a small bitter smile on her lip.

‘Sleep! Won Hye Ah!’ Hye Ah place her phone back to the table and pull up her cover, closing her eyes.

*Phone ringing*

Hye Ah jumped up from her bed and grabbed at her phone, looking at her phone hopefully. Unknown number? Hye Ah picked up the phone with her trembling fingers.

‘Yeoboseyo…’ Hye Ah tried to sound calm when she answer the phone, hoping she didn’t sound too eager..

‘Hye Ah? I hope I am not disturbing u… U are not asleep aren’t u?’

‘Oh… Oh Jeun oppa? I… not yet… Yes, anything?’ Hye Ah looked down, trying hard to hide her disappointment.

‘Uhmnn.. just would like to ask u out for a dinner tomorrow.. do u have the time to do so?’

‘Oh, ok… time and venue?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Shall confirm with u tomorrow?’

‘All right…’

‘I think its almost time for u to turn in right? Have a sweet dream Hye Ah…’

‘Neh, same to u, Oh Jeun opp… night…’

‘Right, I am ending the call…’

‘Neh…’ Hye Ah heaved out a heavy sigh and place her phone back to the side table, lying down again.

‘What do u expect, won Hye Ah!!! Babo! Babo!!’ Hye Ah knocked on her own head, covering herself from head to toe with her cover and try her best to sleep…..   




‘Hye Ah!!!’ nine girls crowd around Hye AH the moment they saw her and the girls are now busily taking turn to gave Hye Ah a tight hug.

‘Oh~ I miss u all!!!’ Hye Ah squealed.

‘We miss u too!!! So very bad of u for not contacting us for so long…’ Suan pouted, giving Hye Ah a light punch on her hand.

‘Oh! Its only been 2 weeks… how long can that be?’ Hye Ah chuckled, taking Suan’s hand in hers as she direct her to the comfortable looking sofa.

‘We used to hang out at least once a week remember?’ Chaerin reminded, smiling a little, extremely happy that she is being granted the special permission to come out from the hospital for this gathering.

‘How are u, Chaerin? Any update so far?’ Hye Ah asked, extremely concern of the operation that’s going to be execute on the Fishy’s couple.

‘I… don’t know…’ Chaerin shrugged, she really had no idea at all.

‘But one thing that benefit from it is, these 2 certainly does have better life now, with their touching romantic story of donating part of their bodies to the other party…’ Yuri just enjoys to put it across exaggeratedly, just to riffle up the atmosphere.

‘Oh! No no no… how many times do I have to correct u? It’s not donating, its sharing… sharing….Aishg…’ Lizzy frowned and shook her head, mimicking the way Donghae talk about the bone narrow donating thing.

‘Both of u stops that!’ Chaerin hissed, with a deep flush of blush on her cheek.

‘Yeah! Lucky u, Hana is still being convicted by the fans…’ Nari sighed.

‘But there are starting to have some supporter here and there after the so-very-touching I can die for u thing…At least there no problem with Wonnie parent now….’ Suan chuckled.

‘Stop that…’ Hana laughed, amused at the exaggerations of Suan. but she has to admit things does really sound better now for her…

‘Oh~ stop being so dramatic… U, U, U and U~’ Ae Li shook her head, looking at Nari, Yuri, Suan and Lizzy.

‘And U~ stop mimicking the way Heechul talk~’ Hyojin laughed, suddenly enjoying teasing Ae Li very much.

‘Hahahahahahaha! The girls laughed at Ae Li very Heechul-alike frowning face again and Hye Ah couldn’t help but to laugh along with the girls as well. Although she been absenting from their gathering for quite some time, but she doesn’t have any difficulty catching up with what they are saying at all. She can totally picture what exactly happen.

‘And what are u busy with recently?’ Jin Young asked, looking at Hye Ah who is seated in front of her.

‘With school work… As I am now preparing the report card for the students..’ Hye Ah smiled at the turtle-girl to be. Seem like she is getting closer and closer to that title, especially after the Jellado trip as told by Lizzy.

‘Oh~And busy meeting that said to be Siwon-alike guy?’ Lizzy asked, rolling her eyes. She doesn’t like that, how can Hye Ah put an equalation between that guy and their Mr.Perfect?

 ‘Lizzy…’ Hye Ah squeled, turning into bright shade of red. There is no way she could deny that, Lizzy actually caught her meeting with Oh Jeun couple of times when she called her previously. However, she has no intention to hide it from the girls, since they are really close.

‘How is that guy actually?’ Yuri asked, greatly interested in Sungmin’s rival.

‘What does that mean?’ Hye Ah chuckled, stirring her soda with a smile.

‘Is he really as handsome, polite, gentleman as our Siwon?’ Nari asked, a bit curious of that matchmaking guy as well.

‘Oh~ Wonnie is not as good as u all make out to be…But I do feel curious about this guy… wonder if we can meet him one day?’ Hana smile wistfully at the thought of the good words the said about Siwon. Although she couldn’t help but to agree on those points too…

‘Stop it… u know we are talking the truth…’ Suan rolled her eyes, can’t take it…

‘So, is he?’ Hyojin query, looking at Hye Ah.

‘Hmnnm… as far as I can see now, the similarities are really quite significant… they even have the same gesturing habit…’ Hye Ah chuckled when he thought of the way Oh Jeun clasping his hands, putting his hand up to a certain gesture and raising his eyebrows.

‘Oh~ this is yet another bad sign….’ Suan whispered.

‘And… u like him?’ Jin Young couldn’t help but to ask, biting her lip.

‘Oh~ why are u all so concern about him? He is not the main reason why we are here isn’t it?’ Hye Ah pushed back the question skilfully, swinging her head toward Ae Li who is now sipping her drink. ‘So, when are u going to get pregnant, Ae Li?’

‘*cough* kehheeeehheekkee…. What? *cough* say again? *cough*’ Ae Li patted her chest, hoping it will at least help to relieve the choking part.

‘Hahahahaha! Your son making project?’ Hye Ah asked, batting her eyelashes innocently at Ae Li.

‘Yah!!! U girls!!! There is nothing else u can update her is it?’ Ae Li yelled, turning into a bright shade of red too.

‘Oh... Come on… judging the way u and Heechul oppa stick together like that… getting ur tummy big again is just the matter of time…’ Yuri rolled her eyes at the thought of several intimate moments that she saw the couple sharing, when they thought they are alone in certain space.

‘Wow….This really does interest me… u know…So….’ Hye Ah chuckled, peering at Ae Li’s still flat tummy…

‘There is nothing here except my fats and own blood ONLY~ and Cherry is still too young to have a sibling… Talk about Hyojin instead…. I had been babysitting Junho quite a lot recently…’ Ae Li smirked, good way of dropping the hot potato to someone else.

‘Oh~ since when did I do that?’ Hyojin stuttered, blushing madly at Ae Li’s word too.

‘No wonder I been seeing Junho at HeeAe’s house quite often recently… poor Junho, being dumped because of his parent lust…’ Suan shook her head with her up to no good smile of her…

‘Oh~ sometime there are functions! Which most of u here trying hard to squirm away but I have to take over!’ Hyojin pouted, although she does admit that they ever did put Junho under Ae Li’s care for their own pleasure at times… *cough cough*

‘U did not come to my house for dinner as often too nowadays, Hee Suan ssi…’ Ae Li smirked.

‘I just doesn’t want to disturb u…’ Suan ‘explained’.

‘Oh really? Strange…Kyu been telling me Ryeong always missing nowadays…Hmnn…’ Yuri said suggestively.

‘Oh~ really? How would Kyu know when he is not around at dorm at all? Do not pretend!’ Nari laughed.

‘But u are elated right?’ Chaerin asked, with a smirk.

‘What do u mean by that?’ Nari asked.

‘Oh~ don’t pretend… u are glad that u can borrow their room if both Yesung and Ryeowook are not around!’ Chaerin laughed, enjoying the blushed face of Nari who is dumbfounded.

‘Huh~ its simply because the KRY are a bit busy thus u seldom see them, Nari… didn’t expect that will benefit u~’ Yuri laughed, joining in the team of teasing Nari.

‘But Yesung oppa did not mention about having any KRY activity recently…’ Jin Young reminded good naturally, not knowing that her words will be getting herself into trouble.

‘Oh~ so he does report everything to u, huh?’ Hye Ah laughed, innocent turtle girl, digging your own grave.

‘Oh~ no… its not like that… we… just talk….’ Jin Young stuttered nervously. She didn’t mean to hint anything, just a passing remark on her side.

‘Come on, u can just admit that, Jin Young…’ Hana laughed, admiring Jin Young’s nervous face.

‘We are not…’ Jin Young shook her head furiously.

‘Not what?’ Lizzy laughed.

‘Not as what u think, just like what u are right now, Lizzy…’ Jin Young smiled, she had now learned the art of passing the hot potato in order to get herself out of hot soup at time.

 ‘Me what?’ Lizzy straighten herself up at the sound of that and bit her lip, her turn now?

 ‘Oh~ so what do u have to say about that, Lizzy ssi?’ Nari asked, balling up her fist and placed it near to Lizzy’s mouth, serving as microphone.

‘Nothing to say, he is still the sickening monkey ever…’ Lizzy guffawed.

‘Oh~ but why is our lovely lion keep mentioning about that sickening monkey everytime she call me?’ Hye Ah rubbed in merciless…

‘Ooppps~’ Hyojin chuckled, poking at Lizzy…

‘Cos he keep irritating me~’ Lizzy squeled.

‘That’s not how I remembered… what did u say again yesterday, let me think…’ Hye Ah tilted her head and bit her lip, trying to sound as suggestive as she can…

‘U better shut up…’ Lizzy hissed.

‘Huhhhhh… keeping secret huh? Do u want us to treat u like how the boys do?’ Suan chuckled.

‘Hahahahaha! Good idea, Suan~’ Yuri gave her a thumb up and the rest of the girls just happily laughed away at Lizzy’s flustered look.

Hye Ah turned to fumble the bag when she feels her phone vibrating inside.

‘Oppss.. I am sorry…’ Hye Ah casted an apology looks toward the girls and stepped away to picked up her phone.

The  girls shrugged their shoulder and continued to tease Lizzy during Hye Ah absence. Hye Ah soon step back to the girls after she had ended the call and sat down again with a small smile on her lip.

‘Where are we just now?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘About Lizzy…’

‘Ah~ so, do u want us to execute the punishment then?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Oh~ u all are impossible…’ Lizzy squealed, shaking her head.

The gathering continue to went with a full swing as the girl busily updating each other about their current life by revealing and digging out each other secret.

‘I think… its almost time for me to go… Cherry might be cranky if she didn’t see me for such a long period of time…’ Ae Li looked at the rest of the girl apologetically. Sorry that she couldn’t keep the conversation going.

‘Oh~ lets go then… I had another appointment too…’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘Where are u heading to? We can just give u a lift…’ Chaerin asked.

‘I am heading to Kangnam.’ Hye Ah smiled, appreciate the lift very much.

‘Its on the way, let’s go together Hye Ah… U better make some time for us….’ Hyojin said, leaning over and gave Hye Ah a hug.

‘All right… I will miss u girls lots…’ Hye Ah nodded, waving at one of the waitress to get his attention.

‘Yes? Madam?’ The waitress asked politely with a slight bow.

‘Can we have our bill?’ Hye Ah requested, picking out her purse.

‘Your bill had been taken care of, madam…’ the waitress replied politely.

‘I thought I said its on me?’ Hye Ah turned to the girls, frowning. The rest of the girls turns and look at each other, shrugging their shoulder.

‘No… I don’t think we asked for any bill yet…Could it be a mistake?’ Hyojin insisted.

‘No….we are certain. And this is the message from the gentleman who picks the tab…’ The waitress passed a small note to Hye Ah and walked away after bowing at them.

‘Who is that?’ the girls crowd around, trying to read the message from the mysterious guy.

‘Oh… u?’ Hye Ah turned her head toward her left side and gasped at the sight of the man who is waving at her with a great big smile on his face…. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~