Chapter 13

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.

Sungmin pressed his lip lightly on Hye Ah’s, closing his eyes too…. Just as he is about to deepen his kiss, they heard a disturbing sound which bring them back to reality immediately.

‘Clash!!!! Clink.... THUD!!!’ both Hye Ah and Sungmin opened their eyes when they heard some commotion comes from the living area outside. Cries from baby followed after that and they looked at each other, puzzled. Hye Ah blushed when she felt Sungmin’s hand is still grasping tightly to her waist, and another of his hand still rested on her chin. She straightens herself up and tucked her hairs behind her ears, looking away from him. Did he kiss her just now? She can’t recall what exactly happened at all even though it’s just second away…

‘We better… check what is that sound?’ Hye Ah suggested.

‘……………’ Sungmin nodded, walking out with her in tow.

‘What is that?’ Yesung asked, coming out of his room.

‘Not sure….’ Sungmin shrugged his shoulder, continued to walk toward the living room after that… Hye Ah noticed that most of the member and girls are awake right now, and crowd at the living area, eager to find out what had happen.

‘Hae, are u ok?’ Ae Li asked, while trying to pacify the still howling Cherry.

‘Come on up…’ HyoJin pulled at Donghae’s hand, trying to help Donghae who is now sitting on the floor together with the frowning Heechul.

‘I am fine…’ Donghae shook his head, trying to get up as well.

‘Yah…. What is that?’ Leeteuk asked, in a drunken stupor.. Seriously, his alcohol tolerance level is really low…

‘Umnnm….’ Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun too stirred in their sleep and looked up from their sprawling position. Eunhyuk pushed at Ryeowook who is beside him while Kyuhyun patted at Shindong lightly.

‘Yah… Hae… are u ok?’ Heechul asked, frowning at the state of Donghae right now.

‘I… I am fine… just lost my balance when I tried to stand up just now… I think… I… I need to prepare myself?’ Donghae said as he pushed his way out, dashing toward the bathroom.

The whole room fall into a dead silent after that… Everyone seems to froze on their current position and looked at each other….

*sigh*‘We…. Better… get ourself ready too?’ Leeteuk asked, looking at the rest in the room.

‘Yes…’ Hyojin nodded, carrying Junho who is still in daze and walked toward Leeteuk.

‘Any girl need a ride from us?’ Leeteuk asked, looking around.

‘Not needed… they can set off from here….’ Kyuhyun shook his head. The girls are all well prepared before this and brought along all their necessities the night before.

‘I need to go back…’ Hye Ah raise her hand up meekly.

‘Let’s go then….’ Leeteuk nodded, when did Hye Ah come? He didn’t remember seeing her yesterday before he is being knocked out… Maybe he is too drunk to notice?

‘Its okay… I will send her back, hyung…’ Sungmin pulled at her hand, smiling at Leeteuk.

‘U need to rest….’ Hye Ah frowned, he didn’t had much she remembered?

‘Its ok….’

‘U sure, Ming?’Leeteuk asked.

‘Yes… just go along, hyung… see u later…’

‘We are going too….’ Ae Li cupped Sungmin’s face in her palm and looked at his tired face. ‘U sure u don’t want to take a rest? U look tired….’ She is one of her favourite dongsaeng and she certainly doesn’t want him to tire himself out.

‘I am fine, hyung su nim….’ Sungmin gave her a assuring smile, patting on her hand.

‘All right… Erm… see u later then…’  Ae Li nodded, walking out of the apartment with Heechul and Cherry.

‘All right…’ Hye Ah nodded, placing her hand on Sungmin’s arm and gave it a light squeeze.

‘Let us go?’ Sungmin turned and gave her a smile.

‘What about u? Don’t u have to… get ready?’ Hye Ah asked, there will definitely be some reporters around, she suppose Sungmin will want to look his best too.

‘I… just have a change of clothes will do…give  me a second…’

‘All right…’  




Super Junior are still very much in a mess after Donghae runaway from his wedding.. And to make the whole thing worst, he did it because of the suppose-to-be Mrs.Lee Donghae’s best friend, Im Chaerin… Nobody will have expected Siwon will be getting in to trouble with him together and the relationship between Siwon and Hana are too, exposed with lots of protestation from fans and of course, Siwon’s family thinking that Hana was far from perfect for Siwon.

The boys are pretty much vexed as it is and are trying hard to ignore the negative comments from the fans criticizing the 2 female leads. However, it’s pretty much difficult as they loved the 2 girls and treated them as part of their family as well.

‘How can they said these things when they don’t even know the person?’ Yesung shook his head disbelievingly after seeing the E.L.F’s comment degrading the Hana, saying that she pestered Siwon because of his fortune.

‘We are going to see Hana….’ Sungmin announced, pulling Hye Ah’s hand. He still doesn’t feel good to leave her alone in her house.

‘All right… meanwhile we will try to locate Hae again…’ Leeteuk buried his head in his hand and muttered. There is only that much he could handle… He is really tired with all these….


‘Minnie… shall we…’ Hye Ah turned and looked at Sungmin who is ever so busy pressing on his phone the moment he stopped his car.

‘Sorry, Hye Ah?’ Sungmin asked, turning over to face her. He know he shouldn’t had lose his focus like this but he just couldn’t help being worried about the WonNa couple.. Especially Hana as she is still having the feeling that she is being followed.

‘Hmnnn… Hana?’ Hye Ah asked, although it seem quite obvious to her to the answer should be yes…

‘Yeah… I am sorry…’

‘Its okay… erm…do u want to go and visit her instead?’

‘No, of course not, its your birthday~ we should celebrate!!!’ Sungmin pocketed his phone and gave Hye Ah a bright smile. Hye Ah too gave him a small smile before she turn and unfasten her safety belt.


‘Wait…’ Sungmin fumble out his phone and answered it immediately when he saw who the caller is.. ‘Wonnie? What? How can u leave her alone like that??? I am coming over now…’

‘Minnie?’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin who is now starting the car engine again.

‘Hana is now alone… I am going to her..’ Sungmin stepped on the accelerator, anxious to get to Hana’s house the soonest possible.

‘Oh…’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘Gosh… Siwon shouldn’t have leave her alone like this… what is anything happen to her?’ Sungmin mumbled.

‘Don’t worry… she will be fine….’ Hye Ah consoled.

‘I hope so….’


‘Oppa…..’ Hana opened the door of her apartment only after she confirmed who the visitor is.

‘Hana… oppa is here, don’t u worry all right?’ Sungmin pulled Hana into his embrace and patted on her comfortingly, trying to get rid of the uneasy feeling he been feeling within.

‘Oppa…. Why are u here?’ Hana is a bit surprised of Sungmin sudden visit. Especially when she knows that he is suppose to be celebrating Hye Ah birthday instead.

‘How can u ever suggest staying alone like this huh?’ Sungmin knocked on Hana’s head lightly and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her inside.

‘Oppa I am fine…’ Hana turned and casted a look over to Hye Ah who obligingly closing the door and followed behind them with her head hung low. ‘Hye Ah…’

‘Hmnn?’ Hye Ah raised her head and casted an enquiring look at Hana

‘I am sorry…Hye Ah… I…’

‘No worry…Hana… Your safety is more important…’ Hye Ah shook her head, casting her a small smile.

‘I told u she will understand..’Minne casted a approving smile to Hye Ah before he regain his attention to Hana again.

‘Excuse me… I need the washroom…’ Hye Ah moved her eyes away from Sungmin and Hye Ah who is now leaning to each other and made her way toward the washroom, although she doesn’t had any need for it…

‘What happen to Siwon? Thought he said he will stay with u?’ Sungmin asked, ruffling Hana’s hair.  

‘Oppa… I am so worried…He received a sudden call from his mother… I hope its not something bad…’

‘Not to worry…thing will be just fine…I will be with u till he come back all right?’ Sungmin comforted.

‘Oppa…. Thank u…. I don’t know what to do without u...’ Hana cling on to Sungmin and tighten her grip. Sungmin been really kind to her and he always seem to be the one who always stand up for her no matter what.

‘U know how much u mean to me right?’ Sungmin asked, giving her an encouraging smile.

‘Thank u….’ Hana nodded, closing her eyes and snuggled closer to him… Sungmin always manage to calm her down no matter what.

Hye Ah looked at Sungmin and Hana from afar, she decided to stay put in the kitchen instead. To be frank, she doesn’t feel good seeing Sungmin fussing another girl like that… But she knows she had no right to feel unhappy about that… So, the only way is to avoid seeing that…. Hye Ah closed her eyes, mentally face-palming herself. Didn’t u say u wanted to treat him as a friend only? Stupid Won Hye Ah… can’t u just control your own emotion better?




‘Minnie, at least eat a bit…How are u going to conti…’

‘I am fine, told u I can’t…’ Sungmin rejected, hugging his head.

‘At least a little bit, huh?’ Hye Ah coaxed, pulling at his hand gently.

‘………….’ Sungmin shook his head stubbornly, with his head still buried in his palm.

‘Lee Sungmin! Don’t behave like a kid!’ Hye Ah place her hand on his shoulder, giving it a shook, trying to shake some sense into him.

‘How can I eat when the both of them are missing like this???!!!! Go ahead and had it if u feel like it. I am not eating!’ Sungmin pried away her hands, he is vexed as he is right now, he doesn’t need her to nag and nag at her non-stop on the things that he doesn’t feel like doing.

‘Lee Sungmin! Do u think I liked going on and on like this? I am just worried about u!! Can u please be a little rational about this thing? At least u need the energy to carry on if u wanted to find them… Or the least thing u can do is not to create any further problem for your brothers out there!’ Hye Ah stand up and looked at him in fume. So much for her kindness.

‘…………..’ Sungmin remained in his current position, his expression unreadable as he kept his head bowed low all the while.

‘Fine…’ Hye Ah raised both of her hand in dismay and turned her back on him. She give up… since he show no willingness to oblige to her persuasion, she doesn’t see any meaning of her staying here anymore.. She fumble for her bag with a very much tear-bleared eyes, mentally scolding herself for being so stupid and warned herself not to cry… She makes her way toward the entrance when she successfully threw everything in her bag with her very much trembling finger…. A pair of arms wrapped on her waist stopped her and she closed her eyes at the sound of a weak dejected voice.

‘I am sorry….’ Sungmin said as he tightens his grip on her, leaning his head on her back. He didn’t mean to lose his temper at her… just that he is really worried sick of Siwon and Hana who had gone missing since yesterday. Everyone went into a frantic search for them and he is sort of being forced to stay at Hana’s house by Leeteuk, as he been losing his grip ever since the 2 of them went missing and the rest think he is not in the right state to join the searching. He is being instructed to stay back, so that he can inform the rest in the case the 2 of them come back. Hye Ah wiped away the tears that is b in her eyes and heaved a sigh of relieve. At least he is willing to talk.

‘I know… I… I am sorry for losing my temper at u too…’ Hye Ah pried away his hand and turned to face him, cupping his tired face in her hand. She can’t help but to feel a twitching pain on her heart when she saw how tired and pale he is…

‘………..’Sungmin shook his head and pulled her into his embrace, burying his head to the crook of her neck with his eyes closed. Glad that he is having her by his side right now…

‘Now… can my good baby listen to me?’ Hye Ah asked with a little pout.

‘………….’ Sungmin gave her a very feeble nod and tried his hardest to smile at her.

‘Now… that’s my good boy… come on…’ Hye Ah pulled his hand toward the table where she had already laid previously. Hye Ah heaved a sigh of relieve when Sungmin finally pick up his spoon and started to feed himself slowly. Hye Ah gave him an encouraging smile, falling into her own thought after that… She couldn’t help thinking….Will Sungmin as devasted as he is now if she gone missing one day?




Hye Ah is now sitting on her bed, ‘reading’ the book that is on her lap right now. However, it been at least an hour since she last flipped the pages of the book. She is so deep in her own though that she didn’t even heard the sound of her mother coming in the room….

Hye Ah jumped when she feel a light tap on her shoulder.

‘Oh~ Eomma? Umnn… Yes?’ Hye Ah asked, absentmindedly, closing the book on her lap.

‘What are u thinking of? I had been calling u for at least 3 times…’ Mrs.Won asked, sitting down beside her daughter.

‘Oh~ nothing in particular… Anything?’ Hye Ah put away the book on her hand and turned to look at her mother.

‘U are unhappy…’ Mrs.Won said, taking her daughter’s hand in her.

‘………….’ Hye Ah leaned her cheek to her mother’s hand in silent, not denying the fact that she is unhappy.

‘Because of the boy?’

‘Erm…’ Hye Ah gave her a soft hum as reply, with her eyes still closed.

‘What happen?’ Mrs.Won asked, pulling her daughter into her embrace.

‘Erm… nothing in particular… Just…. Me being silly?’ Hye Ah gave out a small chuckle as she adjusted herself and lie down flat on the bed, with her head on her mother’s lap. She try to avoid her mother’s eyes by putting all her attention on the interesting game she is playing with own her fingers.

‘Because u fallen in love with him?’ Mrs.Won muttered softly, at Hye Ah’s long hair.

‘Mmmmm…’ Hye Ah hummed another reply to her mother, looking at her in the eyes. ‘Am I being silly?’

‘……….’ Mrs.Won shook her head at her daughter and placed her hand on her daughter’s cheek. ‘Not at all… there is nothing wrong with falling in love with someone…But its definitely not a wise choice to hold on to it if that person doesn’t return your feeling…’

‘I know…That’s why I am… trying to let go?’ Hye Ah nodded, there is no one who understand her better than her mum.

‘How does u know he doesn’t return your feeling?’ Mrs.Won asked, remembering the night when he drives all the way here just to fetch Hye Ah in the middle of the night. She is pretty sure the way he hugged Hye Ah is definitely more than a friend… Could he had gotten tired of Hye Ah then? This is really unforgivable if this is the case….

‘Eomma… cos…. I just knew it…’

‘I thought he is nice and gentle to u?’ Mrs.Won asked, this is how Hye Ah described him to be…

‘He is…’ Hye Ah admit.

‘And… he is being all sweet and thoughtful?’

‘He is…’ Hye Ah nodded again.

‘So…. what is the problem now?’ If he is not interested in Hye Ah, why would he bother to be nice, gentle sweet and thoughtful?

‘He treats all the girls in this way… Maybe this is the way he show his friendliness?’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder, heaving out a heavy sigh after that.

‘Really?’ Mrs.Won frowned at the sound of it… Well, this certainly doesn’t sound like a good thing then.

‘Anyway, the pact is coming to an end soon… So… after that I can just have back my own life…’ Hye Ah tilted her head and gave her mum an assuring smile.

‘Can u really?’

‘Try…. I am now trying to make myself getting used to it as well…’

‘Hmn…. Eomma was wondering…. Matchmaking?’ Mrs.Won suggested that, maybe it will be good to get him out of her daughter’s head?

‘Eomma…..’ Hye Ah looked at her mum with a blank look.. Matchmaking? 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~