Chapter 4

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


‘Wow… why are u dressing like a celebrity too? Are u trying to get a taste of it too?’ Sungmin smirked, She should be happy, she is practically a half celebrity right now, with that scandal with him going on…He plucked down his own sunglass, he think he is quite safe now, as there are only the 2 of them in the pub right now.

‘Do u have enough fun causing all those trouble?’ Hye Ah asked, as the tears that are b on her eyes roll down her cheek.

‘Hey~U are the one who started…’ Sungmin frowned.

‘Me? I….’ Hye Ah choked and tears started to flow from her eyes.

‘Hye Ah?’ Sungmin is a bit taken back when he saw tears rolling down her cheek. He pulls off her shades and he is even more surprised when he saw her red swollen eyes, obviously she been crying quite a lot before this. What is going on now?

 ‘It…all… because of u…..Go…away….’ Hye Ah started to sob, turning away her face from him and pushed away his hand from her face. She knows she sound silly and childish right now. But she just doesn’t know why she couldn’t control herself! She swear it’s definitely not because of the worried look in his eyes and how concern he sounded right now. She rubbed away her tears briskly with her hand, trying to control her tears.

‘Can u at least… tell me what is going on??’ Sungmin asked, can’t help pulling her into his embrace slowly.

‘I hate u…..’ Hye Ah’s tears roll down her cheek again as she fisted his shirt, sticking her face to his chest.

‘Can u please stop crying? And start telling me what happen?’ Sungmin said between his comforting pats on her shoulder. Why is she behaving like she is the victim right now? And what is that guilty pang he is feeling right now? Why should he?

‘……………’ Hye Ah nodded, feeling a little calm right now. Totally had no idea of herself lying in his embrace docilely, enjoying the sense of security that he given her.

‘I think… we have to change a venue?’ Sungmin asked, as he pushes her off from himself to face her and smile gently at her.

‘…………………………’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin, can’t help but to trust him. She nodded her head slowly and Sungmin smiled at her gently.

‘U better dry your tears 1st…’Sungmin said, thumbing away her tears.

‘……………..’ Hye Ah straighten herself up at his action and turned her face away, wiping away her own tears. She doesn’t know where she shall place her eyes now… How on earth will she allow herself to be in the embrace of this trouble maker?? Eigh…. He must be having the ability to hypnotise people… A note to herself, avoid his eyes!!!




‘Where are we heading to?’ Hye Ah asked, when she is seated inside his Honda Civic. She couldn’t understand herself at all… Isn’t she supposed to feel angry with him? Why on earth she couldn’t bring herself to yell in his face, asking him to leave her alone?

‘Somewhere safe where we can talk…’ Sungmin answered, regaining his usual calmness and sensibleness… He thinks, there must be some misunderstanding going on right now…. She seem to be troubled too…

‘Ya…. But where?’ Hye Ah asked, looking at the unfamiliar surroundings.

‘My dorm…’ Sungmin gave her a brief reply, turning into the car park of the building. The boys are all out for their own activities, most probably with their partner and he doesn’t think they will be back so soon, which makes it an ideal place for him to bring her back for a quiet discussion.

‘Your dorm?’ Hye Ah asked, does that mean his house? Well…. she shrugged away the uneasy feeling fast enough. What can this kid do to her anyway? He wouldn’t want to risk his reputation as a decent celebrity right?

‘Come on, we reached…’ Sungmin walked in front, directing her….

‘All right….’ Hye Ah hasten her step, walking beside him.

‘Come on in….’ Sungmin invited her into the dorm he shared with the boys.

‘Thanks…’ Hye Ah looked around, totally had no idea this place is the place where half of the Asian famous boy band, Super Junior stayed. Her sight fall on one of the banners that’s hanging on the wall showing all member of Super Junior, including the man beside her.

‘Hye Ah Ssi?’ Sungmin followed her sight and rubbed his neck when he realized what she saw.

‘U told me u are not celebrity?’ Hye ah questioned. Although the information of him being a celebrity is nothing new to her by now, but she still feel sore at him for misleading her during  their 1stmeeting. If she had knew that, there is no way she would get near to him.

 ‘I didn’t deny it, if I remembered correctly….’ Just that I did not admit to it either….Sungmin argued, finishing the latter part of sentences in his heart, of course.

‘…………………..’ Hye Ah casted a disapproving look at him…Yeah, she forgotten the fact that he is cunning…

‘Ok, Hye Ah… I think that’s not the point of discussion right now…’ Sungmin tried to divert away the topic and decided to talk about the main reason why the decided to meet tonight.

‘Why did u post that posting on Twitter?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘To make u appear of course…’


‘Didn’t u see the magazine article?’ Sungmin asked.

‘I seriously don’t know why are u mentioning magazine every now and then…Just what magazine are u referring to?’ Hye Ah frowned.

‘Ok… never mind.. we talk about that later…. Can u please let me know what happen to u?’’ Sungmin asked, feeling a pang of guilt upon seeing her red swollen eyes. It’s even more obvious in the brightly lit room. Is she having some sort of trouble as well? He think he better make everything clear 1stbefore he point any accusing finger at her.

‘I…. I am a high school teacher…’ Hye Ah started.

‘Oh~ u really are? I was right then… But aren’t u a bit too young?’Sungmin gasped, how did she manage to become a high school teacher at such a young age?

‘Believe me, I am not as young as how u interpreted…’ Hye Ah frowned, she gotten that quite a lot…. She looks much more younger than her actual age….Yes, she is petite… but that doesn’t mean she is young…

‘Oh~ Is that so? How old are u? 23? 24?’ Sungmin asked, suddenly very interested at her age.

‘I believe, that’s not the point of discussion?’ Hye Ah said with a frown.

‘Oh~ I am sorry….Please continues….’ Sungmin said with a awkward smile. Yeah, finding out her age is not the point of discussion right now…

‘And…. That posting of u…. *sigh* invited a lot of attention, from both parent and the student…’ Hye Ah said, between an unsightly pout that failed to escape from Sungmin’s eyes. She still looks cute to him, even after she created all those trouble for him…He feel like pecking that soft lip of her again.

‘But…that night….’ Sungmin began. However, he shut up when he saw how agitated Hye Ah is.

‘I am in a deep fix now!! I am being asked to stop teaching! And look at this!’ Hye Ah slumped the stack of ‘love letters’ she received in front of him and trying hard to control the tears that’s threatening to roll down her cheek now…

‘Forever?’ Sungmin stunned, can’t be that serious right? He looked at the stack of crumpled papers in front of him… Gosh… this must be the hate letters….

‘I…. don’t know….’ Hye Ah shook her head, covering her face with both of her hand when she is unable to control the tears anymore.

‘Oh~ I am sorry… sorry…. I…. we find a way out ok?’ Sungmin stood up, wrapping her in his embrace, patting on her shoulder gently. He is at loss at what he should do right now… Hye Ah wrapped her arm around Sungmin’s middle, leaning her head on his tummy and crying her heart out again, totally forgetting he is the cause of her trouble. Sungmin frown when he felt her tears seeping through his shirt…. My…. She doesn’t seem to have ulterior motive to him right now…

‘What if? What if I can’t teach anymore?’ Hye Ah asked, between her sob.

‘It won’t be… there will be a way to settle no matter what, ok?’ Sungmin consoled, racking his brain right now for the possible way to settle the problem.

‘Really?’ Hye Ah asked between her sob, raising her head and looked at him with her hands still around his middle.

‘Yeah…. Trust me…’ Sungmin nodded, smiling gently at her.

‘…………..’ Hye Ah nodded her head, looking at Sungmin. She totally forgotten about avoiding his eyes…

‘We are back!’ suddenly the silent of the room are being broken by the great commotion of the boys coming in to the apartment, shouting at each other.

‘????!!!!’ the boys are all shocked at the sight that welcome them upon entering the house. Sungmin hugging a girl in tear? Just what is going on? Isn’t he supposed to be meeting Hye Ah at the pub?

‘Yah! Min! what had u done again??’ Leeteuk, being the leader jumped at his dongsaeng when he saw a girl crying in his embrace. He hoped Sungmin didn’t do anything he shouldn’t to that girl.

‘I didn’t…’ Sungmin shook his hands and head at the same time as Hye Ah quickly drifted away from him and wiped away her tears. Gosh! Just how many occupants are there in this apartment?

‘Wait…..hyung….’ Shindong pulled at Leeteuk’s arm, whispering something in his ears. Leeteuk casted a look at Hye Ah who stood up and bowed at them politely with her head hanging low. Oh~in his hurriedness to jump at Sungmin, Leeteuk didn’t even noticed that this is Sungmin’s scandal female lead… So they decided to change a venue to talk?

The boys looked at each other, not knowing how to react. They decided to push their leader to the front instead, to break the uncomfortable silent in the room. Yesung who is beside Leeteuk nudged at him and Eunhyuk push Leeteuk slightly from behind with his elbow. Leeteuk casted a look at his so called brothers, so much of becoming a leader…He had to do all the dirty job. Kyuhyun and Donghae on the other hand, laughed at their hyung pissed look, glad that they always be able to push these kind of undesirable job to their responsible leader.

‘Ergh…. I am sorry…. I am Leeteuk, their hyung… and I suppose u are Hye Ah ssi?’ Leeteuk asked, casting her one of his dimpled smile.

‘An  nyeong ha se yo… yes, I am Won Hye Ah….’ Hye Ah nodded, bowing at the man in front of her.

‘Eh…. Hye Ah ssi… I believe… U both are talking about that scandal??’ Leeteuk asked, quite straightforward.

‘Yes…’ Hye Ah answered.

‘Ergh… hyung… we are trying to settle…And….’ Sungmin stunned, narrowing his eyes at Kyuhyun when he heard the random comment that Kyuhyun whispered to Ryeowook which is just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

‘Solving it by hugging her?’ Kyuhyun flinched when he received that killer stare from Sungmin.

‘Hahahahahah!’ the whole room burst into a great fit of laughter and Hye Ah tugged at Sungmin’s sleeve. He better get her out of this fix now… She is extremely uncomfortable with all the attention on her.

‘Its okay… we go somewhere else to talk?’ Sungmin whispered to her, she must had been feeling extremely uncomfortable now… But he liked how her face blushed…. Eigh… this is not the time to notice these…

‘………….’ Hye Ah nodded at him and moved nearer to him for comfort.

‘I suppose the Twitter posting had gotten u into trouble too?’ Leeteuk asked, looking at Hye Ah.

‘Yes…’ Hye Ah nodded, flashing a tired smile at the leader.

‘Although we are still not sure about what happened yet…But I believe we have to find some way to get you out of this fix….’ Leeteuk said sincerely

‘Ok… But… how?’ Hye Ah asked, liking the sincerity of the man in front of her.

‘Well…. we have to talk then…. But then… I hope u don’t mind the rest of the member joining us for the talk? After all, our statement had to be standard right? As u knows we are a team and all of us had the possible of being interviewed regard to any of our member’s affair…’ Leeteuk said ‘kindly’ with a no-so-kind smile while looking at Sungmin who is rolling his eyes for the thousand times that day. This Leeteuk is just using the chance to dig out information from Hye Ah!!! He himself doesn’t know the reason yet… why should he discuss his personal matter so openly like this?

‘Erm… I…Well… what do u think??’ Hye Ah asked, glancing over to Sungmin.

‘I….’ Sungmin began.

‘Yeah… what do u think?’ Leetuek slapped on Sungmin’s shoulder ‘kindly’ with a u better-say-yes look on his face.

‘Of…. Course…’ Sungmin nodded… He can’t imagine what would happen to him if he dare to say no…

 ‘Great!!! We just have to wait for Siwon and Heechul to arrive…. U don’t mind waiting for a little while more right, Hye Ah ssi? Our last 2 members are arriving soon…Have a seat…’ Leeteuk offered, pointing to the chair.

‘O..kay…..’ Hye Ah nodded, couldn’t quite understand the information that Sungmin trying to convey with his rich facial expression.

‘Darn!’ Sungmin muttered under his breath. He is doomed! Never did he imagine that he will be stuck in these kind of situation…. Sigh…. He really can’t predict what’s the question and suggestion that they will throw at her… and they are now looking extremely scary right now… 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~