Chapter 20

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


‘Moon Yuri!’ Sungmin hisses at the said girl who is laughing her head off at the angry bunny right now.

‘Yes, oppa?’ Yuri asked while blinking her eyes cutely at Sungmin.

‘How could u betray me?’ Sungmin asked, rolling his eyes.

‘Yeah… and get me into trouble…I hate u!’ Lizzy pouted at Yuri, Lizzy is the 1stperson Sungmin approached after coming back from Hye Ah’s hometown, thinking she is the one who gave Oh Jeun the address of Hye Ah’s hometown.

‘I am sorry… Liz….’ Sungmin apologize.

‘Alright… apologies accepted… I…am… going over to Hye Ah…’ Lizzy nodded at Hye Ah who is waving at her and leave Yuri and Sungmin alone.

‘In what way did I betray u, oppa?’ Yuri asked, laughing.

‘U!!!’ Sungmin rolled his eyes again, right… there is a reason why she is with Kyuhyun, they just simply enjoyed making life difficult for other.

‘Oppa… no pain no gain~ u will b grateful to me one day…remember to say thank u, right~’ Yuri gave Sungmin’s cheek a light pat and laughed at Sungmin’s puzzled face before she left Sungmin who is still baffled alone.

Sungmin looked over to Lizzy and Hye Ah who are busily trying to control their tear as they exchanged the promise of keeping in touch with each other no matter where they are and gave out a faint smile. Hye Ah is fitting in well into his little family and that’s certainly a good sign to him isn’t?




Sungmin wrapped his hand around Hye Ah’s shoulder, patting on her shoulder softly and trying to pacify her as she is now crying nonstop after sending Lizzy off at the airport.

Eunhyuk does look calm enough though, although his red tired eyes couldn’t hide the fact that he is at the brim of crying his eyes out again. Ryeowook took Eunhyuk’s hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. Eunhyuk gave Ryeowook a grateful smile and shook his head at the eternal maknae as they made their way out together from the big Incheon airport.

‘Hye Ah… stop crying all right...’ Sungmin cupped her face in his hand and looked at her red puffy eyes, experiencing a tugging pain in his heart.

‘I started to miss her already…’ Hye Ah said between her sob…

‘I know…. Both of u can still keep in touch isn’t?’ Sungmin comforted.

‘Hmnn….’ Hye Ah looked at him, biting her lip.

‘Be a good girl and stop crying ok?’ Sungmin consoled, wiping away her tears.

‘I…can’t imagine… how it is like to be parted… like that…’ Hye Ah nodded slowly at him, with her eyes started to b full with tears again.

‘It won’t happen to us for sure, Hye Ah…’ Sungmin pulled Hye Ah to his embrace, giving her a tight hug.

‘Minnie…’ Hye Ah let out a small groan of protestation, blushing greatly at his action. Sungmin smiled at her effortless struggles, hugging her closer to him. However, the shooting glances from the public is making him feeling extremely uncomfortable and he decided to stop attracting attention by leaving this place fast.  

‘Hye Ah... let’s get out of this place, ok?’ Sungmin said while pulling at her hand, catching up with the rest of the SUJU family when he noticed some curious glances glaring toward them.

‘Saw any reporter here?’  Hye Ah asked, looking around.

‘No, but I think we are being noticed.. Its not so bad for us.. But we certainly doesn’t wish the rest of the girls being attacked…’ Sungmin smiled, pulling at her hand.

‘Let’s us go then…’ Hye Ah nodded and followed closely behind Sungmin, keeping her head low too. Sungmin heaved a sigh of relieve as he casted another look toward that direction again, hoping their news of any of the boys dating secretly won’t be spreading around again.




‘Hye Ah….’ Sungmin smiled at the bunny girl who is stunned at his sudden visit.

‘Minnie?! I thought u are practising now?’

‘Ehmm… initially yes… but we are being released early…Wanna go for a walk?’ Sungmin asked, while taking her hand in his.

‘U looked tired, why don’t we just stay in the house?’ Hye Ah asked, playing with Sungmin’s fingers.

‘Alright…’ Sungmin nodded, bringing her hand to his lip and gave it a light peck.

‘Come on in….’ Hye Ah turned to hide her blushing face and smile to herself at the sweet gesture Sungmin is displaying right now.

‘……………’ Sungmin nodded and tagged behind Hye Ah.

‘Sit a while, ok? I will be back soon….’ Hye Ah pushed Sungmin down to the comfortable sofa while she make her way to the kitchen, preparing some snack and drink for Sungmin and herself.

‘Minnie…I…’ Hye Ah is stunned when she saw Sungmin leaned to the sofa with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep as he did not respond to her when she is calling his name just now.

Hye Ah put the tray down and sat beside Sungmin, looking at his sleeping face. She pushed away his hairs which is hiding his face and looked at his childlike sleeping face. Her eyes met with Sungmin’s when he opened his eyes and looked at her, smiling at her when he realised she is busily studying his face.

‘U…. u… are not asleep?’ Hye Ah asked, trying to move away.

‘Dozed off for a while…’ Sungmin smiled at Hye Ah who started to get busy with the food and drink on the table to get away from the embarrassment.

‘Leave it….’ Sungmin whispered in Hye Ah ear and hugged her from behind, leaning his head on her shoulder.

‘U are not hungry from all those strenuous exercise?’ Hye Ah asked, turning her head and looked at Sungmin who is now hanging his chin on her shoulder cutely.

‘Nope….’ Sungmin shook his head, pulling Hye Ah closer to him and leaned his back to the sofa. He adjusted his position a little as to allow Hye Ah to lean her head on his chest. Hye Ah blushed at the intimateness of the both of them and raised her head, trying to get away from their current position. However, Sungmin’s pushed her head down again and wrapped his hand around her waist to stop her from wriggling away.

‘U sure u doesn’t want to eat or drink anything?’ Hye Ah asked, giving up as she knew Sungmin doesn’t have the intention to let her go.

‘Hye Ah….’ Sungmin  looked down to Hye Ah with his gentle gaze.


‘I am serious…. Had u thought about what I told u previously?’

‘Whatt…?’ Hye Ah stuttered.

‘This…’ Sungmin placed his finger on Hye Ah’s chin and tilted her head a little, placing his lip on her’s gently. Hye Ah is shocked at Sungmin’s sudden attack and batted her eyes in surprise. She closed her eyes gradually as Sungmin slowly deepened his kiss, pulling her closer to him. Hye Ah’s hand s up to Sungmin’s neck naturally and responded shyly to him.

Hye Ah leaned on Sungmin’s chest, paying with the fabric of his shirt after their kiss… Sungmin caught her hand and bring it to his lip again, giving it a peck again and smile at Hye Ah who is now looking at him with a shy smile.

‘U haven’t answer my question yet…’ Sungmin said as he placed their entwined hands on his chest.

‘What do u think?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘I don’t want to answer that question myself… I wanted u to answer it…’

‘Heheheehe…. Cunning foxy bunny….’ Hye Ah chuckled at his witty answer and shook her head, regaining her attention to the fabric of his shirt.

‘What is that suppose to mean then?’ Sungmin laughed.

‘U didn’t even give me a question how am I supposed to answer?’ Hye Ah asked, chuckling.

‘Hahahahahha! Oh, u are no lesser cunning yourself…’ Sungmin laughed, pushing her away from him and looked at her in the eyes.

‘Learnt from u….’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin, trying to sound cool despite of the crazy thumping of her heart.

‘All right… listen carefully….’ Sungmin looked at her after a blowing out the air from his chest to relieve his nervousness.

‘……………………’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘I….wait…’ Sungmin pulled out his constantly vibrating handphone and threw it aside.

‘What if that’s an urgent call?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘That can wait…’ Sungmin assured her. However, couldn’t help but to glance at his phone worriedly.

‘U better answer that phone 1st…’ Hye Ah smiled, pushing him away and pass his phone to him.

‘Eighshhhh….’ Sungmin groaned, picking up his phone. Hye Ah chuckled at his frowning face and wrapped her hand around his waist, leaning to his chest.

‘What? Hyukkie is drunk? Don’t know where he went to alone?’ Sungmin gasped, looking down to Hye Ah, frowning.

‘Wae?’ Hye Ah asked. Sungmin shook his head, listening attentively to the phone.

‘No, he is not with me right now…’ Sungmin looked at Hye Ah, casted her an assuring smile while her hairs. ‘Ok, I got it…Bye….’ Sungmin nodded.

‘What happen to Eunhyuk?’ Hye Ah asked, looking at Sungmin’s worried face.

‘He went drinking with the rest, get himself drunk and the worst thing is…. he is now missing…’

‘Huh? So… what are u all gonna do now?’

‘They are searching for him right now….’

‘Arent u going to help them?’ Hye  Ah asked.

‘I…..’ Sungmin looked at Hye Ah, so much for his declaration… he is almost there…

‘Come on, let’s go… together?’ Hye Ah asked, holding his hands.

‘All right… go and wear something warm all right?’ Sungmin at Hye Ah’s cheek lightly and gave her forehead a light peck.

‘Give me a second….’ Hye Ah nodded, making her way toward her room.


‘Where are u all just now?’ Hye Ah asked when she is seated inside Sungmin’s car.

‘Nearby SM building…. He shouldn’t have gone far….’

‘Oh~’Hye Ah nodded.

‘This Hyukkie… he been having bad mood ever since Lizzy went away…’ Sungmin shook his head.

‘Erm…. I think… most probably because he quarrels with Lizzy? Lizzy doesn’t sound too good just now too…’ Hye Ah turned and looked at Sungmin, shrugging her shoulder.

‘Oh? Really? Did Lizzy told u why?’

‘Hahahhahaha~ I can’t really remembered what is her complain… sound a little silly to me….’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘They are both being stupid, no doubt….’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘As if u are that smart yourself…’ Hye Ah chuckled, moving her eyes away from him and looked out of the window.

‘At least…. I am more willing to face it rather than running away from it?’ Sungmin said, glancing over to her.

‘………………..’ Hye Ah turned over and gave him a smile, shrugging her shoulder.

‘Give me some time, Hye Ah… If u knows what I mean…. I just doesn’t want to rush u into it just like that…’ Sungmin declared, grabbing at her hand with his eyes still on the road.

‘U…. better concentrate….’ Hye Ah smiled, taking away her hand from him and clasped both of her hand together.

‘…………………’ Sungmin smiled to himself and the car fall into a comfort silent as both of them smiling at the sweetness they both of them are experiencing right now.

‘Yeoboseyo….Yes, Lizzy? He called u? Yes… we are on our way to look for him…’ Hye Ah gave out a small chuckle before she answered her phone, looking at Sungmin meaningfully. ‘Where is that? U want me to try our luck at the apartment u both stayed previously? All right… I will update u later…Do not worry…’

‘U heard that?’ Hye Ah asked, looking at Sungmin who is turning his steering wheel toward different direction.

‘Right… seem like we can cut short our searching time…’ Sungmin nodded.

‘I will call the rest….’ Hye Ah volunteer.




Sungmin make his way toward the café where he is supposed to meet Hye Ah. He looked at the bouquet on his hand and smiled a little to himself. He hoped Hye Ah will like that bunch of sweet pink roses on his hand right now…. However, Sungmin is a little surprised when he saw Yuri sitting together with Oh Jeun, having a seemingly happy conversation.

‘Yuri?’ Sungmin walked over to Yuri and casted a questioningly look at the game-maniac girl.

‘Oh~ Sungmin oppa~ u are here?’ Yuri looked up and gave Sungmin a smile, not surprise to see him at all.

‘What are u doing here, Yuri?’ Sungmin frowned, looking toward Oh Jeun with a not too friendly look.

‘Hi, Sungmin ssi… we met again…’ Oh Jeun greeted between his usual graceful smile.

‘Oh Jeun ssi… I… don’t understand… what is your purpose of getting close to Yuri?’ Sungmin eyed on Oh Jeun suspiciously, he doesn’t seem to bother Hye Ah that much recently. Don’t tell him he is shifting his attention to Yuri? It is not going to make him feel better as he certainly doesn’t like the idea of Kyuhyun being kept in the dark when another guy is eyeing on his buddy girlfriend like this.

‘Huh? Oppa? U…hahahahahahaha!’ Yuri started to laugh hysterically at the sound of Sungmin’s suggestive question.

‘Yuri, this is not funny…’ Sungmin hissed at the evil-gamer who is now tearing due to excessive laughter.

‘Oh~ oppa… cool down… why don’t u just take a seat 1st?’ Yuri said after she finally managed to control her laughter.

‘I… am…’ Sungmin hesitated.

‘Meeting Hye Ah?’ Yuri asked, raising her eyebrow at the pretty pink bouquet on his hand.

‘……’ Sungmin kept quiet, not denying nor acknowledging.

‘Right… I am aware of your date with her today…she will be here soon….’ Yuri nodded.

‘Why?’ Sungmin asked, puzzled.

‘U will know soon enough… come on, sit…’ Yuri pointed toward the seat in front of her and turned her head, looking around. What is keeping this Hye Ah?

‘Sorry… we are late?’ Hye Ah apologize, and Sungmin looked up, surprised when he saw her tagging another man along with her. ‘Minnie??!! Why are u here so early?’ Hye Ah shrieked, surprise that Sungmin did actually come 2 hours before their appointed time…

‘Hye Ah… he is?’ Sungmin frowned when he saw Hye Ah’s hand holding tightly to that particular guy.

‘Oh~ I though u know him? He is a close oppa of Yuri, u met him before, remember?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Hi Sungmin ssi… I am Jeongmin… It been quite a while since I last met u…It’s no wonder u couldn’t remember me…’ Jeongmin laughed.

‘Jeongmin ssi?’ Sungmin scanned his memory, trying to recall when and where did he meet with this Jeongmin guy before. He did looked familiar to him though…

‘Yeah… Shin Jeongmin…’ Jeongmin smiled and nodded to him.

‘Ahhhhh….We met at…. fashion week?’ Sungmin asked, he should be that family friend who stayed with Yuri before this. If he is not mistaken, they met at one of the fashion related function before this. And…If his memory served him right, he is that gay who shown great interest toward Heechul that day.

‘Yes…u are right… I am honoured u still remembered me…’ Jeongmin nodded.

‘How had u been?’ Sungmin nodded politely at him and looked toward Hye Ah who is standing beside Jeongmin, couldn’t understand what is Hye Ah doing with this family friend of Yuri.

‘Min ya….’ Oh Jeun couldn’t take it anymore and step out, looking at Jeongmin.

‘……….’ Jeongmin looked at Oh Jeun in surprised, he didn’t expect he will be seeing Oh Jeun here together with Yuri. He turned, intending to leave the place when he doesn’t know how he should face Oh Jeun.

‘Wait! Wait! Jeongmin oppa….’ Hye Ah pulled at Jeongmin’s hand to stop him from leaving.

‘Ergh… what is going on?’ Sungmin casted a questioning look at Hye Ah.

‘Shall we sit down and talk? Please oppa…’ Hye Ah looked at Jeongmin pleadingly, pulling at his hand. She gestured Sungmin to sit down as well and slapped at Yuri who is still trying to hide her up-to-no-good smile.

‘Hye Ah… what is happening actually?’ Sungmin asked as he pulled Hye Ah toward him. The way Oh Jeun and Jeongmin behave does look a bit odd to him….

‘Sit down 1st…’ Hye Ah pushed Sungmin down and took the seat beside him, blushing a little at the sight of the pink bouquet on his hand.

‘Erm… ok, Oh Jeun ssi… I fulfilled my promise…Now its up to you to solve your own problem then…’ Yuri smiled at Oh Jeun, nodding toward Jeongmin.

‘Moon Yuri~ u are getting more and more meddlesome aren’t u?’ Jeongmin hissed at Yuri who is still busily chuckling to herself.

‘Jeongmin oppa…. Actually… well… I need to confess something…’ Hye Ah bit her lip and casted a sly look over to Jeongmin.

‘Confession?’ Both Sungmin and Jeongmin looked at Hye Ah in surprise. What is that confession supposes to be?

‘Erm… yes…. Actually… I am the girl…. Ergh… the girl who undergone the matchmaking with Oh Jeun oppa…’

‘U?’ Jeongmin shrieked.

‘Yes…. I…’ Hye Ah nodded, stunned when she saw Jeongmin’s eyes fuming with anger.

‘So… are u trying to show it off to me now?’ Jeongmin asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

‘I… I am not… Jeongmin oppa…I…. we… there is nothing going on between Oh Jeun oppa and me… seriously…’ Hye Ah shook her head, trying her hardest to convince Jeongmin.

‘Wait… wait.. wait… what is going on now, Hye Ah?’ Sungmin placed his arm on Hye Ah’s shoulder and pull her close to him protectively, looking at Jeongmin with a questioning look.

‘Sungmin ssi….’ Jeongmin looked at Sungmin then back to Hye Ah, casting a questioningly look toward Yuri.

‘Ok~ Jeongmin oppa…to cut the story short, Hye Ah is the matchmaking girl…However, she had no ulterior motive toward your sweetheart at all…. As u can see….’ Yuri casted a knowingly look over to Sungmin who is still hugging Hye Ah close to her and chuckled at the white stare from Hye Ah.

‘Moon Yuri~ is that funny?’ Sungmin hissed…

‘U are really hopeless… Moon Yuri…’ Hye Ah shrieked. She really enjoy setting people up that much…No wonder Oh Jeun would chase all the way to her hometown and suddenly changed his attitude toward her, so its all Yuri’s doing….

‘Hahahaha~ Its only till recently I know that the heartless guy that Jeongmin oppa told me is Oh Jeun ssi…. So… since Oh Jeun ssi need my help in locating Jeongmin oppa, I just had to make a good use of that by asking a small favour from him isn’t? Both of u should thank me… see how much trouble I had to go through for the sake of u two……’ Hye Ah chuckled, looking at the bunny couple.

‘Thank u very much!’ Sungmin and Hye Ah chorused, sarcastically…

‘Oh~ u are most welcome…’ Yuri laughed, before turning over to look at Oh Jeun and Jeongmin who are busily looking at each other right now.

‘U knew about it too?’ Sungmin whispered, nodding toward Oh Jeun.

‘Of course…’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘Why didn’t u tell me?’ Sungmin hissed.

‘Telling u about?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘About…. His ual orientation…’ Sungmin hissed, blushing a little.

‘Hey… this is something very personal alright?’ Hye Ah chuckled, regaining her attention toward Oh Jeun and Jeongmin.

‘U didn’t even gave me a chance for explanation…’ Oh Jeun looked at Jeongmin, moving closer toward him.

‘I… but u still went for it don’t u?’ Jeongmin replied stubbornly, although a bit regret for avoiding Oh Jeun previously.

‘Because I knew she is dating with someone else…’ Oh Jeun smiled, he knew Jeongmin had accepted his explanation, he is just trying to make thing difficult for him here.

‘Liar…’ Jeongmin said between his chuckles,  glaring at Oh Jeun who smiled brightly at him.

‘Ergh… I think we better excuse ourself… I had a date with Kyu… and these 2 are going to date as well… please enjoy your date and thank u Oh Jeun ssi~’ Yuri nodded at Sungmin and Hye Ah, gesturing them to leave the two of them alone. She believe, they had a lot to catch up after that ‘break-up’ they gone through previously.

‘See u On Jeun oppa… Jeongmin oppa~’ Hye Ah bowed slightly at the 2 before she made her way out of the café with Sungmin and Yuri.

‘Yul~’ Kyuhyun dashed toward his girlfriend the moment he saw her coming out from the café.

‘Oh~ Kyu~ the timing is just right…’ Yuri chuckled, giving her boyfriend a gentle hug.

‘Oh~ they are inside? How is that thing? They made up? Will they kiss?’ Kyuhyun asked, peering inside the café curiously as he tried to locate Oh Jeun and Jeongmin.

‘So u knew about this too? Cho Kyuhyun?’ Sungmin hissed, grabbing at Kyuhyun’s collar.

‘Hahaahahahahah~ cool down, Sungmin hyung…’ Kyuhyun chuckled, trying to push Sungmin away.

‘This is the only time u will call me hyung… such a good dongsaeng and room mate I have…’ Sungmin hissed.

‘Minnie… what are u doing?’ Hye Ah hissed, glaring at Sungmin before she stares at the hand that’s holding Kyuhyun’s collar, gesturing him to let Kyuhyun go.

‘Don’t u think they are being mean here….’ Sungmin sulked, aegyoing to Hye Ah as he let go off Kyuhyun who is gasping for air right now.

‘I think… we better make a move… bye~’ Yuri chuckled, pushing Kyuhyun away fast in case Sungmin changed his mind and decided to murder his boyfriend and maybe her again.

‘Geez~’ Sungmin shook his head at the evil couple who is running for their life now before he turned and looked at the evil bunny girl who is busily chuckling at the childish act of the evil-gamer.

‘U still had the cheek to laugh…’ Sungmin pinched at Hye Ah face and made a face at her.

‘Hahaha! They are just the perfect match for each other, aren’t they?’

‘Aren’t we a perfect match for each other then?’ Sungmin asked.

‘What are u talking about?’ Hye Ah blushed, turning her back at Sungmin to hide her blushing face.

‘Come on, lets go…’ Sungmin pulled at Hye Ah’s hand and run toward the direction of his car.

‘Where are we going?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘U will know soon enough…’ Sungmin smiled, with his eyes on the road.

‘U and your secret again…’ Hye Ah chuckled, shaking her head.

Hye Ah blushed when she saw Sungmin stopping his car at the pub they 1stmet each other.

‘Why are we here?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Come on in…’ Sungmin pulled Hye Ah toward the pub with the bouquet of roses on his hand, he is feeling extremely nervous right now…


‘U wait for me here all right?’ Sungmin pushed Hye Ah to the chair and walked away, leaving her alone.

‘Minnie….’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin who went disappeared and she couldn’t help wondering what is this bunny guy trying to do….

Soon the lighting of the stage went on and Sungmin is now standing on the stage, playing the piano….

Baby baby to the beautiful Won Hye Ah, the girl who gotten my heart…..Saranghae~’ Sungmin started to sing, with his eyes on Hye Ah all the while.

Hye Ah gasped in surprise, couldn’t believe Sungmin actually chosen to declare to her in front of the public like this… In the pub where they met… She smiled at him sweetly and sing along with him, with her heart filled with happiness…

Hye Ah walked toward the stage once Sungmin sang the last note and threw her hand around his neck, hugging him close. The audience cheered and clapped, with some people busily taking snaps of them.

‘I take it as a yes then…’ Sungmin whispered, hugging her close to him too as he walked toward a more secluded corner.

‘Yes… yes~ Na do… saranghae~’ Hye Ah whispered, her eyes b with tears.

‘Thanks u… I will take a good care of u from now on…’ Sungmin pushed her away gently, looking at her in the eyes.

‘I am the noona remember?’ Hye Ah chuckled, as Sungmin wiped her tears away gently..

‘Nooonnaaa~’ Sungmin called her in his most ultimate aegyo tone and Hye Ah couldn’t help chuckling at the sound of his cute aegyo’ing tone.

‘Oh~ good boy…’ Hye Ah ruffled at his hair lovingly, chuckling.

‘Please accept this then…’ Sungmin hold out the bouquet of pink roses to her and beamed at her happily when Hye Ah hug the bouquet of flower close to her.

‘Thanks… had u been planning for this all these while?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Yes… do u like it?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Yes… thank u…. but… why are u… appearing at the café just now?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘I thought u get me to fetch u there?’ Sungmin asked, puzzled.

‘I didn’t… cos my initial plan is to meet u after I arrange Jeongmin and Oh Jeun oppa to meet…’

‘But I received message from u saying….’ Sungmin stunned, looking at Hye Ah.

‘MOON YURI!!!’ both Sungmin and Hye Ah shrieked. This girl…. Really impossible… how they wished they can get their hand on this evil-gamer girl.




‘Hahahaha! So… are u happy now Hyukkie?’ Shindong asked, slapping on the said monkey’s back after he successfully gotten the Merlion Lizzy heart after his well planned declaration.

‘Of course I am… but I will be happier if  I don’t have to go through all those unnecessary heartbreak before this…’ Eunhyuk said as he narrowed his eyes at Yuri who is chuckling at the sound of that.

‘Oh~ Eunhyukkie~ no pain no gain….’ Yuri laughed, she had to admit… She did indeed make thing slightly difficult for Eunhyuk this time round.. But that will make him cherish Lizzy more isn’t it?

‘Cheh~ Moon Yuri~ would u like us to let u go through the pain too so that u know what u gain?’ Sungmin, who happen to be another victim of the girl evil planning said sarcastically.

‘But aren’t u doing good now? Minnie hyung?’ Kyuhyun chuckled, looking at Hye Ah and Sungmin who are sticking together right now.

‘Thing can actually be simpler though…just that someone being stupid…’ Hye Ah chuckled, glaring at Sungmin knowingly.

‘Who is going matchmaking behind my back huh?’ Sungmin rolled his eyes, pulling Hye Ah closer to him.

‘Aish… u are bringing it up again, seriously… can u please leave it?’ Hye Ah slapped on his arm, chuckling in amusement.

‘He never let it go!! He will bite on to it forever…Not a cute one at all…’Heechul commented.

‘Oh really? who is the one who insisted to kiss the not cute guy here years ago?’ Sungmin smirked, bringing out the kissing topic again just to irritate the pretty man.

‘EIGHSSHHH!!! That kiss again!’ Heechul groaned, making everyone laughed when he started to scratched his head in frustration.


‘U….’ Hye Ah gave Sungmin’s head a light push, amused at his hobby of digging the past to pissed his hyung off.

‘U… told u, u are not going to get away from my bunny’s paw….’ Sungmin whispered in Hye Ah’s ear, and the rest of the gang groaned in disgust when the said bunny girl turned and gave the bunny a passionate kiss  to stop him from saying any further…..


Jjang jjang~ Shindong story~ 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~