Chapter 6

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


‘Don’t u think we should have a good talk alone?’ Sungmin asked.

‘……………’ Hye Ah looked at him hesitatingly.

‘All the while, my members are the one who are doing all the talking…. I wanted to know what u think too…’ Sungmin persuaded.

‘Hmnn…. Okay…’ Hye Ah nodded.

Sungmin smiled and drive toward a quiet café located at the suburban area of Seoul. The car fall into comfort silence as Sungmin drive attentively and Hye Ah still busily browsing her Twitter account. She is now having TONS of unknown followers and she can’t understand why at all…. Are they trying to stalk her?

‘What? I like u because Sungmin oppa liked u?’ Hye Ah squealed when she saw the absurd Tweets from a young girl.

‘Hahahha! why are u so surprised?’

 ‘I can’t understand their mentality… this sound absurd to me….How can u say u love or hate someone before u know them?’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Well… liking and hating is just a sort of feeling…. U can’t really explain how does the feeling work right?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hmnn…. Quite true….’ Hye Ah nodded.‘But I am still surprised… Never know a little gesture of u will be creating such a big impact… Wow~ I had almost 5,000 followers now?!!’ Hye Ah gasped.

 ‘Well… I thought being a teacher can make u understand a teenager better? Don’t u know this is how they behave when they idolize someone?’ Sungmin asked, feeling a little tat proud that he is one of the idol that can really influence the teens.

‘I can only say, I know their behaviour but I seriously doesn’t understand, especially when it come to these Idol thing…’

‘Hmnn… don’t u have any singer or particular actor that u liked?’ Sungmin queries, with his head slightly tilted. Wondering what kind of singer will she goes for?

‘I don’t….’ Hye Ah shook her head.

‘Not even one?’ Sungmin squealed.

‘No…’ Hye Ah shook her head between a frown, does he has to be so surprised?

‘Ok… what about when u are a teenager? No Idol?’

‘No… do u think I have the time to do so? I have to study!’ What is this guy thinking? Is having an Idol a compulsory thing to do?

‘Hahahahahah! I bet u must be always at the top of your class….And we are here…’ Sungmin laughed, stopping his car..

‘No, u are wrong....’ Hye Ah shook her head.

‘Wow~ Not even with that amount of hard work? U are not very smart then…’ Sungmin finished his sentences with a chuckle, enjoying the pissed look on her face very much indeed.

‘Sorry to disappoint u, I am not the top of my class… but the top of my school~’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder, turning over to give him a ‘sweet smile’.

‘Hahahahahahahah~ Okay, down we go…’ Sungmin turned off the engine of his car and unfasten his safety belt.

‘Oh? Its… thanks u…’ Hye Ah was a bit taken back when Sungmin unfasten her safety belt.

‘Its always a pleasure to serve a lady…’ Sungmin smiled, getting down the car and walked toward her side of the door, opening it and offer his hand to her.

‘Do u do that to all girls?’ Hye Ah asked, chuckling while slapping her hand into his, allowing him to help her to get out of the car.

‘Depend….’ Sungmin smiled, walking toward the café. However, he realized that he had to slow down his pace every now and then as Hye Ah seem to be having some sort of difficulty catching up with him.

‘Wow~how do u manage to know this place?’ Hye Ah asked, looking at the isolated cafe which is located at the cliff side.

‘When I am driving around myself… I liked it cos its not crowded most of the time…can unwind myself and avoid unnecessary commotion.’ Sungmin looked around. Good, there are not much people too.

Hye Ah smiled at the sight of the comfortable sofa and sinked herself into the comfort of it.

‘Do u like this place?’ Sungmin asked.

Yes…..relaxing… what a great idea…’ Hye Ah closed her eyes, enjoying the light breeze that brushed past her face. The place is not posh, just a cozy, quiet café with lots of comfortable looking sofa.

‘Definitely a great place to relax…’ Sungmin laughed, liking the look on her face.

‘Yeah…..’ Hye Ah nodded, looking around at the quiet cafe. There doesn’t seem to have many customers right now, which makes it an ideal place for celebrity like him to patron.

‘What would u like to have?’ Sungmin asked, passing the menu to her.

‘No coffee of course….’  Hye Ah muttered, browsing through the menu.

‘Why not?’ Sungmin asked, shrugging his shoulder.

‘Because…..’ Hye Ah stunned, well… she doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow… So, why not? ‘All right, any recommendation?’ Hye Ah asked, obviously he is a regular here. He should have some sort of recommendation?

‘The coffees here are all great… No matter which…’ Sungmin smiled, decided on his Macchiato.

‘Ok~ Macchiato…’ Hye Ah smiled, can’t wait to sip the caramelized coffee…And it’s not that strong compared to Blue Mountain and Expresso….

‘Hahaha~ great mind think alike…’ Sungmin laughed, walking toward the counter and placed his order, throwing in a chocolate cake and cheese cake. He supposes, most of the girls like these?

‘And…isn’t it tired to become a celebrity?’ Hye Ah asked, continuing their previous topic. She been feeling it’s a great annoyance although it been barely less than a day since she become a half celebrity because of him.

‘There are pro and cons to everything….’

‘What are the benefits? Money? Fame?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Part of it…’ Sungmin replied, smiling at the lady who is now serving them warm water right now.

‘Gosh….’ Hye Ah heaved let out a big exclamation when she saw how the girl blushed at the sight of Sungmin’s smile. ‘U sure know how to use your charm…’ Hye Ah laughed, when she saw the girl floating and skipping around like she is in the heaven. But she has to agree he does look mesmerizing with that smile of his, making u couldn’t help but to drown in his cuteness. Maybe that is why she will do that kind of stupid thing at the pub that day? Why is she bringing it up again? Oh well, never mind…

‘Hahaha! Thank u….But I am sorry it’s not powerful enough to bowl u over.... to think u do that because of a bet?’ Sungmin stated, still feeling a bit sore at her. He chuckled when he received a big white stare from her.

‘Cheh~ use it on a young innocent girl, not me..’

‘U may not be exactly young…. But I think… u still look very innocent to me… hahaha!’

‘Yah!’ Hye Ah protested.

‘Didn’t anyone told u before…’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hmnn….. Innocent seem to be too a nice word… My housemate always describe me as…hmnn…’ Hye Ah hesitated.

‘What?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Kid on a woman body…’

‘Hahahahahahahhaha!!!’ Sungmin laughed like a crazy person after hearing how her housemate describes her.

‘Yah! Stop that…’ Hye Ah sulked, she doesn’t feel it is funny at all.

‘Oh…my goodness, this is the 2ndtime I laughed so heartily after HyukZy 1stmeeting…’

‘Cheh….u better stop that to keep your image….’ Hye Ah warned, when she saw the waitress walking toward their side again with a tray on her hand.

‘Hi, this is your chocolate and Cheese cake… and this is pumpkin pie, a compliment from us…Sungmin oppa like it right?’ the girl smiled, casting a shy glance at Sungmin, knowing very well this pinky bunny liked everything about pumpkin.

‘Oh!! Pumpkin! Of course~ Thanks!!! That’s o sweet of u…’ Sungmin smiled, unknowingly put on his aegyo-mode again.

‘It..its… okay… enjoy….’ The waitress floats away again after bowing to Sungmin, totalling ignoring the existence of Hye Ah.

‘Wow…. She seem to be on cloud nine now….’ Hye Ah said between her constant effort to control her laughter.

‘Is that funny?’ Sungmin asked, why is she that easily amused?

‘Yeah! Never did I encounter situation like this before… And…u really liked pumpkin?’

‘Yes~’ Sungmin took the plate of pumpkin pie and took a deep sniff, savouring the aroma of the hot pumpkin pie.

‘Wow… how does she know? Cos u are a regular here?’ Hye Ah asked, amazed.

‘I think, most probably because she is E.L.F?’

‘E.L.F?’ Hye Ah shook her head, couldn’t understand.

‘Its stand for Ever.Lasting.Friend… name of our fans…’

‘Oh~ what a nice and meaningful name…And yes~ Now I saw another benefit of being a celebrity~’ Hye Ah chuckled.   

‘Hahaha!! Maybe u would want to try the coffee before we continue?’ Sungmin chuckled, pointing to the cup of coffee which is now seducing them with its irresistible aroma right now.

Hye Ah let out a small contented smile after tasting the sweet smelling Machiato.

‘Nice?’ Sungmin asked, admiring her satisfied look.

‘Hmnn..’ Hye Ah nodded, while putting down her cup. She snuggled herself into the comfort of the sofa and started to relax, looking over to Sungmin.

‘Why are u looking at me like that?’ Sungmin asked, with a hint of aegyonesse.

 ‘Please…. I am waiting for u to start the conversation, thought u wanted to talk about the scandal??’ Hye Ah asked, with her hand placed on each side of the sofa arm rest like an emperor.

‘So, are u really alright with what my buddies had suggested?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Erm… not really…. but if not, what other alternatives do u have? The relatives things?’ Hye Ah questioned. However, she pushed that thought out of her mind fast enough when she thought of how her parent will be involved in it..

‘Not really a good idea too…’ Sungmin shook his head.

‘Classmate, school mate is out of question too…’ Hye Ah said, with her fingers rapping on the sofa’s arm rest.

‘So…. that’s really left the last resort…’ Sungmin said, leaning his body toward the comfortable sofa too.

‘Gosh~ how I wish I didn’t go to the pub that night….’ Hye Ah pouted, sitting up and stirring her coffee moodily.

 ‘But… We wouldn’t meet if u didn’t…’ Sungmin looked at her meaningfully..

‘Yeah….then I won’t be having this trouble…. Aigoo… what a mess!!!’ Hye ah pouted again, leaning toward the chair again.

‘As if u are the only one with troubles…’ Sungmin too pouted.

‘Hmn….’ Hye Ah grunted, forking a small piece of chocolate cake into . Sungmin chuckled when he saw how her face brightens up at the taste of the rich chocolaty cake.

‘Nice?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Hmnn…Do u want to try it?’ Hye Ah nodded, passing the cake to him.

‘Feeling better now?’ Sungmin asked, taking over the plate.

‘Hmn… A little…’ Hye Ah dug her fork into the delicious looking cheese cake too and Sungmin swear he saw sparks in her eyes as soon as the cake landed on her tongue.

‘Really??’ Sungmin feel a little bit relieve as he can tell she is not being polite but really does feel a little better right now.

‘Hmn… well…. I don’t know, but I think I have no right to be angry…After all I am the one who started it? But u really shouldn’t lie on your identity as idol u know…’ Hye Ah muttered.

‘Well, I think I do have to apologize on that part too…’

‘Apologies accepted… please accept mine as well?’ Hye Ah chuckled, holding out her hand.

‘Hahaha!’ Yes, accepted.’ Sungmin took her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

‘And… do u think we really can salvage the situation by pretending to date?’ Hye Ah asked.….

‘More or less… rather than we leave it lying there like that…. And actually I had a favour to ask from u….’ Sungmin rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

‘What is that’s?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Erm… we have a filming next week… Can… u… please participate?’ Sungmin asked timidly.

‘Me?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Yeah…..’ Sungmin nodded.

‘I…. should be ok….’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘…………….’ Sungmin looked at Hye Ah with a disbelieving look… she agreed so readily?

‘Why are u giving me that look?’ Hye ah asked, touching her face. Something stuck on her face?

‘Nothing…But…aren’t u worried? Filming….’ Sungmin didn’t expect that she is that easily persuaded. And she agreed with no question asked at all.

‘I believe its just to let the world know we are dating? And, you are supposed to do the talking, or would just agree with u…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder. All she had to do is just to sit beside him and pretend to be shy isn’t it?

‘Yes… sort of… but we are not the main lead so no problem… this is just an on the way thing…’ Sungmin nodded.

‘Okay… just tell me what I have to do…’

‘Are u camera shy?’ Sungmin asked.

‘I am a teacher, I always speak in front of many… I will just take it as I am having my class…’ Hye Ah chuckled, they are a bunch of kids too after all…

‘Are are just so positive about everything?’

‘I certainly do~’ Hye Ah nodded, smiling. Although it does seem weird that she is smiling through that swollen eyes of her.

‘I am glad..’ Sungmin felt so relieve now… He leaned his back to the sofa and looked at Hye Ah who is enjoying her Machiato right now. ‘U are a nice person to talk to…’ He looked at her with his famous killer smirk.

‘Hmn….u have so many buddies… and u all look really close…don’t u talk to them?’

‘I will… but hmnn… when we are facing the same problem, somehow it just doesn’t make the whole situation better if we talk to each other…. We end up feeling even more demoralized?’

‘Well…. Too many negative ion huh? Yeah… I do agree….talking with people facing the same problem just doesn’t seem to help sometime…’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘Glad u understand…’ Sungmin chuckled,

‘Of course… I am noona remember?’ Hye Ah said between her big stretch, leaning her head on the headrest and looked at Sungmin after that.

‘Tired?’ Sungmin asked, looking at his watch. Wow~ times really flies…They been sitting here for 2 hours.

‘Erm… not really….How about u? don’t u have work to do tomorrow?’

‘Don’t u know celebrities are always trained to stay up late?’

‘Yeah…. What do u all do actually?’ Hye Ah asked, sitting up straight and looked at Sungmin.

‘Please…. Didn’t u said u heard of Super Junior before?’ Sungmin rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

‘I did… but I still don’t know what u all do… sing perhaps?’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘That’s our main… we do DJ’ing, acting, hosting entertainment shows….’

‘Ahh…. No wonder celebrities always sound so busy…’

‘Yes….so we have all sort of practising… lesson…. And….. Sungmin goes on and on about what they do with constant laughter from Hye Ah who is cackling up at the slightest crazy thing the boys do….




 ‘Gosh…. Its already 3a.m?’ Hye Ah gasped at how time flies.

‘Yeah… didn’t even realized that…’ Sungmin too, is surprised at how long they been talking non-stoppingly.

‘*yawn* Wow… now then I started to feel sleepy…’ Hye Ah said between an enormous yawn, leaning her head on the sofa’s hand rest after that and looked at Sungmin with her watery puppy eyes..

‘Hahahaha! I send u back now?’ Sungmin laughed at her childlike behaviour shook his head. He supposes it’s time for them to go back.

‘Hmn… please….Thanks u…’ Hye Ah nodded, with a small smile on her face.

‘Lets go…’ Sungmin stretched out his hand, intending to pull her up from her seat.

‘Lets go…’ Hye Ah placed her hand on his and stand up with the help of Sungmin.

 ‘Isn’t a bit far to drive back yourself later?’ Hye Ah as Sungmin driving toward Yiwon Villa.

‘Not that far….I will feel better only if I send u to your doorstep… ’ Sungmin smiled, as he turned the steering wheel slightly to the right, preparing to turn into the car park. Hye Ah bit her lip, feeling a bit guilty about giving him a false address.

‘Wait…. Stop! Stop….’ Hye Ah shouted.

‘Why? What happen?’ Sungmin asked, frowning.

‘Well… actually I live at the apartment next to it…’ Hye ah muttered.

‘Wow… u are the cunning one…giving me a false address?’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Hahahahhaa! Sorry… This is for real..’ Hye Ah chuckled, directing him toward the car park of her apartment.

 ‘Thanks…’ Hye Ah got off the car with the help of Sungmin and walked toward her unit with Sungmin tagging along.

‘Do u live alone?’

‘Nope… I live with 2 of my friends… these 2 are the one who forced me to that pub that day…’

‘Oh really?’ Sungmin smiled.

‘Yeah… and forced me to seduce u….’ Hye Ah laughed, never did she knew that he is that easily hooked.

‘Oh~ u are successful then….’

‘Cheh~’ Hye Ah snorted, stepping into the lift.

‘Which floor?’ Sungmin asked.

‘9th…. And when and where shall I meet u the day after tomorrow?’Hye Ah asked.

‘Huh? Oh~ ya….I think we can make some arrangement..’ Sungmin smiled, her sense of responsibility of teacher is acting up…

‘What makes u feel like learning English?’ Hye Ah asked, standing in front of her apartment. Sungmin actually express his interest in learning English with her during their coffee chat just now.

‘Umnn… because we travel a lot? It will be convenient if we know a little English.. especially to places like Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Paris, New York…Just anywhere….’

‘I see…. True.. All right… I can teach u…but we need to make some arrangement 1st…’ Hye Ah waved her phone in front of him.

‘Really?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Yeah… u gotten my number isn’t it? And what’s with that smirk of u?’

‘Aren’t u afraid u will fall in love with me?’ Sungmin asked while taking a step nearer to her, trapping her between his chest and the door.

‘Pleaseeee….. are u always that flirty? And thought I told u I am older than u?’ Hye Ah pushed him away and rolled her eyes, turning over and pressed the PIN number of the auto-lock door.

‘Age doesn’t really matter to me…’ Sungmin laughed, leaning on the wall and looked at her…Her cuteness is going to kill him one of these days.

‘Matter to me… u better go back now… its late…’ Hye Ah pushed him toward the lift and press the down button.

‘All right… u go in 1st?’ Sungmin pointed toward her apartment door.

‘All right….take care….’

‘I shall see u again?’ Sungmin waved to her before she closed the door and smiled when he saw her nodding her head.

Hye Ah tip toed to her room and put down her things before she walked toward the bathroom and washed herself.

She lay on her bed and looked at the ceiling, doesn’t feel any sleepiness at all. Partly because of the numerous cups of different flavours coffee and partly because it’s way past her sleeping hours.

Hye Ah got up from her bed and turn on her computer, logging into her Twitter. She searched for Sungmin’s Twitter and she is surprised when she realized he had followed her not too long ago.

‘He must had done it at the café just now…’ Hye Ah chuckled.

Hye Ah adjusted her sitting posture and started to compose her Tweet. She been writing and deleting, deleting and writing before she decided to keep thing short and sweet… She re-read her final work and posted it….

‘Lee Sungmin…take it as I am repaying your coffee treat….’ Hye Ah muttered…. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~