Chapter 15

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


Hye Ah moved toward a quiet corner of the house when she saw the caller ID on her constantly vibrating phone…

Lizzy casted a curious look over to her when she found Hye Ah doesn’t look quite okay to her….

‘Eomma….’ Hye Ah pleaded.

‘Oh… u have to meet him… he is going back to America next week and won’t be coming back before next month… its just a meet up, no obligation…’

‘Eomma….thought I told u no matchmaking till I end this agreement thing?’

‘Well… I already promised Mrs.Hwang… but if u are not interested.. then I will just have to…’

‘Sigh… i… I will meet him… no string attached?’

‘Yes, of course…’

‘All right, update me on the venue and timing then…’ Hye Ah sighed.

‘Good luck girl~’

‘Yes, eomma…’ Hye Ah sighed, ending her call with a very pouty mood…

‘Ergh… Hye Ah… u doesn’t look too happy…who is that?’ Lizzy asked, looking at her pouting face.

‘Oh~ my mum… just some… trivial thing… is everyone here?’

‘Yeah…. U sure u r ok? Wanted to talk to me?’ Lizzy asked again, looking at her intensively, not liking what she had heard previously. She doesn’t mean to eavesdrop on her… and she was just about to walk away in fact… But she just managed to catch the word ‘matchmaking’ before that…

‘Ergh…. Nothing… Erm… why would u ask?’ Hye Ah looked at Lizzy who is a bit embarrassed at her question and she was praying hard that she didn’t caught her previous conversation with her mum…

‘I am sorry… I didn’t do it on purpose…’ Lizzy stuck out her tongue at her and casted an apologetic look at Hye Ah.

‘………….’ Hye Ah chuckled and shrugged her shoulder, trying to brush it away.

‘So… are u going?’ Lizzy asked, unwilling to drift away from this topic.

‘I have to…’ Hye Ah nodded, looking away from Lizzy’s obviously shocked expression.

‘WHY!?’ Lizzy squealed. She can’t understand it at all… If she is going to the matchmaking, what about Sungmin?

‘Shhhh….’Hye Ah put a finger on her lip and pulled Lizzy closer to her, not wanting to alarm the rest who are around right now. Apparently, everyone is busy fussing over Cherry and Junho and nobody noticed the unusualness of the 2 girls whispering at each other.

‘Hye Ah…. I don’t understand…’

‘Well… its arranged by my mother…’

‘U can say no, telling her that u had a boyfriend?’ Lizzy suggested.

‘But I don’t…’

‘Sungmin oppa?’ Lizzy questioned.

‘Lizzy, u know very well everything will end after 3 months don’t u? And my mum knew about that agreement thing….’

‘Hye Ah… but I thought… No?’ Lizzy is seriously puzzled now… She thought they are already an item judging from the way Sungmin pamper her.


‘I don’t believe it… Sungmin oppa…’

‘Lizzy… I believe u should know better how friendly he is to all girls, not only to me right?’ Hye Ah put a halt to Lizzy’s word, knowing very well what us gonna to be her next question.

‘…………’ Lizzy nodded to Hye Ah…Seem like Hye Ah is not ignorant of how she felt toward Sungmin previously… But somehow, she felt Hye Ah is different from other girls… Or it is only her?

‘That is…’ Hye Ah nodded, looking at Lizzy stunned face.

‘But…Hye Ah… do u like him?’

‘U mean the guy? I never seen him before…’

‘No, I mean… Sungmin oppa…’

‘Lizzy…. I don’t know… maybe yes…’


‘Yes, maybe….’


‘I do not deny that i…. had certain liking toward him…’

‘Then?? what is that u are worrying at?’

‘Because…. There seem to be barrier between us?’ 

‘Age?’ Lizzy asked carefully.

‘One of it… I don’t really like his lifestyle, career… I mean not that there is anything wrong with it… But I just don’t like being under the limelight like this..’

‘Oh~ u think any of us girls liked it?’ Lizzy rolled her eyes, no SUJU girl liked it, including herself. Maybe Yuri is an exceptional….

‘So…. that’s us include u? So… u admit that u….’ Hye Ah teased at how Lizzy admitted herself as one of the SUJU girl even before she and Eunhyuk are officially announced being together.

‘I…. I mean as friend…’ Lizzy blushed, knowing very well Hye Ah is just trying to .

‘U sure?’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘Yah~ don’t talk about me… But if u really loves him, u has to accept…’

‘Thus, I was saying maybe to your question just now…’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘…………………’ Lizzy looked at Hye Ah, starting to understand what Hye Ah is trying to convey.

‘Moreover… he might not feel it that way too…’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘But… I still think u hold a special position in his heart…’

‘U sure?’ Hye Ah chuckled, glancing over to Sungmin who is hugging Chaerin Close to him right now.

‘…………………’ Lizzy bit her lip as she glance over to Sungmin and Chaerin’s side too.

‘Anyway… I believe…U can keep it a secret?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Ergh… u mean which one?’ Lizzy asked, still trying to analyze Hye Ah’s relationship with Sungmin.

‘Both….matchmaking and Sungmin…’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘Oh….’ Lizzy smiled. However, did not really promise her to keep mum about that… She is not too confident about keeping that as secret cos she certainly feel the need to discuss this with someone…

‘Why are u looking even more troubled than me? U this girl?’ Hye Ah laughed, giving her head a light push.

‘Erm… cos… sound complicated? And… Are u serious of going? Is it for the sake of ur mother?’

‘U… mind your own business…’ Hye Ah chuckled, trying to stop this topic… she doesn’t really liked pondering over this issue.

‘One last question… please… one last question…’ Lizzy pleaded, rubbing the both of her palms together.

‘Lizzy…. I am not young anymore… If that guy is not bad… I might just…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder, giving her a pointed look.

‘Huh???!’ Lizzy gasped at her honesty and started to feel anxious on behalf of Sungmin… Shall she just be frank with Sungmin now?

‘Ok~ stop talking about me… Let’s go and join the rest?’ Hye Ah slapped on Lizzy’s arm, pulling her along to join the rest of the gang…


‘Hye Ah…’ Sungmin gulped, before calling to her name softly… why would he suddenly feel awkward with her out of sudden? This is the 1sttime she actually went home by herself after their outing…By giving the excuse that she is not feeling too well. And she insisted to go back by herself and refused the offer of any of them sending her home…

‘Hmnn? Are u still at Leeteuk’s house? Had u reach home?’ Hye Ah asked casually, flipping randomly at the book on her lap.

‘Nope… we… are at the dorm already…’

‘Oh~ that was early….’ Hye Ah chuckled, it’s unlikely of them to dismiss so early, especially it’s their holiday the following day.

‘Yeah… how are u feeling now? Better?’ Sungmin asked, although he knew it quite well that it is just an excuse.

‘Oh… I am fine… thanks u…’ Darn… why is she feeling so out of place with him lately?

‘Ermm….Hye Ah…we are going for a short trip to Jellado tomorrow… So…. are u coming with us?’ Sungmin asked hopefully.

‘Oh? One day trip?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Nope… 2 days 1 night..’

‘Ah… I am sorry… Minnie, thought u told u I had something on the day after tomorrow?’ Hye Ah looked down to her lap, flicking at the book again mindlessly. What a coincidence… she wouldn’t even have to worry about running into anyone of them when she is going for her matchmaking session that day… maybe its destined after all?

‘Oh….’ Sungmin couldn’t hide his disappointment upon hearing her answer… though he did had a mental preparation that he will be rejected.

‘I am sorry… um… its just so coincidence that it clashed with my plan u see….’ Hye Ah bit her lip, feeling a little left out as she couldn’t join them for this trip… It definitely will be a lively trip… but she know she can’t… she had to get used to the life without them remember?

‘I understand…’ Sungmin pouted, the bad feeling within him is growing stronger and stronger and he just couldn’t make out what is that restless feeling within his own right now.

‘So… just enjoy all right?’ Hye Ah commented light heartedly.

‘Hye Ah….I was wondering…. Are u trying to avoid me recently?’ without much thinking, Sungmin blurted out what was on his mind directly.

‘Me? No? why are u saying this?’ Hye Ah asked, with a slight raise in her intonation. In her eagerness to minimize the contact with him, she had totally forgotten the fact he is one of the shrewd and observant type of guy.

‘Hye Ah… its not convincing u know?’ Sungmin was debating whether should he let her know that he happen to discover the incident which she lied to him about not having time for him when he know perfectly well she is just idling at home doing nothing. However, in split second, he decided not to. He doesn’t want to make their relationship turn sour. But part of him is hoping he is able to get everything iron out since he already gotten this topic started.

‘Minnie…. I told u I am busy… with the after exam marking… and I do have to make time for my other friends and family as well doesn’t I?’ Hye Ah is trying her best to convince him in a softer way, hoping that he will buy her story…

‘………..’ Sungmin close his eyes in fatigue, feeling disappointed… She doesn’t even feel like debating with him these day. He really prefer her to be lashing out at him…


‘Are u really the Hye Ah that I know?’ Sungmin muttered.

‘Minnie… what are u talking about?’

‘Nothing… u get on with your chores then… Shan’t disturb…’


‘Goodbye…’ Sungmin ended the call and threw his handphone on his bed, diving his head to his soft pillow… 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~