Chapter 16

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


‘Seem like someone mood is not pretty eh?’ Shindong, who had appeared from nowhere sat himself down on the pink bed and ruffled at Sungmin’s soft silky hair.

‘………..’ Sungmin shifted his face from his pillow toward Shindong’s lap in a very pouty mood and nodded at the latter comment.

‘What happen?’


‘All right, keep it to yourself if u doesn’t feel like sharing…’ Shingdong leaned his body toward the bed headboard, continued to observe the moody pink bunny.

‘I think she is avoiding me…’


‘Not too sure when it started…. But I am very certain she did when I found out that she lied, just to get away from me..’ Sungmin poured out to Shindong, whom he always shared his woe with.

‘Why? There must be a reason right?’

‘It’s precisely because I am clueless thus I am so troubled…everything was all right before this… Or is it because I am a bit too wrapped up in the whole HaeRin and WonNa issue previously and failed to notice the changes within her?’ Sungmin tried to flash back what happen recently but just simply couldn’t recall of any unhappy incident with Hye Ah.

‘Ming… Do u know…. sometime u are overly friendly with the girls?’ Shindong pointed out.

‘Please… this is not the time to settle the scores between u and me just because I am close to u guy girlfriends!’ Sungmin rolled his eyes and slapped on Shindong’s leg, he can’t believe he actually chosen this time to reprimand him for the old granny stories…

‘So u do know u are too friendly with the girls?’ Shindong chuckled.

‘I do…. But u all knows I got no other intention right?’ Sungmin squeled.

‘Yes, we do…’ Shindong nodded.

‘So?’ Sungmin snapped, is he trying to be funny here?

‘But Hye Ah might not know…’ Shindong pointed out, raising both of his hands and placed it on the back of his head, looking at Sungmin.

‘……..…’ Sungmin sprung up and sit up bolt right when he heard that and looked at Shindong for a moment, tilting his head…

‘Yes…’ Shindong nodded.

‘But…. Can’t she tell that she is special to me? No?’ Sungmin tried to reflect on what he had done to her compare to the rest of the girls… He had to agree…that the differences are not significant though…

‘Hahaha! Those girls are OUR girlfriend and u actually treated them like your own… So how is your precious Hye Ah who is so innocent able to differentiate that? She must had thought that’s your habit of treating a girl that way~’

‘But….’ Sungmin is dumbfounded when he couldn’t find any good reason to rebut Shindong’s word.

‘And to tell the truth… I don’t really like u fussing over too much with my girlfriend…And I think… its applied to the rest as well…’ Shindong narrowed his eyes and looked at the said bunny.

‘So now… u are trying to talk me out from doing that?’ Sungmin asked, rolling his eyes.

‘Hahaha! Best if u could…So… u couldn’t blame her… Even we, who knew u for donkey years doesn’t like how u behave with the girls… Moreover she? Who knew u not more than 3 months? She is just trying to protect herself..’ Shindong shrugged, turning his body a bit to relieve the stiffness of being in the same position for so long.

‘So….meaning to say…. She is jealous in a way?’ Sungmin suddenly found that this phrase sound so sweet to him and he couldn’t help but to smile broadly at the thought of it.

‘Ergh… I suppose… yes… but maybe running away from it for the fear of hurting herself will be a better word?’ Shindong tilted his head, trying to analyze the whole situation again.

‘I love u Dong!!!’ Sungmin pounced over and gave Shindong a peck on his cheek followed by a tight hug. He think he see what happen now…

‘Yah~ what is that for?’ Shindong chuckled at the smiling eyes of Sungmin which Heechul always described as foxy…

‘How can u see through all these?’ Sungmin asked, still in his jovial mood. Now he know, it’s because… She cares…And she doesn’t know whether he is returning her feeling thus she choose to run away from it?

‘*sigh* u can be very stupid when it comes to Hye Ah..’ Shindong sighed.

‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Sungmin growled.

‘How do u know that stupid monkey out there likes that Merlion?’

‘Ergh… It’s obvious?’ Sungmin tilted his head, it pretty obvious isn’t it? Shindong couldn’t tell?

‘So, u thinks we couldn’t tell it when it comes to ur’s? eigh… babo~’ Shindong ruffled at Sungmin’s head. This bunny, he can be very cool and shrewd when he is looking at other’s. But when it comes to himself, his dumbness is no lesser than the silly monkey Hyuk who is cracking his brain on how to confess to the Merlion Lizzy..

‘Oh really? hahahahahahaha!’ Sungmin laughed joyfully after hearing Shindong’s comment, maybe he is really being a bit stupid here?

‘So, she is not coming with us to Jellado huh?’

‘Hmnn…’ Sungmin nodded, pouted at the fact that that she is not tagging along…

‘That’s explain the sulkiness…’ Shindong laughed, reminded of how he looked like when he step in just now, just like his whole world is falling to pieces.

‘I suppose… maybe I will just let her miss me a bit for these 2 days…’ Sungmin chuckled, but started to wonder whether he can survive through the 2 days without her by his side. And all the lovey dovey couples around him is just going to make the whole thing worst…

‘Better sleep… we have to set off early tomorrow..’ Shindong patted on Sungmin’s shoulder, standing up and starched himself a bit as he gave out a yawn.

‘All right… night…’ Sungmin gave Shindong a grateful hug, for being such a good listener. He knew he always manage to calm him down, he should talk to him earlier if he had know that Shindong had such a ready answer for him…


‘Hye Ah, we are on the way now…’ Sungmin chuckled, talking softly to her over the phone.

‘What? Are u crazy? U guy must had been crazy!!!’ the protestation from the girls upon knowing that Yesung plan to tail Jin Young are too overwhelming that make it difficult for Hye Ah to catch Sungmin’s word.

‘What is that? Why is it so noisy? What happen?’ Hye Ah asked, unable to contain her curiosity…

‘Oh~ something interesting….lets join in the conversation…’ Sungmin the loudspeaker as to allow her to join in the heated conversation.

‘What happen, Minnie? What are u saying?’ Hye Ah's sound come out loud and clear from the loudspeaker and the girls started to complain to Hye Ah what the main purpose of these crazy boys planning for this Jellado trip.

‘Oh~ this is really mean of u all…..Don't u know what is privacy?’ Hye Ah shook her head, can’t imagine these guys are this crazy.

‘Precisely…’ Nari snorted.

‘But we are already on the way…’ Yesung pleaded, looking at the other piteously…

‘U better talk them out…’ Sungmin pushed at Yesung’s arm, turning off the loudspeaker to have some private talk with Hye Ah…


‘What is that? What is that worried look? She is all right now isn’t it?’ Eunhyuk query when Lizzy keep pulling at his shirt, trying to drag him out of the house with a very worried look on her face. Tired as he is after the whole huh hah over Jin Young getting lost in her own hometown, them frantically searching all over the place for her and getting her checked into some sort of clinic, he still tag along as the worried expression on Lizzy’s face is too serious for him to ignored…. Everything is all right now isn’t it? What is that expression on her face?

‘I… am now worrying about another thing… or shall I say person?’ Jin Young whispered to Eunhyuk, pulling him out of the house.

‘Why? Who else is missing? Everyone is back isn’t it?’ Eunhyuk casted a glance back to the packed house. Seem to him everyone is already safely inside the house…

‘Just come on out…’ Lizzy hissed at him, half dragging him out right now.

‘U better have a good explanation for your behaviour… ‘ Eunhyuk nodded at her, walking out of the house as he took her hand in his.

‘……….’ Lizzy nodded at him meekily, allowing him to drag her along… Her head hung low as she try to organize the messy thought in her head.

‘Talk…’ Much as Eunhyuk enjoyed the serenity with her strolling beside him, but he couldn’t help feeling curious about the thing that’s playing on the girl’s mind right now. She seems to be really troubled by something right now.

‘Erm… It’s Hye Ah…’

‘Hye Ah?’ Eunhyuk repeated her word and look at her with a disbelieving look. What about Hye Ah? Is she in the right state of mind?

‘Don’t look at me as though as I am crazy… I had my reason for it…’ Lizzy frowned, she know he must had though she is crazy by bringing up Hye Ah’s issue out of sudden…


‘She… she …. Is going for a matchmaking tomorrow..’ Lizzy spitted out the word one by one.

‘WHAT???!! SHE mmnnnmmm….’ Eunhyuk shrieked at the sound of it and Lizzy quickly covered his mouth for fearing that he will be waking the whole neighbourhood up with his high pitched screaming.

‘SHHHHH’ Lizzy hissed to him, gesturing him to keep his volume down. Eunhyuk rolled his eyes at her before he nodded his head.

‘U better explain that…’ Eunhyuk pulled down her hand and looked at her.

‘Well… i… accidently overheard her conversation with her mum that day… and she did admit to me that… she will be going for it… tomorrow…’

‘And u are telling me only now? Did Ming know about this?’ Eunhyuk asked with a frown.

‘No… she asked me not to tell anyone…’

‘So now? your conscience is burning u?’ Eunhyuk snapped, couldn’t take it lying down when he heard that the supposed-to-be bunny girl went for a matchmaking behind Sungmin back.

‘Come on, Lee Hyukjae, u know its not fair for u to throw your tantrum at me like this… I had no say over these things.’ Lizzy frowned, not liking the way Eunhyuk talk to her.

‘But at least u should have the courtesy to inform Ming about this and let him settle. Not being stuck here when his girl is seeing another guy behind his back!’ Eunhyuk groaned.

‘Since when did Hye Ah become Sungmin oppa’s girl?’ Lizzy snapped.

‘She… but… she is known to be dating him right now, at least… so she shouldn’t..’ Eunhyuk mumbled.

‘She has her own life to run… after that 3 months of almost ending agreement! What wrong with her planning for her future life?’ Lizzy started to regret, maybe Leeteuk would be a better choice to discuss this issue rather than Eunhyuk…

‘So, what is the purpose of u telling me this now? To pick up a fight with me?’ Eunhyuk scowled.

‘I…. *sigh* why can’t we just talk to each other nicely?’ Lizzy turned her back on him, hugging herself and rubbed at her arms as a gush of wind blew past.

‘I…..*sigh* Sorry… I shouldn’t raise my voice at u…’ Eunhyuk placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her over to face him, with an apologetic smile on his lip.

‘I… am sorry too… I think I am over reacting as well…’ Lizzy bit her lip, she admit that she shouldn’t snapped at him, especially when they are talking about his buddy whom had gone through thick and thin with him…

‘So…. what is your concern now?’ Eunhyuk asked, pulling her into his embrace softly.

‘U know… after witnessing what happen to Jin Young just now… What if… the guy that Hye Ah supposed to meet is a jerk?’ Lizzy asked, tilting her head and looked at Eunhyuk, feeling good lying in his embrace.

‘……….’ Eunhyuk widen his eyes, he didn’t think of that.

‘Its pre arrange by matchmaker…She just play along as her mum said that guy seem to be quite a good catch…So in short, she knew nothing about this guy…’ Lizzy continued.

‘What? Gosh…. But surely…. Someone will be there with her? Her mum?’

‘In the initial stage might be… but as u know… the standard method is to leave the both of them to be alone after the brief introduction… what if… u know…’

‘U really should tell Ming earlier…’ Eunhyuk shook his head.

‘But I am really caught in between! U don’t know how guilty I am when I see Sungmin oppa these days… but I just can’t tell on Hye Ah like this right? Not when she trusted me with her secret…’ Lizzy pouted, she is not feeling good either…

‘I think… we still have to feed Ming with this information….let him decide…How?’ Eunhyuk query, looking at Lizzy.

‘I… well… I think maybe this is the last resort…’ Lizzy nodded, she will hate herself if there is any mishap toward Hye Ah…

‘I will get Ming out…’ Eunhyuk pulled out his phone, getting his hand on putting his word into his action.


‘What’s so secretive?’ Sungmin chuckled, surprised of the sudden request to meet outside by the Monkey-Lion couple.

‘Sungmin oppa…. I… can I confess something?’ Lizzy pulled at Sungmin’s hand, looking at him.

‘Gosh… sound serious… what is that?’ Sungmin wrapped Lizzy’s hand in his and rubbed her cold fingers, trying to warm her up.

‘I….well…’ Lizzy looked over to Eunhyuk, who is pursing his lip right now. He gave her a nod, encouraging her to get the words out of .

‘What is that? U are making me nervous…’ Sunmgin chuckled. She is not thinking of confessing to him now right? But he brushed away the idea soon enough as things certainly doesn’t look that way.

‘Its about Hye Ah… and…’

‘What about her? Just speak…’ Sungmin asked, when Lizzy seem to be hesitating.

‘Is going for a matchmaking tomorrow..’ Eunhyuk continued.

‘ this is not funny..’ Sungmin pulled back his hand from Lizzy and looked at the Lizzy and Eunhyuk, half praying that the 2 of them will started to chuckle at their own joke.

‘We are not trying to be funny, Ming… Lizzy was with her when Hye Ah confirmed the venue and timing with the other party…’ Eunhyuk continued.

‘……………’ Sungmin looked at the two again and he concluded that they are not lying…

‘So… Are u going to do something about it?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘What can I do?’ Sungmin asked, especially not when he is stuck here.

‘Oppa… I am sorry…. But I do have my difficulty u know… she…’

‘I know… its ok…’ Sungmin nodded, turning back toward the direction of the chalet they are staying right now.

‘Oppa…. Listen to me… there is still chance for u to stop that and… I…’ Lizzy pulled at Sungmin’s hand, trying to stop him from leaving.

‘Isn’t it a bit too late to tell me now? She is meeting him tomorrow…’ Sungmin muttered, letting out a small smirk after that with a dark expression that Lizzy never encounter before.

‘Oppa……’ Lizzy retreated at the sight of Sungmin’s scary expression and let go of him.

‘I am tired…’ Sungmin walked back toward the house, totally had no intention to continue the conversation.

‘Ming….’ Eunhyuk pulled at Sungmin’s arm to stop him from leaving. Sungmin merely halted for a split second before he pulled back his arm and continued walking toward the house, leaving the two totally baffled for words.

‘Sungmin oppa~ U all right?’ Hana looked at Sungmin who walked into the house with a totally blank expression, wondering what had happen to him. He is still all right minute ago, minus the fact that he just disclosed to her how much he missed Hye Ah.

‘I am just tired…’ Sungmin put on a tired smile and walked back to one of the room, closing the door after him, He wouldn’t want to spoil the other’s fun with his own problem…

Sungmin slumped down on the bed and closed his eyes… He remembered Hye Ah told him that she needs to meet her parent… But she did not tell him about the matchmaking thing at all… So, all the cold shoulder comes because she wanted to shake him away? Shindong just make it sound too beautiful when he told Sungmin the reason behind her cold shoulder.

*Knock knock*

Sungmin turned and buried his face in his pillow, pretending to sleep. He pricked his ear up when he heard the sound of the door knob being turned and a soft click moment later, when the door is being closed again. Whether the person coming in or not he doesn’t know….However, he confirmed his doubt when he felt a dark shadow fall upon him… But that’s not going to make him open his eyes…

‘Ming, I know u are not asleep yet… can we talk?’ Eunhyuk asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.


‘Ming……….’ Eunhyuk called out to him again, patting on his back gently.

‘………….’ Still no response comes from the said bunny.

‘Ming… running away is not your style..’ Eunhyuk continued.

‘Get out, I don’t wish to talk…’ Sungmin growled, under the sheet.

‘Then I will do the talking…’ Eunhyuk moved a little from his current position, leaning on to the headboard.


‘1st, she sound reluctant when she 1stheard the suggestion from her mother, but give in after her mother insisted that she is not young anymore…2nd, Lizzy kept it from u as a request from Hye Ah and she doesn’t really think it’s too nice of her to publish her privacy when she trusted Lizzy with her secret. For your information, I just gotten this piece of information just 5 minutes before u. 3rd, Hye Ah doesn’t even have the simplest clue nor any information about this guy at all and we couldn’t help worried after seeing what Jin Young gone through just now… We certainly doesn’t need an additional member to be traumatized by some up to no good guy out there.’

‘Isn’t it being arranged by her parent?’

‘U really think the parent personally knows that guy? Which matchmaker will tell the truth about the guy and girl that they are trying to sell when it come to their weakness?’ Eunhyuk sneered at his word.

‘…………………’ Sungmin blinked his eyes at Eunhyuk’s word, started to get a little worried.

‘I done with what I wanted to say… its up to u to decide what u wanted to do next… I hope u can really sleep, good night…’ Eunhyuk stand up from his current position and made his way toward the door.


‘Hmnn?’ Eunhyuk gave him a soft hum and turned his head to look at him.

‘Can please keep it from the other? I… don’t want them to worry…’

‘No problem… but u now what are the consequences of keeping secret right?’ Eunhyuk reminded.

‘NO worry, that come later…’

‘All right… the venue and the timing of the matchmaking are being sent to you already. I leave the rest to u…’

‘…………….’ Sungmin sat up straight after Eunhyuk went out of the room and reach for his phone…. 2 incoming messages. 1 from Lizzy, and another, from Hye Ah… Sungmin’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the name that always cause changes to his mood and stare at his phone….


Hye Ah was feeling a little moody ever since the phone call from Sungmin this evening. The call was being cut off when Sungmin was being summoned to join in the search of Jin Young. She was beginning to regret that she did not tag along to the Jellado trip. At least she won’t have to be worried sick by herself here.

Is everything all right?

Sungmin hesitated for a moment, thinking of how he should reply her. Can she tell her he is not all right?

To be frank, not quite all right just now…But its settled… how about u?

I am fine here…

Hye Ah, what will u be doing tomorrow?

Oh… told u I will be meeting my parent?


Just casual dining… I gotta go Minnie… see u when u are back ok?

Hye Ah, are u hiding something from me?

Don’t think too much, Minnie… see u~

Sungmin placed his phone back to the side table gingerly, slipping down and cover himself well with blanket, hoping he can sleep….


‘Minnie oppa!!? Why are u still here?’ Lizzy hissed at Sungmin who is sitting in front of the breakfast table.

‘Waiting for breakfast to be served?’ Sungmin twisted his head and looked at Lizzy with a puzzled look. Isn’t that obvious?

‘U…. come on out… come on out!’ Lizzy practically dragged Sungmin out of the house and looked at him with a disbelieving look.

‘What is that?’ Sungmin asked nonchalantly.

‘U…. do u know what time is Hye Ah matchmaking?’


‘U did not read my message?’ Lizzy asked, raising her intonation a bit.

‘…………..’ Sungmin shook his head, turning his head to look at elsewhere.

‘Oppa!! Do u know where the place is?’ Lizzy asked.

‘……………..’ Sungmin casted her a blank look, thought he told her he didn’t read the message?

‘It’s at Walker Hill… I hope u remember how isolated is that….’ Lizzy walk away, leaving him alone.

‘What do u mean by that?’ Sungmin caught hold of  Lizzy’s hand, stopping her from leaving.

‘Remember what happened to Jin Young yesterday? I certainly hope Hye Ah won’t be the next victim…’ Lizzy tried to swing his hand away but Sungmin hold on to it tightly.


‘Although it’s a pre arrange by her parent but do u really think the parent know that guy in person? She will be all alone later! Her parent won’t be there as how the matchmaker suggested. Who know whether that guy will turn out be a scumbag or not? Let me go! I need to rush back to Seoul now since u are not going to!’ Lizzy tried to shake Sungmin’s hand away but no avail…

‘I will go!’ giving Lizzy’s hand a squeeze, Sungmin run all the way back to the chalet where they are staying in Jellado…


Hye Ah bow her head down after casting a quick look at the man in front of her, he gave her a gentle smile and shrugged his shoulder, decided to take the initiative to start the ball rolling.

‘Hye Ah ssi? Erm…. I understand u are a teacher?’

‘Oh~ Neh… Oh Jeun ssi…’ Hye Ah nodded, giving him a small smile.

‘Erm… do I look scary?’ Oh Jeun asked, looking at her blushing face.

‘Ah..ah… no, u are not scary at all… Its just… I am not used to these thing u see…’

‘Erm… actually me too… Let’s just take it as a normal meeting with friend?’ Oh Jeun suggested.

‘I… Ok… Well… Oh Jeun ssi, understand u will be going back to America soon?’

‘Initially yes, but the plan is being put off for a moment…’ Oh Jeun nodded at her, sipping his coffee after that.

‘Ah… I see….’ Hye Ah nodded, looking at the gentleman in front of him. He reminds her of Siwon, the gracefulness and the gentlemanness air he carried.

‘Yes?’ Realising her glances, Oh Jeun casted a questioningly look at Hye Ah, raising his eyebrow in query.

‘U remind me of a friend…’ Hye Ah chuckled, after witnessing the eyebrow stint that often appear on Siwon’s face.

‘Do I really? Maybe I do have too a common face?’ Oh Jeun asked, tilting his head a bit.

‘Well..Not exactly ur look… it’s the way u carried yourself… Like a perfect gentleman anytime..’ Hye Ah chuckled.

‘Haha! Thank u… I am so honoured… your school colleague?’ Oh Jeun smiled, with his hands clasped together.

‘Erm.. no, he is… a friend’

‘Umnn…I see…’ Oh Jeun nodded.

‘Erm… Oh Jeun ssi… do u… take note of Korea’s entertainment news?’ Hye Ah asked, she doesn’t know whether he heard of Super Junior and her relationship with one of the member.

‘Super Junior?’ Oh Jeun asked, looking at her.

‘U knew about it?’ Hye Ah asked, surprise that he still turn up for the matchmaking thing since he knew she is sort of in a relationship with Sungmin.

‘Uhmn… not in detail, your eomma asked me to check with u personally.. are u serious with that Sungmin ssi?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘I… erm… Oh Jeun ssi… since u knew about it, why are u still coming to this matchmaking thing?’

‘Curiosity…’ Oh Jeun laughed, he wanted to see for himself the interesting girl that the Sungmin make it out to be on the whatever report he ever read previously about their relationship.

‘Am I an animal in the zoo?’ Hye Ah asked, curiosity? What is there to be curious of? She is not a celebrity…

‘Nope~  Are u being forced to come here by your parent?’

‘Hmn… Oh Jeun ssi, I am sorry… but I really didn’t come on my own accord in the 1stplace..’ Hye Ah admit.

‘...............’ Oh Jeun shrugged his shoulder and put up his hands, smiling at her.

‘Oh! U even had the same gesturing habit as Siwon…’ Hye Ah laughed.


‘Erm… he is one of the group member of SUJU…’

‘Ahh… seem like u are in a good term with all of them… He… has nothing to say about you coming for today matchmaking?’

‘He… doesn’t know…’ Hye Ah smile froze on her lip and she leaned back to the sofa, with her head bowing low.

‘Actually… what is happening? Do u mind sharing with me?’ Oh Jeun asked.

‘Its… kind… of complicated…’ Hye Ah sighed, sinking deeper into the sofa…


Sungmin stormed in to the hotel where Hye Ah is having her matchmaking session right now. From far, he saw Hye Ah laughing along with a guy seated in front of her, seem to be sharing some sort of joke… He can say he hated it… But seem like she is enjoying her matchmaking after all… So much for being worried about her…

Sungmin turned, intending to walk away. However, he turned back again when he realized he doesn’t like the idea of Hye Ah being alone with a guy like this! She is supposed to date him!! Without any hesitation at all, he marched right over to her and stand beside her, fuming.

‘Mi..minnie?’ Hye Ah is shocked to see Sungmin standing beside her right now, isn’t he suppose to be at Jellado right now?

‘What are u doing Won Hye Ah?’ Sungmin growled, without even bother to look at the man beside him.

‘I….’ Hye Ah bit her lip, to be frank, Sungmin is kind of scary to her right now.

‘Excuse me…’ Oh Jeun stand up, trying to get Sungmin’s attention.

‘I am sorry,  I am afraid we couldn’t continue this meeting anymore….’ Sungmin pulled at Hye Ah’s wrist, trying to get her up from her current position.

‘Minnie.. what are u doing? Let go…’ Hye Ah struggle, trying to get herself free from Sungmin.

‘Rule No.2….’ Sungmin hissed. Hye Ah looked up and noticed some curious glances over to their side. She decided to just follow his instruction as she doesn’t wish to invite more attention from the public.

‘What do u want?’ Hye Ah hissed.

‘Get out of here…’ Sungmin hissed back, looking at her.

‘Hye Ah ssi, its all right, I understand… We, keep in touch?’ Oh Jeun gave her a understanding smile.

 ‘I am sorry, Oh Jeun ssi… Yes, thank u….’ Hye Ah picked up her bag and just manage to give him a slight bow before Sungmin pulled her out of the café.

‘………………’ Sungmin pulled her out of the café without a word and Hye Ah couldn’t help but to winch at the excessive force he excurse on her wrist.

‘Let me go, Lee Sungmin, let me go….’ Hye Ah tried to pull her hand away from him but no avail. Sungmin pushed her into his car and get his car started without a word.

‘Where are u bringing me?’ Hye Ah squealed, staring at him.

‘U better shut up…’ Sungmin hissed.

‘Lee Sungmin…’

‘…………’ Sungmin stepped on the brake and turned to give her a great big stare.

‘Yah! Are u trying to kill me?’ Hye Ah lurched to the front at the sudden halt of the vehicle and place her hand on her chest, trying to catch her breath from the shock.

‘So, u better keep your mouth shut!’ Sungmin is even angrier when he saw the effort she put in for this matchmaking… Her pretty feature is being enhanced with skilful make up and the pretty pink chiffon dress just made her petite body more alluring. How dare she dress in his favourite colour to meet up another man?

‘Hmnnn….’ Hye Ah crossed her hand and return her attention to the front, completely shutting up. The car falls into dead silent as both of them are fuming mad right now.

Sungmin drove toward their dorm and pulled her toward their unit, with some protestation from Hye Ah, trying to get herself free from him.

‘What are u doing? Lee Sungmin…’ Hye Ah shouted at him the moment they are inside the apartment, rubbing at her sore wrist.

‘I should be asking u this question…. What are u doing with a man out there?’ Sungmin hissed at her, turning over to face her.

‘Why should u bother?’ Hye Ah asked, a bit guilty at his question.

‘U are supposed to date me remember?’ Sungmin hissed at her dangerously, getting nearer to her.

‘Its… its just a bogus…’ Hye Ah stepped back, trying to keep a greater distance with him.

‘Bogus?’ Sungmin grabbed at her arm, looking down to her dangerously.

‘Lee Sungmin… what are u doing? Let me go….’ Hye Ah whimper, heart beating fast at the scary expression that he is putting in right now.

‘I will prove that u are lying…’ Sungmin smirked, pulling her into his embrace and crash his lip to hers.

**Dear reader~ still remembers the 3 rules that Minnie set up? In case u forgotten about that, U can refer back to Chapter 8…  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~