Chapter 5

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


(E)‘Hi~ Yo, whats up, man! Touch~’ seem like Heechul is in a good mood today, he even greeted his brother in his American style English.

‘Hello~ everyone!’ Ae Li popped out from behind and waved at the boys who are quite surprised at the sudden arrival of their sister in law.

‘Yah~ Li!!! Why are u here?’ Kyuhyun dashed over and gave her a bone-crushing hug which earns a very big protestation from Heechul.

‘Oh! I am his chauffeur of the day~ I think u all are going to drown yourself in alcohol right?’ Ae Li asked, jiggling the car key on hand.

‘Yeah~ Are u joining us? Because we are..…’ Leeteuk offered.

‘No, I have no interest in your man talk~ U can stay here for the night if you want, don’t have to worry…I will go to Hyojin…’ Ae Li squeezed Heechul’s hand and the pretty man nodded at her before he gave her a passionate kiss, which earns a great round of protestation again.

‘YAH~ don’t do that!!!’ the boys groaned.

‘Not that u all never seen it before…’ Heechul shrugged his shoulder, can’t understand why the boys are over reacting over their small intimate gesture today.

‘We have a guest with us!’ Leeteuk rolled his eyes, slapping on Heechul’s shoulder.

‘Oh~ who? he?’ Heechul rolled his eyes at Leeteuk, pointing toward Siwon who is standing behind him. So they thought Siwon as a guest just because he doesn’t stay in the dorm? Tsssttt… this guy…

‘No….. Its ….hmnmmm… Sungmin’s ermmn..hmnn…’ Leeteuk whispered in Heechul’s and Ae Li’s ear.

‘Oh?!’ Heechul and Ae Li looked at each other, with a surprise look on their face..

‘Sungmin ah…. Where are u? Heechul hyung is here….’ Shindong shouted, grinning when he saw Sungmin appeared with Hye Ah in tow. Where had this 2 people hid to nurture their feeling?

‘Oh~ Heechul hyung… Ae Li hyung su nim….’ Sungmin greeted. Hye Ah looked at Heechul with great interest, thinking he must be the guy who spoke in English just now.

‘This is Hye Ah ssi…And Hye Ah, this is Heechul and this is Ae Li…’ Sungmin introduced, pointing toward the HeeAe.

(E) ‘Hi, you must had been the one who spoken English just now? How long had u been learning English?’ Hye Ah holding out her hand to Heechul and spoke to him in her fluent English.

(E)’ Ergh~ Hi… well! Yeah~’ Heechul chuckled nervously as he took Hye Ah’s hand, he is caught by surprise when Hye Ah suddenly talked to him in English, in such a fluent way that he failed to catch the whole sentences thus he doesn’t really know what to reply.

(E)’Oh! Hi, he is just fooling around… He is not exactly fluent with English yet…’ Ae Li reply on behalf of Heechul after she gotten a big white stare from her husband for chuckling at his rusty English.

‘Oh! Its ok… I am Hye Ah, nice to meet u…’ Hye Ah bowed politely at the HeeAe couple and the couple did the same back.

‘I think…. I better be get going?’ Ae Li pointed toward the door, she think they must be trying to discuss Sungmin’s scandal.

‘No~ since u are here… might as well stay and help to churn idea!’ Kyuhyun pull Ae Li back and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

‘Kyu…..’ Ae Li frowned at Kyuhyun. She, after all is not officially married to Heechul yet and she still doesn’t know how is Hye Ah related to Sungmin yet.

‘Oh~ don’t worry… I think Ming will have some sort of confidence….’ Leeteuk winked at Ae Li, knowing very well what her worries are. After all he believe Sungmin won’t be risking bringing back anyone who will go and broadcast about their private life, right?

‘U sure?’ Ae Li asked, looking at Leeteuk and Kyuhyun before she casted an enquiring look toward her husband.

‘Hmnn’ Both Kyuhyun and Leeteuk nodded at her and Kyuhyun gave her shoulder an assuring squeeze and smile.

‘Just stay, since Cherry is with Hyojin….And Kim Kyu, stop taking advantages of my wife, go and hug your Yuri!!’upon saying this, Heechul slapped away Kyuhyun’s hand and pulled Ae Li back to his embrace and walked in to the nicely kempt living room, sitting down on the floor comfortably.

‘Selfish man… u hugged my Yuri at times too…’ Kyuhyun pouted, letting go of the chuckling Ae Li unwillingly.

‘I wish I brought my Hana with me too…’ Siwon who is standing quietly behind Heechul all the while voiced out.

‘Yeah~’ the rest of the guy couldn’t help but to agree with Siwon, why should Heechul be the only one who can have the accompany of his partner?

‘Ok… maybe u should start this discussion earlier then u all shall scram earlier later?’ Leeteuk suggested. He wished he can go back to Hyojin as soon as possible too…

‘But…. Isn’t this supposed to be our man talk session? Why are u all sounding like this is a compulsory discussion? And why am I the only one being left out?’ Sungmin asked, he think this is not the initial idea of night out right? From what he heard from his room mate aka the evil maknae, they will be out with either their girlfriend or friends or whatsoever and he told them that they might not be coming back that night… And looking at how complete the group is, he is sure there are some sorts of planning going on behind his back….And the victim is HIM! They must have arranged it on purpose, as they are aware that that he will be out meeting Hye Ah…

‘Ooppps~’ Kyuhyun chuckled guiltily. That is very smart of Sungmin…How could he see through their intention?

‘So… u all did have all these planned up? What are u all intend to do behind my back? Huh?’ Sungmin looked around, only to find that all of the guys refuse to have any eye contact with him.

‘Oh~ I am completely ignorant of this~’ Ae Li shrugged her shoulder. She did not have the slightest clue about what is happening and that’s truth~

‘Erm… hmn… anyway, no matter what… Let’s get back to our discussion shall we?’ Leeteuk asked. Phew…Luckily Hye Ah is here… else he can’t be sure that Sungmin won’t be using his martial art expertise on them… 

‘Maybe we should start with how the both of u know each other?’ Siwon asked.

Hye Ah nudged Sungmin and Sungmin looked at his brother.

‘Well…. I told u all before… we meet at a pub… and u both saw the latter part… Sungmin said after clearing his throat. ‘And so….this is how we ended up like this…But I really don’t know… well….’ Sungmin shrugged his shoulder, looking over to Hye Ah. He still doesn’t know why she would want to do that…

‘Are u sure u don’t know?’ Donghae asked, rubbing his chin. After all, he is present at the pub that day… He did notice that Sungmin is looking at a girl that day… Couldn’t be this simple as how he made it to be….

‘I really don’t…’ Sungmin frowned, does he look like he is lying? Sungmin looked over to Hye Ah who is now blushing like crazy with her head stooping low.

‘I think…. I… need to tell my part of story…’ Hye Ah muttered, trying her best to muster enough courage to look at everyone’s face.

‘Please go ahead, Hye Ah ssi….’ Leeteuk encouraged.

‘I… was at the pub with my friends that day… Because I lose a bet… So I have to accomplish a task….’ Hye Ah lowered her head to hide her blushing face… Aigh… she feel so childish right now…

‘And that task is me?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Not exactly…’ Hye ah shook her head. ‘I have to ask for a phone number from any guy who chatted me up…. And…’

‘AHHHHHHHHHH………………’ the boys nodded… They think, they know roughly what is going in right now.

‘What?!! Just like that? U kisses me just because of that?’ Sungmin growled.

‘You requested for it… All I want is just your phone number…’ Hye Ah pouted. Why is he behaving like the victim here? Isn’t she suppose to be the victim?

‘Do u know I am in the trouble too?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Huh?!’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Yes….’ Sungmin pushed the magazine to her.

‘Gosh….’ Hye Ah looked at the crystal clear picture of him kissing her….

‘Yeah… so u are not the only victim........’ Sungmin growled.

‘So u are taking revenge by posting my name on Twitter?’ Hye Ah growled, turning over and stare at him.

‘Because u refuses to answer my call!!!’ Sungmin frowned,

‘Don’t u know there is this thing called MESSAGE!???’ Hye Ah asked.

‘I…’ Sungmin began.

‘Ok… ok… lets stop that… No matter what… the most important thing is to solve the problem right now isn’t it?’ Leeteuk asked.

 ‘Fine…’ Sungmin and Hye Ah looked away from each other and tried to calm themselves down.

‘Hmnn…but both of u can’t say that to the public right?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Yeah…. So now… how are the both if u going to explain the relationship between the 2 of u?’ Eunhyuk asked.

‘No choice… they had to be lover no matter what….’ Heechul shrugged his shoulder.

‘What? Lover?’ Hye Ah frowned at the sound of that. Why should they be?

‘Here, Hye Ah ssi…. I think u are indirectly being effected right? I don’t think u would like to tell other u kisses our Ming because of a bet?’ Ae Li asked, looking at Hye Ah.

‘Erm… I…’ Hye Ah nodded slowly, biting her lip.

‘So… the only way is to pretend to date at the moment…. And as for future…Hmnnn…’ Ae Li stunned, the best is the can make that into reality… Hehehe….

‘Oh~ Hye Ah ssi, as for the future… u can still reject him…. Just tell the public u both are ‘not suitable’ after knowing each other better, will be staying as friend?’ Kyuhyun add on evilly…

‘Oh…. Well…U had a point!’ Hye ah nodded. Since there is nothing they can do to reverse the current situation anymore, this is not such a bad suggestion isn’t it?

‘Thanks for the add on, Kyuhyun ssi….’ Sungmin smirked, narrowing his eyes at Kyuhyun. Why should he be the one who is being rejected? He can reject her too isn’t it? Although this doesn’t sound too gentleman…

‘Oh~ u are most welcome!’ The said person shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly with the smirk on his lip. Oh~ its gonna to be fun….

‘And now… why would u kiss him so easily? Because he realized your lip are soft?’ Yesung asked, touching at Sungmin’s lip.

‘Don’t do that….’ Sungmin growled, pulling down his hand.

‘So now… the next question is how the both of u met?’ Donghae asked.

‘Meet at the pub?’ Shindong suggested.

‘No please…’ Hye ah shook her head. That will tarnish her image further as a teacher…

‘Yeah… doesn’t sound very good to me either…’ Siwon nodded.

 ‘School mate?’ Ryeowook suggested.

‘Provided they are in the same school…..’ Eunhyuk shrugged, the media and the E.L.F out there will have their means of finding out that he believes, so they had to be careful…

‘That’s out of the question…’ Hye Ah shook her head.

‘Why?’ Sungmin asked. How can she be so certain that they won’t be coming from the same school.

‘Cos I am older than u~’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Believe me, I am not as young as u thought…’ Sungmin rolled his eyes, can he stop taking him as a kid for a moment?

‘Sigh~ I believe u are not more than 25?’ Hye Ah asked, looking at Sungmin.

‘I am 26~ So stop calling me kid and change it to oppa….’ Sungmin declared proudly. Even if they are born on the same year, she still had to call him oppa isn’t it? He was born on 1 January after all, the 1stday of the year…

‘Cheh~ for goodness sake… calling u oppa? I am 29~’ Hye Ah snickered.

‘What????!!!’ The rest of the people who are present looked at Hye ah, shocked. She really doesn’t look like she is 29!

‘Whhy… what’s wrong?’ Hye Ah asked, a bit taken back.

‘Oh~ u sure u are 29? But u looks so much younger than our Ae Li hyung su nim who is 29 too…’ Shindong commented, totally amazed at how young she looked.

‘Yes…. I am….why should I lie?’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder, frowning at Sungmin who is still looking at her with a disbelieve look.

‘Thanks~ Shindong ssi….’ Ae Li ‘smile brightly’ at Shindong and patted on his shoulder. So is he implying she look like an ajumma to him?

‘Oooopssss…. U incurred the wrath of our lady here…. Its ok, Ae Li… u are still young and pretty…’ Leeteuk decided to be kind to her and wrapped his arm around Ae Li’s shoulder, smiling assuring at her. Ae Li chuckled and shook her head, she is just scaring that Shindong here, not offended by his comment at all.

‘Yeah!!! She is already a mother, what do u expect?’ Donghae slapped on Shindong’s shoulder too.

‘In which way are u not satisfied with my wife, Shindong ssi?’ Heechul asked, narrowing his eyes at Shindong.

‘I… I… sorry…’ Shindong muttered…He is just being frank here…

‘Let’s not talk about that…. Please continue to think of a solution for Ming…’ Ae Li laughed, good. That teach Shindong a lesson.

‘Oh~ hyung su nim… do u have any idea?’ Ryeowook asked, knowing well she always had some sort of weird idea around.

‘Hahahahahhaha! U sure u wanted my suggestion?’ Ae Li asked, squiring her eyebrow at Sungmin.

‘Please talk, hyung su nim…’ Sungmin replied absent mindedly, still trying to recover from the shock that Hye Ah is older than him…

 ‘Erm~ Said that it’s ‘love at 1stsight’. U met her at a private party… As for that posting… u are desperate because Hye Ah ssi is avoiding u due to that scandal?? Doesn’t want to affect your career?’ Ae Li continued.

‘……………………….’ Everyone looked at Sungmin, processing the information on their own  too….

‘Wuah…..’ the boys clapped at the amazing story which Ae Li cooked up and looked toward the male and female lead.

‘Completely a touching love story…’ Eunhyuk laughed, hugging his tummy.

‘Thank u~ thanks u~’ Ae Li smiled, leaning toward Heechul.

‘Ergh…. Doesn’t this sound a bit too cheesy?’ Hye Ah asked. What? Love at 1stsight? God~

‘But…. This is a good explanation… cos there is no way other could find fault with it….’ Leeteuk nodded.

‘Benefit from watching drama eh, hyung su nim?’ Yesung asked. Ae Li shook her head and laughed, shrugging her shoulder. She doesn’t have much time to do that nowadays… her Cherry and Chul kept her busy.

‘Nope… she is telling her own story~’ Kyuhyun smirked, winking at Ae Li who is laughing at Kyuhyun’s comical expression.

‘But… but…. What is the next step? Since he is sort of ‘found’ me?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Well…. Just play along… and pretend that u are touched that Ming actually going through all the hassle of finding u and made up?’ Donghae chuckled, oh~this getting more and more fun….

‘But…. I still feel it’s a bit weird… U knows…then we have to pretend to date?’ Hye Ah looked at Sungmin, trying to read his mind.

‘Oh~ it’s ok, u can teach him English when both of u ‘date’. Heechul laughed. Lee Sungmin ah, Lee Sungmin, can’t wait to see what will happen to u…

‘Say something…’ Hye Ah poked at Sungmin’s arm with her elbow, looking at him.

‘Erm…hmn…. Yeah…. We will talk about that…’ Sungmi nodded.

‘U sure?’ Hye Ah frowned, did she really heard it correctly? He agreed? They had to pretend to date? He is not worried of losing his fan?

‘Or… do u have better suggestion?’ Sungmin asked.

‘No….’ Hye Ah shook her head.

 ‘Ok~ we shall stick to this reason then! The rest of u should know how to react when the media asked, right?’ the almighty leader wrapped up the meeting and clapped his hand.

‘Yes!!!’ The boys answered in unison with some stretching their body, some nodded and some played with their phone.

‘So, we shall leave the both of u to decide how u both shall maintain the ‘romance’ between the 2 of u~ And… next week is a good chance….’ The leader patted on Sungmin shoulder and gave him a sly wink before he casted a smile and brief nod at Hye Ah.

Sungmin rolled his eyes… Eigsh…. How is he suppose to bring it out to her later? Will she agree? Well, he will have to try….

Its late… shall I send I home?’ Sungmin offered.

‘No, it’s ok~ I will just go back myself….’ Hye Ah rejected, looking up from her phone.

‘Do u think I will let a lady to go back alone like this?’ Sungmin asked between his smirk.

‘Kid… please do not act mature in front of me after your childish prank. Especially after knowing my age too…’ Hye Ah looked up immediately and smirked back his question at him.

‘Yah~ U…’ Sungmin looked at her in surprise, not knowing how to react for a moment.

‘Hahahahahahahahahah!!!’ Kyuhyun who is apparently listening to their conversation ‘LOL’ed at Hye Ah’s sharp comment without even looking up from his PSP.

‘Cho Kyuhyun!’ Sungmin hissed at the laughing maknae, narrowing his eyes at him dangerously. To think he still has the cheek to laugh at him? He hasn’t even settled his score with him for betraying him… Date with Yuri indeed… turn out to be planning to talk behind his back.

‘Oh~ wae? I was just laughing at my game…’ Kyuhyun explained, with a sly look. He was praying hard that Sungmin will ask him what’s so funny about his game.

‘What is so funny about that game?’ Heechul asked, instead of Sungmin.

‘Oh~ there was one my character u see, so stupid to step on his own toes~’ Kyuhyun stated happily and gave a sly wink to Heechul. Heechul tilted his head slightly over to Sungmin and Kyuhyun knew he caught his meaning…

‘Yah~ Kim Kyu!!’ Heechul laughed, putting his thumb up.

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!’ Heechul and Kyuhyun are now laughing their head off after high-fiving each other.

‘Grrrrrrrrrrr….’ Sungmin wished he could practice his martial art on them, now~ the neck of Kyuhyun seem to be a good place to do that…..However, he decided to ignore them and regain his attention to Hye Ah instead. She is now busily reading the comments of her own Twitter account asking about Sungmin and their ‘romance’ with a frown on her face.

‘I insist….’ Placing his hand gently on her shoulder, Sungmin blurted.

‘What?’ Hye Ah asked, absent mindedly.

‘To send u back….’

‘Cheh~ I…. wait…yeoboseyo~’ Hye Ah shrugged his hand away and picked up her vibrating phone after she confirmed the identity of the caller..

‘Yah~ Hye Ah~ where are u? are u aright?’ Minna asked, rather worriedly.

‘Oh~ I am fine… be back soon…’

‘Where are u now?’ Minna asked.

‘At… his… place…’

‘WHAT???!!!!’ Minna shouted, before she turned and talk to Sang Hee, who seem to be shouting too.

‘Yah! Do u have to shout??!!’ Hye Ah grumbled, rubbing her ears slightly at the high decibel of her housemate voice.

‘Then… I think it’s ok! U can stay there! Don’t have to come back!’ Minna laughed, she didn’t expect they will hit the jackpot that fast though…

‘Yah~ are u crazy?’ Hye Ah shouted, with a big frown on her face.

‘Hey~ its Super Junior mind u…’ Minna laughed.

‘Do u know them? Super Junior? Don’t talk as if u knows them well….U can’t even recognize their faces!’ Hye Ah snickered, totally forgetting she is now in the dorm of Super Junior right now…

Siwon looked at Hye Ah with an amusing look, raising his eyebrow at Sungmin who is standing next to her right now.

‘I…..’ Hye Ah stunned when she suddenly recall where she is and looked at the boys awkwardly.

‘Hahahahahahaha!!!’ Ae Li suddenly fall into a great fits of laughter and the rest of boys too followed suit when they saw the awkward expression that froze on her face.

‘I… I will be back soon… talk later…’ Hye Ah ended the call abruptly and bit her lip, looking over to Sungmin for help.

‘Hye Ah ssi…. Are we… really that unpopular?’ Leeteuk asked, flashing his dimpled smile at her.

‘I… I am sorry, I never did really takes notice of entertainment news… So…I…’ Hye Ah said as she bowed her head lower to avoid their eyesight.

‘Hahaha! So, don’t always thought u all are that popular, all right?’ Ae Li laughed, wrapping her hands around Heechul’s waist and leaned her head on his shoulder.

‘U…..’ Heechul laughed, pinching her nose.

‘Yu Ae Li… I heard… u are an E.L.F yourself right?’ Leeteuk teased, ruffling at Ae Li’s hair, messing it up.

‘Hahahahaha!’ Ae Li laughed, pushing away Leeteuk’s hand.

‘E.L.F?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Oh~ its too long a story to explain… come on, let’s go home now…’ Sungmin pull at Hye Ah hand and grabbed at her bag and make their way out of the boys dorm.

‘Yes….’ Hye Ah nodded. ‘Bye, everyone~’ Hye Ah bowed and waved at the rest and followed behind Sungmin willingly.

‘Bye, Hye Ah ssi~ do visit again, we will tell u everything about us!’ Eunhyuk said as he flashed her his gummy smile. Good… now that Sungmin has Hye Ah, he can concentrate to work hard on Lizzy….

‘Yeah! And I will show u my turtles son!’ Yesung too grinned at Hye Ah.

‘Okay… I will…’ Hye ah nodded, unknowingly agree to meet them again, somehow.

‘That’s a deal, alright?’ Shindong laughed.

‘….’ Hye Ah stunned, are they really serious? But they must be busy… so she doesn’t think they can afford the luxury as well….

‘Come on let’s go…’ Sungmin pull at her hand again and make their way out before the rest of the member decided to bug her again.

‘Phew….’ Hye Ah heaved a sigh of relieve once she is out of the house. It’s so stress to be under the attention of so many people.

‘Hahaha! U sound burdened?’ Sungmin asked, walking toward his car with his hand still entwined with Hye Ah’s.

‘Not really, they are friendly… But… Its really embarrassing as I can’t remember their name…’ Hye Ah explained.

‘U know… u really broke our heart by telling us u doesn’t even recognize our face… Aigoo….’ Sungmin wailed.

‘Hmnnn… but…. I really don’t…’ Hye Ah pouted, standing patiently beside Sungmin as he opened the door of his car.

‘Its okay, I will tell u more about them by and by….’ Sungmin said as she pushed her in the car. This girl… she is certainly the innocent one… Sungmin smirked.

‘All right, but I think I would really need some time before I can memorize all their name... So far, I can only remember Ae Li ssi name…. wait….She… can’t be one of the member right?’ Hye Ah asked, as far she know SUJU should be a all boys band right? No? 

‘Hahahahahahahahaha!!!’ Sungmin laughed, greatly amused by her statement.

‘What is so funny?’ Hye Ah asked, couldn’t understand the joke at all.

‘Didn’t u hear we called her hyung su nim?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Erm…hmn… so… she is the wife of? The PSP guy? Or the touch man, yo yo guy?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Hahahhahahaha!!! All right, the PSP guy, is my roommate. And his name is Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun.’

‘Ah… Kyuhyun, the yo touch man guy?’

‘He is Heechul, Kim Heechul….he is the husband…’ Sungmin turned to looked at her as he is stopping in front of the traffic light.

‘Oh….’ Hye Ah nodded, trying to digest the information she just gotten.

‘Yeah… so now u know the name of 3 SUJU members….’

‘Four! And Leeteuk, the leader…’ Hye Ah put up 4 of her fingers and chuckled like a little kid.

‘That’s really impressive….Hahahahahaha!!!’ Sungmin chuckled.

‘Hmnn… wait….’ The smile on Hye Ah’s face suddenly froze and looked at Sungmin who is now turning the steering wheel slightly to the left.

‘Hmmnnn?’ Sungmin asked, with his eyes on the road.

‘Arent… I…. suppose to be going back myself?’ Hye Ah asked, frowning.

‘Hahahahaha! We are already on the way….so u better tell me where u live…’ Sungmin chuckled. This girl, she maybe 29 years old. But she is as pure as 19….

‘Hmnn… u are really… well, its ok….’ Hye Ah concluded that Sungmin does really have the ability to hypnotise someone and she warned herself again to avoid his eyes in future.

‘Can u spare me another hour?’ Sungmin asked, after mustering enough courage…


'Yes or no?' Sungmin asked, with a smile still hanging on his face. Hye Ah looked at him in doubt...

Hye Ah was wondering what does he want from her?? Eigh....she is now mentality face-palmed herself.... How would she allow herself to travel in his car alone like this? Aigoo.... babo... babo.... Won Hye Ah jin jja neo mu neo mu ba bo ya..... 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~