Chapter 3

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


Hye Ah looked at her own reflection in the mirror, liking what she saw. A white long sleeve blouse with frilly front and a knee length pencil skirt. This is what suits her best. Yeap, she has to complete it with a pair of black heel, not too high of course….Perfect.

‘Ok~ here I come again, kid~’ Hye Ah chanted, picking up her bag and walked out of her apartment.

‘An nyeong ha se yo, Miss Won..’ Hye Ah nodded at all the student that greeted her and gave them an approving smile. Oh, this is where her passion is, she just loved the atmosphere of being inside the school so much.

Hye Ah frowned when she felt there’s a lot of whispering going on behind. Hye ah turned around and put on her most serious expression.

‘Everyone, can please concentrate on the lesson?’ Hye Ah said between her frown, rapping on the desk.

‘Yes, Miss Won….’ The student replied meekily, after casting a look at each other. Hye Ah shook her head and continued with her lesson again. This is not the 1stclass which behave this way. She just couldn’t understand what is going on right now. She is quite certain there is nothing wrong with her as she made several trip to the washroom to check on herself, she looks perfectly normal!! Sigh…maybe the kids are still in their holiday mood right now.

‘Thanks, Yongmi ah….’ Hye Ah nodded at the student that is helping her to bring back the loads of books from the classroom.

‘You are most welcome, Miss Won….’ Yongmi smiled at Hye Ah, casting a curious look over to Hye Ah.

‘Yes? Anything else?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Erm… nothing…. Miss Won…’ Yongmi shook her head, after casting Hye Ah a curious look.

‘Erm…maybe u can tell me what went wrong with me… I can’t understand why is everyone giving me this odd look today….’ Unable to contain her curiosity, Hye Ah decided to check it out with someone who might be able to enlighten her.

‘Oh, Miss Won… don’t u have facebook? Or twitter?’ Yongmi asked timidly.

‘I…. have…. But I don’t usually take notice of that….’ Hye Ah cocked her head, what has she got to do with these social website? She is never active with these things….

‘In that case…. Do u happen to know Lee Sungmin? That Lee Sungmin of Super Junior…..’ Yongmi asked again.

‘Lee Sungmin?’ Hye Ah asked, this name does sound familiar… now, where had she heard that name before?

‘Oh….because…. well, he is looking for a person by the name of Hye Ah and…. That person does look like you, Miss Won….’ Yongmi explained.

‘Oh~ I am not the only Hye Ah around…maybe just coincidence…’ Hye ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Erm…. But the picture does look like u… But doesn’t quite like u at the same time….’ Yongmi said, with a confuse look on her face.

‘Just coincidence, I believe…U better run along now… thanks for telling me about that Hye Ah…’ Hye Ah smiled at Yongmi and nodded at her when the student bowed politely at her.




‘OH!!!! OH!!!! OH!!! Hye Ah!! U are finally back!!!!!’ Sang Hee pounced over to Hye Ah the moment she stepped into the apartment they shared.

‘Oh, what happen? Why are the both of u so excited?’

‘Good grief, lucky girl!!!!’ Minna slapped on Hye Ah’s shoulder, almost causing her to pounce forward due to the strong force.

‘YAH!!! What is that for???’ Hye Ah shouted, staring at her two crazy friends.

‘Do u know who is that guy who chatted u up at pub that day?’ Sang Hee asked.

‘Why bring it up again? U saw him somewhere around here?’ Hye Ah asked, that guy didn’t stalking her that day right?

‘No~ aigh…..Come on here!!! come on here!!!’ Minna dragged Hye Ah all the way to her computer and type a few keywords on the keyboard.

‘Oh GOSH!!!!!! Who on earth is that????!!!’ Hye Ah eyes almost fallout from its socket when she saw what appear on the screen.

Hye Ah ya, do u know I been searching high and low for u? How on earth the picture of her and Lee Sungmin kissing at the pub that day is being published on the facebook and Twitter of this fella by the name of Lee Sungmin?

‘DAMMIT!!!!! He is the one!!!!!!’ Hye Ah clenched her teeth together and turn to fumble her handbag for her phone.

‘Oh~ u gotten his number? I thought u said…’ SangHee shut when she saw how angry Hye Ah looked as she place her phone on her ears.

‘YAH!!!!! Why did u do that?????’ Hye Ah shouted at the her phone

‘So…. U finally decided to talk to me?’Sungmin growled. He had to admit, the Twitter thing is really effective, and it only takes less than 24 hours to make her contact him in her own accord. He should have done that earlier if he had known that….

‘YOU!!!! You better take down that rubbish I warned u!!!!’

‘Why should I? Isn’t this what u wanted? Attention?’ Sungmin asked, is she trying to pretend ignorance again?

‘What are u talking about?’Hye Ah frowned.

‘Didn’t u read about that article? The magazine?’

‘I seriously don’t know what u are talking about… Lee Sungmin ssi…’ Hye Ah frowned again. What had it got to do with magazine?

All right… A meet up, I think we need to talk~’ Sungmin rolled his eyes, he is confused too, now….

‘No way!’ Hye Ah rejected right away, doesn’t want to have anything to do with this kid. He sound scary!!

‘Okay~ I will just have to wait for someone to tell me how to get u then…. Which I believe, it won’t be very difficult…’ Sungmin threaten.

‘YAH!!!!!!’ Hye ah shouted, feeling irritated.

‘So, to meet or not to meet?’ Sungmin frowned at the sound of her yelling, spitting out the word one by one.

‘*phew* Ok…. U better take down that posting this very minute…. I…..I… will meet u… time and place….’ Hye Ah blow out a breath of frustration and tried to keep her cool. Ok, now the most important thing is to settle the problem right now….

‘Ok~ Lets meet at that very same pub tomorrow….’ Sungmin suggested. Good, prey caught…

‘But…Why can’t we just trash it out over the phone?’

‘Oh~ why can’t we just trash it out face to face?’ Sungmin snickered.

‘…………….’ Hye Ah bit her lip, eigh… this kid is really a hard nut to crack.

‘Are u by any chance having bad conscience?’ Sungmin asked, if there is, she better admit now.

‘Why should i?’ Hye Ah snapped back, isn’t she suppose to be the victim here?

‘U should be asking yourself this question…’ Sungmin completed his sentences with a sinister laugh. A pot is calling a kettle black now?

‘Fine, tomorrow night then!’ Hye Ah decided to stop going around the circle with him and settle this once for all.

‘All right I shall see u then…’ Sungmin replied with a victorious smile on his face.


 ‘Bye~ and looking forward seeing u~ Miss double sided….’ Sungmin said between his chuckle.

‘HMNNNPPPP!’ Hye Ah merely snorted and ended the call. She is now mentality face-palmed herself for getting herself into such a deep trouble…. SIGH!!! SIGH!!! SIGH!!! Hye Ah threw her handphone on the bed and slapped on her forehead in frustration, with one of her hand on her waist. How on earth will she get herself into this trouble? ‘Miss double sided? He call me Miss double sided? What is that rubbish??!!’ Hye Ah groaned.

‘Hye Ah…. So…..’ Sang Hee asked timidly.

‘Its all because of u!!!! and U!!!! And because of that stupid bet!!! I wished I insisted going against going to that sickening pub!!!!! What is that crap about meeting a Mr.Right at the pub???? Not only I didn’t see any Mr.Right, instead I met with a HUGE headache instead!!! AAaaaaaarrrghghghghghghgh!!!!!’ Hye Ah shouted in frustration and knocked at her forehead, trying to ease her throbbing head.




Hye Ah leaned back to her chair in dejection, after receiving a call from her office desk. She is now rubbing the temple of her throbbing head and shut her eyes in exhaustion.

This is an extremely bad day for her.

1st, she is caught by surprise at the amount of people flooding the school entrance, waiting for her! Which normal person wouldn’t anyway? Who will had expected  there will be a fleet of reporter and non reporter (some resourceful E.L.F of course) flooding the school main entrance waiting to catch hold of her for a detail interview of her relationship with one of the famous Idol group member, Super Junior Lee Sungmin.

2ndwhen she finally managed to squeeze her way past the fleet of reporter, she is being greeted by masses of ‘love letter’ on her desk, against her relationship with Sungmin, asking her not to touch their Sungmin oppa….. Which she believe, coming from the student of the school itself. Hye Ah couldn’t understand….Since when did she go into relationship with him?

3rd, she is either being constantly bug by some teachers and some of the bolder student regards to that Lee Sungmin or being given the sort of look which makes her look like a monkey in a zoo’s cage….

The final straw finally comes when she is now being invited to the school principal’s room for a discussion of her ‘uncouth’ private life after receiving tons of complaint from the students’ parent.

Hye Ah was brought to her sense when a hand tapped on her shoulder gently. She looked up and wrung a tired smile to her colleague close friend aka housemate, Gang Minna…

‘Are u ok?’ Minna asked, knowing she is asking of the obvious when she saw how stress-up Hye Ah is.

‘What do u think? I just been invited for a tea session at the principal room….1sttime in my life I am being called in for something which is not glorious…’ Hye Ah snickered.

‘Oh dear….so….what are u going to say about that?’ Minna asked.

‘I don’t….know…. there is nothing in it actually~ its…. Its just a silly prank from that kid! Who will know he is a celebrity to start with?’ Hye Ah wailed, in the verge of tears.

‘No matter what….Think before u speak, Hye Ah…. Its not gonna to benefit u if u spoken anything out of spite…. It certainly gonna hurt u more if your statement doesn’t tally with that Lee Sungmin…As u know…. celebrity do need to explain for these news as well… ’ Minna advise, out of good will. Feeling really sorry that they actually forced Hye Ah to seduce Sungmin that day.

 ‘Then what shall I do?’ Hye Ah asked, totally no idea how she should do now.

‘Try stalling for time…. Do not anyhow shoot your mouth before u talk to that Sungmin guy….’ Minna advise as she is aware of their meeting later in the night. She too, is trying to minimize the negative impact on Hye Ah career and life…. Because after all, she is one of the indirect culprit of the whole incident…

‘*Sigh* I better drag myself over now….’ Hye Ah let out a dejected sigh, and dragged her heavy footstep toward the principal room after exchanging a look with Minna. Never in her life, included her schooling day she is that worried of stepping into that place…. 

*knock knock* Hye Ah rapped at the door politely, waiting for the occupant of the room to answer.

‘Come on in….’ an elderly man answered with a tired sound.

‘An nyeong h…’ the phone on the principal’s desk rang before Hye Ah could complete greeting. The principal pick up the phone with a big frown after casting a look at Hye Ah.

‘I am sorry…. I will surely give u a good explanation for this…. Yes… yes…’ The principal nodded while conversing to the person over the line between his constant efforts of getting rid of the beads of perspiring that keep appearing on balding head...

‘An nyeong ha se yo, sir….’ Hye Ah bowed at the principal politely, not even daring to see him eyes to eyes. It seems obvious that the call previously is one of the calls that are calling to ask for an explanation of the deed of Lee Sungmin.

‘Miss Won…. I hope u will have a good explanation for this….’ The principal of the school, Mr.Im asked, pointing at Sungmin’s Twitter posting complete with the pictures of them kissing at the pub that night on his computer.

‘I….. I am sorry. Sir….I…well…’ Hye Ah bowed her head even lower to avoid direct eye contact with the headmaster out of guilt….

‘Yes? What is that?’

‘I am sorry…. It’s kind of complicated and I think I need some time to sort it out….’Hye Ah decided to heed Minna advise and try to stall the time before he talk to that Lee Sungmin guy.

‘……………..’ Mr.Im looked at Hye Ah with the scariest look that Hye Ah ever saw….She never ever really saw him looking that angry before….

‘Sir… I am sorry…. But I really need time…’ Hye Ah bowed at the middle aged man and bit her lip, feeling nervous.

‘Fine…. U will have all the time u need…. U….why don’t u just take a break for the time being?’ Mr.Im suggested.

‘What??!! What is the meaning of this, sir?’ Hye Ah squealed. Is she being fired? NO!!!Please! goodness know how much she loved her job!

‘Calm down Hye Ah…. We have to find a way to explain to the public…. And before u can give me a satisfied answer… I think it would be best if u avoid the school 1st….’ Mr.Im advised, he know Hye Ah is a dedicated teacher to start with… Thus he couldn’t really understand why would she get herself into this kind of fix….

‘I…Sir….for how long?’ Hye Ah asked, hoping it won’t be too long… and definitely not forever.

‘I… am not sure….’ The middle age man shook his head.

‘…………….’ Hye Ah couldn’t think straight now…. She doesn’t know how she should react right now….She couldn’t accept that.

‘I think… u can excuse yourself now, Miss Won….’ Mr.Im voice out, looking at the report in front of him.

‘Yes… thanks, Sir…’ Hye Ah bowed at the said man and took her leave, walking back to the staff room with heavy footstep…

Hye Ah pick up her bag, preparing to leave the school before she burst into tears. She bit her lip, praying hard she can hold her tears till she reach home… Or at least after she is out of the school.

‘Hye Ah…’ Minna is kind of shocked when she saw Hye Ah prepare to leave the school, obviously at the verge of tears.

‘Talk at home shall we, Minna….’ Hye Ah shoot Minna a weak smile and made her way out of the school in top speed…..




Hye Ah kicked off her shoes and dashed right into her room, crying as if her heart will break… Never in her 29 years of life she is that dejected. Why is she being penalized for something so stupid like this? And to make the whole thing worst, the punishment is the most undesirable one for Hye Ah! Being a teacher is her dream since young and to think now she is losing that because of a stupid hiatus in her life!!!

Hye Ah been crying for the whole day and there is nothing Minna and Sang Hee could do to make her feel better….

She finally stopped her tears after which she thinks the tears are all flown out… However, she still doesn’t feel better….her mind is still in a whirl and she is now sitting on her bed hugging her knee with a blank look on her face. Minna shrugged her shoulder at Sang Hee and the latter just shook her head, not knowing what they can do to make her feel better…

‘U said it….’ Minna nudged Sang Hee and Sang Hee shook her head vigorously. No way she is going to mention that Lee Sungmin in front of Hye Ah… who know what her reaction will be?

‘…………..’ Hye Ah raised her head and looked at her two good friends, with a questioning look.

‘Erm…. Hye Ah…. Did u…. U well…. seem to have…. Forgotten something?’ Sang Hee asked timidly.

‘What?’ Hye Ah asked.

‘Ergh…. U know…. Well…. u have a date…. Don’t u?’ Minna continued, gulping down the imaginary lump in .

‘Date? A DATE!!???? Yes! That darn kid! I am gonna peel him alive!’ Hye Ah sit up straight and flip away the blanket, dashing toward the bathroom.

‘Do… do u think its all right to let her going to meet him by herself?’ Minna asked.

‘I… don’t know… but Hye Ah is always a sensible person….And I don’t think it will be much help if we go… So…’ Sang Hee added.

‘But I am worried about her….’ Minna said with a frown.

‘Hye Ah…. Do u need us to go with u?’ Sang Hee asked, looking at Hye Ah who is rummaging her wardrobe right now.

‘Not Needed!!! I will be back fast enough!’ Hye Ah shook her head, pulling on her shirt and Jean.

‘U mean…. U are going to meet him just like that?’ Minna asked, looking at the plain shirt and jeans that she is wearing right now.

‘Else? Do u expect me to dress up like a princess to interrogate him?’ Hye Ah snapped.

‘Ergh…nope… but put on this…I think there might be some reporter lurking around…’ Sang Hee pushed a sunglass to her, partly because of the reporter, and partly because it can hide Hye Ah’s swollen eyes…

‘I am going…’ Hye Ah dashed out of the apartment after giving her housemate a brief wave.

Hye Ah looked at her watch, she suppose she is a bit too early… She is the 1stcustomer of that pub… She makes her order, making sure it’s not alcoholic. She thinks she must be a bit drunk that day to had flirt with Sungmin that day…. But how is she to know he is a celebrity and how would she knows he will pull this kind of prank just to get her out from the hole? Now she regretted, she should have answered his phone call…. At least she will only be bugged by him, not by the reporter, not by the public and definitely won’t be risking her career like this….

*Sigh* heaving out another sigh, Hye Ah sipped her orange juice moodily, fiddling with the straw a little. The tears are now b in her eyes again at the thought of losing her most beloved career…

‘Hi! I thought I am early, but u are even earlier than me….’ a familiar voice greeted Hye Ah and she looked up to the smiling face that is wearing a shade right now too.

‘…………………’ Hye Ah looked at him without a word, looking for the best word to hurl at his smiling face. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~