Chapter 1

Leaping into Bunny’s heart.


Sungmin tapped his fingers repeatly on the pub table. Seem like Zhoumi really enjoy coming to this pub very much. Donghae on the other hand, seem to be enjoying frequenting this pub  too recently… Donghae is now exchanging some sort of conversations with Chaerin and the both of them let out an occasion chuckles and sight exchanging, totally in their own little world. Weird… a trip to Taiwan changed so much….

Sungmin heaved out a heavy sigh, turning his head toward the other side. He raised his eyebrow when he saw a woman sitting alone, sipping her wine in silent…. Having nothing much to do, he started to observe her….

Hye Ah looked at the wine on her hand, giving it a gentle shake before she gave it a sip. Sigh…. So sad, why on earth will she allow herself to get into this state? She turned and glance at the 2 ladies who is sitting not too far away from her.

The 2 ladies shrugged their shoulder at her and gestured her to carry on with what she is doing.

Hye Ah heaved a heavy out a heavy sigh, looking at her watch… Its only 11pm …. She still have to sit here for another hour.. She prays hard the time will just go away fast….

‘Hey~ what are u looking at? Interested in her?’ Henry asked, nodding toward Hye Ah.

‘Hmn… no, just curious… how would a girl sitting alone here…’ Sungmin shrugged his shoulder, taking back his glances.

‘Haha! U better do not anyhow seduce the girl with your aegyo power… come on lets us go now…’ Zhou Mi laughed, getting up.

‘U all go ahead 1st, I am meeting my friend somewhere here…’ Sungmin picked out his phone, waving it in front of them.

‘Oh~ That high school friend of your?’ Eunhyuk asked, he remembered Sungmin did mention to him before about meeting that friend of him after their chill out session.

‘Yeah… go ahead and please tell Leeteuk hyung I will be late….’ Sungmin nodded.

‘Ok~ take care~’ The boys patted on Sungmin’s shoulder and waved at him before they made their way out from the pub.

Sungmin waved at them and continued to wait for the friend of his… Subconsciously, his sight went back to Hye Ah again.

Minna poked at Sang Hee and gestured her to look toward Sungmin.

‘Look…. Someone noticed Hye Ah…’ Minna squealed excitedly.

‘U mean that guy over there? But…. he seem to be a bit too young….’ Sang Hee shook her head. ‘Doesn’t really suit Hye Ah….’

‘Eigh… who cares? Going out with younger guy are the in-thing right now isn’t it?’ Minna continued to squeal in delight.

‘But…..’ Sang Hee hesitated, she has to agree that guy looked like a good catch… at least he doesn’t look like some ert crook.

Hye Ah rolled her eyes when she saw the message Minna sent her, she glanced over to her side and saw Minna making faces with her, gesturing her to look over to her right side.

Hye Ah heaved a heave sigh, adjusting her facial expression a bit and turned over to Sungmin’s side, trying to act as natural as she can be.

Hye Ah is a bit shocked when she saw the supposed target that Minna mentioned is so young!! She looked at Sungmin wide-eyed, not knowing how to react at the moment.

 Sungmin on the other hand, liked what he just saw. He thought her side feature is good looking enough, he never expect she looks even better from the front…. Sungmin gave her his most charming smile and nodded at her.

Hye Ah too, return his smile and nodded back to him, turning her head away from him briskly after that. She swears she is gonna kill this Minna later…. Fancy asking her to seduce a kid…. She turned and narrowed her eyes at Minna, picking up her phone, she messaged Minna.

He is only a kid!

Eigh… who cares? U promised to be at our disposal today…. U are not to reject him if he walks over, araso???Minna replied.

Hye Ah rubbed on her temple slightly, she hope Sungmin won’t be walking over… Then she can leave this place peacefully 45 minutes later…

*Phone ringing*

‘Min ah, I am so sorry, I had something on, won’t be able to meet you up… So sorry…’

‘Yah! How could u? I been waiting for almost half an hour for u!!!’ Sungmin grumbled.

‘I  am so sorry…. Owe u one, ok?’

‘All right…’ Sungmin put down his phone and looked at his almost empty glass… So, shall he go back and have an early night? He looked toward the girl again and he is surprised when the girl stare back at him, with an unexplainable look? Well… maybe he is a bit rude for keep glancing at her in this way…. Suddenly, he had an idea, he tapped on the table to get bartender’s attention and ordered 2 drinks, one for himself and one for Hye Ah. He think, he has to explain himself… She doesn’t seem to recognize him… Is she a foreigner? Sungmin knows this is quite a hot spot for tourist…

‘Oh my god…..’ Hye Ah gasped in her mind… Buying her drink? He is not serious isn’t? Can’t he tell she is much more older than him? However, she still have to abide to her promise… ‘Thanks…’she nodded at Sungmin, giving him a thankful smile.

‘Do u mind if I sit next to u?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Please….’ Hye Ah gestured him to help himself and smile at him again. Gosh… he looks even more younger from near…

‘An nyeong ha se yo, I am Lee Sungmin… can I have your name?’

‘An nyeong ha se yo, I am… Hye Ah… Nice to meet u…’ Hye Ah hesitated for a moment whether she should give him her actual name or not but, he seem sincere to her… so she doesn’t minded giving him her actual name…

‘Its not usual for a girl to come to these place alone…. Are u expecting someone?’ Sungmin asked.

‘Ehmmm… no… U are alone too isn’t it? Waiting for someone too?’

‘Yeah…. But too bad…. He decided not to come at the last minutes…’ Sungmin shrugged his shoulder.

‘Oh, I am sorry to hear that….’

‘Its ok…’ Sungmin shrugged his shoulder, looking at his glass. The 2 of them fall into a deep silent, both with a mind of their own…

‘Excuse me…’Hye Ah casted a look at her vibrating phone.

Get his number… Hye Ah frowned when she saw Minna’s message. Are they crazy? Why would they want her to ask for his number? However, they are being disturbed by a small commotion of a bunch of girls looking for their idol.

‘Oh!!!! I am quite certain I saw Super Junior M walking in here!!!!’ Sungmin frowned when he heard Super junior M, he bowed his head, hoping that nobody will notice him…

‘Little Miss, I believe all of u are under age, u are not allow to come in….’ The guard said between his frown… Young girls nowadays….

‘Oh! Ajusshi…. Please….’ The girls begged…

‘No…..please get out…’ The guard shook his head. Sungmin heaved a sigh of relieve and smiled, glad that he can still enjoy his drink in peace.

‘Hmn…. Young girl nowadays…’ Hye Ah turned her head and looked at the young girls, she shook her head, can’t understand what is on their mind… as a student, their 1stpriority should be study isn’t? Why keep themselves busy with these idol?

‘Why?’ Sungmin asked, observing her. She…. Knows Super Junior?

‘Can’t understand why are the girls so obsessed with these idol group… seem like it’s becoming bigger part of their life, instead of their school…’ Hye Ah sighed.

‘U…. know Super Junior?’ Sungmin asked, so she recognize him?

‘Of course I do…. These kids do nothing but chant their name all the while…’ Hye Ah nodded.

‘Then…. Do u know much about them?’ Sungmin asked carefully.

‘How to? There are so many of them… doesn’t even know how many kids are there in the group…. There are too many idols group recently and I can’t differentiate who is who…’Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder.

‘Erm… u seem to be very disapprove of idol group…’ Sungmin is a bit disappointed that she doesn’t know them, at the same time he is a bit glad too, at least he can talks to her freely like a normal person.

‘Hmn…. No…. Well… its ok…’ Hye Ah shrugged her shoulder, why should she explain so much to him. She looked at her watch…Ok, times up…. She can leave this place already~ Yippee~ Provided she can finish her last task….

‘Why are u… sounding like a teacher?’ Sungmin asked, amused.

‘W..hhy would u say that?’ Hye Ah asked, turning her head away. Darn…. Her professional-habit is acting up again…

‘Cos u sound like a over-concerned teacher…’ Sungmin chuckled, its so interesting to talk to her… She seems mature but yet can be so… innocent at times.

‘Then…. Are u a celebrity?’ Hye Ah asked back, narrowing her eyes at him..

‘Oh? Me? Hmn…. Do u know me then?’ Sungmin asked, lets just have a bet..

‘……….’ Hye Ah shook her head from side to side, he doesn’t look like any of the limited celebrity she knew….

‘So…’ Sungmin shrugged his shoulder, not denying nor acknowledging anything.

‘Hmn……’ So, it’s a yes or no? Aigh… she couldn’t tell… She better stop talking to him… Hye Ah muttered in her little mind. ‘Thanks for the drink and the night~’ She nodded, noticing its time for her to go back… What she had to do now is just to complete her last mission.

U are very interesting…’ Sungmin chuckled… she had so many expression…. From frowning, to disapproving look, to non-chalant to the look of joy when she looked at her watch and jump down from the stool just now…

‘Oh? Am i? thanks…. I think… its almost time for me to go back…’ Hye Ah turned to him, gulping down the remaining wine in her glass.

‘Oh, that fast?’

‘Hmn….Yes…’ Hye Ah looked at his face…Wondering how she is going to ask for his number….

‘Nice to meet u…’Sungmin smiled, holding out his hand.

‘Well… can I… can I have your number?’ Hye Ah asked, earning a very surprise look from Sungmin.

‘My number? Why?’ Sungmin asked. This is weird… she doesn’t seem like wanted to hook him up in the 1stplace… Why would she want to ask for his number?

‘I…. so that I can contact u in future? To….repay your treat one of these day?’ Hye Ah explained.

‘Don’t tell me u are interested in me, Hye Ah ssi?’

‘U never know…’ Hye Ah replied.

‘Hahahahahahaha! Interesting…So, what would u trade with my number?’ Sungmin asked, still hesitating whether he should give her his number or not…He can’t be sure she doesn’t have any mischief up in her sleeve…

‘What do u suggest then?’ Hye Ah asked… This kid is definitely a hard nut to crack….

 ‘A kiss…’ Sungmin smirked…

 Hye Ah looked at him, a bit taken back… A kiss? This kid….

‘Ok, u said it…. A kiss…’ Hye Ah took a step toward him.

‘U serious?’ Sungmin looked at her wide eyed.

‘………….’ Hye Ah nodded, leaning over and gave him a light peck on his cheek.

‘There u are….’ Hye Ah smiled, holding out her handphone to him. Mission accomplished! She can go back and have her beauty sleep soon… Sungmin looked at her wide-eyed, almost forgetting to blink his eyes.

‘But…I mean here…’ Sungmin laughed, pointing to his lip.

‘……………….’ Hye Ah narrowed her eyes. However, still stepping forward toward him.

‘Oh… wait….’ Sungmin put up his hand when he saw Hye Ah leaning over. However to his astonishment, she pulls down his hand and leaned toward him, connecting her lips to his.

Upon recovering from his 1stshock, Sungmin placed his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him and returned her kiss. Hye Ah is a bit taken back when Sungmin started to take the rein and kissed her back. She batted her eyelashes several time and looked at Sungmin’s closed up face. However she shut her eyes fast again as Sungmin still continued to kiss her with passion.

Sungmin finally let go of her when the both of them are out of their breath… Taking over Hye Ah’s phone, he punched in his own number and press the dial key. He ended the call and handed back the phone to the dazy Hye Ah.

‘Here u are… my number.. Keep in touch…’ Sungmin touched on her hand gently to get her out of her dreamy daze…

‘What?!!’ Hye Ah nearly jumped out of her skin when she feels a touch in her hand. She stepped back furiously and nearly tripped.

 ‘Oh, be careful…’ Sungmin grabbed at her fingers, when he saw she is stumbling, almost falling down.

‘Its okay, I am all right…Thanks… I have to get going…’ Hye Ah said while trying to pull out her fingers.

‘Oh~ wait…’ Sungmin squealed, grasping tightly at her fingers.

‘I…My friends are waiting for me.. I… good night….’ Hye Ah refused to wait anymore and pull back her fingers, walking away fast, leaving Sungmin behind.

‘………………….’ Sungmin looked at her from behind and back to his right hand. He opened his palm and looked at the exquisite ring on his hand…… hmnnn….a love token from Hye Ah to him? 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: Another fab piece from u ... I soo love Yuri and ayeli's idea.... Evil as always..... Loved the cute sungmin and Hye ah... Jumping to the nxt....
heemin13 #2
I loooooovvvve the endiinnng.... HIHI... Nice Job!!! :))))
omo the ending is so cute... Noona~~~~ haha the ultimate aegyo prince
.. haha .... off to Dong's story.. :)
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Kyakya!!! Omgosh, didn't expect the story to end this fast, yet your ending is awesome~ yuri is really as evil as kyu! Omgoshhhhh! Seriously can't stand all this!>< suddenly all the match make are lies! Feel so cheated! If I'm sungmin I'm so gonna seek revnge. Hehe! Off to shin dongs story(:
tesshira #5
aigoo, yuri is really the perfect match for kyu oppa~ funny when sungmin oppa keep bringing the kiss he had with heechul oppa just to irritate him^^
Haha yeah I disliked him but you made me like him now!! Can't wait for u to update the new fanfic
Haha woahhh i did not expect Oh Jeun to be gay! Nice twist :) lol Yuri is definitely an evil genius ;)
Yey for the bunny couple :D
anj_yesung – he is always attarctive no matter what~ arent we being bowled over by his aegyoness too?

tesshira -‘Is that supposed to be a declaration of love to her or a declaration of war to me?’ hahahaha! thanks for liking.. But my favorite phrase in that chapter is ‘Can I say both?’ by Minnie~ LOL

keyrea – Oopa! Another sharp reader! But did I make u dislikes him more today?

Coralie_x_SHINee – I Know~Minnie is definitely your choice.. hahaha! But did u guess Oh Jeun will turn put to be like this? LOL!

M3IQ1heartSUJU – hahaha~ no matter how alike he is still not Siwon right? Well,.. hahaha! I hope u wont feel like killing me today~ LOL! Don’t u think Minnie has the good boy look where all the mum will likes?

izmimimi – Here u are! Hope u are not too surprised.

leeteukbaby – sorry for late update~ been quite busy recently… Hahahah! Clever of out Minnie isnt it? Yeap~ she does have the ability to melt anyone heart~