The Painting

Crossing The Line

« Kang Seulgi, the woman behind the hickey » Hyun-Woo clearly teased, making the said girl heavily blush. Kyung-Mi bit her inner cheek not to crack a smile.

Joohyun groaned « Seriously? You’re never going to let it go? » 

« Never » Hyun-woo laughed « That moment changed entirely how I viewed you. I thought you were close to a saint, yet not really sociable or friendly. I thought you would never marry but oh man! » He exclaimed « How much was I wrong. I realized I never knew you at all. Like, do you even like romantic dramas or do you think I’m stupid like Kyung-Mi? »

« Guess » Joohyun deadpanned and her sister snorted. Hyun-Woo, however, rolled his eyes before turning back toward Seulgi. 

« You’re my only hope » He said expectantly and Seulgi’s eyes widened as all eyes set on her. 

« Well, I…uh….I do like romance but mostly when it’s queer » 

« I’ll take that » Hyun-Woo smiled, sitting back on the couch and taking his bag of chips « I like you already » Seulgi smiled shyly, feeling a little victorious to have won over one of the siblings. She didn’t see how Kyung-Mi observed her with a small almost undetectable smile. Joohyun was also happy that the meeting was going rather smoothly. She had been worried that her siblings wanted to meet Seulgi under false pretenses. She was still very cautious around them, despite their constant support the past few weeks. She had been so used to be unhappy in her life that she couldn’t believe what she was living at the moment. It was too perfect and she was afraid to lose it all somehow. 

« Great, uhm…Seulgi and I are gonna go. Enjoy your drama » She told Hyun-Woo who was already laying back on the sofa. He waved at her before slipping his hand in the bag of chips. She turned toward her sister « And enjoy your…time » She mumbled, slapping herself mentally for her stupidity. Kyung-Mi raised an amused eyebrow and Joohyun took Seulgi’s hand before rushing outside the living room. 

« It was nice to meet you » Seulgi said as she got dragged away. 

« Same » Kyung-Mi let out amused. 

« They make a good pair » Hyun-Woo said, making his sister look at him « Am I being too naive if I say I think she’s good for Joohyun? » 

« For once, I agree » Kyung-Mi smiled, ruffling her brother’s hair and making him groan before going to the kitchen. 

Joohyun had led Seulgi to the entrance and when Seulgi turned toward her, she thought they would say their goodbyes for the day. 

« Hey, uhm….I have something to give you since you are here. Come with me to my room » Joohyun gently guided her up the stairs. Seulgi followed her, already knowing the path that she had once taken before. It had been to get Joohyun back and now she was holding her hand. Her heart warmed at the thought, but nothing prepared her for what was coming. 

They entered the room and Joohyun let go of her hand « I put it in my closet. I’ll be right back » Seulgi nodded and waited awkwardly. She looked around the room and her eyebrow raised when she noticed her hoodie on Joohyun’s bed. She could imagine her falling asleep with it in her arms and she wondered how it would feel, now that they admitted their feelings toward one another, to fall asleep in her arms, feelings her against her without having to worry that it was going too far. 

« Do you find it weird? » She turned her head to find Joohyun at the doorframe of her closet holding a canvas in her hands. Seulgi couldn’t see what was on it because it was facing the other way. Joohyun was looking at the hoodie a bit nervous « I can’t fall asleep peacefully if I don’t have it » She whispered vulnerably and Seulgi smiled.

« No, I don’t find it weird. I told you when I gave it to you that it was okay. I just…wondered if it would be better if it was me instead » 

Joohyun’s heart skipped a beat at the thought. Of course, it would be better. She wouldn’t have only her smell but her entirely. She cleared , remembering why they were in her room in the first place « It’s the first painting I’ve done since I was a kid so it’s not that good but I want to give it to you » She turned it around and Seulgi’s eyes widened. She came up to her and looked at it up close. Joohyun had painted the waterfall at the park, more particularly it was from a picture Seulgi had taken some time ago and had put on her Instagram. The colors of the flowers were unmistakable. 

« It’s so beautiful » She whispered, grazing her fingertips upon the dry paint. She lifted her gaze to Joohyun « You’re an amazing painter, Joohyun. It doesn’t look like it’s the first painting you’ve done in a while. It’s…It could be in a museum » Joohyun blushed at the compliment « I…Thank you so much for giving it to me. I’ll hang it in my room right away » 

« Well, it’s…kind of our special place now » Joohyun said shyly. They exchanged a look, both remembering what happened hours ago and laughed shyly. 

« Thank you, Joohyun » Seulgi said as she took the painting she was handing her « Every time I’ll look at it I’ll think of you » 

« I like that » Joohyun joked, making them chuckle. They looked into each other’s eyes and Seulgi leaned in, kissing her softly. 

« Thank you » She whispered against her lips, making Joohyun shiver. 

« You’re very welcome » Joohyun murmured back, kissing her again. 

Joohyun accompanied Seulgi to the front door « See you tomorrow » Seulgi smiled at her. Joohyun replied the same and kissed her one last time for the day. They smiled at each other before Seulgi stepped out with the painting. Joohyun closed her door and grinned from ear to ear, radiating happiness. However, as she made her way upstairs, she didn’t see that Kyung-Mi had seen their exchange with Mrs. Shin next to her. 

« Miss Joohyun looks really happy » The maid said. 

« Yes, she does » Kyung-Mi smiled. 

« Her friend seems like a good person that truly loves her » 

« I also think so » Kyung-Mi agreed and turned toward the older woman « I trust you won’t tell my parents? » 

« My lips are sealed, Miss » Mrs. Shin nodded « Although, I wish Miss Joohyun could be openly happy » 

« I do too » Kyung-Mi sighed « But you and I both know my parents wouldn’t let this happen » 

« Or maybe that is exactly what they need to realize how the real world works » The maid replied before turning on her heels. Kyung-Mi watched her disappear in the kitchen and she snorted. It would sure change their entire existence if they knew all the things that was going on with their children. 


But the thing was, as Seulgi exited the residential area, Joohyun’s mother was coming back to her house. She spotted her from afar and stopped on her track. The girl was smiled brightly, seemingly in a happy mood, and she was holding a painting. The finished painting that Joohyun had finished. It made her frown. Why was her classmate here again and why did she have her painting? So many questions rushed in her mind but no answers were found. She frowned, watching her disappear into another street. There was only one way to find out. She hurried to her house and the first person she encountered was Kyung-Mi reading a book while eating an apple on the couch. Thankfully, Hyun-Woo had gone back to his room to finish his drama.

Kyung-Mi’s eyes lifted toward her mother « Hey, mother! You’re already here? » She said with a neutral face that made it hard for her mother to read. It was something she had mastered since a very young age and it was something that bothered her mother to no end because no one could figure out what was on her mind. 

« Everyone was a little busy today so we shortened our meeting. I just saw Joohyun’s classmate outside » She changed the topic « What was she doing here? » Kyung-Mi’s facial expression didn’t change and in a heartbeat she answered. 

« She came by for their literature project. Joohyun had to give her a painting I think » 

« For a literature project? » Mrs. Bae raised a suspicious eyebrow and Kyung-Mi shrugged « You’re still keeping an eye on her, right? » 

« I always do, Mother. Like I always did » Kyung-Mi replied before putting her eyes back on her book. Mrs. Bae sighed but decided to head upstairs to get more answers. Hopefully, some that made more sense. 

She knocked on Joohyun’s door and received a small ‘come in’ so she quickly did. Joohyun was at her desk, doing her homework. 

« You’re already home? I thought you were meeting your friends…or was it golf? » Joohyun suddenly became uncertain. 

« It got shortened » Mrs. Bae simply answered « How was your day? » She asked curiously and looked around. Her eyes set on an unfamiliar hoodie on Joohyun’s bed. It was definitely too large for her daughter and not really her style. She wondered if it belonged to her classmate.

« It was a good day » Joohyun replied, gulping as she saw her mother’s brow knit at the sight of the hoodie. Maybe she had been too comfortable lately and forgot that her parents still didn’t know and that they could burst into her room at any moment. 

« I saw your classmate outside » Mrs. Bae stated and she was glad that Joohyun wasn’t like Kyung-Mi. Her facial expressions were various and told what wasn’t saying. She saw the surprise and fright in her eyes « She had your painting. Why? » Joohyun cleared and began playing with her sleeves. 

« It’s for our literature project » 

« A painting for a literature project? » 

« Well, it’s more like a multidisciplinary project. We analyze a text that describe a landscape. I painted my interpretation of it and Seulgi made an animation video of her vision of it. She came to gather the painting because she’ll drive early to school tomorrow to get it to the class » Her answer made sense but there was something inside her mother’s head that was still bugging her. She knew there was something more that she wasn’t telling her but it’s not like Joohyun was going to tell her. She was a close book. She needed to gather the pieces by herself. 

« That’s a very interesting project and I’m glad you are participating well with your classmate. I’ll let you finish your homework. I’ll call you for dinner » She sent her a small smile before leaving her room. Joohyun breathed deeply and cursed herself mentally to have been so careless but she glad her mother didn’t insist. She looked at Seulgi’s hoodie worried about what could happen.



Hey, guys! Hope you enjoyed? Sorry this update took so long. As you might have seen, my computer was at the repair shop but it took longer than I thought it would. But it’s here now :)

See you on Saturday for the next one ;)


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Existencyace #1
Chapter 33: Prolly the only story that I could relate and feel it in my soul so far 🤧 ... Thanks for bringing this topic and poured it into a beautiful story, it surely is boosting my confidence~ , hopefully I'll be as brave as joohyun and have the positivity of Seulgi, also having that many supporters just like their friends&fams ♡
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 33: Aww that was an amazing journey of Joohyun how she realized about her own self and can I have Mrs. Kang as my mother please , she is so supportive!!!!
Chapter 33: I haven't read a good Seulrene fanfic in a while, so thank you for this.
Joohyun had a lot of struggles from being a sad and confused little miss perfect to being her happy self. The amazing support she got from Seulgi, and her family and friends is what made her happy. I thought the process of Mr Bae's conversion to an ally would take long but at least we got the Kangs, Kims and Mr Park to thank for him to see what he had failed to in so long.
kimseolmybae #4
Chapter 33: This is so beautiful. Thank you for the story!
Chapter 33: Just finished reading this. Thank you, author-nim! 💜
1025 streak #6
Chapter 33: Enjoyed reading this. Thankyou!! 🧡
I’m re-reading this whole thing. ❤️
Fahaza #8
Chapter 33: Done reading this !!!
I remember i had read this long time ago only the first 2 chqpter, and suddenly i scrolling to my subs and found this again. Regretting how could i didn't continue reading this before, because the story is very well written and relate to real life here. Glad that the problem solved and ended with happiness. Joohyun has people who got her back also has sister and brother who support her. I wish people out there who have the difficulties like joohyun could have the same support too. It's beautiful.. thank you so much 🫶
713w_bear #9
Chapter 33: Thank you!
Chapter 33: 😭😭😭 thank you so much for sharing this with us!! Glad i came across this one and enjoyed the ride.