o40 || epilogue

the pursuit of happiness
"Done with it? You took some time inside the room."

Jeno took off his mask and grinned at his coworker, nodding. "Yeah. Didn't know that it would take that long. A four hours C-section of a tiger with Professor Pyo wasn't on my to-do list today."

"But at least Professor Pyo trusted you. It won't take long before you're going to be formally hired here."

"I hope so. I love working at this zoo."

"By the way, your cellphone has been ringing multiple times inside your locker. You should check it quickly."

"Oh, thanks Jaemin-ah. Well, I think I'll check on my phone after this and go home soon. See you tomorrow!"
Jeno went to his locker, grabbing his clothes so he could change out of his scrubs. Once he's done changing, he gathers his belongings and takes out his phone, only to see a couple text messages from his younger siblings. There's one from Sungchan, and several from Hayoon. There's also an alarming number of missed calls from her. What's wrong with his little sister?

He walked out of the zoo building, running to his car since it was raining. After he got inside, he quickly dialed his sister's number.
"Hello? Yoonie?"

"Oppa! Finally! Where are you?! I'm going to rot waiting for you here!"

"Wait, what? Why are you waiting for me?"

"Oh, God! Jeno oppa! Did you read the text from Sungchan oppa?! He was stuck in a class so he couldn't pick me up from the hakwon! He said he already texted you so you could pick me up. It's raining here and I don't bring an umbrella. Don't tell me you're still at the zoo…"

"Oh, Yoon, I'm so sorry! I was in an emergency surgery so I didn't check my phone at all. Goodness, I'm going to get there quickly, okay? Was it raining badly there?"
Jeno put his phone on speaker mode as he quickly started his car. God, his sister just had to be a damsel in distress when he's on his busy day, didn't she?

"It's basically cooking up a storm here. You know what, I'll just call Sungchan oppa again, see if he's done. I've waited for nearly two hours already."

"Two hours?! Jeez, Yoon, I'm so sorry. I'm on my way to your hakwon now, princess. Why didn't you just call appa or eomma?" Jeno sighed in guilt. He didn't mean to make his sister wait for two hours.

"Oppa, did you forget? Appa and eomma departed for Jeju yesterday for their bi-monthly romantic getaway thingy! It's just me and Sungchan oppa at the house. This is why you should've stayed at home more. Ugh, I'll call Sungchan oppa now. I'm hanging up!"
Jeno groaned as he stepped on the gas, speeding to get to his sister quickly. Since he's gotten the internship to work at the zoo clinic at the end of last year, he's been awfully busy so he decided to rent a studio apartment near the zoo. He still came home on weekends, and he did go to his mother's clinic to help out at least once a week, but still, living away from home made him a bit late when it comes to their family schedules.

After a grueling 20 minutes’ drive while battling the heavy rain, Jeno finally arrived at his little sister's hakwon, parking his car in the parking spot next to the bus stop. It's nearing eight, so he felt really guilty. Right when he stepped down from his car to open his umbrella, he saw a tall guy running with his backpack over his head as he stepped down from the bus.
"Oh? Jeno hyung!"

"Sungchanie? You're here too?"

"Yeah. Hayoon called me right after I finished my class, and I told her to wait because it didn't feel safe making her taking a cab at night in the middle of a rain like this. She said you were still in the zoo, I didn't think you'd reach here before me. Where's Hayoon?"

"Still inside, I guess. Come with me," Jeno pulled his younger brother under the umbrella as they entered the small building.
"Oh, oppadeul! Jihee ssaem, my brothers are finally here! I'll go home now, thank you for accompanying me!"

Hayoon skidded happily before throwing her arms around her two older brothers.

"Good evening, seonsaengnim. Uh, thank you for taking care of our Hayoon. I'm sorry we're picking her up so late," Jeno bowed at the teacher before taking her sister's bag and leading his two younger siblings to his car.

"Wow, it's nice to finally have two older brothers again!" Hayoon cheered as they all settled inside Jeno's car.

"I'm sorry I didn't read any of your messages. There was an emergency surgery for one of the tigers, and my professor insisted for me to assist him," Jeno said apologetically.

"Well, to make it up, can you please stay at home, oppa? Please, please, please? At least until appa and eomma came home? I missed you!" Hayoon whined from the backseat.

"Yeah, hyung, we haven't seen you since last weekend!" Sungchan piped in.

"Fine, fine. I'll just pick up my clothes at my apartment tomorrow. Have you had dinner? Both of you? Should we stop by somewhere? I mean, it's already eight."

"How about we order some Chinese takeouts? I'm craving for some spicy jjampong. All the maths I had to do in the hakwon burned my brain," Hayoon sighed.

"Oh, I'm not opposed to that!" Sungchan grinned, looking at their older brother expectantly.

Jeno sighed. He's just too soft for his siblings. With another sigh he passed his phone to Sungchan, "Fine. Make the order."



Once they're all home, Jeno ordered his two younger siblings to shower first as he waited for the takeout food. He tidied up the dining table, grimacing at the unwashed dishes at the sink and the several take out boxes at the trash can. Maybe he was really needed to come home to make sure they were living well while their parents are on vacation. After the food came, he put them on the dining table and decided to wash the dishes as he waited for his siblings.
"Is the food here?!"

"Oof, yes. Take a seat," Jeno chuckled as Hayoon ran from the stairs, crashing into him as she halted.

Sungchan came five minutes later, beaming at the sight of the jjampong.
"How was school, Yoon?" Jeno asked as they ate their late dinner.

"Ugh, you sounded just like appa. It was fine. Nothing is exciting when you're still in middle school," She shrugged as she slurped her noodles.

Jeno chuckled, patting her head.

"How about you, Chan? First year of uni?"

"Hell. I hate how my professors just like to change their class hours all of a sudden. My biological clock is all messed up. I changed my mind about wanting to move out. I'm going to leech off of appa and eomma until I graduate so I don't have to worry about food or laundry," Sungchan complained as he stuffed his mouth with his noodles.
Jeno smiled as he nudged the plate of kimchi towards his younger brother. Sungchan always had a huge appetite, no wonder he's already taller than him. Sometimes, Jeno misses the time when his siblings are still little. He had quite an with both of them, so he always felt as if he raised them alongside his parents. Sungchan is five years younger than him, while Hayoon had a whooping twelve years of with him. He practically adopted Sungchan when he was still a pooping and crying baby in the past during that doomed trafficking accident, and he basically helped his parents take care of Hayoon ever since she was born.

Seeing them already all grown up like this made him feel a bit sentimental. Is this how his parents feel every time they look at them?
"Do you guys have any homework?" Jeno asked after they finished dinner.

Both his siblings immediately glared at him.

"What…? I'm just asking!"

"Oppa, really, you're turning more and more like appa. Can we just not think about studying? How about we take out all of the mattresses from the laundry room and lay them here in the living room, and we can have a slumber party like we used to do as kids!" Hayoon suggested.

"I'll get them out!" Sungchan volunteered, running to drag the air mattresses out.

Jeno shook his head as he tidied up the plastic bowls, dumping them on the trash. He knew both of his siblings had classes tomorrow, and he also had to be at the zoo at 9… But can Jeno say no to his beloved siblings? Of course not.
So, he found himself sitting on the mattress in the living room as Hayoon and Sungchan took out some old photo albums.

"Appa and eomma's 18th wedding anniversary is coming up soon. Hayoon and I wanted to pick some of our old photos, scan and re-printed them, and make like a scrapbook frame. Our parents are sentimental people, they'll love this kind of gift," Sungchan piped in.

"Sure. I'll help," Jeno shrugged.
"Look at this old wedding picture. I'm still baffled every time I see this picture. How can the two of you join appa and eomma on their first walk as a married couple? I can't believe it!" Hayoon commented as she took out a picture of their parents' wedding day. Their father is holding Sungchan in one of his arms, and their mother is holding Jeno's hand.

"Well, it was Sungchan's fault. He ran away from Woo samchon, and I tried to stop him. But then appa and eomma just took us to walk with them," Jeno defended himself.

"Hey! I was still around a year old at that time! Don't blame me," Sungchan pouted.

"But the two of you looked so cute. Oppa, do you remember how appa and eomma were before they got married?" Hayoon asked as she took out a pre-wedding picture of their parents.

"Of course, I don't. I was a baby when they got together," Sungchan shrugged.

"I remember only vaguely… But that's because they didn't change much even after being married. Before appa married eomma, eomma would often stay with us anyways, so I'm used to her. Sungchan and I even called her eomma before she married appa."

"That's fun. The two of you got to spend more time with them," Hayoon sulked.

"Hey, don't be too sad. You still got to know them and meet us too," Jeno chuckled, ruffling his sister's head as they flip through more pictures.

"Isn't it cool? They used to be high school friends."

Jeno glanced at the old graduation picture of his parents that they still hung on the living room wall.

"They were best friends."

"I still don't get why eomma would suddenly disappear after high school for like ten years. The fact that after that she managed to get arranged to date appa was a miracle on its own," Hayoon commented.

"I think they're just destined to be with each other," Sungchan nodded as he picked a picture of their parents on their honeymoon.

"Well, it has to do with eomma's past, that's why she moved to Japan."

"Do you know the story, oppa? Harabeoji used to say that it's because of him but he never explained why. He just said he used to be really mean to eomma but after that eomma and him made up. I'm sad that harabeoji has already passed away. I didn't get to spend much time with him," Hayoon pouted as she took a picture of their family with their harabeoji from their mother's side.

"It's eomma's story to tell, not mine, so you should probably ask her herself," Jeno shrugged. Truthfully, he didn't know much either, but he had heard bits and pieces of the story, and he knew it was also related to a car accident. He remembered he used to be in a car accident with his mother and brother, and it left him with a small, barely noticeable, scar on his right forehead. He remembered his mother being so devastated by that accident, and that's probably because it reminded of her past accident.

"Aish, you're no fun," Hayoon snickered.

"Oh, oh! Look at this picture! It's from when Hayoonie was born!" Sungchan exclaimed, changing the topic.

Jeno smiled at the picture. They were all crowding the hospital bed where their mother was holding their newborn sister. They were all so happy there.

"Oppa, were you jealous when I was born?" Hayoon asked playfully.

"I don't think Jeno hyung and I were ever really jealous. I mean, we're all excited at the prospect of having a little sister so we didn't mind your birth at all," Sungchan shrugged.

"Personally, for me, there… There was a time where I was a bit envious of the fact that you were appa and eomma's biological child, meanwhile Sungchan and I were adopted. But then I think about how lucky I am to be able to escape the shady orphanage I used to live in, and how lucky Sungchan must've been that I decided to pick him up when his birth mother had to leave him at the boat. We're so lucky that I stumbled upon Lucas samchon's house where appa was staying at, and we're lucky that appa decided to adopt us. We're also lucky that eomma was willing to accept us and treat us as if we're her own sons. Thinking of those things, I was ashamed at myself for being even the slightest bit jealous. I'm very blessed," Jeno smiled.

"Hyung… Do you… do you still remember that day? When we escaped the boat?" Sungchan asked softly. He was still a baby during that time, so he had zero recollection of the event. But his older brother was around five or six at the time, so he's bound to retain some memories.

"Thankfully, not much. I don't remember the finer details, but I do remember picking you up, running for a random truck, and then walking in the rain to appa's place. I was so scared because I thought you were dead, Chan. We're so lucky that appa forgot to close the fence that day."

"Why did you pick Sungchan oppa up that day?" Hayoon asked curiously. Sometimes, she felt that her life was so boring compared to her two brothers and her parents.

"I don't know, to be honest. Fate, maybe?" Jeno chuckled.

"Hmm... Maybe. I'm thankful that you decided to pick me up. Who knows where I'd ended up or would I even still be alive, if you didn't take me with you that day," Sungchan smiled, nudging his brother.

Jeno laughed, pulling the younger for a short hug. Time had really fly so fast. He's glad both Sungchan and him grew up well.

"Speaking of fate, have you ever thought about the fact that eomma never dated anyone aside from appa, and appa insisted that he only dated another girl before eomma just once, and that's because he was coerced into doing so? I think that's also fate," Sungchan said, switching topic.

"It must've been true love!" Hayoon giggled.

"Sicheng samchon and Ten samchon always said that back then they always had a feeling that our parents would get together someday in the future. It's funny how eomma used to have a crush on appa, and so did appa, but both of them decided not to act on their feelings," Jeno smiled.

"Embarrassing on appa's side, really. He should've told her his feelings!" Hayoon protested.

"But if they dated in high school and decided to break up, we won't be here, Yoonie. Maybe it was indeed fate. They met again when both of them were already grown up and more mature, so personally, I think that's much better," Jeno said.

"I think it's cool how they reserved their love only for each other, and how they ended up getting married eventually," Sungchan shrugged.

"Yah, Jeno oppa, are you trying to be like appa and eomma too? You're twenty-five and you haven't dated anybody, like ever!" Hayoon said, pointing her finger at her brother.

Jeno chuckled, "Appa always said he knew eomma was the right one for him, that's why he was alright on being single while he waited for the day he'd be able to see her again. I think, having been a witness to their love story unknowingly inspired me to experience the same thing, I guess? I think it's very meaningful."

"But what if your future wife has already dated someone before you, hyung?" Sungchan asked curiously.

"I don't mind. The fact that she still ended up with me means we're really fated to be together, right?" Jeno grinned playfully.

"Well, if you put it that way, then yes. But on a side note, appa and eomma were worried that you're always single. I think you should find your true love soon before eomma even thinks about setting you up with some random girl. Look, if any of you ever wanted to get married, the girl has to pass the 'Jung Hayoon Quality Control Check' first, okay?" Hayoon said fiercely.

Jeno laughed, ruffling her hair, "Well then good luck to your future boyfriends, because they will have to pass three quality control checks from Jung Jaehyun, Jung Jeno, and Jung Sungchan!"

Hayoon laughed, throwing her arms around her two brothers, "It's hard finding a boyfriend when I'm surrounded by the two of you and appa. My standard is too high!"

"Oh, well you should have a high standard! Our princess deserves nothing but the best!" Sungchan said firmly.

"As long as the two of you met good people and ended up like appa and eomma, then I will be happy," Jeno smiled, patting his younger siblings' head fondly.
"Ah, now I miss appa and eomma," Sungchan sighed.

"Jeno oppa, please stay for another night after appa and eomma arrived, okay? I miss having all five of us in the same house. I really wish that you'd live here with us all the time," Hayoon pouted as she scooted closer to her oldest brother.

"Oh, princess, of course. I'll make some time for you, okay?" Jeno smiled as he wrapped his arms around his little sister.

"Only for Hayoon? I want some of your time too! I'm your only little brother," Sungchan whined as he slithered to get himself inserted into his two siblings' embrace.

Jeno laughed as he hugged his two younger siblings.

"Hey, I will always be there for the two of you. Now, now... Yoonie has school tomorrow, and I believe Chanie also has a class tomorrow. So, let's all sleep, okay? I'll make some breakfast and drop off both of you," Jeno said.

"Oh, free breakfast and free ride? Yay!"


"What are you laughing at?" Jaehyun raised his brows as he slipped under the covers and wrapped his arms around his wife.

"Jeno just texted me. He also sent a picture. He said he came home and decided to babysit Sungchan and Hayoon while we're away," Yerim giggled.

Jaehyun peered over and chuckled at the photo their oldest son just sent to them. Jeno was in the middle, beaming with his signature eye-smile. Sungchan, the tallest one, as usual became the human selfie-stick as he held the phone, but he was snuggled against his beloved hyung. Hayoon, the princess of the house, is wrapped around her protective brothers, grinning happily at the camera.
"They grew up so fast," Yerim sighed.

"It always felt as if it was just yesterday that Jeno came to my doorstep, soaked and wounded, as he carried Sungchan. Now, Jeno is about to finish his internship, Sungchan is in uni, and our Hayoon is in middle school,” Jaehyun nodded wistfully.

Yerim smiled as she snuggled against her husband's chest, "I'm glad they grew up well. I'm touched that Jeno held onto his childhood dream of becoming a vet."

"Well, he always idolizes you, Rim."

"And look at Sungchan. He's basically your mini-me. I'm amazed that he willingly went to business school so he could continue your position at the company."

Jaehyun chuckled, "All there's left for us to worry about is our little Hayoonie who's not so little anymore."

"Poor Hayoonie has an overbearing father and two overprotective brothers around her all the time, even when she's not little anymore!" Yerim shook her head.

"Ah, I just wish Jeno would get married early so I can have my own grandchildren soon. Now I understand why appa and eomma were very demanding of me back then," Jaehyun laughed.

"Ah, that boy. It'll take some time for Jeno. Out of all your traits that he could inherit, he chose to be an oblivious and shy one just like you. I know he likes someone. Let's just hope he'll act on his feelings. Though I think it'll take him several years for that," Yerim sighed.

"Our Jeno?? Likes someone??" Jaehyun pulled himself up in utter surprise.

"It's a mother's instinct!" Yerim giggled.

"Who is it?"

"A secret! I don't even know if Jeno realizes it himself. Let's just wait until he comes through himself, okay? Now, you said the purpose of this getaway was to relax and stop fussing over the kids. Let's stop fussing over them, then!"

Jaehyun laughed as he pulled his wife closer, "Parents will be parents, darling."

Yerim giggled as she pulled him in for a kiss, "I know. I'm so glad I married you. You know, back when I was in Japan, I made a mental note to never get married. But then you came with the boys and changed my mind. I really thought that I was doomed and that I could never be happy. You, and our children, completely proved me wrong. I'm so thankful for you and them."

Jaehyun smiled, leaning in to peck her forehead.

"I used to be someone who went with the flow. I have no real purpose in life, I don't know what it truly means to be genuinely happy with my life. I was just living stagnantly that time. And then I met the boys. After that I met you. Then we have Hayoon. I just felt that my life was finally complete and enjoyable."

"Oh, Jaehyun, you make me so happy," Yerim sighed, nuzzling against his neck.

Jaehyun smiled before reaching over to turn off the lamp and pull his wife closer.

"Well, I found my happiness in you too."
- the end -
Hi! The story is finally finished! It took me a year to complete this story, and this story was a joy to write. This story was one of the project I had during the pandemic and yes the whole pandemonium is still here even after I finished this one, lol.

In this epilogue, it's been nearly eighteen years after jaehyun and yerim got married. and yes, they had a daughter of their own! jeno grew up to be a vet and worked at the zoo like how he always wanted too, and our baby sungchan's finally in uni and studying to be a bussinessman just like his appa.

and about jeno's love interest here.... i'll just leave that up to everyone's imagination ;D

this story was about people trying to pursue their happiness in life, and after finding each other, they finally found it--their happiness. we had yerim who had her dark past, jaehyun who had a flat lifestyle, and jeno and sungchan who were abandoned and nearly trafficked. after they got together and became family, they finally found the eternal happiness they were always looking for.

to all my readers here, thank you very much for reading this story, especially if you've followed this story from the start. I started writing this story when I was still an intern in the hospital, and now i'm really close to finishing and getting my MD!

this was a rollercoaster ride, so thank you everyone.

hope everyone stays healthy and happy, and i hope all of you can find your own eternal source of happiness too!

btfg <3
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Chapter 41: Attendance check: September, 2024
carlatricia #2
Chapter 41: Finished reading this again❤️
22 streak #3
Chapter 41: Time really flies! But I really love re-reading this!
22 streak #4
Chapter 36: Little steps
22 streak #5
Chapter 24: An honest answer from a child
carlatricia #6
Chapter 41: I finished this again. I missed them! I miss your stories author-nim!!!!
Chapter 41: This story never gets old and actually gets a lot better the more I read it 🥲
Chapter 3: Oh how i wish i could leave many upvotes
Coming back here to read this again in 2023 💚
Chapter 41: i don't know what to say other than thank you for letting us read this beautiful piece. it makes my heart warm :)