



Watching Luhan and Taehyung snuggled in each other's arms in a comfortable bed, keeps my heart burning in satisfaction and it made me tweak my own decision of leaving this place. Yet the idea that people nowadays haven't been experiencing the luxury of living like the old times still breaks my heart.





Before, I feel so bad, thinking that children will no longer enjoy living, playing in the parks, playgrounds and eating treats, parents who find satisfaction on earning job incomes and build a family, but then, I came to a realization that this is the world now. In the world which the lucky ones survives. 



The dying world.



Seeing children being brave and fighting to survive, to uncover their eyes from the truth. This is our life now. 




Under the bright shine of the moon, I collected myself to stand behind the window. I couldn't sleep, I feel more relieved by breathing up the fresh scent of security than experiencing the soft bunk that was trying to tempt me and lure me to the dark monsters behind my head again.




Silence could be relaxing. But too much silence and nothingness would lead me to things like thinking about the future that would be lethal.





I've been living for so long that I needed to keep one eye open in my sleep to make us secured.



As I was taking in the feeling of being inside the walls for once, I decided to twist the bronze knob and willed myself to step out in the balcony. Now, the cold washed my face entirely, that relaxing cold I used to endure before, but I eventually adjusted with it.




I held my samurai sword in my hands and set it on my lap as I sat on the elevation of the cabin. The crickets noised, filling the cold atmosphere drown the silence.




I explored my eyes around and saw that every houses have atleast lamps to light up their surroundings. One catches my attention as I attempted to take a glimpse in the two floored house.




I saw a tall man sitting in the bench beside the front door while doing business with his cigarette. With the hazy smoke gathering in front of him, and the wide ceiling of the balcony prevented me to see his face clearly, his silhouette cast his shape of a broad and tall body. I know that he's the one who sent me here, and though I'm not really sure if he's the one who saved me from my near death situation, I feel like he had deep cuts in his heart too. Like everyone else.




I blinked when he looked at my direction. In that moment, even in the dark corner where he sat, I can feel that his eyes are trained on me intensely as he blow the smoke out of his lungs. 




Now, I realized that I still don't know his name. 




I stood up and planned to ask him things and rules but then my eyes saw how he threw the cigarette in the floor and stepped on it until the last ember turned cold. I was taken aback when he offered me one last look before standing up and got inside the big house. Now I witnessed how tall he was, he must be really strong.





I brushed the thoughts running in my mind as I also entered the cabin. Of course it's just me, Luhan and Taehyung who was inside, because who would dare to sleep in some strangers perimeter, right?





Even if my mind is full of thoughts, I tried my best to take some rest. I'm really dead tired anyway. Concentrating on the constant noise of the crickets. Well I hope it doesn't attract the dead ones.




I have a feeling on this place, and I hope it'll turn out good.





I ended looking up the brown and wooden ceiling, with curiosity creeping into my mind. 





How many walkers did these people already killed? 





How many humans did they already killed?





These thoughts filled my mind until I finally drifted to sleep.






A. Ice cold


B. Hunt


C. Rules

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 20: Ok - not sure I can continue with cannibals - 🤢
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Baek - no escape from trauma in the zombie apocalypse!
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 16: Adrenaline induced kissing!!
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love zombie au's so I can't believe I missed this one!
Chapter 32: Update soon :'(
Chapter 16: I want both kaibaek and sebaek