




It was just like any other normal, boring, sunny day, when it happened. I was walking in the hallway with my usual black jeans, button up shirt topped with a cardigan and a backpack slung in my shoulders, just humming around, when the world turned upside down.





The faces I knew in that hallway was now gone. Dead and fed by flesh eating ers who walks like drunkards in the streets that the last ever broadcast that I've heard explained that it's a cause of a deadly virus outbreak.






Now I'm trying to survive here, caught in my own survival instincts with some other survivors, Luhan and Taehyung.





Luhan was my classmate in one of my subjects, particularly biology. We don't talk much before because he was this shy kid who just put himself in one corner and listens attentively. We didn't even talked ever since. A few days when the apocalypse came, I found him having a fever with the fact that he was hiding in one of the storage rooms in an abandoned wood store for almost two days without water and food. From there, we found each other's company.





The second was Taehyung, I found out that he was a freshman student in an another school. He was being chased by a hoard of walkers in the street where Luhan and I are taking. He was terrified and traumatized, he didn't even talked even the slightest for almost a week.




"Baek-Hyung? Can I have some more? I'm still hungry..." Taehyung asked politely, I couldn't blame him, he must have been so tired and hungry from the scavenging. We're also lacking our of food now, we needed to get some in the city.




The night already ate the last shine of the sun. The rattling of the leaves made the cold atmosphere have an eerie sensation and here comes the usual restless nights of my head wandering away, looking for monsters that make me feel weak. These are the monsters aside from the other that cross the earth.




I smiled at him a little and handed my own can of beans. He was slowly opening up, and I'm grateful with that.




"You must have been very tired and hungry. You must sleep now, I'll take the watch." I stated, glancing at the two people infront of me. 




This routine has been going for a while now. Risk. Scavenge. Eat. Survive. And risk again.




Luhan was just staring at the cracking fire, I was concerned because after Taehyung had been recovered, Luhan had been all silent this previous days. I know it was hard. It's hard for all of us, but we could at least try.




"Lu, are you okay?" I asked, feeling bothered. Dusting my jeans off from the dirt, I sat on the space between them. Taehyung was now laying on his side, facing me, creeping on my beside me, while Luhan was on my left side.




"I know my parents are probably dead by now, but I just can't imagine this was really happening. I'm like living in hell without any purpose to continue living. I don't even know if I can make it. And I'm not okay with that." I felt the pain, anger and frustration in his whispered voice. It was dry and bland. Filled with sorrow.





I understand. I think these kinds of thoughts also. These are the monsters I'm talking about. The monsters that take your sanity away when you aren't careful with you thoughts.





"We can make it. We can only make it. We've gone through a lot, and I know that there'll be more of it soon. I'm always here. Please, I need your help to go through this hell." I felt really bad. Because I can't even help myself, how can I assure to keep them safe?




I sighed. I flung my arms around his shoulders and kept him close. The wind is getting stronger and I know for sure that there'll be rain or worse, typhoon that will come soon.




"You must sleep. You need energy for tomorrow, we're going to scavenge goods in the city the first break of sunshine." Though it makes me feel bad and all. I needed to bring them there so I can watch them whenever they are. I can't risk them being unprotected without in my perimeter.



I was the only one who is equipped in battling the undead. I'm still trying to teach ourselves to use weapons to fight and it'll take time. 




I considered them as a family from the time I found them both, and it will be like that till the end.




"Get some sleep. I'll be staying up, I promise that nothing bad will happen to any of us." I patted his back. He nodded.





I diverted my sight on Taehyung, he was shaking out of coldness, I took my cardigan off my body and spread it above his shivering one.





His shivering lessened and I sighed in relief. I remember my siblings and tears immediately prickled on my eyes but I blinked them back. I saw them die and I didn't even tried to help them, driven by my own fear. The fear that made me not able to sleep at night. The idea that when I close my eyes, I could see that pass on how my parents and my siblings killed in the most inhuman way.





I feel sorry. I feel guilty. They're the only ones I have. I will worthless.





However, I'm trying my best. I wanted us to survive. I wanted us to get through this hellhole and I hope we can.





Standing up, I grabbed my samurai blade and the rifle that Luhan found on one of the dead police officers.




I chose a good location for better sight of what's coming and tried my best to stay awake until the morning comes. Whenever there's a zombie that gets its way on our direction, I would shoot them in the head or kill them with my melee weapon.




This is our life now. And I will deal with this until I die. All the people I love are all gone, and all I have to do is keep going and create my own story in this dying world.




Yeah, you would be curious how I survived despite of my short height, wearing tight jeans, button-up shirt topped with a cardigan and a pair of stolen boots from a famous shop. My only weapon to fight the world of damnation was a Samurai's blade that I found in the city museum when the first wave hit. 



Funny, right?




A small midget, surviving the apocalypse. Not to mention that I was holding a samurai sword.



How brave. A teen with a blade versus the world?



Well, I have something you don't.




I'm selfless. 




Trying to protect the people that was left around me.




That's who I am now. The sassy Baekhyun, black sheep of the family, wasn't just like that anymore.




He was now also a slayer. 




I didn't got the chance to save my family.




Now, I'm trying to do something good.




Wish me luck.









A.The others


B. Encounter


C. Out there

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 20: Ok - not sure I can continue with cannibals - 🤢
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Baek - no escape from trauma in the zombie apocalypse!
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 16: Adrenaline induced kissing!!
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love zombie au's so I can't believe I missed this one!
Chapter 32: Update soon :'(
Chapter 16: I want both kaibaek and sebaek